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Installation Guide for Fraudmarc Community Edition 🔥 🔥 🔥

Here are the steps to setup Fraudmarc CE to collect and process DMARC data for your domain(s).

  1. Create AWS User for Fraudmarc CE
  2. Run the Fraudmarc CE Install Docker
  3. Configure Your PostgreSQL Database
  4. Setup Your AWS Simple Email Service (SES)
  5. Run The Fraudmarc CE Client Docker
  6. Publish a DMARC policy to collect reports

System overview


Let's get started

Want DMARC data without complex cloud infrastructure? Try our hosted DMARC service.

1. Create AWS Group and User for Fraudmarc CE👍

This installation guide is aimed for users who want to process DMARC reports quickly and easily. If you want to setup SES, RDS DB(Postgres DB), Lambda functions yourself, follow this guide. Otherwise, please understand that in order for you to setup Fraudmarc CE with the minimum amount of effort, you need to grant us with certain permissions in order to setup the different AWS services for you.

Before proceeding the install guide, create an AWS account!

Also, don't forget to clone this repository to your local machine :)

We will first start with creating an AWS Group and adding a User to the group that will be used to setup the AWS services automatically.

  1. Go to the IAM service in the AWS Console. In the left nav bar, click Groups and Create New Group. You can name the group however you like. Proceed to Next Step.

  2. Using the filter, search and click the checkbox next to the following policies:

  • AmazonRDSFullAccess (grants access to create DB instance for you)
  • AWSLambdaFullAccess (grants access to create Lambda Functions for you)
  • IAMFullAccess (grants access to create Roles, and add policies for you)
  • AmazonS3FullAccess (grants access to create S3 bucket for you)
  • AmazonSESFullAccess (grants access to setup SES that will receive DMARC reports)
  • CloudWatchLogsFullAccess (not used in setup, but you can use it to find problems/bugs)

*you can check our Dockerfiles in the root directory and in /installer/ to see what we actually do with these privileges. We are only using these to help you setup your Fraudmarc CE, and if in doubt, you can perform the installation steps yourself :) *

  1. Review and Create Group

  2. Go to the Users tab and Add user. You can name the user however you like (i.e. fraudmarc-ce-installer). Click on the box next to programmatic access in Access type and click Next:Permissions.

  3. Inside the Add user to group tab, check the box next to the new group you created and proceed to Next:Review. After reviewing, click Create user.

  4. You will now see values inside Access key ID and Secret access key. Copy those values into /installer/env.list:

  1. Check out AWS Regions and identify your AWS region. This will be your default location. Add the default AWS region (i.e. us-east-1) to /installer/env.list:
  1. Enter into /installer/env.list your S3 Bucket name (needs to be a globally unique name - i.e. fraudmarc-ce-YourCompany) that will receive DMARC report emails from SES:

2. Setup Docker and Run fraudmarc-ce-install Docker Image

This step runs the fraudmarc-ce-install Docker image, which creates an AWS Role, launches a free-tier RDS Postgres database, and deploys the Lambda functions that are needed to retrieve and process the DMARC reports from the S3 bucket and updates the Postgres Database.

  1. Run the command to update docker:

    sudo apt install
  2. Confirm that you have filled in the access key, secret key, default region, and bucket name fields in installer/env.list.

  3. Choose a username and password for RDS. Enter the values into ./envlist :

    • The username must follow these rules

      • Must be 1 to 63 letters or numbers.
      • First character must be a letter.
      • Cannot be a reserved word for the chosen database engine.
    • and the password can be from 8-128 characters


Great! Now you are ready to run the Docker image :) (REPORTING_DB_HOST field in /env.list can be left empty for now!)

  1. Run Docker Image from Docker Hub

If the following commands prompts permission denied error on your computer, you may need sudo privilege.

You are able to run the install Docker image from the Docker Hub public repository, or you can build it from scratch using our Dockerfile in the installer directory.

  • run pre-built Docker image from Docker Hub (navigate to root directory):
    docker run -it --env-file env.list --env-file installer/env.list fraudmarc/fraudmarc-ce-install

If you reached this point, you have successfully created an IAM role, deployed 2 Lambda functions, and launched a RDS database Now let's finish your database configuration and SES setup!

3. Configure Your Database:thumbsup:

If you need maximum security, use a private VPC for your RDS instance and Lambdas. Such configuration is beyond the scope of this document.

As mentioned above, your RDS database has already been launched by the Docker image. However, there are some configurations that need to be done.

  1. Go to the RDS console -> Instances tab. The database instance that have been created for you can be found as fraudmarcce. Click on the instance.

  2. Although we have launched the instance, you need to wait a few minutes for it to completely setup (check the DB instance status in the Summary panel).

  3. After the DB instance has been successfully created (can be in the backing up status), scroll down to the Connect panel and copy the value below Endpoint (i.e. and paste it to env.list in the root directory as such:

inside /env.list: ... ...

  1. Go to the AWS Lambda Console and click on the fraudmarc-ce-process function. In the Environment variables panel below, fill the value for the REPORTING_DB_HOST key with the Endpoint value . Repeat this step for fraudmarc-ce-receive.

  2. Install the PSQL command line tool on your local machine.

  3. Navigate to the root directory and import the Fraudmarc CE schema into your new database with the command (You can find your endpoint on your RDS instance panel) below:

    cd ..path-to-fraudmarc-ce/
    pg_restore --no-privileges --no-owner -v -h [endpoint of DB instance] -U [DB master username] -n public -d [new DB name (*not instance name*)] fraudmarcce
  4. Go to RDS panel and choose the Instances on the left panel. Choose the fraudmarcce instance you just created. Scroll down to Connect, and copy the Endpoint value to /env.list file in the project repository root directory like:arrow_down:

    # Set to match your environment

4. Setup Your AWS Simple Email Service (SES):thumbsup:

  1. In AWS SES, choose the Domain on the left side, and click Verify a New Domain. Enter fraudmarc-ce.<your domain name>. Your DMARC Reports will be delievered here. Follow the instructions to setup the Domain Verification Record and Email Receiving Record to complete the verification.

    If you use the service provider like Godaddy, add a new DNS TXT record with the host field _amazonses.fraudmarc-ce (without your domain name) and the TXT field from AWS. Add a new MX record with fraudmarc-ce as the host field and the MX field from AWS without the '10'. If your domain service provider requires you to configure the mx record priority, place the '10' in the priority field.

  2. Choose the Rule Sets on the left panel. If you are new to AWS, create a Receipt Rule. If you have existing rules, create a new rule.

  3. Enter the email address that the DMARC Report will be sent to (dmarc@fraudmarc-ce.<your domain name>), and click Next Step.

  4. Add action with type S3, and create a S3 bucket with the BUCKET_NAME that you have entered in /installer/env.list. The names must be identical.

  5. Add action with type Lambda and chose your receive Lambda function. If prompted, grant permissions.

5. Run The Fraudmarc CE Docker:thumbsup:

We've simplified the client side of Fraudmarc CE by providing a single Docker to provide both the Angular frontend and Go backend.

  1. As with the Install Docker Image, you are able to run the install Docker image from the Docker Hub public repository, or you can build it from scratch using our Dockerfile in the root directory.
  • run pre-built Docker image in Docker Hub (navigate to root directory):
    docker run -it --env-file env.list --env-file installer/env.list -p 7489:7489 fraudmarc/fraudmarc-ce
  1. Your Fraudmarc CE installation is now ready at http://localhost:7489.

6. Create a DMARC policy:thumbsup:

It may take between a few hours and a few days for your first data to arrive.

Be sure you have created a DMARC policy in your domain's DNS so that DMARC aggregate reports will be sent to the address you set in SES step 3 above.

Your DMARC record should be similar to:

  • Type: TXT
  • Hostname: _dmarc
  • Value: v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:dmarc@fraudmarc-ce.<your domain name>; ri=3600;

😬 Questions?

If you have questions about installation or email authentication, please reference the Fraudmarc Community forum at