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User Guide

User Guide

Welcome to MedBook!

Elevate Your Clinic with Advanced Patient Management Solutions

Welcome to MedBook, the revolutionary desktop application tailor-made for doctors and medical administrative assistants in private clinics. MedBook is your partner in digitizing patient management and medical records, ensuring efficiency, accessibility, and security.

Why Choose MedBook?

With MedBook, experience a new level of convenience and control:

  • Streamlined Patient Management: With intuitive tools, adding, editing, removing, and saving patient details becomes a task of mere seconds.
  • Integrated Data Handling: Effortlessly manage patient appointments and medical records from a single, unified platform.
  • Instant Information Access: Retrieve any required information with speed and precision.
  • Comprehensive Patient Overview: View patient details, medical history, and upcoming appointments in one comprehensive and easily navigable interface.

Unlock the Potential of Digital Healthcare with MedBook

  • Go Digital with Ease: Transition your clinic to a digital platform effortlessly, backed by features tailored for the healthcare sector's unique needs.
  • Optimized for Speed: Catering to all skill levels, MedBook's Command Line Interface (CLI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI) provide options for rapid data entry and user-friendly navigation.
  • Begin Your MedBook Journey: New to MedBook? Click here for a step-by-step guide to revolutionizing your clinic's management system.

Table of Contents

Navigating the User Guide

Welcome to the MedBook User Guide! Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to make the most of MedBook's features.

  • Effortless Navigation: Use the table of contents for seamless navigation between sections.
  • Quick Start for New Users: If you're new to MedBook, start with the Quick Start section to get up and running.
  • Explore Features: Already familiar with the basics? Dive into the Features section to discover all that our application has to offer.

We're here to make your experience as user-friendly as possible. Let's get started!

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Quick start

  1. Check Java Installation:

  2. Download MedBook:

    • Grab the latest version of MedBook (medbook.jar) from our Github Release.
  3. Set Up Your Workspace:

    • Choose a folder where you'd like to manage your patient data.

    Tip: Create a new folder named MedBook for easy organization.

    • Move medbook.jar into the folder as shown below.
  4. Accessing Terminal:

    • Windows Users:

      • Search for "Terminal" in the Windows search bar and launch it.
    • Mac Users:

      • Find Terminal in "Utilities" under "Applications". Or, you can use Spotlight Search (Command + Spacebar) and type "Terminal".
  5. Launch MedBook:

    • Navigate to to the folder where you have stored medbook.jar using the cd command

    Tip: Right-click the folder and select New Terminal at Folder (Mac) or Open in Terminal (Windows) to instantly navigate to the folder in your Terminal!

    • Type java -jar medbook.jar and hit Enter to start MedBook.

Once launched, MedBook will look like this: Ui

  • Exploring Further:
    • Learn more about navigating the GUI here.
    • For new users, learn how to use MedBook here.
    • For advanced users, view all the available features here.

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Here are some definitions of the terms used throughout this user guide.

Term Definition
Graphical User Interface (GUI) The GUI allows you to interact with the application through things you can click, instead of typing commands. It also provides visual display for information stored in the application.
Command Line Interface (CLI) The CLI is a way of interacting with the application using typed text commands.
Command A command is a textual input that users type into the Command Line Interface to interact with the application.
Parameter A parameter is a specific piece of information or data that you provide to a command in a Command Line Interface to customize the command's action.

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Navigating the GUI

Main Window: Ui Component

Name of Component Description
Menu Bar Displays the drop down menus for MedBook, such as File and Help
Message Display Box Display the message output for every command. It can either can be an error or success message
Patient Card Contains information of the patient such as name, age, and contact information
Patient List Displays a list of Patient Cards
Patient Being Viewed The Patient Card of the patient currently being viewed
Record Card Contains information of the medical record including date and time, condition, and prescribed medication
Medical Records List Displays a list of Record Cards belonging to the Patient Being Viewed
Pinned Patient List Displays a list of Patient Cards of pinned patients
Command Input Box A text box which allows users to input commands

Appointment Window Appointment Window

Name of Component Description
Appointment Card Contains information of the appointment including name, date and time and NRIC
Appointment List Displays a list of Appointment Cards
Calendar Presents appointments on their specific dates. Each date shows the abbreviated NAME of up to the first two appointments from the Appointment List.
Previous Button Shifts the calendar to the previous month
Next Button Shifts the calendar to the next month

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MedBook Tutorial

  1. Starting MedBook:

    • Launch the MedBook application. You may refer to here.

Note: Upon starting, MedBook will display some sample data to help you get familiar.

  1. Opening the Help Window:
    • Let us try opening the Help Window. Type help in the Command Input Box and press Enter.
    • A Help Window, similar to the image below, will appear, listing all available commands.

      Please refer to the Features section for a more detailed explanation of the commands.
  2. Adding a New Patient:
    • Now, let us try adding a new patient. Type in addpatient n/John Doe i/A0000000B e/[email protected] p/12345678 g/M a/26 bt/AB+ al/Penicillin and press Enter.
    • The Message Display Box will confirm the successful addition.
  3. Practice Adding Patients:
    • Experiment by adding a few more patients to MedBook on your own!
  4. Adding a Medical Record:
    • Now, let us try adding a medical record to a patient. Type in addrecord 3 d/18-09-2023 1800 c/Fever m/Paracetamol and press Enter.
    • This will add a new medical record to the third patient shown in the Patient List.
    • The Message Display Box will confirm the successful creation.
  5. Add More Medical Records:
    • Try creating additional medical records for other patients in MedBook!
  6. Viewing Patient Records:
    • Let us view the medical records of the first patient. Type in view 1 and press Enter.
    • If no medical records were added for the first patient, you will see an empty Medical Record List as shown.

Congratulations! You are now ready to explore MedBook on your own. Experiment with different features in the following section and discover the potential of MedBook!

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Notes about the command format:

  • Upper Case Words: Words in UPPER_CASE indicate parameters to be supplied by the user.

    • Example: in addpatient n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe.
  • Optional Items: Square brackets [ ] denote optional elements.

    • Example: n/NAME [al/ALLERGIES] can be entered as either n/John Doe al/Pencillin or just n/John Doe.
  • Repeated Use: Ellipsis after an item means it can be used multiple times.

    • Example: [al/ALLERGIES]…​ can be used as al/Pencillin, al/Pollen al/Dust or not at all.
  • Flexible Parameter Order: The order of parameters in a command can vary.

    • Example: Both n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER and p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME are valid.
  • Extraneous parameters: Additional parameters for commands that do not require them (such as help, list, and exit) will be ignored.

    • Example: help 123 will be processed just as help.
  • Unique Identifiers: Must be a positive integer like 1, 2, 3, …​

    • PATIENTID: The unique identification for a patient shown in the Patient List.

    • RECORDID: The unique identification for a medical record shown in the displayed Medical Record List of a specific patient.

    • APPOINTMENTID: The unique identification for an appointment shown in the displayed Appointment List.

    • PINNEDID: The unique identification for a patient shown in the displayed Pinned Patient List.


NAME n Alphanumeric characters, dashes, dots and spaces only
NRIC i Starts with a letter, followed by seven digits, and ends with a letter. Letters are case-insensitive.
EMAIL e Must follow the format local-part@domain
GENDER g Either M (Male) or F (Female)
PHONE p A sequence of at least 3 digits long
AGE a A non-negative integer
BLOODTYPE bt Must be one of the following: A-, A+, B-, B+, AB-, AB+, O-, O+
ALLERGY al Alphanumeric characters only
DATETIME d Must follow the format dd-MM-yyyy HHmm
CONDITION c Alphanumeric characters, dashes and spaces
MEDICATION m Alphanumeric characters, dashes and spaces

Notes for NAME format:

  • If the patient's name contains the / character, use the - character instead. For example, use s-o instead of s/o.

Notes for NRIC format:

  • If the patient does not have an NRIC, eg. foreigners, a placeholder NRIC which is not valid such as A1234567A can be used instead.

Notes for EMAIL format:

  1. The local-part should only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters: +, _, ., -. The local-part may not start or end with any special characters.

  2. This is followed by an @ and then a domain name. The domain name is made up of domain labels separated by periods.

The domain name must:

  • end with a domain label at least 2 characters long

  • have each domain label start and end with alphanumeric characters

  • have each domain label consist of alphanumeric characters, separated only by hyphens, if any.

Notes for ALLERGY format:

  • Allergies that consist of multiple words should be consolidated into a single word with each word's initial letter capitalized. For example, use RedMeat instead of Red Meat.

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Patient Features

Adding a patient: addpatient

Adds a new patient to the system.

Format: addpatient n/NAME i/NRIC e/EMAIL p/PHONE g/GENDER a/AGE bt/BLOODTYPE [al/ALLERGY]...

  • Adds a patient with information including: NAME, NRIC, EMAIL, PHONE, GENDER, AGE, BLOODTYPE, ALLERGY.

Tip: Want to add a new patient to MedBook? Try out the addpatient command!


addpatient n/John Doe i/T1234567A e/[email protected] p/12345678 g/M a/26 bt/AB+ al/Penicillin Adds a Male patient named John Doe whose NRIC is T1234567A , 26 years old, has AB+ Blood Type, and is allergic to Penicillin. His email and phone number is [email protected] and 12345678 respectively.


Command Output

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Editing a patient: editpatient

Edits the details of an existing patient.

Format: editpatient PATIENTID PREFIX/NEWVALUE...

  • Edits the details of the patient with the corresponding PATIENTID.


Note: NRIC cannot be edited.

  • Existing values in the respective fields will be updated to the NEWVALUE.

  • Multiple entries of ALLERGY are allowed i.e editpatient 1 al/Seafood al/Dust.

Note: When editing ALLERGY, the existing allergies of the patient will be removed i.e adding of allergies is not cumulative.


  • editpatient 1 e/[email protected] Edits the EMAIL of the patient with the PATIENTID of 1 to [email protected].

  • editpatient 2 p/92345678 Edits the PHONE of the patient with the PATIENTID of 2 to 92345678.

  • editpatient 3 al/aspirin Edits the ALLERGY of the patient with the PATIENTID of 3 to aspirin.

  • editpatient 2 p/92345678 al/aspirin Edits the PHONE and ALLERGY of the patient with the PATIENTID of 2 to 92345678 and aspirin, respectively.


Command Output

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Deleting a patient: delete

Deletes an existing patient from the system.

Format: delete PATIENTID

  • Deletes the patient with the corresponding PATIENTID.


  • delete 2 Deletes the patient with the PATIENTID of 2.


Command Output

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Searching patients by keywords: search

Searches for patients with details containing the corresponding KEYWORD.

Format: search KEYWORD [MOREKEYWORDS]...

  • The search is not case-sensitive. e.g Penicillin will match penicillin.

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans.

  • Patients matching at least one keyword will be returned. e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang.

  • Patients with detail that are not exactly the same as the KEYWORD searched will not appear. e.g. Han will not return Hans.

Note: The details of the patient's medical records will not be searched.

Tip: Utilise the search command to quickly locate patients. It is perfect for filtering patient lists - for instance, identifying patients with specific allergies.


  • search Alex Will display patients with Alex in their details.

  • search Alex M Will display patients with Alex or M in their details.


Command Output

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Listing all patients: list

Shows a list of all patients.

Format: list

  • All patients will be shown in the Patient List.

Tip: The list command allows you to easily view all the patients in the Patient List. For instance, after you've used the search command to find specific patients, you can use the list command to gather all the patients conveniently!

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Pinning a patient: pin

Pins an existing patient.

Format: pin PATIENTID

  • Pins the patient with the corresponding PATIENTID to the Pinned Patient List.

Tip: A patient requires follow-up? Use the pin command to help you remember to contact them!


  • pin 2 Pins the patient with the PATIENTID of 2 to the Pinned Patient List.


Command Output

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Unpinning a patient: unpin

Unpins a pinned patient.

Format: unpin PINNEDID

  • Unpins the patient with the corresponding PINNEDID from the Pinned Patient List.


  • unpin 2 Unpins the patient with the PINNEDID of 2 from the Pinned Patient List.

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Medical Record Features

Adding a medical record: addrecord

Adds a new medical record to the system.


  • Adds a medical record to the patient with the corresponding PATIENTID.

  • Duplicate entries for CONDITIONS and MEDICATIONS are allowed and will be considered as separate entries.

    • addrecord 1 d/10-11-2023 1800 c/Flu c/Flu m/Ibuprofen m/Ibuprofen will store [Flu, Flu] and [Ibuprofen, Ibuprofen] for CONDITIONS and MEDICATIONS, respectively.


  • addrecord 3 d/18-09-2023 1800 c/Fever m/Paracetamol Adds a medical record to the patient with the PATIENTID of 3. The patient visited the clinic on September 18th, 2023 at 6:00PM with a Fever and was prescribed Paracetamol.


Command Output

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Viewing patient medical records: view

Displays the medical records of a specific patient.

Format: view PATIENTID

  • The medical records of the patient with the corresponding PATIENTID will be displayed on screen in the Medical Record List.

  • The corresponding patient's Patient Card will be displayed in the Patient Being Viewed section.


  • view 2 displays the medical records of the patient with the PATIENTID of 2. The medical records will be displayed in the Medical Record List and patient information will be in the Patient Being Viewed section.

Note: The PATIENTID in the Patient Being Viewed section will display 1. If you wish to perform commands on the patient, use the PATIENTID displayed in the Patient List.


Command Output

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Editing a medical record: editrecord

Edits the details of an existing medical record.


  • Edits the details of the medical record with the corresponding RECORDID of the patient with the corresponding PATIENTID.

  • Acceptable fields : DATETIME, CONDITION, MEDICATION.

  • Existing values in the respective fields will be updated to the NEWVALUE.

  • Multiple entries of CONDITION and MEDICATION are allowed i.e editrecord 1/1 c/Flu c/Fever m/Panadol m/Ibuprofen.

Note: When editing CONDITION and MEDICATION, the existing conditions and medications of the record will be removed i.e adding of conditions and medications is not cumulative.

Tip: Spotted an error in the medical record? Fret not, simply use editrecord to quickly make changes!


  • editrecord 1/1 d/25-10-2023 1200 Edits the DATETIME of the medical record with the RECORDID of 1 of the patient with the PATIENTID of 1 to 25-10-2023 1200.

  • editrecord 1/1 c/Headache c/Flu Edits the CONDITION of the medical record with the RECORDID of 1 of the patient with the PATIENTID of 1 to Headache, Flu.

  • editrecord 1/1 c/Headache m/Paracetamol Edits the CONDITION and MEDICATION of the medical record with the RECORDID of 1 of the patient with the PATIENTID of 1 to Headache and Paracetamol, respectively.

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Deleting a medical record: deleterecord

Deletes an existing medical record from the system.

Format: deleterecord PATIENTID/RECORDID

  • Deletes the medical record with the corresponding RECORDID from the patient with the corresponding PATIENTID.


  • deleterecord 2/1 Deletes the medical record with the RECORDID of 2 from the patient with the PATIENTID of 1.

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Searching medical records by keywords: searchrecord

Searches for medical records of the Patient Being Viewed with details containing the corresponding KEYWORD.

Format: searchrecord KEYWORD [MOREKEYWORDS]...

  • The search is not case-sensitive. e.g Penicillin will match penicillin.

  • Medical records matching at least one KEYWORD will be returned. e.g. Mild Fever will return Mild Flu, High Fever

  • Medical records with detail that are not exactly the same as the KEYWORD searched will not appear. e.g. Head will not return Headache.

    Important: The Patient Being Viewed section should not be empty. Otherwise searchrecord command will not return any medical records.


  • searchrecord Penicillin Will display medical records of the Patient Being Viewed with Penicillin in their details.

  • searchrecord Fever Cough Will display medical records of the Patient Being Viewed with Fever or Cough in their details.

  • searchrecord 19-10-2023 Will display medical records of the Patient Being Viewed with 19-10-2023 in their details.

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Attaching files to a patient's medical record

Attach local files to a patient's medical record by clicking on the Attach button located within each Record Card.

Tip: A patient's report just comes out? The Attach File feature can help you keep documents in an organised manner!


  • Refrain from deleting/relocating the local file. If necessary, re-attach the new file after relocation/deletion.
  • Ensure that you have selected a default launcher for the selected file type.


Command Selecting File Output

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Appointment Features

Adding an appointment: addappointment

Adds a new appointment to the system.

Format: addappointment PATIENTID n/NAME d/DATETIME

  • Adds an appointment to the patient with the corresponding PATIENTID.


  • addappointment 2 n/Eye Examination d/10-10-2023 1800 Adds an Eye Examination to the patient with the PATIENTID of 2. The appointment is schedueld for the 10th of October 2023 at 6:00PM.


Command Output

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Deleting an appointment: deleteappointment

Deletes an appointment from the system.

Format: deleteappointment APPOINTMENTID

  • Deletes the appointment with the corresponding APPOINTMENTID.

Tip: A patient cannot attend an appointment? Use deleteappointment to remove it from your schedule!


  • deleteappointment 1 Deletes the appointment with the APPOINTMENTID of 1.

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Viewing appointments: viewappointment

Opens/focuses the Appointment Window.

Format: viewappointment

Tip: Want to know about upcoming appointments? Simply type in viewappointment!

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General Features

Viewing help : help

Opens/focuses the Help Window displaying all commands.

Format: help

Tip: If you get stuck while using MedBook, use the help command to get a quick overview of all commands!

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Exiting the program: exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

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Saving the data

MedBook data is saved in the data folder automatically after any command that changes the data. This ensures the safety of your data. When MedBook is restarted, the data is loaded back into the application automatically.

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Editing the data file

MedBook data is saved automatically as a JSON file located in [jar file location]/data/medbook.json. The file can be edited directly to make changes to MedBook data.

Caution: Only advanced users are encouraged to make changes to the data file as wrong data formatting may result in the application not working as intended.

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Q: How do I check my java version?
A: Open a Terminal and enter java -version. If you do not have Java installed, you can download it here.

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and copy the data folder over to the folder of the installed jar file in the other computer.

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Known issues

  1. When using multiple screens, if you move the application to a secondary screen, and later switch to using only the primary screen, the GUI will open off-screen. The remedy is to delete the preferences.json file created by the application before running the application again.

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Command Summary

Action Format, Examples
Help help
Add Patient addpatient n/NAME i/NRIC e/EMAIL p/PHONE g/GENDER a/AGE bt/BLOODTYPE [al/ALLERGY]...​
e.g., addpatient n/John Doe i/T1234567A e/[email protected] p/12345678 g/M a/26 bt/AB+ al/Penicillin
Add Medical Record addrecord PATIENTID d/DATETIME c/CONDITION... m/MEDICATION...
e.g., addrecord 2 d/10-10-2020 1900 c/Fever m/Painkiller
Add Appointment addappointment PATIENTID n/NAME d/DATETIME
e.g., addappointment 2 n/Eye Exam d/10-10-2020 1900
List list
View Medical Records view PATIENTID
e.g., view 2
View Appointments viewappointment
Edit Patient editpatient PATIENTID PREFIX/NEWVALUE...
e.g.,editpatient 1 e/[email protected]
Edit Medical Record editrecord PATIENTID/RECORDID PREFIX/NEWVALUE...
e.g.,editrecord 1/1 d/25-10-2023 1200
Search Patients search KEYWORD [MOREKEYWORDS]...
e.g., search James
Search Medical Records searchrecord KEYWORD [MOREKEYWORDS]...
e.g., searchrecord Headache
Delete Patient delete PATIENTID
e.g., delete 3
Delete Medical Record deleterecord PATIENTID/RECORDID
e.g., deleterecord 2/1
Delete Appointment deleteappointment APPOINTMENTID
e.g., deleteappointment 1
Pin Patient pin PATIENTID
e.g., pin 2
Unpin Patient unpin PINNEDID
e.g. unpin 2
Exit exit

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