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MuteTiefling edited this page Apr 10, 2021 · 20 revisions

Vanilla Enchanting is a well documented subject at this point, so we won't cover it directly. However, several mods in the pack do offer enhanced or alternate means of enchanting which are worth pointing out.

Let's go over them.


Apotheosis heavily tweaks the concepts of Vanilla enchanting, while bringing some extra utility to the process.

Enhanced Vanilla Enchanting

The first time you place down a Vanilla Enchanting Table, you may notice things are... changed. Eterna? Quanta? Arcana? What are these? Well, think of them as modifiers to your enchanting.

Eterna increases the basic 'level' of enchanting. Where Vanilla stops at level 30, Apotheosis and it's special bookshelves allow us to go up to level 100, making it possible to reach much higher levels with certain enchants, such as Looting and Fortune. Generally speaking more Eterna is better, but it may become impossible to obtain some enchants at high levels. So playing around with the level of the table can be worthwhile.

Quanta is basically a measure of randomness in the enchanting process. Once you've clicked the enchant you want to apply from the list, it will kick into action, either raising or lowering the level of the enchant. This may sound bad but it gives you a chance at getting much higher levels than are otherwise obtainable directly from the Enchanting Table.

Arcana modifies your ability to get certain rare enchantments. With none, it will be entirely impossible to get rare enchants. While at high levels it flips and becomes impossible to get some common enchants. Further, at 25% and 75% it guarantees an extra enchant. So you'll always get three enchants with 75% or higher.

Getting all of these at the levels you desire can be a bit of a puzzle, since each bookshelf has it's own unique set of stats. Some grant bonuses, while others lower the stats. These can all be seen on the tooltip, however. Eterna maxes out at 50 points and both Quanta and Arcana max at 100 percentage points. Furthermore, each bookshelf will have a limit on Eterna. For example, Hellshelves contribute 1.5 Eterna per shelf, but cannot contribute beyond 22.5. So having more than 15 won't have any impact. But adding a single End Shelf will stack on top of that and contribute up to it's limit of 40.

Altar of the Sea

The Altar of the Sea is a simple recycling method. Have some old unwanted enchanted gear lying around? Rather than tossing them, they can be put to use. Place any four enchanted items on the Altar and they'll be consumed along with some of your own XP to produce an enchanted book with random enchants. The higher the level of enchants on the consumed gear, the higher level the resulting book will be. This does consume the items in the process, not just the enchants on them.

Anvil Splitting

Apotheosis also tweaks Anvils a fair bit, allowing them to be enchanted. Unbreaking on an Anvil is already pretty nice, but two more unique enchants are available too. Splitting and Obliteration.

An Anvil enchanted with Splitting will cause an enchanted book with multiple enchants on it to be split apart into multiple books, each with a single enchant on it. This process can fail, causing enchants to be lost, but that chance is reduced with higher levels of the enchant.

Similarly the Obliteration enchant causes a book with a single enchant on it to be split into two lower level enchants. So Looting III would become two Looting II books instead. This also has a chance of failure, however.

Anvil Combining

The Anvil's level cap has also been removed by Apotheosis. Meaning that items can be combined well beyond the Vanilla limit of 35 levels. Combining this with the various other methods of manipulating enchants discussed below can be a great way to obtain enchanting levels that are otherwise unobtainable, like Looting VII or Sharpness VII. This can become very costly in terms of XP, however, sometimes costing 100 levels or more. To get those sorts of levels will require not only a decent mob farm, but also some special tools provided by Apotheosis and other mods.


Soul Enchanter



Mana Enchanter



Pressure Chamber Enchanting


Pressure Chamber Disenchanting



EXP Anvil


EXP Enchanter


EXP Grindstone


Ars Nouveau

Enchanting Apparatus


Industrial Foregoing

Enchantment Factory


Enchantment Applicator


Enchantment Extractor


Astral Sorcery

Starlight Enchanting Table


Resplendent Prism