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Use Cases: Task Details

David Laycock edited this page Feb 15, 2018 · 6 revisions

Task Details

Use Case Number UC 02.01
Use Case Name ViewTaskDetails
Participating Actors Task Requester, Task Provider
Goal View all details for a given task
Trigger Task Requester or Task Provider chooses view task option from recent listings window
Precondition The given task exists
Postcondtion Task details are displayed
Basic Flow 1 System displays details for chosen task
Related Articles US 02.01.01

Use Case Number UC 02.02
Use Case Name ChangeTaskStatus
Participating Actors Task Requester, Task Provider
Goal Change task status to one of: requested, bidded, assigned, or done
Trigger A task is created, bid on, assigned, or completed
Precondition A given task exists
Postcondtion Task status changed to one of requested, bidded, assigned, or done
Basic Flow 1 System changes a task's status based on task creation, Task Provider bid, Task Provider assignment, and task completion
Related Articles US 02.02.01
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