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Use Cases: Task Done

Z-Red edited this page Feb 22, 2018 · 5 revisions


Use Case Number UC 07.01.01
Participating Actors Task Requester
Goal Change a task status from 'assigned' to 'done'
Trigger Task Requester selects Completed option for a given task
Precondition Task Requester request list has been filtered by assigned tasks
Postcondtion The given task status is set to 'done'
Basic Flow 1 System changes status of task from 'assigned' to 'done'
Exception 1 System can not access task
1.1 System reports error to task requester
Related Artifacts US 02.02.01, US 07.01.01


Use Case Number UC 07.02.01
Participating Actors Task Requester
Goal Change the status of an 'assigned' task to 'requested'
Trigger Task requestor selects repost option for a given task
Precondition Task Requester request list has been filtered by assigned tasks
Postcondtion The given Task status is set to 'requested'
Basic Flow 1 System changes the status to 'requested'
Exception 1 System can not access task
1.1 System reports error to task requester
Related Artifacts US 02.02.01, US 07.02.01
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