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Dedsd committed Aug 21, 2021
0 parents commit e4831ff
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Showing 3 changed files with 471 additions and 0 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
## DarkBlue Ice for vim



## How to install
* Move `darkblueice.vim` to `/home/.vim/colors`


Made by André V.
233 changes: 233 additions & 0 deletions colors/darkblueice.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
hi clear
syntax reset
set background=dark

lua <<EOF
vim.g = vim.g or {}
local vim = vim
local cmd = vim.cmd or vim.command

local function hi(group, styles)
local cmd = vim.cmd or vim.command

local gui = styles.gui and 'gui='..styles.gui or 'gui=NONE'
local sp = styles.sp and 'guisp='..styles.sp or 'guisp=NONE'
local fg = styles.fg and 'guifg='..styles.fg or 'guifg=NONE'
local bg = and 'guibg=' or 'guibg=NONE'
cmd('highlight '' '..gui..' '..sp..' '..fg..' '

local bg_normal = '#2A2F3B'
local bg_darker = '#39404D'
local bg_dark = '#2A2F3B'
local bg = '#292d3e'
local bg_light = '#39404D'
local bg_lighter = '#454E63'
local grey = '#919DB3'
local red = '#cc5960'
local heavy_red = '#9e242b'
local green = '#65c96b'
local blue = '#45b8e2'
local yellow = '#e9b552'
local orange = '#f25b4c'
local purple = '#ad5be4'
local cyan = '#6fbfe1'
local fg = '#A8B5CD'
local fg_light = '#a6accd'
local fg_dark = '#9FABBF'
local vis = '#424760'
local vis_light = '#39404D'
local white = '#DBE4F5'

-- }}}

-- Editor Highlight Groups {{{

hi('CursorLine' , { bg = bg })
hi('Cursor' , { fg = bg_dark, bg = yellow })
hi('Directory' , { fg = blue, gui = 'bold' })
hi('DiffAdd' , { fg = green })
hi('DiffChange' , { fg = yellow })
hi('DiffDelete' , { fg = red })
hi('DiffText' , { fg = blue })
hi('EndOfBuffer' , { bg = bg_normal, fg = bg_dark })
hi('ErrorMsg' , { fg = red, gui = 'bold' })
hi('VertSplit' , { bg = bg_dark, fg = bg })
hi('Folded' , { fg = fg_dark, gui = 'italic' })
hi('FoldColumn' , { fg = yellow })
hi('SignColumn' , { fg = yellow })
hi('IncSearch' , { bg = yellow, fg = bg })
hi('Substitute' , { bg = blue, fg = bg })
hi('LineNr' , { fg = fg_dark })
hi('CursorLineNr', { fg = fg })
hi('MatchParen' , { fg = "NONE", bg = bg_light })
hi('Normal' , { fg = fg_light, bg = bg_normal })
hi('NormalFloat' , { bg = bg_darker })
hi('Pmenu' , { bg = bg_darker, fg = fg_light })
hi('PmenuSel' , { bg = cyan, fg = bg_lighter, gui = 'bold' })
hi('PmenuSbar' , { bg = bg_lighter })
hi('PmenuThumb' , { bg = fg })
hi('Search' , { bg = vis })
hi('SpecialKey' , { bg = fg_light })
hi('SpellBad' , { gui = 'underline', sp = red })
hi('SpellCap' , { gui = 'underline', sp = yellow })
hi('SpellLocal' , { gui = 'underline', sp = orange })
hi('SpellRare' , { gui = 'underline', sp = blue })
hi('TabLine' , { bg = bg, fg = fg_light })
hi('TabLineFill' , { bg = bg, fg = fg_light })
hi('TabLineSel' , { bg = cyan, fg = bg_dark })
hi('Title' , { fg = green })
hi('Visual' , { bg = vis_light })
hi('VisualNOS' , { bg = vis_light })
hi('WarningMsg' , { fg = yellow, gui = 'italic' })
hi('Whitespace' , { fg = fg_dark })

-- git highlighting
hi('gitcommitComment' , { fg = fg_dark })
hi('gitcommitUntracked' , { fg = fg_dark, gui = 'italic' })
hi('gitcommitDiscarded' , { fg = fg_dark, gui = 'italic' })
hi('gitcommitSelected' , { fg = fg_dark, gui = 'italic' })
hi('gitcommitUnmerged' , { fg = green })
hi('gitcommitBranch' , { fg = purple })
hi('gitcommitNoBranch' , { fg = purple })
hi('gitcommitDiscardedType' , { fg = red })
hi('gitcommitSelectedType' , { fg = green })
hi('gitcommitUntrackedFile' , { fg = cyan })
hi('gitcommitDiscardedFile' , { fg = red })
hi('gitcommitDiscardedArrow' , { fg = red })
hi('gitcommitSelectedFile' , { fg = green })
hi('gitcommitSelectedArrow' , { fg = green })
hi('gitcommitUnmergedFile' , { fg = yellow })
hi('gitcommitUnmergedArrow' , { fg = yellow })
hi('gitcommitSummary' , { fg = fg_light })
hi('gitcommitOverflow' , { fg = red })
hi('gitcommitOnBranch' , {})
hi('gitcommitHeader' , {})
hi('gitcommitFile' , {})

-- User dependent groups, probably useless to change the default:
hi('Conceal' , {})
hi('ModeMsg' , {})
hi('MsgArea' , {})
hi('MsgSeparator', {})
hi('MoreMsg' , {})
hi('NonText' , {})
hi('Question' , {})
hi('QuickFixLine', {})
hi('StatusLine' , {})
hi('StatusLineNC', {})
hi('WildMenu' , {})

-- }}}

-- Vim Default Code Syntax {{{

hi('Comment' , { fg = fg_dark })
hi('Constant' , { fg = yellow })
hi('String' , { fg = green })
hi('Character' , { fg = green })
hi('Number' , { fg = orange })
hi('Float' , { fg = orange })
hi('Boolean' , { fg = orange })

hi('Identifier' , { fg = heavy_red })
hi('Function' , { fg = cyan })

hi('Statement' , { fg = blue })
hi('Conditional' , { fg = purple })
hi('Repeat' , { fg = purple })
hi('Label' , { fg = cyan })
hi('Exception' , { fg = cyan })
hi('Operator' , { fg = purple })
hi('Keyword' , { fg = heavy_red })

hi('Include' , { fg = blue })
hi('Define' , { fg = purple })
hi('Macro' , { fg = purple })
hi('PreProc' , { fg = yellow })
hi('PreCondit' , { fg = yellow })

hi('Type' , { fg = yellow })
hi('StorageClass' , { fg = yellow })
hi('Structure' , { fg = yellow })
hi('Typedef' , { fg = yellow })

hi('Special' , { })
hi('SpecialChar' , { })
hi('Tag' , { fg = orange })
hi('SpecialComment', { fg = fg_dark, gui = 'bold' })
hi('Debug' , {})
hi('Delimiter' , {})

hi('Ignore' , {})
hi('Underlined' , { gui = 'underline' })
hi('Error' , { fg = heavy_red })
hi('Todo' , { fg = purple, gui = 'bold' })

-- }}}

-- Lsp Highlight {{{

hi('LspDiagnosticsDefaultError' , { fg = red })
hi('LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning' , { fg = yellow })
hi('LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint' , { fg = green })
hi('LspDiagnosticsDefaultMessage' , { fg = fg })

hi('LspDiagnosticsFloatingError' , { fg = red, gui = 'underline' })
hi('LspDiagnosticsFloatingWarning' , { fg = yellow, gui = 'underline' })
hi('LspDiagnosticsFloatingHint' , { fg = green, gui = 'underline' })
hi('LspDiagnosticsFloatingMessage' , { fg = fg, gui = 'underline' })

hi('LspDiagnosticsSignError' , { fg = red, gui = 'italic' })
hi('LspDiagnosticsSignWarning' , { fg = yellow, gui = 'italic' })
hi('LspDiagnosticsSignHint' , { fg = green, gui = 'italic' })
hi('LspDiagnosticsSignMessage' , { fg = fg, gui = 'italic' })

hi('LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError' , { gui = 'underline' })
hi('LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning' , { gui = 'underline' })
hi('LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint' , { gui = 'underline' })
hi('LspDiagnosticsUnderlineMessage' , { gui = 'underline' })

hi('LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextError' , { fg = red, gui = 'bold' })
hi('LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextWarning', { fg = yellow, gui = 'bold' })
hi('LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextHint' , { fg = green, gui = 'bold' })
hi('LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextMessage', { fg = fg, gui = 'bold' })

-- }}}

-- tree-sitter highlight {{{

hi("TSAnnotation", { fg = red })
hi("TSBoolean", { fg = orange })
hi("TSCharacter", { fg = green, gui = 'bold' })
hi("TSConstBuiltin", { fg = blue })
hi("TSConstMacro", { fg = blue })
hi("TSConstructor", { fg = yellow })
hi("TSFuncBuiltin", { fg = blue })
hi("TSVariableBuiltin", { fg = blue })

-- }}}

-- Setting Neovim Terminal Color {{{

vim.g.terminal_color_0 = bg_dark
vim.g.terminal_color_1 = red
vim.g.terminal_color_2 = green
vim.g.terminal_color_3 = yellow
vim.g.terminal_color_4 = blue
vim.g.terminal_color_5 = purple
vim.g.terminal_color_6 = cyan
vim.g.terminal_color_7 = fg
vim.g.terminal_color_8 = grey
vim.g.terminal_color_9 = red
vim.g.terminal_color_10 = green
vim.g.terminal_color_11 = orange
vim.g.terminal_color_12 = blue
vim.g.terminal_color_13 = purple
vim.g.terminal_color_14 = cyan
vim.g.terminal_color_15 = white
vim.g.terminal_color_background = bg_dark
vim.g.terminal_color_foreground = fg_light

-- }}}

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