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99 lines (54 loc) · 5.89 KB
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2020-05-15 11:02:48 UTC



A role is a part of a server, and when applied to a user, will give the user permissions and a color, if colors are set.


A role may have any combination of permissions, from Administrator to just Use External Emojis.

Permissions are divided between General Permissions, Text Permissions, and Voice Permissions.

Role Settings

Display role members separately from online members will show members of a role in a separate group above default users, which is determined by role order. This is sometimes known as hoisting a role.

Allow anyone to @mention this role allows any user to mention every member of a role at once, similar to how an @everyone ping functions. This is typically applied to moderation roles.

General Permissions

Most permissions in this section are server-management related permissions. Many of these permissions can be dangerous, and should only be given to users you can trust.

The Administrator permission gives a user every single permission, and also ignores channel-specific settings. This permission is not recommended to be given out to someone you do not trust.

The View Audit Log permission allows a user to view the server's audit logs.

Manage Server allows a user to edit the server name, server icon, voice region, and the verification level. This permission also allows users to invite bots.

Manage Roles allows a user to access the roles menu, and edit roles below their highest role. Users cannot take or give permissions they do not have.

Manage Channels allows a user to delete and create new text and voice channels. This also applies to channel categories

The Kick Members permission allows a user to kick anyone who is below them in the hierarchy.

The Ban Members permission allows a user to ban anyone who is below them in the hierarchy. This also allows a user to access the ban list, and unban members from it.

Create Invite allows the user to create an invite for the server. Invites can be revoked in the Invites tab in Server Settings by anyone with Manage Server permission.

The Change Nickname permission allows a user to change their own nickname. This nickname can still be changed by anyone above them with the Manage Nicknames permission.

The Manage Nicknames permission allows users to rename a user with a nickname. Users can only apply or edit nicknames of users below them in the role hierarchy.

The Manage Emojis permission allows users to access the Emojis tab in Server Settings. This allows them to upload, delete, and rename emojis.

The Manage Webhooks permission allows a user to view, create, delete, and edit webhooks on any channel. Webhooks can be used to speak in the channel it is created in, even with the user not being on the server.

The Read Text Channels & See Voice Channels permission allows a user to see all the text and voice channels that are available as default to users on the server. Without this or an appropriate role, a user will see no channels on a server.

Text Permissions

Send Messages allows a user to send messages in any channel unless denied by that channel's permissions.

Send TTS Messages allows a user to use /tts in any channel unless denied by that channel's permissions. This feature is disabled on many servers, and can be disabled client-side in User Settings.

Manage Messages allows a user to delete, pin, and unpin messages, unless denied by that channel's permissions.

Embed Links allows users to post links and have them embed. This can be denied per channel permissions.

Attach Files allows users to upload files. This cna be denied per channel permissions.

Read Channel History allows users to read the channel's history. If denied, they can only view history as far as they have seen the channel, and is reset after they reload the client.

Mention @everyone, @here and All Roles allows users to mention @everyone, @here and All Roles unless denied by that channel's permissions.

Use External Emojis allows users to use External Emojis, such as BTTV/Twitch global emojis, and emojis from other servers, if they have Discord Nitro / Discord Nitro Classic. This can be denied by a channel's permissions.

Add Reactions allows users to add reactions to any message, unless denied by that channel's permissions.

Voice Permissions

Connect allows users to connect to a Voice Channel, unless denied by that channel's permission.

Speak allows users to speak in a channel, unless denied by that channel's permission, or has been Server Muted.

Video allows users to turn on their cameras in the channel and use Go Live feature.

Mute Members allows a user to Server Mute other members, which makes the muted user unable to be heard by anyone in the channel.

Deafen Members allows a user to Server Deafen other members, which makes the deafened user unable to hear anyone in the channel.

Move Members allows a user to move any member from any channel to another.

Use Voice Activity allows a user to not have to use Push-to-Speak, unless denied by that channel's permissions.

Priority Speaker, when activated, automatically lowers the volume of the other members without this permission in the voice channel. This feature can be only activated using the Push to Talk (Priority) keybind.

Other Info

A role can have a color from the 20 default colors, have a HEX color, or have no color at all. Users take the color of the highest role in their list, as long as it has a color.

When adding a bot to a server, it can ask for permissions. If given, this will make an undeletable role that can also not be given to any user manually. If no permissions are given, no role will be created.

The @everyone role cannot be deleted, renamed, given a color, or hoisted.