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HOWTO: LinOTP Server Development Setup

This document guides you through the process of setting up a development environment for LinOTP. In the end you should have a running LinOTP system that you can easily modify and test.

The steps in a nutshell:

  1. Get the LinOTP source code
  2. Set up your LinOTP development environment
  3. Configure LinOTP
  4. Run the LinOTP development server
  5. Run unit, functional and integration tests
  6. Use MyPy for typechecking
  7. Use pre-commit hooks for consistent formatting
  8. Build the LinOTP debian package

Get the LinOTP source code

Obtain the LinOTP source code from LinOTP GitHub:

$ git clone

Set up your LinOTP development environment

If you want to develop LinOTP, you first need to install some software packages that LinOTP depends upon.

On a Debian-based system, run as a superuser:

$ apt-get install build-essential python3-dev \
                python3-mysqldb mariadb-server libmariadb-dev-compat libmariadb-dev \
                libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev \

On macOS, install the following dependencies to run LinOTP natively and build LinOTP via containers:

$ brew install libsodium coreutils

LinOTP can use a variety of SQL databases but MySQL/MariaDB is most widely used. Other options include PostgreSQL and SQLite, although SQLite is not recommended for production setups.

The libldap2-dev and libsasl2-dev system packages are needed when installing the python-ldap dependency via pip. Similarly, the libssl-dev package is needed when installing the cryptography dependency via pip.

A “virtual environment” lets you install additional packages locally (without administrator privileges) using Python's pip tool. It also prevents the pollution of your host system with non-distribution packages. We strongly recommend installing a virtual environment as follows:

$ python3 -m venv linotp_dev       # Pick a name but be consistent
$ source linotp_dev/bin/activate

Then, install the development dependencies:

$ pip3 install -e .

In order to run automated tests you must also install the test dependencies:

$ pip3 install -e ".[test]"

For a quickstart using the default configuration, run:

$ mkdir -p linotp/cache linotp/data linotp/logs
$ linotp init database
$ linotp init audit-keys
$ linotp init enc-key
$ linotp local-admins add <your_username>
$ linotp local-admins password --password <your_password> <your_username>
$ linotp run

The last command starts a development server. Now you can open the LinOTP management interface in your browser (http://localhost:5000/manage/) and login as <your_username>.

All available CLI commands have their own documentation, and you can find them listed in the top level man page linotp(1). Should you not yet have installed the linotp man pages, you can also reference them by path, like this:

 $ man ./man/man1/linotp.1

init database will create a SQLite database by default. If you want to use a PostgreSQL or MariaDB database instead, you can override that setting through the following environment variable before running linotp init database:

 $ export LINOTP_DATABASE_URI="postgres://user:pass@host/db_name"


 $ export LINOTP_DATABASE_URI="mysql+pymysql://user:pass@host/db_name"

Alternatively you can also set this variable in a LinOTP configuration file, as we explain next.

Configure LinOTP

LinOTP provides three configuration presets for development, testing and production, but you can customize any of the configuration entries by overriding environment variables or specifying additional configuration files.

To inspect the configuration of your LinOTP instance, run linotp config show, or linotp config explain if you need more information on the configuration entries. Both commands accept additional parameters, which you can look up in linotp-config(1).

Configuration presets

Configuration settings are hard-coded in linotp/, which also defines a small set of "environments" that pre-cook basic configurations:

  • development is aimed at LinOTP developers running LinOTP on their local machine. It enables debugging (including copious log messages, auto-reload if source code files change, and the interactive Flask debugger) and defaults to using a local SQLite database. This is not safe to use in a production setting.
  • testing is an environment that facilitates running system tests. Like development, it enables more prolific logging output.
  • production is a more streamlined and secure setup to be used on productive servers.

One of these environments can be selected by setting the FLASK_ENV variable to development, testing, or production. If unset, it defaults to default, which is identical to development.

Customizing the configuration

Additional configuration settings can be made in configuration files. LinOTP looks at the configuration files listed in the LINOTP_CFG environment variable, whose value consists of a list of one or more file names separated by colons. For example,


would read first the /usr/share/linotp/linotp.cfg file and then the /etc/linotp/linotp.cfg file.

Later configuration settings override earlier ones, and settings in configuration files override hard-coded default settings in

Relative file names in LINOTP_CFG are interpreted relative to Flask's app.root_path, which by default points to the linotp directory of the LinOTP software distribution (where the file is). If LINOTP_CFG is undefined and is not started from a packaged version, it defaults to linotp.cfg.

The advantage of this approach is that it allows a clean separation between configuration settings provided by a distribution-specific LinOTP package and configuration settings made by the local system administrator, which would each go into separate files. If the package-provided file is changed or updated in a future version of the package, the local settings will remain untouched.

Format of configuration entries

LinOTP's configuration files are Python code, so you can do whatever you can do in a Python program, although it is probably best to exercise some restraint. (As a somewhat contrived example, you could use the Python requests package to download configuration settings from a remote HTTP server. But please don't actually do this unless you understand the security implications.)

In the simplest case, configuration settings look like assignments to Python variables whose names consist strictly of uppercase letters, digits, and underscores, as in

LOG_FILE_DIR = "/var/log/linotp"

(Variables with lowercase letters in their names are ignored when a configuration file is scoured for settings, so you could use them as scratch variables.) We say "look like" because we actually apply data type conversions if necessary to accommodate non-string configuration settings like LOG_FILE_MAX_LENGTH (which is internally a Python int), and we perform rudimentary plausibility checks to ensure that the value of configuration settings make basic sense (for example, you will not be allowed to set LOG_FILE_MAX_LENGTH to a negative value).

As a special feature, configuration settings whose names end in _DIR or _FILE are supposed to contain the names of directories or files (surprise!). These can either be absolute names (starting with a /) or else will have the value of the ROOT_DIR variable prepended when they are used. This means that if the very last configuration setting you make changes ROOT_DIR, the value assigned there will be the effective one even for other earlier settings that use relative path names: After

ROOT_DIR = "/var/foo"
LOG_FILE_DIR = "linotp"
ROOT_DIR = "/var/bar"

the effective value of LOG_FILE_DIR will be /var/bar/./linotp. (Note that we're inserting a /./ to mark where the implicit value of ROOT_DIR stops and the configured value of the setting starts.) The only exception to this is ROOT_DIR itself, which must always contain an absolute directory name, and defaults to Flask's app.root_path unless it is explicitly set in a configuration file.

Finally, hard-coded configuration defaults as well as settings in configuration files can be overridden from the process environment. If a configuration setting inside LinOTP is named XYZ, then if a variable named LINOTP_XYZ is defined inside the environment of the LinOTP process, its value will be used to set XYZ. This is helpful in Docker-like setups where configuration files are inconvenient to use.

Note that this only works for LinOTP configuration settings that are mentioned in (Flask has a bunch of its own configuration settings that aren't strictly part of the LinOTP configuration but can be set in LinOTP configuration files).

Some configuration settings are supposed to contain non-string data such as integers or lists, and LinOTP tries to convert the (string) values of environment variables appropriately. For example, the value of LINOTP_LOG_FILE_MAX_LENGTH will be converted to an integer to set the LOG_FILE_MAX_LENGTH configuration setting, and you may wish to amuse yourself by investigating what happens to the value of LINOTP_LOGGING.

Predefined directory names

LinOTP predefines certain directory names that should be adapted to the conventions of a specific Linux distribution when preparing a LinOTP distribution package for that distribution. These include:

  • ROOT_DIR: The “root directory” of the LinOTP configuration file tree. By default this is the “Flask application root directory”, app.root_path, IOW the directory where LinOTP's file is located. As mentioned above, the value of ROOT_DIR is prepended to the values of other configuration settings for files and directories if these are relative path names. A distribution will set this to something more useful such as /etc/linotp.

  • CACHE_DIR: This directory is used for temporary storage of LinOTP data. It defaults to ROOT_DIR/cache, but in a distribution will more likely be something like /var/cache/linotp. Note that the actual caches are supposed to be in subdirectories of this directory in order to avoid namespace issues. For example, the resolver cache is found in CACHE_DIR/resolvers, and if Beaker is used with a file-backed cache (not the default method), that cache will be in CACHE_DIR/beaker. These assignments cannot be changed except by changing the LinOTP source code.

  • DATA_DIR: Short-lived temporary data can be stored in subdirectories of this directory. It defaults to ROOT_DIR/data but in a distribution wil probably end up as /run/linotp. Currently this is only used to cache Mako templates that have been compiled to Python, in the template-cache subdirectory. Again, this can only be changed by editing the LinOTP source code.

    Note that while the other directories can usually be created when LinOTP is installed, the volatile nature of /run on most systems can make it necessary to recreate DATA_DIR at odd times (e.g., after a system reboot). Since making new directories in /run usually requires root privileges, LinOTP will generally not be a in a position to do it by itself (or shouldn't be in such a position in any case). A good approach to use instead is systemd's tmpfiles mechanism. Installs that do not use systemd (such as Docker-based installs) need to ensure that the directory is created by some other means.

  • LOG_FILE_DIR: This is where the log file ends up if you're logging to a file (which is something LinOTP does by default). By default this is ROOT_DIR/logs but distribution packages will probably wish to use something like /var/log/linotp.

If you're making a distribution package, don't edit LinOTP's file to adapt the values of these directories. Instead, make a new configuration file and put it in a reasonable place such as /usr/share/linotp/linotp.cfg. A suitable defaults file for Debian based distributions is available at config/linotp.cfg. The default configuration path can be set by placing a file with the name linotp-cfg-default in the same directory as the main The configuration path for Debian can be found in the file config/linotp-cfg-default.

Run the LinOTP development server

To run LinOTP for development, execute Flask from the LinOTP source directory (linotpd/src) as follows:

$ flask run

This starts the Flask development server. Unless you specify otherwise using the --host and --port options, the development server will bind to TCP port 5000 on the loopback address (

The development server is fine for local experiments but should under no circumstances be used to run LinOTP in a production environment. The officially approved method for running LinOTP productively uses Apache and mod_wsgi, and the details of this are beyond the scope of this document. Refer to the content of the LinOTP source directory's config subdirectory for inspiration, or – preferably – check the LinOTP Installation Guide.

To make life easier, LinOTP offers a linotp command which you can run anywhere without having to define FLASK_APP. To enable this on your development system, go to the LinOTP source directory and execute the

$ python3 develop

command. (This installs the linotp command in the virtualenv's bin directory.) Giving the make develop command in the top-level directory should also do the trick. After this, a simple

$ linotp run

will launch the Flask development server. (You can still use FLASK_ENV to specify the desired environment.)

Make sure to create an admin user, otherwise you will not be able to log in to LinOTP's management interface:

$ linotp local-admins add <your_username>
$ linotp local-admins password -p <your_password> <your_username>

Run unit, functional, and integration tests

Unit and functional tests

You can run unit and functional tests by entering the respective commands below from the top-level directory of the LinOTP distribution:

$ make test               # will run all tests
$ make unittests          # will run only unit tests
$ make functionaltests    # will run only functional tests
$ make integrationtests   # will run only integration tests

You can also run the tests directly in their directories:

$ pytest linotpd/src/linotp/tests/unit


$ pytest linotpd/src/linotp/tests/functional

If you want to run only the tests in a single file, invoke pytest with the path to that file.

When using make, you can pass command-line arguments to pytest by assigning them to PYTESTARGS:

$ make unittests PYTESTARGS="-vv"

See the Pytest documentation for more information about using pytest.

Integration tests

To run integration tests with Selenium, please make sure that your system has the chromedriver executable installed.

Then start a LinOTP development server and edit linotpd/src/linotp/tests/integration/server_cfg.ini so that the [linotp] section contains its hostname/IP address and port number.

You can now execute integration tests with:

$ pytest --tc-file=linotpd/src/linotp/tests/integration/server_cfg.ini <path_to_test_file>

You can find sample test files under linotpd/src/linotp/tests/integration.

Use MyPy for typechecking

To run a type check on the source code, install mypy and sqlalchemy-stubs. Both requirements are part of the develop requirements:

$ pip3 install -e ".[develop]"

Then run mypy on a directory of your choice like

$ mypy some/python/dir

If you do not wish to be shown type errors from imported modules, use the --follow-imports=silent flag.

The --show-column-numbers flag can also be helpful when looking for the exact location of a problem.

pre-commit hooks for consistent formatting

This repository is using the pre-commit framework to ensure a consistent style across the whole project. Inspect .pre-commit-config.yaml for the configured tools and our pyproject.toml file for the configuration.

Install pre-commit manually via pip or as part of our develop dependencies:

$ pip3 install -e ".[develop]"

Then install the pre-commit hook in git so that it runs before a commit to ensure correct formatting. The same hook is tested in CI, so we strongly advise to install the hook, even if you use all of the tools in your IDE. This way, you will never push a commit that fails the pre-check.

$ pre-commit install

You can also run the pre-commit hook manually`:

$ pre-commit run

Use the arguments --files … or --all-files to change what files are checked.

api documentation / api-docs

First install the requirements to generate the api documentation:

$ pip3 install -e ".[apidocs]"

However, this is not necessary if you have already installed the requirements for the development (".[develop]") environment.

To build the api documentation enter the following commands in your terminal:

$ cd api-doc
$make apidocs html

## Debian packages

You can generate a LinOTP `.deb` package that is suitable for
installation on a Debian GNU/Linux system using the
$ make builddeb

command from the top-level directory. This uses Debian packaging tools and therefore works best if you do it on a machine that is running Debian GNU/Linux. See below for building Debian packages inside a Docker container.


$ make deb-install

command will build a Debian package and place it in the build subdirectory of the top-level directory. You can specify a different directory by passing it to make as the value of the DESTDIR variable.

Using Docker to build the Debian package

You can use the Makefile provided by the LinOTP distribution to build various Docker container images that help with LinOTP development:

  • A linotp-builder image includes everything that is necessary to build LinOTP packages. This will use the buster version of Debian GNU/Linux (the current stable version at the time of this writing), no matter what flavour of Linux your machine is running.

  • A linotp image contains a ready-to-run LinOTP inside an Apache web server.

  • A linotp-unit image contains a LinOTP setup that will run LinOTP unit tests. It is based on the linotp image but contains additional dependencies for the testing environment.

  • A selenium-test image contains a LinOTP setup that will run LinOTP integration tests using Selenium in a different image.

All of these can be conveniently built and run using targets in the Makefile in the top-level directory:

  • make docker-linotp will build LinOTP in a linotp-builder container, extract the .deb file and place it in the build subdirectory of the top-level directory.

  • make docker-unit and make docker-functional build LinOTP and run unit tests and functional tests in their respective containers. Some functional tests take a very long time and are therefore only run once per night in our CI/CD environment; these can be enabled by passing the NIGHTLY=yes variable to make.

  • make docker-selenium will build LinOTP and run Selenium-based integration tests in a containerised environment.

  • make docker-build-all will build all container images.

  • make docker-pylint will run static source code checks on a LinOTP test image.

Refer to the Makefile for details of how these targets interact, and for additional configuration parameters.