Tired of setting up everything up from scratch when creating your new Electron/Angular application? ElAn is here to help you with the whole process because it's the all-in-one solution for creating Electron applications with Angular front-end!
ElAn is an automation CLI script that setups Electron application with Angular front-end, helps running development envirnoment and simplifies build and package process. And you don't need to remember all available options because most of the process is navigated through interactive menu.
Install ElAn as global dependency:
npm install -g elan-cli
If you're installing under linux and you get "Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdtemp ...", install like this:
npm install -g elan-cli --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root
You can use following commands:
elan init [your-project-name] - creates a new project and setups it
elan serve [?project-name] - starts dev environment so you can develop your app
elan build [?project-name] - builds the app for production
elan help [?command] - displays help on commands
elan version - displays versions of globaly installed ElAn, Electron and Angular CLI or sets version of the local ElAn project
For more information type elan help
in the console
(tested only on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04)
- Creation of a project with elan init [?project-name]
- Serving in development mode with elan serve [?project-name]
- Building with elan build [?project-name]
- Support for multi-project Angular front-end
- Electron TypeScript support
- Initialize Electron template. For now there are only two - vanilla JS and TypeScript.
- Write proper documentation
- Init Angular multi-project
- Create resources from image for compiler
- Setup if project uses local index.html or loads Express http server
- Start watchers for NG libraries
- Electron wrapper library with pre-defined classes
I'd like to thank all these hard working people and their open source projects because ElAn will not be possible without them:
- NodeJS
- Electron
- Angular
- Electron builder
- Inquirer
- Nodemon
- and all other that this projects depend on...
If you like what I've done so far, star the project to help it reach more people!
If you have ideas or you've found bugs, use the issue tracker to share them with me!