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File metadata and controls

138 lines (97 loc) · 4.35 KB

Page Management


To facilitate the layout, three specific tags have been added:

  • <page>
  • <page_header>
  • <page_footer>

They must be used as follow:


You must not use <body> and <html> tags.

Page tag


You can use the main following attributes:

Attribute Default Description
pageset new Specify if we want to use the previous page definition (old) or a new one (new)
pagegroup old Specify if we are in the same page group (old) or in a new one (new)
hideheader comma-separate page numbers on which we want to hide the header
hidefooter comma-separate page numbers on which we want to hide the footer
orientation Portrait (P) or Lanscape (L). By default, the orientation specified in the Html2Pdf constructor
format Format to use The list of the available values are here. By default, the orientation specified in the Html2Pdf constructor
style css style
class css class

You can use the following attributes to manage page margin:

Attribute Default Description
backtop 0 value with unit (mm, px, pt, % )
backbottom 0 value with unit (mm, px, pt, % )
backleft 0 value with unit (mm, px, pt, % )
backright 0 value with unit (mm, px, pt, % )

You can use the following attributes to manage page background:

Attribute Default Description
backcolor transparent css color value
backimg url of the image to use
backimgx center x position of the image on the page background: left / center / right / value with unit (mm, px, pt, % )
backimgy middle y position of the image on the page background: top / middle / bottom / value with unit (mm, px, pt, % )
backimgw 100% width on the image on the page background: value with unit (mm, px, pt, % )

You can add a light footer by using the attribute footer. It takes coma-separated values:

Value Description
page display the current page
date display the generation date
time display the generation time
form display a disclamer about form compatibility


It allows to define, for the entire html code included within the layout :

  • margins left, right, top, bottom (backleft, backright, backtop, backbottom)
  • background image, with its position and size (backimg, backimgx, backimgy, backimgw)
  • the background color (backcolor)
  • orientation (orientation) and format (format)
  • simple automatic footer (footer)
  • a header and a footer complex HTML (using tags page_header and page_footer).

It does not limit it-self to one final page of the PDF, but to a set of pages.

Any HTML code will be included automatically within the same layout.

It is possible to reuse the layout of the previous tag page using property pageset = “old.” This also automatically resume the header and the footer.

Page Header tag

Its allows you to use complex HTML as the header of the current page.

Its definition must necessarily be located just after the opening of the <page> tag.

It can contain any valid HTML.

It is REQUIRED to specify the top margin, using the backtop attribute on the <page> tag.

You can use ̀css and class attribute on this specific tag.

Page Footer tag

Its allows you to use complex HTML as the header of the current page.

Its definition must necessarily be located just after the opening of the <page> tag.

It can contain any valid HTML.

It is REQUIRED to specify the top margin, using the backtop attribute on the <page> tag.

You can use css and class attribute on this specific tag.

Margin Explanation

Here's a little explanation of different margins:

<page backtop="7mm" backbottom="7mm" backleft="10mm" backright="10mm"> 
         Page Header 
         Page Footer 

    Page Content 
$pdf = new \Spipu\Html2Pdf\Html2Pdf('P','A4','en', false, 'UTF-8', array(mL, mT, mR, mB)); 

