// ————————————————————————— Horizontal Separators —————————————————————————— //
A simple Neovim plugin to insert vertical separators with centered text in your code.
- Easy to use
- Center text
- Detect file type to adapt comment characters
- Minimal (a single small & self contained lua file)
- Customizable
- To insert a new separator use
, type your text and press Enter. - To search separators use
:Hsep search
Here are a few optionnal mappings to make things easier
nmap <Leader>-- :HSep<CR>
nmap <Leader>-s :HSep search<CR>
HSep requires Neovim 0.6.0 or later.
With Plug:
call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
" Add this ↴
Plug 'CharlyCst/hsep.nvim'
call plug#end()
HSep can be customized through global variables, the following examples are given in lua:
-- Per-language comment configuration
vim.g.hsep_language_comments = {
lua = "---",
-- Default separator width
vim.g.hsep_width = 60
-- Per language separator width
vim.g.hsep_language_width = {
lua = 70,
In case you find the need to add more languages, feel free to open a PR or an
Tip: you can find the current file type wirth :echo &filetype