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170 lines (122 loc) · 9.21 KB

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170 lines (122 loc) · 9.21 KB


Wallet Core implements the cryptographic functionality of blockchains. This includes elliptic curve cryptography, hashing, address derivation and transaction signing. However it does not implement other aspects like networking and UI. Wallet core behaves like a black box for higher level users like Trust Wallet; it takes inputs from the blockchain and the user (for instance UTXOs, private keys, etc.) and produces an output (like a signed and encoded transaction).

Library Design Guidelines

This library is designed so that it can be used from any other programming languages, and that every language has an idiomatic interface. Design goals also include minimizing the binary size and maximizing perfomance.

With these goals in mind we chose C/C++ for the implementation and a strict subset of C for the interface. This C interface is used to generate the idiomatic interfaces for every supported language. To augment the expressivity of the interface we also use Protocol Buffer objects that get serialized across the interface.

Keep this in mind when adding to the library:

  • Only expose C headers. Clients should not have access to the C++ interfaces.
  • C headers need to have annotations for the code generation tool, see below.
  • Use Protocol Buffers to represent models. C doesn't have good abstractions for variable-sized types.
  • Every time you modify the interface run the code generation tool and make sure the interface also makes sense in target languages.

Before you start

  • Install Xcode
  • Install Xcode command line tools: xcode-select --install
  • Install CMake, boost, protobuf: brew install cmake ninja boost autoconf automake libtool
  • Install Android Studio
  • Install the Android NDK

If you are working on Linux please see the Dockerfile for steps to install dependencies.

Project organization

This project has a number of different pieces. Each piece lives in its own subfolder.

  • The docs folder contains documentation.
  • The src folder contains the C++ implementation of the core functionality.
  • The include folder contains the public C header files used to expose a cross-platform interface.
  • The codegen folder contains the code and templates used to generate code for different platforms and languages.
  • The jni folder contains the generated JNI interface and Java classes.
  • The android folder contains the Android Studio project and integration tests.
  • The swift folder contains the generated Swift code and Xcode project.
  • The trezor-crypto folder contains a fork of with modifications.
  • The tests folder contains unit tests.
  • The lib folder contains third-party dependencies as git submodules.
  • THe tools folder contains scripts to automate common tasks.


Use the script in the root folder to quickly build and test.

The build pipeline uses CMake. If you add or rename files you need to re-run cmake: cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug. If you only change existing files and want to run the tests you only need to run make: make -C build tests.

If you change interface files in the include folder you need to regenerate the interface code: codegen/bin/codegen. Run codegen/bin/codegen -h to get usage information on the tool. Note that currently if you add a new interface header file you need to manually add that file as a public header to the iOS project, otherwise iOS tests will fail.


Use the script in the root folder to quickly build and test. After you have run either or cmake, run make -C build tests && build/tests/tests tests. This will run all the C++ tests. To run integration tests on each platform run the respective script in the tools folder:

  • Android: tools/android-test
  • iOS: tools/ios-test

How to generate a Xcode project:

cmake -Bxcode -GXcode -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

C Headers

The wallet core code generator parses C headers for class and struct definitions. Headers need to be in the include/TrustWalletCode folder and start with the TW prefix followed by the class or sturct name. Inside each header file there needs to be exactly one class or struct defition.

A class definition starts with the TW_EXPORT_CLASS macro followed by a forward-declared struct. For example:

struct TWPrivateKey;

Similarly, a struct definition start with the TW_EXPORT_STRUCT macro followed by an inline-declared struct. For example:

struct TWPublicKey {
    uint8_t bytes[TWPublicKeyUncompressedSize];

You can also define enumerations using the TW_EXPORT_ENUM() macro:

enum TWCoinType {
    TWCoinTypeBitcoin = 0,

After the class or struct definition you can declare as many methods and properties as necessary. There are four types of declarations: static method, static property, method, and property. Each is declared by TW_EXPORT_STATIC_METHOD, TW_EXPORT_STATIC_PROPERTY, TW_EXPORT_METHOD, and TW_EXPORT_PROPERTY respectively. Each method or property name needs to start with the type name. For instance TWPublicKeyIsValid gets translated to the isValid property in the PublicKey type.

The types that methods can take and return are restricted to: bool, int, size_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, TWData, TWString, and any defined classses, structs or enums.

Methods always take the type as their first argument. The type needs to be a pointer if the type is a class and a struct if the type is a struct. Properties need to take the type as its only argument.

Static property declarations can take no arguments. Static methods can take any arguments.

Protocol Buffers

Since the C language doesn't provide good abstractions for variable-sized arrays and strings, the C interface uses Protocol Buffers. All models are defined in the src/proto folder. These models can then be used in the C interface by using the proto model name with underscores. For instance TW_Binance_Proto_SigningInput.

The proto file will be used to generate C++ classes and also classes in each supported client language (Swift, Java, etc.). The code generator will also generate the protobuf serialization code so that library clients don't have to worry about serialization. To generate the Protocol Buffers code run the tools/generate-files script when you modify the src/TrustWalletCore.proto file.

Blockchain checklist

When implementing a new blockchain make sure you go through this checklist:

  • Implement functionality in C++. Put it in a subfolder of src/.
    • Address (if necessary)
    • Transaction (if necessary)
    • Signer
  • Write unit tests. Put them in a subfolder of tests/.
    • Mnemonic phrase - > Address derivation test. Put this test in the CoinTests.cpp file
  • Add relevant constants in TWCoinType, TWP2SHPrefix, TWEthereymChainID, TWHRP, etc., as necessary.
  • Return correct curve and purpose in src/Coin.cpp.
  • Implement address validation and derivation in src/Coin.cpp.
  • Implement coin configuration src/include/TWCoinTypeConfiguration.cpp.
  • Write interface header in include/TrustWalletCore and implement the interface in src/interface.
    • Address interface (if necessary).
    • Signing interface.
  • Validate generated code in Android an iOS projects. Write integration tests for each.

Also check out the Adding Support for a New Blockchain document.


Before releasing please update the version numbers in android/ and TrustWalletCore.podspec and commit this change. Then create a new git tag for that number and push (replace 0.0.0 with the actual version number):

git tag 0.0.0
git push
git push origin 0.0.0


Run then tools/ios-release. This will build, archive and upload a Cocoapod. You need to be registered as an owner for the pod.


First Time

  1. See to set up GPG signing.
  2. Get a OSSRH username and password, get added to the group ID.
  3. Install PGP Tools : brew install gnupg -
  4. Create ~/.gradle/ and add your information from the previous steps:
  • Generate GPG Key
  • Send Key to the server using the installed tool GPG Keychain
  • Generate the signing.keyId value:
$ gpg --list-keys --keyid-format short
  • Get the .gpg secret key that will be assigned to signing.secretKeyRingFile parameter:
$ gpg --export-secret-keys -o secring.gpg



Every Release

  1. Update the VERSION_NAME in android/
  2. In the android folder run ./gradlew uploadArchive.
  3. Go to the Sonatype webpage. Look for the staging library. It should be at the end of the list. Select it, and press “Close” button.