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Coding Standards

The purpose of this is to summarize coding standards to be used in the MIDAS fortran code. A shorter list of the "Top 10" things to keep in mind is provided here.


A long list of coding standard rules (based on the jules land surface model coding standards with modifications)

General formatting and layout:

  • Use the Fortran 90 free format syntax.
  • Indent blocks by 2 characters.
  • Use spaces and blank lines where appropriate to format your code to improve readability (use genuine spaces rather than tabs, as the tab character is not in the Fortran character set).
  • Try to confine your line width to 80 characters. This means that your code can be viewed easily in any editor on any screen, and can be printed easily on standard paper.
  • Line up your statements, where appropriate, to improve readability.
  • Short and simple Fortran statements are easier to read and understand than long and complex ones. Where possible, avoid using continuation lines in a statement.
  • Avoid putting multiple statements on the same line. It is not good for readability.
  • Each program unit (module, subroutine, function etc.) should follow a structure similar to the examples supplied above. The intended behaviour of the unit should be clearly described in the header, and the prefix of the module should be defined.
  • Each subroutine, function and module should be in a separate file. Modules may be used to group related variables, subroutines and functions. At this stage, all code except "main" programs should be inside modules.
  • When naming your variables and program units, always keep in mind that Fortran is a case-insensitive language (e.g. EditOrExit is the same as EditorExit.)
  • Use only characters in the Fortran character set. In particular, accent characters and tabs are not allowed in code, although they are usually OK in comments. If your editor inserts tabs automatically, you should configure it to switch off the functionality when you are editing Fortran source files.
  • Although Fortran has no reserved keywords, you should avoid naming your program units and variables with names that match an intrinsic function or subroutine. Similarly, you should avoid naming your program units and variables with names that match a keyword in a Fortran statement.
  • To improve readability, write your code using the lower case for all Fortran keywords and intrinsic functions/subroutines. The rest of the code should be written using "camelCase" with no underscores, except between a module prefix and a variable name (e.g. variableNameList or gsv_getField). When naming any public entity (variable, subroutine, or function) in a module it must begin with the module prefix: e.g. gsv_getField, where "gsv" is the prefix associated with the module gridStateVector_mod.
  • Function or subroutine arguments should be declared separately from, and before, local variables, separated by a blank line.

Programs and modules naming convention

  • As for variables, "camelCase" ( should be used for all filenames. For modules, an underscore should appear only between the module name and the suffix "mod. Therefore, a module filename should end with "_mod.f90".


  • Comments should start with a single ! and be indented with the code. A blank line should be left before (but not after) the comment line.
  • An important exception to the above rule on comments is for any comments that are intended to appear in the automatically generated on-line documentation. Refer to the documentation page for more details.
  • Be generous with comments. State the reason for doing something, instead of repeating the Fortran logic in words. However, comments are not a replacement for clear code. Better that the code itself is easy to understand by the way it is structured and the choice of variable and subroutine/function names - it is ok (and encouraged) to use longer names that really describe what the variable or subroutine/function represents or does (also easier later to grep/search for these names as compared with a variable named i, for example).

Provided Functionalities to Use

  • Use msg() instead of naked write(*,*) to output information: provide the origin of the message (such as the caller subroutine, function or program).

    call msg('int_tInterp_gsv', 'START', verb_opt=2)
    ! prints a short message on all MPI tiles when verbosity threshold >= 2
    call msg('int_tInterp_gsv', 'numStepIn='//str(numStepIn)&
         //',numStepOut='//str(numStepOut), mpiAll_opt=.false.)
    ! prints a short message with some numerical values on MPI tile 0 only

    Optionally, a verbosity level that specifies how important is the message can be provided. The verbosity thresholds are defined as follow:

    • msg_ALWAYS : always printed, irrespectively of threshold
    • 0 : critical, should always be printed
    • 1 : default priority, printed in operational context
    • 2 : detailed output, provides extra information
    • 3 : intended for developers, printed for debugging or specific diagnostcs
    • msg_NEVER : never printed, irrespectively of threshold

More detailed rules:

  • Use the new and clearer syntax for logical comparisons, i.e.:

    == instead of .eq.
    /= instead of .ne.
    > instead of .gt.
    < instead of .lt.
    >= instead of .ge.
    <= instead of .le.
  • Positive logic is usually easier to understand. When using an if-else-end if construct you should use positive logic in the IF test, provided that the positive and the negative blocks are about the same length. It may be more appropriate to use negative logic if the negative block is significantly longer than the positive block.

  • To improve readability, you should always use the optional space to separate the following Fortran keywords:

    else if
    end do
    end forall
    end function
    end if
    end interface
    end module
    end program
    end select
    end subroutine
    end type
    end where
    select case
  • If you have a large or complex code block embedding other code blocks, you may consider naming some or all of them to improve readability.

  • Improve readability by always using the full version of the end statement (i.e. end subroutine <name> or end function <name> instead of just end) at the end of each sub-program unit.

  • Where possible, consider using cycle, exit or a where-construct to simplify complicated DO-loops.

  • When writing a real literal with an integer value, put a 0 after the decimal point (i.e. 1.0 as opposed to 1) to improve readability. For double precision real literals (real(8)) always include "d0" as in 1.0d0 to ensure the correct precision.

  • Where reasonable and sensible to do so, you should try to match the names of dummy and actual arguments to a subroutine/function.

  • In an array assignment, it is recommended that you use array notations to improve readability, e.g.
    Avoid this:

    array1 = 1
    array2 = array1 * scalar

    Use this instead:

    array1(:,:) = 1
    array2(:,:) = array1(:,:) * scalar
  • Use implicit none in all program units. This forces you to declare all your variables explicitly. This helps to reduce bugs in your program that will otherwise be difficult to track.

  • Design any derived data types carefully and use them to group related variables. Appropriate use of derived data types will allow you to design modules and procedures with simpler and cleaner interfaces.

  • Always use a private statement at the beginning of a module so that all module variables and procedures are by default declared private. Any public subroutines, functions or variables are then explicity declare public using a public statement near the beginning of the module to make it clear to a user what is accessible from the outside world.

  • Where possible, an allocate statement for an allocatable array (or a pointer used as a dynamic array) should be coupled with a deallocate within the same scope. if an allocatable array is a public module variable, it is highly desirable if its memory allocation and deallocation are only performed in procedures within the module in which it is declared. You may consider writing specific subroutines within the module to handle these memory managements.

  • To avoid memory fragmentation, it is desirable to deallocate in reverse order of allocate, as in:

    ! ... do something ...
  • Inside a function or subroutine, always define a local pointer before using it. do not define a pointer in its declaration by pointing it to the intrinsic function null() since this will invoke an implicit "save" attribute which is very dangerous! Instead, make sure that your pointer is defined or nullified early on in the program unit. similarly, nullify a pointer when it is no longer in use, either by using the nullify statement or by pointing your pointer to null(). This recommandation does not apply to pointer global to a module or program. (The reason for this, is that the declaration statement is actually executed only on the first call, the only one for module or program pointer, but for functions or subroutines, subsequent calls will not re-declare the pointer to null() such that it might already points to some value obtained in the previous call.)

  • Avoid the dimension attribute or statement. declare the dimension with the declared variables. E.g.: Avoid this:

    integer, dimension(10) :: array1
    integer :: array2
    dimension :: array2(20)

    Instead, do this:

    integer :: array1(10), array2(20)
  • Never initialize a local variable on the declaration unless the save attribute is explicitely present.
    Avoid this:

    logical :: trueByDefault = .true.

    Instead, do this:

    logical :: trueByDefault
    trueByDefault = .true.

    If you actually want the local variable to keep it's value after passing out of scope, be explicit:

    logical, save :: thisIsTheFirstCall = .true.
  • Avoid common blocks and block data program units. instead, use a module with public variables.

  • Avoid the equivalence statement. Use a pointer or a derived data type, and the transfer intrinsic function to convert between types.

  • Avoid the pause statement, as your program will hang in a batch environment. If you need to halt your program for interactive use, consider using a read* statement instead.

  • Avoid the entry statement. Use a module or internal subroutine.

  • Avoid the goto statement.

  • Avoid numbered statement labels. do ... label continue constructs should be replaced by do ... end do constructs. every do loop must be terminated with a corresponding end do.

  • Never use a format statement - they require the use of labels, and obscure the meaning of the I/O statement. The formatting information can be placed explicitly within the read, write or print statement, or be assigned to a character variable in a parameter statement in the header of the routine for later use in I/O statements. Never place output text within the format specifier, i.e. only format information may be placed within the fmt= part of an I/O statement. All variables and literals, including any character literals, must be 'arguments' of the I/O routine itself. This improves readability by clearly separating what is to be read/written from how to read/write it.

  • Avoid the forall statement/construct. Despite what it is supposed to do, forall is often difficult for compilers to optimise (see, for example, Implementing the Standards including Fortran 2003 by NAG). Stick to the equivalent do construct, where statement/construct or array assignments unless there are actual performance benefits from using forall.

  • A function should be pure, i.e. it should have no side effects (e.g. altering an argument or module variable, or performing I/O). If you need to perform a task with side effects, you should use a subroutine instead.

  • Declare the intent of all arguments to a subroutine or function. This allows checks against unintended access of variables to be done at compile time. The above point requiring functions to be pure means that all arguments of a function should be declared as intent(in).

  • Avoid recursive procedures if possible. recursive procedures are usually difficult to understand, and are always difficult to optimise in a supercomputer environment.

  • Avoid using the specific names of intrinsic procedures. Use the generic names of intrinsic procedures where possible.

  • Not necessary to use the only clause in a use <module> statement, since each module should have few public symbols and all should be named beginning with the module prefix.

  • The use of operator overloading is discouraged, as it can lead to confusion. The only acceptable use is to allow the standard operators (+, - etc.) to work with derived data types, where this makes sense.

  • Avoid using archaic Fortran 77 features and features deprecated in Fortran 90.