Solutions to the problem sets from MIT OpenCourseWare 600sc
Problem set 1-1:
Find the balance and total ammount paid for a credit card, if only the minimum monthly payment is made for 12 months (rounding to the nearest penny)
Problem: My program will report a Balance that is not rounded to the nearest penny after the while loop executes several months, and I'm not sure why. Only floats rounded to the nearest penny can influence the balance calculation. Rounding the balance seperately after performing the monthly calculations does not seem to have an effect. I'm guessing that its just the weird nature of floats in python.
Problem set 1-2a:
Find the monthly payment required to pay off the balance in 12 months (using a guess/check method in increments of $10)
Recitation 3 Tuple Examples:
Transcribed and added from the video. Not available as of yet on OCW website.