The module is not maintained anymore and archived.
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with b2drop
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
- Testing - Instructions to test the code
This module adds the repositories for b2drop to the apps and themes folder. It also configures webserver and database.
On your puppet master, go to the environment that the actual b2drop server belongs to. Inside of the module directory of that environment simply clone this repository
git clone b2drop
- apache, mysql, php7, cron, tmp, logrotate
The following snippet will enable a all in one machine (LAMP stack + nextcloud + b2drop) on one server.
class { 'b2drop': }
The b2drop
class configures apache, mysql and the repositories for the b2drop extensions.
To deploy B2DROP on a host, just add
include ::b2drop
to the node and add missing variables for b2drop::apache and b2drop::mysql using hiera.
We are focussing on CentOS, other operating systems should work as well due to apache/mysql/vcsrepo. You may disable selinux then.
There are no formal requirements to participate. If there are questions, feel free to contact the authors mentioned in
For testing the code with puppet utils, make sure you have ruby and bundler installed and then execute:
mkdir vendor
export PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 4.8.0"
export GEM_HOME=vendor
bundle install
bundle exec rake test