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jhatje edited this page Aug 19, 2011 · 13 revisions

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= Release 3.1.0 (?) =

Was released on 5/31/2001 as planned.

The main theme is modularization, splitting the platform plugin into independent chunks.

== Plugins ==

This is the list of proposed plugins for core. The Maintainer is the person responsible for making a plan for the release, organize the different contributions and will be the one that decides when the plugin is ready for release (no new features from that point, stable enough). Reviewer should be some other person that validates the plugin (it works for him too, the API is not useless and not intelligible). Contributors are people that believe have elements to be included in that plug-in, want to take care of some aspect or simply want to "help" (up to the maintainer to do the coordination).

||Plugin name || Info || Status || Maintainer||Reviewer(s)|| Contributors || ||org.csstudio.core.feature || Keep track of core plugins || Done || Release manager (Gabriele for 3.0.0)|| One for each site || || ||org.csstudio.core.util.feature || Keep track of core-util plugins || Done || Release manager (Gabriele for 3.0.0)|| One for each site || || ||org.csstudio.auth || Authentication/Authorization || Done || Jan || ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.csdata || Common data objects for pvs and devices || Done || Kay/Gabriele || ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.csdata.ui || widgets and ui element that deal with csdata structures|| || ?|| ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.dal || dal as separate plug-in || Dropped from 3.0.0 || Jan || Joerg || Joerg, Cosylab || || || common data structures || Done || ?|| Bastian? || ? || || || Basic Java utilities for strings, files, etc. || Groundwork done || ?|| Gabriele?, Bastian || Gabriele, Bastian || ||org.csstudio.logging || responsible for configuring the log || Done || Kay || Gabriele || || || || Defines menus and popup menus using extensions || Done || Gabriele || ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.ui.util || utilities for SWT/JFace/Draw2d || Groundwork done || Gabriele || ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.remote || remote control as separate plug-in || Done || Jan || Joerg, Eugen || Joerg, Eugen, Jan || ||org.csstudio.statistics || statistics as separate plug-in || Dropped from 3.0.0 || Jan || ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.startup || Remove dependency to platform || Done (needs review in 3.1.0) || Kay || ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.utility.pv || utility.pv for inclusion in core || Done || Kay || ? || ? || ||org.csstudio.utility.pvmanager || pvmanager for inclusion in core || Done || Gabriele || Kay? || Bastian || ||org.csstudio.workspace || rename the plugin || Done (needs review in 3.1.0) || || || ||

== Postponed / TODO ==

  • look for commonalities in startuphelpers from BNL/SNS
  • org.csstudio.dal
  • org.csstudio.statistics
  • org.csstudio.openfile - REVIEW (probably need a full featured extension point for using commandline arguments)
  • org.csstudio.workspace – REVIEW (this was taken as it was and renamed. At the very least, the package name should be consistent)
  • org.csstudio.csdata.clipboard – REVIEW (can we have a generic clipboard action that leverages the work done for D’n’D?)
  • org.csstudio.ui.util – if needed, review and consolidate
  • – if needed, review and consolidate

== Motions ==

Motion 1: release date 5/31/2011. ''Accepted''

Motion 2: the next release number shall be CSS-Core 3.0.0. ''Accepted''

Motion 3: there should be a cute name to indicate the release, like other projects do (like Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon, …). ''Accepted''

Motion 4: “Alluring Albatross” for first release. ''Accepted''

Motion 4.5: The next release name is picked by DESY, the following by SNS. ''Accepted''

Motion 5: the main theme should be modularization. ''Accepted''

Motion 6: create new features for "core" and "core-utils" so that it’s more clear what they are. ''Accepted''

Motion 7: create org.csstudio.platform.core.feature that will contain all plugins that everybody requires (one site not wanting it makes it not part of this feature). ''Accepted''

Motion 8: create org.csstudio.platform.util.feature that will contain all plugins that anybody believe should be part of core (one site wanting it makes part of this, the maintainer has to agree to give support and keep the interfaces somewhat stable). Each site will include any number of these plug-ins. The feature is there so that once a plug-in is part of the feature the build will pick it up. ''Accepted''

Motion 9: org.csstudio.logging plugin. ''Accepted''

--> Add motions for Kays proposals

Motion 10: Basic Java utilities for strings, files, ... ''Accepted''

Motion 11: org.csstudio.ui: Utilities for SWT/JFace/Draw2D to create Dialogs, ... ''Accepted''

Motion 11.5: org.csstudio.csdata.ui for ui elements that depend on the data structures. ''Accepted''

Motion 12: workspace: Workbench, workspace tools. ''Accepted''

Motion 13: org.csstudio.auth: Authentication/Authorization. ''Accepted''

Motion 14: org.csstudio.csdata: Control system data types (PV name, time, alarm, values). ''Accepted''

Motion 15: remote control as separate plug-in. ''Accepted''

Motion 16: org.csstudio.statistics as separate plug-in. ''Accepted''

Motion 17: org.csstudio.platform.dal as separate plug-in. ''Accepted''

Motion 18: utility.pv as a core plug-in. ''Accepted''

Motion 18.5: IValue as now used by utility.pv and archive code as a separate plugin. ''Accepted''

Motion 19: PVManager as a core plug-in. ''Accepted''

Motion 20: the org.csstudio.platform will remain. As pieces are taken out, platform will depend on these pieces. ''Accepted''

Motion 20.5: To make it more obvious what 'remains' and what has been re-designed, stop using 'platform' for the new plugins. ''Accepted''

Motion 20.6: Don't put anything in the plugin name that determines whether it's core or core-utils, given that plugins may change status. ''Accepted''

Motion 21: we should have a cs-studio-stable-branch which contains only released plug-ins, at least for core. Any pushed plug-in there should increase the release number of the plug-in. ''Accepted''

Motion 22: create a script that crawls the repository and creates an HTML page with the plug-in maintainers and pushes it on sourceforge. ''Accepted''

Motion 22.5: Each plugin source contains an INFO file with brief information that's also included in the HTML page, so it can be a table of Pluging Name, Maintainers, Info. '''Rejected'''

Motion 22.6: Use Bundle-Description for the info field. This way we parse one thing, it's actually distributed and recognized by OSGi. Eclipse does not have a field in the UI editing for this, but if you put "Bundle-Description" in the MANIFEST.MF it's recognized. ''Accepted''

Motion 23: investigate how to include/run the unit tests as part of the build (BNL/DESY both proposed something similar). ''Accepted''

Motion 23.5: Move test code in fragments (e.g. plugin org.csstudio.pvmanager and fragment org.csstudio.pvmanager.test). We get rid of test code and the mock-libs in CSS products. ''Accepted'[[BR]] ''(Modified: Move test code into its own source tree. Use separate fragment if test code requires other plugins or libraries beyond junit)''

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