Please report all the bugs in HARDy modules and mistakes in documentation by creating an issue. You can also request features using the same link. Alternatively, if you want to make contribution to hardy, please feel free to create a pull request. The procedure to make contributions is as follows:
The first step requires you to fork the repository on your GitHub using the button on top right corner of HARDy page. The button is highlighted in image below:
The next step is to clone the repository by running the following command in your temrinal/command prompt:
git clone
The repository is then ready for the changes to be made. After making the changes, make sure you add, commit and push to your forked branch by running following commands:
git add changed_file
git commit -m "A decriptive message outlining the changes made into the repository"
git push
The final step is to generate a pull request. The instructions for opening a pull request are outlined in this tutorial
To achieve the purpose of continous integration, hardy
utilizes travis CI
. travis CI is configured to perform PEP8 compliance test (flake8) along with running unittests. Any failure in compliance would result in build error or build failure on travis CI.
To run these test on your local machine, following code snippets can be used in your terminal/command prompt:
For flake8,
conda install flake8
cd hardy
For unittest,
cd hardy
python -m unittest discover