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TinkerPop 3.0.0 (A Gremlin Rāga in 7/16 Time)

gremlin hindu


  • The REST API in Gremlin Server now requires parameters to be defined with a "bindings." prefix.

  • Modified the REST API in Gremlin Server to accept rebindings.

  • Added rebindings optional argument to sessionless requests to allow global bindings to be rebound as needed.

  • Added LazyBarrierStrategy which "stalls" a traversal of a particular form in order to gain a bulking optimization.

  • CollectingBarrierStep supports maxBarrierSize for "lazy barrier," memory conservation.

  • Scoping now has getScope(), setScope(), and getScopeKeys().

  • ScopingStrategy is smart about settings based on traversal labels.

  • and Scope.local both account for traversal side-effects. The distinction is between path and map.

  • Refactored SSL support in the Gremlin Server/Driver.

  • Factored out ServerGremlinExecutor which contains the core elements of server-side script execution in Gremlin Server.

  • Bumped to netty 4.0.28.Final.

  • Refactored the Mutating interface and introduce CallbackRegistry interface around EventStrategy.

  • Changed onReadWrite and onClose of AbstractTransaction to be synchronized.

  • Added LabelP to support index lookups and has() filtering on Neo4jGraph multi-label vertices.

  • AddEdgeStep now supports both and Scope.local semantics.

  • Added a fully defined set of Graph.Feature implementations to EmptyGraph.

  • Dropped dependency on org.json:json - used existing Jackson dependency.

  • Added back neo4j-gremlin as the licensing of the Neo4j API is now Apache2.

  • Added willAllowId method to features related to vertices, edges and vertex properties to test if an identifier can be use when supportsUserSuppliedIds is true.

  • Fixed a bug in GraphTraversal.choose(predicate,trueTraversal,falseTraversal).

  • Removed MapTraversal, MapTraverserTraversal, FilterTraversal, and FilterTraverserTraversal as these are simply and __.filter(predicate).

  • Include hadoop-gremlin Hadoop configuration sample files in Gremlin Console distribution.

  • Iteration of results in Gremlin Server occur in the same thread as evaluation and prior to transaction close.

  • TinkerGraphComputer now supports every ResultGraph/Persist combination.

  • GraphComputerTest extended with validation of the semantics of all ResultGraph/Persist combinations.

  • GiraphGraphComputer no longer requires an extra iteration and MapReduce job to derive the full Memory result.

  • SparkGraphComputer now supports InputRDD and OutputRDD to allow vendors/users to use a SparkContext to read/write the graph adjacency list.

  • Added Scoping.getScopeValueByKey() method so all "selecting" steps use the same pattern for map, path, and sideEffect data retrieval.

TinkerPop 3.0.0.M9 (Release Date: May 26, 2015)

  • Removed GraphComputer.isolation() as all implementations use standard BSP.

  • Added a Gremlin Server LifeCycleHook to ensure that certain scripts execute once at startup and once at shutdown.

  • has(key) and hasNot(key) are now aliases for where(values(key)) and where(not(values(key))), respectively.

  • TinkerGraph classes are now final to restrict user and vendor extension.

  • Added TraversalStrategy.VendorOptimization to ensure that all TinkerPop optimizations execute first on the known TinkerPop steps.

  • Added TailGlobalStep and TailLocalStep (tail()) which gets objects from the end of the traversal stream.

  • AndStep and OrStep are now simply markers where WhereStep(a.and(b).and(c)...and(z)) is the compilation.

  • Moved Compare, Contains, Order, Operator, and P to process/traversal from structure/ as they are process-based objects.

  • HasContainer now uses P predicate as helper methods and tests are more thorough on P.

  • Changed Gremlin Server integration/performance tests to be runnable from within the gremlin-server directory or from the project root.

  • Moved the string methods of TraversalHelper to StringFactory.

  • Renamed JSON-related serializers for Gremlin Server to be more consistent with GraphSON naming.

  • Removed HasTraversalStep in favor of new P.traversal model with HasStep.

  • Fixed bug in WsGremlinTextRequestDecoder where custom serializers from graphs were not being used.

  • Added AndP which allows for the and()-ing of P predicates.

  • Order.opposite() is now reversed() as that is a Comparator interface method with the same semantics.

  • Compare/Contains/P.opposite() are now negate() as that is a BiPredicate interface method with the same semantics.

  • has(traversal) is replaced by where(traversal) and has(key,traversal). HasXXX is always with respects to an element property.

  • Added TraversalScriptHelper with static methods for dynamically creating a Traversal from a JSR 223 ScriptEngine.

  • Changed SubgraphStrategy to take Traversal rather than Predicate for filtering.

  • Improved SubgraphStrategy to only modify the Traversal if filtering was required.

  • Improved logging of errors in the HttpGremlinEndpointHandler to include a stracktrace if one was present.

  • Moved AbstractGremlinSuite.GraphProviderClass to org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.GraphProviderClass.

  • Simplified the Gremlin-Groovy test suite where there is now no distinction between STANDARD and COMPUTER tests.

  • VertexProgram and MapReduce now add a Graph parameter to loadState(Graph, Configuration).

  • Added ScopingStrategy which auto-scopes select() and where() so the language looks clean.

  • Added Scoping as a marker interface to state that a step desires a particular Scope.

  • SelectStep, SelectOneStep, and WhereStep support both Scope.local and for Map<String,Object> or Path analysis, respectively.

  • Fixed a bug in the TraversalStrategies sort algorithm.

  • Removed numerous unused static utility methods in TraversalHelper.

  • TinkerGraph process suite tests are now running with and without strategies in place.

  • Added IncidentToAdjacentStrategy which rewrites outE().inV(), inE().outV() and bothE().otherV() to out(), in() and both() respectively.

  • Renamed ComparatorHolderRemovalStrategy to OrderGlobalRemovalStrategy as it now only applies to OrderGlobalStep.

  • Anonymous traversal no longer have EmptyGraph as their graph, but instead use Optional<Graph>.isPresent() == false.

  • Added Traversal.Admin.setGraph(Graph) as strategies that need reference to the graph, need it across all nested traversals.

  • AbstractLambdaTraversal is now smart about TraversalParent and TraversalStrategies.

  • Fixed bug in GraphML reader that was not allowing <edge> elements to come before <node> elements as allowable by the GraphML specification.

  • Added VertexFeature.getCardinality.

  • Added AdjacentToIncidentStrategy which rewrites out().count() to outE().count() (and similar such patterns).

  • GryoPool now takes a Configuration object which allows setting the size of the pool and the IoRegistry instance.

  • Added PersistResultGraphAware interface which is used by OutputFormats to specify persistence possibilities for a Hadoop GraphComputer.

  • ElementIdStrategy now allows the identifier property to be set directly (and not only by specifying

  • Added sample configuration files for registering a TraversalStrategy in Gremlin Server.

  • Added response status code for NO_CONTENT to represent output for a successful script execution without a result (e.g. an empty Iterator).

  • Removed the notion of a "terminator" message from the Gremlin Server protocol - new response status code for PARTIAL_CONTENT.

  • Path and Step labels are ordered by the order in which the respective addLabel() calls were made.

  • A Step now has a Set<String> of labels. Updated as() to take a var args of labels.

  • Dropped BatchGraph from the code base - it will be replaced by bulk loader functionality over OLAP.

  • TraversalSideEffects now implements Optional semantics. Less code as Java8 provides the helper methods.

  • TraversalScriptSupplier now takes an Object var args for setting ScriptEngine bindings if needed.

  • Compare is now more lenient on Number-types.

  • Removed Compare.inside and Compare.outside as they are not primitive comparators and should be composed from primitives.

  • Introduced P (predicate) for cleaner looking is(), has(), and where() calls — e.g. has('age',eq(32)).

  • GraphTraversalSource is now the location for withXXX() operations. No longer do they exist at GraphTraversal.

  • All Traverser objects now extend from AbstractTraverser or a child that ultimately extends from AbstractTraverser.

  • OLTP select() now returns a list for traversals with duplicate labels (as this was a unintended side-effect of SparsePath).

  • Removed the SparsePath optimization as it led to numerous corner-case inconsistencies.

  • VertexWritable serializes and deserializes the StarGraph object — no more intermediate DetachedXXX objects.

  • Gremlin Server better supports the settings for the high and low watermark that will slow writes to clients that are lagging.

  • Added GraphReader.readObject() and GraphWriter.writeObject abstractions for those implementations that can support them.

  • Altered GraphWriter.writeVertices() method to take an Iterator of vertices rather than a Traversal.

  • GraphSON format for output from GraphWriter.writeVertex, GraphWriter.writeVertices, and GraphWriter.writeGraph have all changed now that they use StarGraph serialization.

  • Gryo format for output from GraphWriter.writeVertex, GraphWriter.writeVertices, and GraphWriter.writeGraph have all changed now that they use StarGraph serialization.

  • Added read and write methods to GraphReader and GraphWriter for Property and VertexProperty.

  • Reduced object creation in GraphSON during serialization.

  • Moved T tokens to the structure/ package as its more general than process/.

  • Attachable.attach() now takes a Method to determine whether to attach via GET, CREATE, or GET_OR_CREATE.

  • Decreased size of Gremlin Server RequestMessage and ResponseMessage serialization payloads and reduced object creation.

  • Graph.empty() no longer required with the introduction of ShellGraph which is a placeholder for a graph class and computer.

  • VertexProperty.Cardinality default is now vendor chosen. If the vendor has not preference, they should use Cardinality.single.

  • Messenger.receiveMessages() no longer takes a MessageScope and thus, consistent behavior between message-passing and message-pulling systems.

  • Changed the gremlin.tests environment variable for test filtering to the more standard convention of GREMLIN_TESTS and made it work for all test suites.

  • Removed back()-step as select()-step provides the same behavior with more intelligent optimizations and by()-modulation.

  • Removed Graph.Helper method annotation and related infrastructure in tests.

  • Modified header of Gryo to be 16 bytes instead of 32 (and removed the version stamp).

  • Removed the concept of handling version in Gryo via the builder as it wasn’t really accomplishing the capability of ensuring backward compatibility.

  • Moved Exceptions.propertyRemovalNotSupported from Element to Property for consistency.

  • Provided a method for Gremlin Server to bind TraversalSource objects for use in scripts.

  • Modified the reference implementation for dealing with "custom" identifier serialization in GraphSON - See IoTest.CustomId for the example.

  • Modified g.vertices/edges and related methods and tests to support non-type specific querying (e.g. g.V(1) and g.V(1L) should both return the same result now).

  • TinkerGraph supports an IdManager which helps enforce identifier types and improve flexibility in terms of how it will respond to queries around identifiers.

  • DetachedXXX now uses the standard structure/ exceptions for unsupported operations.

  • Added private constructors to all Exceptions inner classes in the respective structure/ interfaces.

  • Re-introduced ReferenceXXX to ensure a smaller data footprint in OLAP situation (DetachedXXX uses too much data).

  • Attachable now has a set of static exception messages in an Exceptions inner class.

  • Added StarGraph which is a heap efficient representation of a vertex and its incident edges (useful for GraphComputer implementations).

  • TraverserSet uses a FastNoSuchElementException on remove() for increased performance.

  • Add Profiling interface to enable vendors to receive a Step's MutableMetrics.

TinkerPop 3.0.0.M8 (Release Date: April 6, 2015)

  • Removed Neo4j-Gremlin from this distribution due to GPL licensing. Working with Neo4j team to reintroduce by M9.

  • Altered structure of plugin directories for Gremlin Server and Gremlin Console to allow for the full lib directory with all dependencies and the lighter plugin directory which contains filtered dependencies given the path.

  • Improved OptOut to allow for exclusion of a group of tests by specifying a base test class.

  • GraphComputerTest is now Java8 specific and much easier to extend with new test cases.

  • Merged the gremlin-algorithm module into gremlin-test.

  • Removed LambdaVertexProgram and LambdaMapReduce as it will be one less thing to maintain.

  • Gremlin Console accepts a max-iteration configuration via the standard :set command to limit result iteration.

  • default behavior is now Cardinality.single.

  • Added ElementIdStrategy as a TraversalStrategy.

  • Introduce AbstractTransaction to simplify implementation of standard transactional features for vendors.

  • Added EventStrategy to generate Graph modification events to listeners.

  • Added test to enforce return of an empty Property on if no meta properties exist.

  • Added methods to registered transaction completion listeners on Transaction and provided a default implementation.

  • Fixed bug in Neo4j where return of an empty meta property was returning a NullPointerException.

  • Refactored step API — the TinkerPop3 steps are the foundation for any domain specific language (including graph).

  • MapReduce now has workerStart(Stage) and workerEnd(Stage) methods with analagous semantics to VertexProgram.

  • Hadoop-Gremlin ObjectWritable now leverages Kryo for data serialization.

  • GiraphGraphComputer supports arbitrary objects as the vertex id — previously, only long ids were supported.

  • Added VertexProgramPool to support thread safe pooling of vertex programs for graph computers that provide threaded workers.

  • Added GryoPool to support thread safe pooling of Gryo readers and writers.

  • Added TraversalSource which contextualizes a traversal to a graph, DSL, execution engine, and runtime strategies.

  • Added AddVertexStep (addV), AddPropertyStep (property), and changed AddEdgeStep to a map-step instead of a sideEffect-step.

  • Added compile method to GremlinExecutor and related classes.

  • Fixed bug in Gremlin Server that was generating extra response messages on script evaluation errors.

  • Changed the Memory API to not return the mutated value on or, and, incr as it is too difficult to implement faithfully in a distributed system.

  • Added SparkGraphComputer to Hadoop-Gremlin which uses Apache Spark as the underlying computing engine.

  • Renamed "Gremlin Kryo" to "Gryo".

  • Refactored TinkerWorkerPool to use ExecutorService so as to reuse threads when executing graph computer functions.

  • Removed Reducing.Reducer and ReducingStrategy. Previous Reducing classes are now MapReducer classes.

  • Refactored the "process" test suite to allow for better test configuration with respect to different TraversalEngine implementations.

  • Added hasNot(traversal) which is a faster way of doing has(traversal.count().is(0L)).

  • TraversalStrategy.apply(traversal) is the new method signature as the TraversalEngine can be retrieved from the Traversal.

  • TraversalEngine is now an interface and provided to the traversal by the graph. Graph methods added to set the desired traversal engine to use.

  • Added count(local), sum(local), max(local), min(local), mean(local), dedup(local), sample(local) and range(local) for operating on the local object (e.g. collection, map, etc.).

  • TraversalComparator exists which allows for order().by(outE().count(),decr).

  • Added Apache Rat plugin to detect the proper inclusion of license headers in files.

  • A Traversal now respects thread interruption during iteration, throwing a TraversalInterruptionException if it encounters interruption on the current thread.

  • Apache refactoring: com.tinkerpoporg.apache.tinkerpop.

  • Traversal is now Serializable and with most queries no longer needing lambdas, Gremlin-Java works over the wire.

  • Added VertexProperty.Cardinality with list, set, and single. No more Vertex.singleProperty() method.

  • Added RangeByIsCountStrategy that adds a RangeStep in front of .count().is(<predicate>, <value>) to minimize the amount of fetched elements.

  • Added CoalesceStep / coalesce() that emits the first traversal which emits at least one element.

  • Added more syntactic sugar tricks to the Gremlin sugar plugin — &, |, select from, gt, etc.

  • Traversal.Admin is consistent internal to steps, traversals, strategies, etc. For the user, Traversal is all they see.

  • TraversalHolder is now called TraversalParent with the child/parent terminology used throughout.

  • Added GroovyEnvironmentPerformanceSuite.

  • Provided more robust shutdown capabilities for the thread pools used in GremlinExecutor.

  • A massive process/ package reorganization — class names are still the same, just in new packages.

  • Bumped neo4j-graph to Neo4j 2.1.6.

  • Bumped to Groovy 2.4.1.

  • Added a new "performance" test suite for Gremlin Process.

  • Steps now only operate with traversals — no more lambdas. Lambda→Traversal conversion utilities added.

  • SideEffectStep always requires a Consumer. Steps that were consumer-less simply extends AbstractStep.

  • Simplified the Neo4jGraph implementation by now allowing cypher() mid-traversal. Only available via g.cypher().

  • Moved clock() out of the Utility plugin. It is now available to both Groovy and Java.

  • Changed the OptOut annotation to allow for ignoring an entire test case using a wildcard.

  • Added AndStep and OrStep filters to support arbitrary conjunction of traversals.

  • __ is now a class with static GraphTraversal methods and thus repeat(out()) is possible.

  • Added IsStep / .is() that supports filtering scalar values.

  • Neo4jGraph and TinkerGraph no longer create new Feature instances on each feature check.

  • Added Compare.inside and Compare.outside for testing ranges. Removed between() as now its has('age',inside,[10,30]).

  • GraphTraversal.has() no longer requires the element type to be cast in the traversal definition.

  • Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException bug in TinkerGraph that occurred when doing full vertex/edge scans and removing elements along the way.

  • Added Scope.local and in support of OrderLocalStep and OrderGlobalStep via order(scope).

  • Added Order.keyIncr, Order.keyDecr, Order.valueIncr, and Order.valueDecr in support of Map sorting.

  • Added Order.shuffle and removed shuffle() in favor of order().by(shuffle).

  • Changed Order implements Comparator<Comparable> to Order implements Comparator<Object> as its now generalized to multiple types of objects.

  • The maxContentLength setting in Gremlin Server is now respected by the HTTP/REST Gremlin endpoint.

  • Fixed resource leak in the HTTP/REST Gremlin endpoint of Gremlin Server.

  • Refactored Gremlin Server start and stop functions to return CompletableFuture.

  • HTTP REST error response JSON objects from Gremlin Server should no longer have issues with control characters, line feeds, etc.

  • Added MeanStep, mean(), and MeanNumber for calculating number averages in a traversal.

  • Greatly simplified all the traversal MapReduce implementations due to the introduction of VertexTraversalSideEffects.

  • Added VertexTraversalSideEffects as a cheap, static way to get a sideEffect-view of a vertex in OLAP.

  • Added TraversalHelper.isLocalStarGraph() which determines if a traversal is contained within the local star graph.

  • Added TraversalVerificationStrategy to verify if the traversal can be executed on respective engine.

  • Refactored GraphTraversal.cap() to GraphTraversal.cap(String...) to support multi-sideEffect grabs.

  • Added GraphSON serialization for Path.

  • Added Traversal.Admin.getTraverserRequirements() and removed TraversalHelper.getTraverserRequirements(Traversal).

  • Traversal.equals() is no longer computed by determining if the objects returned are equal.

  • Altered messaging in Gremlin Console when using a remote that is not yet activated.

  • Fixed potential for deadlock in Gremlin Driver when waiting for results from the server.

  • Added the useMapperFromGraph serializer option to the Gremlin Server configuration file to allow auto-registration of serialization classes.

  • Refactored Netty pipeline structure to not have a second "Gremlin" executor group and instead used a standard ExecutorService.

  • Refactored the GremlinExecutor to take an optional transformation function so as to allow manipulation of results from eval in the same thread of execution.

  • Fixed issue with the HttpGremlinEndpointHandler where requests were getting blocked when keep-alive was on.

  • Added MinStep and MaxStep with respective min() and max().

  • CountStep and SumStep now extend ReducingBarrierStep and no longer are sideEffect steps.

  • SideEffectCapStep now extends SupplyingBarrier and is much simpler than before.

  • Added SupplyingBarrier which simply drains the traversal and emits the value of a provided supplier.

  • Added TraversalLambda which implements function, predicate, and consumer over a provided traversal.

  • Any non-core Step that takes a function or predicate can now take a traversal which maps to (function) and traversal.hasNext() (predicate).

  • CollectingBarrierStep is no longer abstract and added GraphTraversal.barrier() which is analogous to fold().unfold(), though cheaper.

  • Added TraversalOptionHolder for branching steps to index works with corresponding GraphTraversal.option().

  • BranchStep is now a proper generalization of UnionStep and ChooseStep.

  • SubgraphStep has changed in support of in-traversal filtering and removing the need for path-based traversers.

  • Added HasTraversalStep which takes an anonymous traversal to determine whether or not to filter the current object.

  • Added Traversal.Admin.getStartStep() and Traversal.Admin.getEndStep(). Removed TraversalHelper.getStart() and TraversalHelper.getEnd().

  • Refactored profile() to use injected steps. ProfileStep can now be used without any special JVM command line parameters.

  • Added ReducingBarrierStep which acts like CollectingBarrierStep but operates on a seed with a bi-function.

  • Added a preprocessor for AsciiDocs. Documentation code examples are executed and the results are dynamically inserted into the doc file.

  • LocalStep traversal is treated as a branch, not an isolated traversal. Moreover, moved LocalStep to branch/.

  • Traversal strategies are now applied when the TraversalVertexProgram state is loaded, not when submitted. Less error prone as it guarantees strategy application.

  • Reworked TraversalHolder where there are "local traversals" and "global traversals". Local traversals are not subject to OLAP message passing.

  • Fixed a bug in DedupStep that made itself apparent in DedupOptimizerStrategy.

  • Added RepeatStep.RepeatEndStep in order to reduce the complexity of the code on OLAP when the predicates are not at the start of RepeatStep.

TinkerPop 3.0.0.M7 (Release Date: January 19, 2015)

  • Added SideEffectRegistrar interface and SideEffectRegistrationStrategy for allowing steps to register sideEffects at strategy application time.

  • Renamed Traverser.Admin.setFuture() and Traverser.Admin.getFuture() to setStepId() and getStepId(), respectively.

  • Added TraversalMatrix for random access to steps in a traversal by their step id. Used by TraversalVertexProgram.

  • Added unique identifies to Step that are not the user provided labels. Step.getLabel() now returns an Optional<String>.

  • Removed UnionLinearStrategy, ChooseLinearStrategy, and RepeatLinearStrategy as nested traversals are now natively supported in OLAP.

  • Fixed Neo4jGraph around manual transaction behavior on commit and rollback such that they would throw exceptions if a transaction was not open.

  • Redesigned the hidden step labeling mechanism so its consistent across a cluster, easier for rewrite strategies, and will enable nested OLAP traversals.

  • Traverser.incrLoops() now takes a string step label to enable nested looping constructs (i.e. loop stacks).

  • Added Traversal.tryNext() which returns an Optional, where the provided default method should be sufficient for all vendors.

  • Removed PathConsumer in favor of TraverserRequirement.PATH-model via Step.getRequirements().

  • Step.getRequirements() returns a Set<TraverserRequirement> which is what is required of the Traverser by the Step.

  • Traverser now extends Cloneable and Traverser.clone() is used to good effect in Traverser.split().

  • Added AbstractTraverser for which all traversers extend.

  • Moved Traversal.SideEffects to TraversalSideEffects as sideEffects are not necessarily tied to the traversal.

  • Removed Graph.of() for generating anonymous graph traversals — replaced by __-model.

  • Removed Graph being stored in Traversal.SideEffects. Too dangerous when moving between OLTP and OLAP and its limited uses were worked around easily.

  • No need for DefaultXXXGraphTraversal unless the vendor is extending with new methods (e.g. DefaultNeo4jGraphTraversal).

  • Reworked TraversalStrategies such that the are "emanating object class"-dependant, not Traversal dependent.

  • Moved Traverser.sideEffects() to Traverser.asAdmin().getSideEffects(). Users should use Traverser.sideEffects(key) and Traverser.sideEffects(key,value).

  • Added SerializationTest to the StructureStandardSuite in gremlin-test which validates serialization at a lower level than IoTest.

  • Removed IntervalStep and renamed interval() to between() which is simply an alias to a has().has() chain.

  • Added __ static interface which allows for __.out().out()-style construction of anonymous traversals (instead of g.of()).

  • The only GraphTraversal steps that operate on Traverser are the base lambdas and repeat() (i.e. emit() and until()).

  • Removed dependency on the reflections library in gremlin-test which removed the default implementation of GraphProvider.getImplementations() - vendors now need to implement this method themselves.

  • Relaxed the <S> typing requirement for anonymous traversals when applied to choose(), repeat(), union(), etc.

  • Removed LoopStep and UntilStep in favor of the new RepeatStep model of looping in Gremlin3.

  • BranchStep is now exposed in GraphTraversal via branch(function).

  • UnionStep now implements TraversalHolder.

  • Added RepeatStep as the new looping construct supporting do/while, while/do, and emit semantics.

  • Moved Traversal.sideEffects() to Traversal.Admin.getSideEffects() as cap() should be used to access the sideEffect data of a traversal.

  • Renamed vendor XXXTraversal to XXXGraphTraversal (interface) and XXXGraphTraversal to DefaultXXXGraphTraversal (implementation class).

  • Modified packaging for console plugins to be more consistent by moving them to the com.tinkerpop.gremlin.console.groovy.plugin namespace.

  • Removed all TinkerPop specific dependencies to Guava to avoid user version conflicts.

  • Added support for -e (script file execution) and -v (version display) options on

  • GraphSON supports the assignment of multiple custom serialization modules.

  • Traverser.get(stepLabel/sideEffectKey) no longer exists. There now exists: Traverser.path(stepLabel) and Traverser.sideEffects(sideEffectKey).

  • SimpleTraverser now supports "path" but in a very loose, global cache way. Added SparsePath as a Map-backed Path implementation.

  • Provided Neo4j multi-label support in Neo4j-Gremlin. Added three Neo4jVertex-specific methods: addLabel(), removeLabel(), labels().

  • Bumped to Groovy 2.3.9.

  • Added Graph.Io interface which allows for simplified helper methods for end users and a way for vendors to override GraphReader and GraphWriter initial construction when custom serializers are needed.

  • Removed methods from GraphProvider related to customizing serializers in IoTest from the test suite as the new Graph.Io interface now serves that purpose.

  • Added Neo4jGraph.checkElementsInTransaction(boolean) which will (or not) verify whether elements retrieved via Neo4j global graph operations are transactionally consistent.

  • Added ScriptInputFormat and ScriptOutputFormat to Hadoop-Gremlin for reading and writing a file according to an arbitrary parsing script.

  • Added TimeLimitStep.getTimedOut() to determine if the step timed out or there were no more objects to process.

  • Graph.System is now Graph.Hidden with "hidden" being the vendor namespace and the key prefix being ~.

  • Much better toString() handling in Step and Traversal.

  • ComparatorHolder<V> interface returns a List<Comparator<V>> instead of a Comparator<V>[].

  • T now implements Function<Element,Object>.

  • Added ElementValueComparator and ElementFunctionComparator in support of vendor introspection on ComparatorHolder-steps.

  • Renamed Comparing marker interface to ComparatorHolder.

  • FunctionHolder interface provides vendor introspection via ElementValueFunction.

  • Removed OrderByStep as it is now just order() with a by()-based comparator.

  • Added SampleStep (sample()) to allow for sampling the set of previous objects. Useful for doing random walks with local().

  • Renamed random() to coin() to better express that the filter is a random coin toss.

  • Added by()-projection to modulate the meaning of post-processing steps like aggregate(), groupCount(), path(), order(), etc.

  • Removed the Strategy interface and gave StrategyGraph direct access to the GraphStrategy.

  • Added Graph.strategy() to help instantiate StrategyGraph instances.

  • Modified the signature of all GraphStrategy methods to include an parameter that contains a reference to the "composing strategy".

  • PartitionStrategy hides the specified partition key from view when iterating properties, keys, etc.

  • Change construction of GraphStrategy implementations to be consistent with singleton instances and builder pattern.

  • Added Graph.Helper annotation to "protected" certain default interface methods from implementation by vendors.

  • Transaction retry functions now work with "manual" transactions.

  • Improved error messaging when importing "legacy" GraphSON that was not generated with "extended" properties.

  • Renamed "iterator" related methods in the GraphStrategy interface to be consistent with the method names they represent.

  • PropertyMapStep (valueMap()) now takes a boolean to state if the tokens of the element are desired along with its properties.

  • HadoopGraph now connected to the StructureProcessSuite.

  • HadoopGraph no longer supports Graph.Variables as they were in-memory. A persistence mechanism can be introduced in the future.

  • Hidden properties removed in favor of using GraphStrategy for such features.

  • Edge.iterators().vertexIterator(BOTH) now guarantees OUT then IN vertex iterator order.

  • Graph.v(Object) and Graph.e(Object) no longer exist. Instead, use Graph.V(Object... ids) and Graph.E(Object... ids).

  • Added Graph.Iterators to allow access to vertex and edge iterators based on element ids and bypassing GraphTraversal.

  • Renamed GraphStrategy implementations to be less verbose - removed the word "Graph" from their names (e.g. IdGraphStrategy simply changed to IdStrategy).

  • Removed Step.NO_OBJECT as the problem is solves can be solved with proper use of flatMap and EmptyTraverser.

  • Path is now part of GraphSerializer and thus, not specific to a particular implementation of Path.

  • Added messaging to show files being downloaded when using the Gremlin Server "install" command.

  • Added test name and class arguments to the GraphProvider.loadGraphWith method.

  • Merged ReferencedXXX and DetachedXXX so that all migration of graph element data is via DetachedXXX.

  • Added StaticVertexProgram and StaticMapReduce which simply return this on clone().

  • VertexProgram and MapReduce now implement Cloneable and is used for fast copying across workers within the same machine.

  • Added TraversalHolder interface which extends PathConsumer to determine recursively if nested traversals require path calculations turned on.

  • Reworked how a TraverserGenerator is retrieved and utilized.

  • Added Traversal.toBulkSet() to make getting resultant data more efficiently for traversals with repeated data.

  • Provided a helper LocalStep.isLocalStarGraph() so GraphComputer implementers know the requisite data boundaries.

  • Created Traversal.Admin to hide administrative methods. Added Traversal.asAdmin() to get at Traversal.Admin.

  • Fixed up all Step cloning operations realizing that Java8 lambdas are always bound to the calling class (no delegates).

  • Usage of :remote close without configured remotes shows a reasonable message rather than a stack trace.

  • Provided LocalStep to signify that the internal traversal is locally bound to the incoming object.

  • Failed script evaluation in Gremlin Server now triggers the cancel of the process attempting to timeout the script if it were to run too long.

  • Greatly increased the speed of ScriptEngineLambda by making use of a static ScriptEngine cache.

  • Fixed a general bug in all sideEffect using steps where the sideEffect should be accessed via the Traverser not Traversal.

  • GremlinPlugin interface no longer has the additionalDependencies method - those dependencies are now defined by an entry in the manifest file for the jar called Gremlin-Plugin-Dependencies.

  • Added TinkerWorkerPool which is used for resource efficient threading in TinkerGraphComputer.

  • MapReduce.createMapReduce(Configuration) now exists and serves the same purpose as VertexProgram.createVertexProgram(Configuration).

  • Enabled SessionOps to be extended. Added eval handler hook.

  • Setting a property with an unsupported data type throw IllegalArgumentException instead of UnsupportedOperationException as the operation is supported, but the argument is not.

TinkerPop 3.0.0.M6 (Release Date: December 2, 2014)

  • javatuples.Pair avoided on MapReduce API in favor of a new KeyValue class.

  • Renamed Gremlin-Plugin manifest entry for plugins to Gremlin-Plugin-Paths.

  • Added Gremlin-Plugin-Dependencies manifest entry to list other dependencies that should be retrieved with a plugin jar.

  • Memory.Admin.asImmutable() yields an immutable representation of the GraphComputer Memory.

  • Fixed host selection in gremlin-driver by properly accounting for all hosts being marked unavailable at the instantiation of a Client.

  • Removed Giraph-Gremlin in favor of new Hadoop-Gremlin with GiraphGraphComputer support. Future support for MapReduceGraphComputer.

  • Greatly simplified the InputFormat and OutputFormat model for working with Giraph (and Hadoop).

  • Added a serializer for Property for GraphSON correcting format of serialization of a single Property on an Edge.

  • Fixed bug in Gremlin Console that prevented assignments to empty List objects.

  • Added VertexProgram.getMessageScopes() to allow vendors to know which MessageScopes at a particular Memory state.

  • Reduced the number of methods in MessageScope.Local as its up to vendors to inspect provided incident Traversal accordingly.

  • Renamed MessagesType to MessageScope to make it less ambiguous regarding the class of the messages being sent.

  • Changed the message type of TraversalVertexProgram to TraverserSet to support message combining.

  • Added VertexProgram.getMessageCombiner() to support the combining of messages in route to a vertex.

  • Reduced object creation in TraversalVertexProgram around vertex-local traversal sideEffects.

  • Renamed Traverser.Admin.makeChild() and Traverser.Admin.makeSibling() to Traverser.Admin.split() to correspond with merge().

  • Added Traverser.Admin.merge(Traverser) method so that the merging algorithm is with the Traverser.

  • Added Operator enum that contains sack-helpful BinaryOperators: sum, minus, mult, div, max, min, etc.

  • Added GraphTraversal.withSack() and renamed trackPaths() and with() to withPath() and withSideEffect(), respectively.

  • Added the "Gremlin Sacks" feature to allow a Traverser to carry local information along its walk.

  • GraphSON format no longer makes use of hiddens JSON key. Its all just properties.

  • Added DoubleIterator to make vendor implementations of Edge.iterators().vertexIterator() efficient.

  • PropertiesStep is smart about hiddens vs. properties.

  • Element.iterators().hiddenProperties() no longer exists. For vendors, simply provide an iterator of properties.

  • GIRAPH_GREMLIN_LIBS supports colon separated directories for loading jars from multiple paths.

  • Introduced method to control the location of dependencies dynamically loaded to the Gremlin Console as part of the :install command.

  • Fixed problem with the Neo4j Gremlin Plugin not loading properly after Gremlin Console restart.

  • Removed the "use" configuration from Gremlin Server.

  • Moved SugarGremlinPlugin from gremlin-console to gremlin-groovy so that it could be shared with Gremlin Server.

  • Fixed bug in serialization of null results returned to the Gremlin Console when serializing to strings.

  • Moved the GremlinPlugin for TinkerGraph to tinkergraph-gremlin module (it is no longer in gremlin-console).

  • Added a plugin-info.txt file to Gremlin Console /ext/{module} subdirectories to identify the module that was originally requested.

  • Gremlin Server now allows for the explicit configuration of plugin activation.

  • Refactored GremlinPlugin and AbstractGremlinPlugin to better account for plugins that run on the server and those that run in the console.

  • Added a plugins configuration to Gremlin Server to control the plugins that are enabled on initialization.

  • Added a builder option to GremlinExecutor to control the plugins that are enabled on initialization.

  • Added RemoteException for usage with RemoteAcceptor implementations for the Gremlin Console so as to better standardize their development.

  • Standardized all text being written to the Gremlin Console using starting upper case letter.

  • Prevented error in the Console when :submit is called but no remotes were configured.

  • Provided a way to clean the grapes directory as part of a standard build with mvn clean install.

TinkerPop 3.0.0.M5 (Release Date: November 7, 2014)

  • Removed PropertyFilterIterator as using Java8 streams was just as efficient for the use case.

  • Renamed KryoWritable to GremlinWritable as it is not necessarily Kryo that is the serialization mechanism.

  • Fixed an input split bug in Giraph that was making it so that splits were not always at vertex boundaries.

  • Fixed a combiner bug in GirapGraphComputer. Combiners were always calling MapReduce.reduce(), not MapReduce.combine().

  • Greatly simplified SubgraphStrategy by removing requirements for Traversal introspection.

  • StrategyWrappedGraph mimics vendor use of GraphStep and GraphTraversal and no longer requires dynamic strategy application.

  • TraversalStrategies make use of a dependency tree sorting algorithm to ensure proper sorts prior to application.

  • TraversalStrategies are now immutable and are bound to the Traversal class.

  • Fixed bug in Gephi Plugin that prevented it from communicating with the Gephi Streaming Server.

  • Renamed to MessageType.XXX.of() so it makes sense in both the sending and receiving context.

  • Improved messaging with respect to tests that are ignored due to features to make it clear that those tests are not in error.

  • Relaxed exception consistency checks in the test suite to only check that a thrown exception from an implementation extends the expected exception class (but no longer validates that it is the exact class or that the message text).

  • VertexProgram now has workerIterationStart() and workerIterationEnd() to allow developers to control vertex split static data structures.

  • TraversalVertexProgram startup time greatly reduced due to being smart about loadState() behavior.

  • Gremlin Server sessions now allow serialization of results that were part of an open transaction.

  • Refactor OpProcessors implementations in Gremlin Server for better reusability.

  • Vertex.iterators() no longer have a branchFactor. This is now at the query language level with localLimit().

  • Added limit(long) and localLimit(int,int) which simply call the range equivalents with 0 as the low.

  • Added LocalRangeStep which supports ranging the edges and properties of an element — localRange(int,int).

  • GraphTraversal.value(String) no longer exists. Instead, use GraphTraversal.values(String).

  • HiddenXXXStep and ValueXXXStep no longer exist. PropertyXXXStep takes a PropertyType to denote value and hidden access.

  • Added PropertyType to the structure-package which provide markers for denoting property types (vs. property classes).

  • Renamed setWorkingDirectory to workingDirectory in the KryoReader builder.

  • Path.get(String) returns the object if only one object is referenced by label, else it returns a List of referenced objects.

  • Added overload to GremlinKryo to allow a serializer to be configured as a Function<Kryo,Serializer> to allow better flexibility in serializer creation.

  • Added method to GraphProvider to allow implementers to provide a mechanism to convert GraphSON serialized identifiers back to custom identifiers as needed.

  • Added methods to GraphProvider so that implementers could specify a custom built GremlinKryo class and/or SimpleModule class in case their implementation had custom classes to be serialized.

  • Added Traversal.forEachRemaining(class,consumer) for those traversals whose end type is different from declared due to strategy rewriting.

  • Removed Traversal.forEach() as traversal implements Iterator and users should use forEachRemaining().

  • RangeStep now has an inclusive low and an exclusive high — a change from Gremlin2.

  • DriverGremlinPlugin returns raw results with driver results available via the result variable.

  • Removed test enforcement of private constructor for a Graph instance.

  • RemoteAcceptor now supports @ prefixed lines that will grab the script string from the Gremlin Console shell.

  • Modified the signature of Property.element() to simply return Element

  • Added Reducing marker and ReducingStrategy which supports reduction-functions as a final step in Gremlin OLAP (e.g. fold()).

  • Once strategies are complete(), no more steps can be added to a Traversal.

  • Renamed Traversal.strategies() to Traversal.getStrategies() as it is not a "query language"-method.

  • Added test to enforce that a label on a VertexProperty is always set to the key of the owning property.

  • Fixed bug with multi-property removal in Neo4jGraph.

  • Bumped to Neo4j 2.1.5.

  • Used standard UUIDSerializer from the kryo-serializers library for serialization of UUID objects.

  • Changed GraphSON serialization to only use iterators() - there were still remnants of Traversal usage from previous refactoring.

  • Added overload for detach method to allow for the Element to be detached as a "reference" only (i.e. without properties).

  • Renamed Item in gremlin-driver to Result.

  • Renamed strategy to getStrategy in StrategyWrappedGraph.

  • Renamed baseGraph to getBaseGraph in Neo4jGraph.

  • Neo4jGraph now returns an empty property when the key is non-existent (a problem only visible when meta/multi property configuration was turned off).

  • Traversal.Strategies.apply() now takes a TraversalEngine. Greatly simplifies strategy application for STANDARD or COMPUTER.

  • Renamed IdentityReductionStrategy to IdentityRemovalStrategy for reasons of clarity.

  • Added ComparingRemovalStrategy that removes Comparing-marked steps unless they are the end step of the traversal.

  • OrderStep now works in OLAP, but only makes sense as a traversal end step.

  • MapReduce API extended to include getMapKeySort() and getReduceKeySort() to sort outputs accordingly.

  • Renamed TraversalResultMapReduce to TraverserMapReduce. Shorter and makes more sense.

  • Improved build automation to package javadocs and asciidoc documentation in the distribution files.

  • Improved build automation with a script to automatically bump release versions in the various files that needed it such as the pom.xml files.

  • The identifier on VertexProperty is now read properly to those graphs that can support identifier assignment.

  • GraphSONReader.readGraph() now properly reads vertex properties.

  • Removed Neo4jGraph.getCypher() as users should use Neo4jGraph.cypher() and get back TinkerPop3 graph objects.

  • GiraphGraph.variables().getConfiguration() is now replaced by GiraphGraph.configuration().

  • Added Graph.configuration() which returns the Configuration object of

  • Removed TraverserTracker as now there is only a TraverserSet for all halted traversers. A nice simplification of TraversalVertexProgram.

  • Renamed Traverser.isDone() to Traverser.isHalted() and DONE to HALT. Consistent with automata terminology.

  • Removed PathTraverserExecutor and SimpleTraverserExecutor as a single TraverserExecutor correctly executes both types of traversers.

  • TraversalVertexProgram does "reflexive message passing" to reduce the total number of iterations required to execute a traversal.

  • MapReduce no-argument constructors are private and thus, only for reflection and loadState() usage.

  • MapReducers for TraversalVertexProgram are now smart about with() declared data structures.

  • Updated Traversal.SideEffects to use "registered suppliers" and it now works accordingly in both OLTP and OLAP environments.

  • Increased the speed of FlatMapStep by approximately 1.5x.

TinkerPop 3.0.0.M4 (Release Date: October 21, 2014)

  • Added features for VertexProperty user supplied ids and related data types.

  • Removed SideEffectCap marker interface as there is only one SideEffectCapStep and thus, instanceof is sufficient.

  • Path.getObjects()/Path.getLabels() renamed to Path.objects()/Path.labels() to be in line with "query language" naming convention.

  • Greatly simplified GiraphInternalVertex due to Element.graph() — 1/2 the memory footprint and reduced construction time.

  • Renamed Property.getElement() to Property.element() given the "query language" naming convention.

  • Element.graph() added which returns the Graph that the element is contained within.

  • Added tests for greater consistency around iterating hidden properties.

  • Simplified TraversalVertexProgram where only a single TraverserTracker exists for both path- and simple-traversers.

  • Fixed a major bug where Arrays.binarySearch was being used on an unsorted array in TinkerGraph and Neo4jGraph.

  • Changed ComputerResult.getXXX() to graph() and memory() to be consistent with "query language" naming convention.

  • Traverser.getXXX() changed to loops(), bulk(), path(), sideEffects() to be consistent with "query language" naming convention.

  • Optimization to reduce the number of empty lists created due to no step class existing for respective TraversalStrategy.apply().

  • Added CapTraversal as a marker interface for the cap() method.

  • Added union() with GraphComputer UnionLinearStrategy.

  • TimeLimitStep was moved to filter/ package. It was a mistake that it was in sideEffect/.

  • Provided the configuration for generating both a "full" and "core" set of javadocs, where "full" represents all classes in all projects and "core" is the "user" subset.

  • Validated bindings passed to Gremlin Server to ensure that they do not match the most common statically imported values.

  • If no script engine name is provided to a LambdaHolder it is assumed to be Gremlin-Groovy.

  • MapEmitter and ReduceEmitter have an emit(value) default method where the key is the MapReduce.NullObject singleton.

  • Traverser.Admin now implements Attachable as the Traversal.SideEffects can be generated from the Vertex.

  • Made a solid effort to ensure that all TinkerPop keys are Graph.System to leave Graph.Key for users.

  • The Graph.System prefix is now ^ instead of %&%. Simpler and easier on the toString()-eyes.

  • Added Traversal.SideEffects.ifPresent(Consumer) as a default helper method.

  • Added profile()-step which provides detailed information about the performance of each step in a traversal.

  • No more CountCapStep and CountStep, there is only CountStep and it is elegant.

  • Created a AbstractTraversalStrategy with good toString(), hasCode(), and equals() implementations.

  • Added CountTraversal as a marker-interface stating that the Traversal has a count() -> Long method.

  • Traversal no longer has any step methods as its not required for DSL implementers to have "core steps."

  • Added "linearization" strategy for ChooseStep so it is executed correctly on GraphComputer.

  • Added ``GraphTraversalStrategyRegistry` which has respective global strategies to make turning on/off strategies easier.

  • Added a generic BranchStep to be used for re-writing "meta-steps" for execution on GraphComputer.

  • Moved JumpStep, UntilStep, and ChooseStep to a new branch/ package.

  • Added test cases to the Structure Suite to enforce consistent operations of reading properties after removal of their owning Element.

  • GraphSON format change for full Graph serialization - Graph variables are now serialized with the key "variables" as opposed to "properties".

  • Relaxed Graph.toString() test requirements for implementers.

  • Made the toString operations in GraphStrategy consistent.

  • Added VertexFeatures.supportsRemoveProperty.

  • Added VertexPropertyFeatures.supportsRemoveProperty.

  • Added EdgeFeatures.supportsRemoveProperty.

  • Added VertexFeatures.supportsRemoveVertices.

  • Added EdgeFeatures.supportsRemoveEdges.

  • Vendors should now get a clear error when mis-spelling something in an @OptOut (or more likely if a test name changes) and it now works all the test suites.

  • All plugins now have a default prefix of "tinkerpop." as a namespace.

  • GraphComputer now executes a Set<MapReduce> and hashCode()/equals() were implemented for existing MapReduce implementations.

  • Changed to Contains.within/without as in is a reserved term in most languages (including Java and Groovy).

  • Added helper methods for loading data into collections in TraversalHelper.

  • Core Traversal methods are smart about bulking — e.g. iterate(), fill(), remove(), etc.

  • GroupByStep and GroupByMapReduce leverage BulkSet as the default group data structure.

  • Element.Iterator has renamed methods so implementers can do MyElement implements Element, Element.Iterators.

  • Renamed MessageType.Global and MessageType.Local creators from of() to to() as it makes more sense to send messages to().

  • With Traverser.get/setBulk() there is no need for a TraverserMessage. The Traverser is now the message in TraversalVertexProgram.

  • Provided static make() methods for constructing Path implementations.

  • Provided a more space/time efficient algorithm for Path.isSimple().

  • The JumpStep GraphComputer algorithm Queue is now a TraverserSet.

  • AggregateStep and StoreStep now use BulkSet as their default backing Collection (much more space/time efficient).

  • Added BulkSet which is like TraverserSet but for arbitrary objects (i.e. a weighted set).

  • UnrollJumpStrategy is no longer a default strategy as it is less efficient with the inclusion of TraverserSet.

  • Introduced TraverserSet with bulk updating capabilities. Like OLAP, OLTP looping is now linear space/time complexity.

  • TinkerGraph’s MapReduce framework is now thread safe with a parallel execution implementation.

  • Added a default Traverser.asAdmin() method as a typecast convenience to Traverser.Admin.

  • Renamed Traverser.System to Traverser.Admin as to not cause java.lang.System reference issues.

  • Renamed Memory.Administrative to Memory.Admin to make it shorter and consistent with Traverser.Admin.

  • Fixed a TinkerGraph bug around user supplied vertex property ids.

  • Most Step classes are now defined as public final class to prevent inheritance.

  • ShuffleStep now extends BarrierStep which enables semantically correct step-sideEffects.

  • Leveraged Traverser.getBulk() consistently throughout all steps.

TinkerPop 3.0.0.M3 (Release Date: October 6, 2014)

  • All Step fields are now private/protected with respective getters as currently needed and will be added to as needed.

  • Gremlin Server no longer has the traverse operation as lambdas aren’t really serialized.

  • Path is now an interface with ImmutablePath and MutablePath as implementations (2x speedup on path calculations).

  • Traverser now implements Comparable. If the underlying object doesn’t implement Comparable, then a runtime exception.

  • Added abstract BarrierStep which greatly simplifies implementing barriers like AggregateStep, OrderStep, etc.

  • SelectStep is now intelligent about when to trigger path computations based on label selectors and barriers.

  • T no longer has eq, neq, lt, in, etc. Renamed all respective enums and with static import, good in console (e.g. Compare.eq).

  • Added Order enum which provides Order.decr and Order.incr.

  • Traverser.loops and Jump.loops are now shorts (32767 max-loops is probably sufficient for 99.9999% of use cases).

  • Traverser.bulk exists which is how many instances does the traverser represent. For use in grouping with bulk computations.

  • Greatly simplified sideEffect steps where there is no distinction between OLAP vs. OLTP (from the Step perspective).

  • Removed the need for Bulkable and VertexCentric marker interfaces in process API.

  • Renamed configuration parameters in Giraph-Gremlin to be consistent with a giraph.gremlin-prefix.

  • Made it possible to pass a ScriptEngine name and string script in TraversalVertexProgram and LambdaVertexProgram.

  • Made TinkerGraph a plugin for the Console as it is no longer a direct dependency in gremlin-groovy.

  • Added features for supporting the addition of properties via,Object).

  • GiraphGraph OLTP tested against Gremlin-Java8 and Gremlin-Groovy — OLAP tested against Gremlin-Groovy.

  • Neo4jGraph is now tested against both Gremlin-Java8 and Gremlin-Groovy.

  • Renamed the test cases in ProcessTestSuite to be consistent with other Gremlin language variants.

  • Added a gremlin-groovy-test suite that can be used to validate implementations against the Groovy variant of Gremlin.

  • TinkerGraph is no longer serializable, use a GraphReader/GraphWriter to serialize the graph data.

  • Removed implements Serializable on numerous classes to ensure safety and proper usage of utilities for cloning.

  • Traversal now implements Cloneable as this is the means that inter-JVM threads are able to get sibling Traversals.

  • Created "integration" test for Neo4jGraph that runs the test suite with multi/meta property features turned off.

  • Added GraphStrategy methods for VertexProperty.

  • Converted the id data type from string to integer in the Grateful Dead sample data.

  • Removed all notions of serializable lambdas as this is a misconception and should not be part of TinkerPop.

  • Greatly simplified TraversalVertexProgram with three arguments: a Traversal<Supplier>, Class<Traversal<Supplier>>, or a script string with ScriptEngine name.

  • Added TraversalScript interface with GroovyTraversalScript as an instance. To be used by OLAP engines and any language variant (e.g. gremlin-scala, gremlin-js, etc.).

  • UntilStep now leverages UnrollJumpStrategy accordingly.

  • Fixed a bug where the toString() of Traversal was being hijacked by SugarGremlinPlugin.

  • Fixed compilation bug in UntilStep that is realized when used in multi-machine OLAP.

  • Simplified Enumerator and implementations for MatchStep.

TinkerPop 3.0.0.M2 (Release Date: September 23, 2014)

  • Added an exhaust InnerJoinEnumerator fix in MatchStep to get all solutions correctly.

  • Neo4jGraph can be configured to allow or disallow meta- and multi-properties.

  • Added until()-step as a simpler way to express while-do looping which compiles down to a jump()-step equivalent.

  • Added "The Crew" (CREW) toy graph which contains multi-properties, meta-properties, graph variables, hiddens, etc.

  • If the Giraph job fails, then the subsequent MapReduce jobs will not execute.

  • Added Graph.System class which generates keys prefixed with %&% which is considered the vendor namespace and not allowed by users.

  • Added ReferencedVertex (etc. for all graph object types) for lightweight message passing of graph object ids.

  • T.* now has label, id, key, value and no longer are these String representations reserved in TinkerPop.

  • Traverser now has a transient reference to Traversal.SideEffects.

  • "Detached" classes are now tested by the standard test suite.

  • Compartmentalized Traverser interface so there is now a Traverser.System sub-interface with methods that users shouldn’t call.

  • Added OrderByStep which orders Elements according to the value of a provided key.

  • 2x speed increase on steps that rely heavily on ExpandableStepIterator with massive memory footprint reduction as well.

  • Added VertexProperty<V> as the property type for vertices — provides multi-properties and properties on properties for vertices.

  • Changed VertexProgram such that getElementComputeKeys() is simply a Set<String>.

  • Significant changes to the format of the ResponseMessage for Gremlin Server - these changes break existing clients.

  • Close any open transactions on any configured Graph when a session in Gremlin Server is killed.

  • Grateful Dead Graph now uses vertex labels instead of "type" properties.

  • There is now a GraphComputerStrategy and EngineDependent marker interface to allow steps to decide their algorithm depending if they are OLAP or OLTP.

  • A labeled step now stores its current traverser value in Traversal.SideEffects (no longer can sideEffectKeys and step labels be the same).

  • GraphFactory support for opening a Graph with multiple GraphStrategy instances - if there are multiple strategies they are wrapped in order via SequenceGraphStrategy.

  • The result type for result termination messages returned from Gremlin Server is now set to "no content".

  • The maxContentLength setting for Gremlin Driver now blocks incoming frames that are too large.

  • After initialization scripts are executed in Gremlin Server, the Graph instances are re-bound back to their global references, thus allowing GraphStrategy initialization or even dynamic Graph creation through scripts.

  • Added "Modern" graph back which is basically the "Classic" graph with double values for the "weight" property on edges and non-default vertex labels.

  • Traversal.addStep() is now hard typed so type casting isn’t required and traversal APIs look clean.

  • Changed the hidden key prefix from %$% to ~ in Graph.Key.hide().

  • Added has(label,key,predicate,value) to allow for has('person','name','marko'). Various overloaded methods provided.

  • Update to traversal API where if a SFunction<S,?> was required, but can process a Traverser<S>, then the function is SFunction<Traverser<S>,?>.

  • Added WhereStep as a way to further constrain select() and match().

  • Extensive work on GiraphMemory and its interaction with Giraph aggregators.

  • If the input path of a GiraphGraphComputer does not exist, failure happens prior to job submission.

  • SugarPlugin now has all inefficient methods and Gremlin-Groovy proper is only efficient Groovy techniques.

  • Prevented concurrency problems by only modifying bindings within the same thread of execution in the GremlinExecutor.

  • Calls to use on the DependencyManager now return the list of GremlinPlugin instances to initialize instead of just initializing them automatically because it causes problems with ScriptEngine setup if a plugin requires a script to be evaluated and a required dependency is not yet loaded.

  • Traversal.SideEffects has getGraph(), setGraph(), and removeGraph() default helpers.

  • Traversal.MemoryTraversal.SideEffects and GraphComputer.SideEffectsGraphComputer.Memory.

  • StrategyWrappedVertex and StrategyWrappedEdge properly wrap Element objects returned from non-traversal based methods.

  • Gremlin-Server now sends a single write with status 200 for Object and empty response messages.

  • GremlinGroovyScriptEngine allows imports to re-import dependencies added via "use".

  • Changed order in which the GremlinExecutor is initialized such that dependency loading via "use" are handled first which fixes problems with starting Gremlin Server with gremlin-server-neo4j.yaml.

  • Corrected issues with the "branch factor" related traversals under SubgraphStrategy. This change also altered the semantics of the SubgraphStrategy a bit as it became more restrictive around Edge inclusion (requires both vertices to be in the subgraph).

  • The Gephi Plugin now visualizes traversals and has numerous configuration options.

  • Added more specific features around the types of "identifiers" a graph can support.

  • Added a new test graph called MODERN that is copy of the CLASSIC graph, but represents floats as doubles. This graph will be the default graph for testing going forward.

  • Fix bug in Neo4jGraph that was not processing multiple vertex labels properly when doing a has() step with IN.

  • Changed semantics of @LoadGraphWith in gremlin-test to only refer to the ability of a test implementation to process the data types of the test graph (not to actually load it).

  • StartStep is a SideEffect as it is a process to get data into the stream (like a keyboard) and more efficient as such.

  • Greatly simplified the implementations of Map, FlatMap, Filter, and SideEffect.

  • Path data structure changed to an ordered list of objects with each associated to a Set<String> of as-labels.

  • All sideEffect-based steps no longer extend FilterStep with predicate equal true, but a more efficient SideEffectStep.

  • TreeStep now has TreeMapReduce for executing on GraphComputer.

  • Neo4jTraversal.cypher() is fluent throughout.

  • Reverted back to TP2 model of as() referring to step names, not variable names of sideEffects.

  • Updated AddEdge-step to support property key/value pairs for appending to newly created edges.

  • Renamed Graph.getFeatures() to Graph.features() to be consistent with other API methods.

  • Vertex and Edge now implement all GraphTraversal methods to ensure consistency throughout stack.

  • Neo4jTraversal is auto-generated from Neo4jTraversalStub with technique generalizable to other vendors.

  • Added test suite to ensure that all traversals are of the same type: g.V, g.E, g.of(), v.identity(), e.identity(), v-, e-methods.

  • Giraph HDFS helpers now support hdfs.mkdir(string) and local.mkdir(string)

  • Added @OptIn and @OptOut for implementers to specify on their Graph implementations for test compliance information.

  • GraphComputer Memory now immutable after computation is complete.

  • Dependency grabbing for plugins filter out slf4j logging dependencies so as to avoid multiple bindings with the standard TinkerPop distributions.

  • Fixed GiraphMemory to be fully consistent with GraphComputer specification.

  • Removed fatJar assembly from Giraph-Graph as it is no longed needed with distributed cache model.

  • Reworked GiraphRemoteAcceptor to provide a result variable back to the console with ComputerResult.

  • VertexProgram is no longer Serializable (use loadState and storeState for wire-propagation).

  • Moved GiraphGraph.getOutputGraph() to GiraphHelper.

  • Changed GIRAPH_GREMLIN_HOME to GIRAPH_GREMLIN_LIB to reference directory where jars are to be loaded.

  • Updated README with release instructions.

TinkerPop 3.0.0.M1 (Release Date: August 12, 2014)

  • First official release of TinkerPop3 and thus, no changes.