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jhatje edited this page Aug 19, 2011 · 13 revisions

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= Release 3.1.0 (?) =

The main theme is

== Plugins ==

This is the list of proposed plugins for core. The Maintainer is the person responsible for making a plan for the release, organize the different contributions and will be the one that decides when the plugin is ready for release (no new features from that point, stable enough). Reviewer should be some other person that validates the plugin (it works for him too, the API is not useless and not intelligible). Contributors are people that believe have elements to be included in that plug-in, want to take care of some aspect or simply want to "help" (up to the maintainer to do the coordination).

||Plugin name || Info || Status || Maintainer||Reviewer(s)|| Contributors || ||org.csstudio.core.feature || Keep track of core plugins || || Release manager (Gabriele for 3.0.0)|| One for each site || || ||org.csstudio.core.util.feature || Keep track of core-util plugins || || Release manager (Gabriele for 3.0.0)|| One for each site || || ||org.csstudio.auth || Authentication/Authorization || || Jan || ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.csdata || Common data objects for pvs and devices || || Kay/Gabriele || ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.csdata.ui || widgets and ui element that deal with csdata structures|| || ?|| ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.dal || dal as separate plug-in || || Jan || Joerg || Joerg, Cosylab || || || common data structures || || ?|| Bastian? || ? || || || Basic Java utilities for strings, files, etc. || || ?|| Gabriele?, Bastian || Gabriele, Bastian || ||org.csstudio.logging || responsible for configuring the log || || Kay || Gabriele || || || || Defines menus and popup menus using extensions || || Gabriele || ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.ui.util || utilities for SWT/JFace/Draw2d || || Gabriele || ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.remote || remote control as separate plug-in || || Jan || Joerg, Eugen || Joerg, Eugen, Jan || ||org.csstudio.statistics || statistics as separate plug-in || || Jan || ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.startup || Remove dependency to platform || || Kay || ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.utility.pv || utility.pv for inclusion in core || || Kay || ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.utility.pvmanager || pvmanager for inclusion in core || || Gabriele || Kay? || Bastian || ||org.csstudio.workspace || rename the plugin || || || || ||

== Motions ==

Motion 1: Release date is ?.

Motion 2: Release name is ?

Motion 3: Update CSS target platform to Eclipse 3.7

Motion 4: Create a single "Epics 3 support" feature that enables epics for all data providers (DAL, utility.pv, PVManager). Given the multiple providers, that the user should not be aware of which ones each application uses, and the limitation of the eclipse plug-in system, we propose that the features install all plugins for all data providers, even if not installed. At runtime, the unused plugins would not be activated.

Motion 5: Incorporation of unit testing into the headless build process

Motion 6: PVManager Interface to write data (right now, limited to monitors)

Motion 7: Debug plugin for PVManager to see the status of data source connections.

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