A python code for finding and configure LEMs CAB500 current sensors
Needs packages in requirement.txt to be installed <pip install -r requirements.txt">
usage: python cab_search.py
Will display, and log if a folder "data" is present in current directory, all available CAB500 sensors.
usage: py .\cab_info.py --udsClientID 0x06A2 --subF "canSpeed"
Will change the bit rate of the sensor with the uds client ID of 0x06A2.
usage: python .\cab_info.py --udsClientID "0x06A2" --subF canID --clientID "0x0602" --serverID "0x0601" --IpID "0x0221"
Will change IDs of the sensor 0x06A2.
The sub functions to chose from are: canID, filterFreq, CANspeed, framePeriod and reboot.