Author: @elenasalaks
Version history:
- v2.0: June 2022
- v1.1: April 2020
- v1.0: February 2020
Status: WIP
Likely we work together in some capacity and so you may find the below useful:
I am usually available between a 9am - 5pm PT window.
- For me, establishing a predictable work structure has helped me optimize my day to be available for my team, be efficient in my output, and set healthy boundaries to create space for priorities outside of work. I encourage you to do the same.
- Outside of work, being a mom is a big part of my identity. Additionally, I'm also actively involved in several non profits that support causes I am passionate about. And when time allows, I do speaking engagements, coaching sessions, and write. As much as I love my career, I've found my life to be much more fulfilling once I've allowed myself space to expand beyond my profession. I share this because non of these other activities would have been possible if I still subscribed to the late nights hustle culture.
- Sometimes there are exceptions. Work-life integration is real so if you receive an email or IM outside my standard available hours, know it isn't because I'm constantly on but rather, because I've adjusted my day. Hense, the right interpretation is “because Elena is doing work on her schedule” rather than “Elena wants an answer right now”.
I am not particular about what your work schedule is or from where you decide to work. I'm more interested in you ensuring you're doing great work, have integrity, and are respectful of your peers.
- In general, I have a love/hate relationship with email. If you are writing an essay, consider creating a separate artifact. And if I need your attention on something with tremendous urgency, I’ll not be expecting you to find that out by checking your email.
- Working long hours doesn’t impress me. Trust that you got hired because of the contribution you are making within a reasonable timeframe. And I will trust that you are using your time wisely.
- A lot of the contributions we make is immeasurable. Whatever your deliverable(s) may be, how you achieve it is just as important. I value transparency and collaboration. Try not to be an a**hole.
The Eisenhower Matrix(urgency/significance) is still important. Not everything you’re asked to do Urgently is actually Significant; and there is Significant non-Urgent stuff which nobody is bugging you for. Prioritize accordingly.
- Everyone and everything will demand your time. It will be up to you to monitor where you’re spending your effort. Resist the lure of low-effort but low-impact work. Useful perspective I once received was: "significant" is "stuff that in a year's time you'll (a) remember you did; and (b) be glad you did."
- There will always be stuff which doesn’t get done; the trick is make sure it’s the right stuff not to get done. Stack rank your 'To Do' list and don’t worry if stuff further down the list doesn't get completed.
- If you’re overloaded or not sure what to prioritize, let’s chat. I’m invested in your success.
To summarize, I believe we can do great work together. I strive for excellence in my work but recognize I am far from perfect. Let me know how I can be better.