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Use Cases: Task Basics

Z-Red edited this page Feb 16, 2018 · 17 revisions


Use Case Number UC 01.01.01
Participating Actors Task requester
Goal Task Requestor adds a task to their list of tasks
Trigger Task Requestor chooses the Add Task option on the My Listings page
Precondition Task requestor has task in mind to add
Postcondtion Task is added to the list of tasks for task requester
Basic Flow 1 System prompts task requestor for a task title, description and photograph(s) (starting bid?)
2 Task requestor submits title, description, optional photograph(s), and optional geolocation
3 System checks size of photograph if it was provided
4 System sets status of task to requested
Exception 2.1 If required details are missing from the task
2.1.1 System displays an error message
2.1.2 System returns to step 2
Exception 2.2 If title is greater than 30 characters in length
2.2.1 System displays an error message
2.2.2 System returns to step 2
Exception 2.3 If the description is greater than 300 characters in length
2.3.1 System displays an error message
2.3.2 System returns to step 2
Exception 3 If the photograph exceeds the maximum size
3.1 System displays error message
3.2 System returns to step 1
Related Artifacts US 01.01.01, US 01.01.02, US 01.01.03, US 02.02.01, US 09.01.01, US 09.03.01, US 10.01.01


Use Case Number UC 01.02.01
Participating Actors Task requester
Goal Task requester views a list of all of their requested tasks
Trigger Task requester chooses the My Requests option
Precondition Task Requester wants to view their requested tasks
Postcondtion List of tasks is shown to task requestor
Basic Flow 1 System shows the list of all tasks that belong to the task requester
Exception 1 If no tasks have been requested
1.1 System displays message
Related Artifacts US 01.02.01


Use Case Number UC 01.03.01
Participating Actors Task Requester
Goal Task Requester edits their title or description of their task
Trigger Task Requester selects an existing requested task
Precondition Task requester must know what task they want to edit and what details to change
Postcondtion The task details are updated
Basic Flow 1 Task Requester is presented with the existing details of the task
2 Task Requester edits any of the details or photographs
3 System updates the task with the new details
Exceptions 2.1 If any required details are blank (excludes photograph and geolocation)
2.1.1 System displays error message
2.1.2 System returns to step 2
Exception 2.2 If the photograph exceeds the maximum size
2.2.1 System displays error message
2.2.2 System returns to step 2
Exception 2.3 If title is greater than 30 characters in length
2.3.1 System displays an error message
2.3.2 System returns to step 2
Exception 2.4 If the description is greater than 300 characters in length
2.4.1 System displays an error message
2.4.2 System returns to step 2
Related Artifacts US 01.01.02, US 01.01.03, US 01.03.01, US 09.01.01, US 09.03.01, US 10.01.01


Use Case Number UC 01.04.01
Participating Actors Task Requester
Goal Task Requester deletes one of their tasks
Trigger Task Requester chooses the delete task option from edit task window
Precondition The task must exist
Postcondtion The task no longer exists
Basic Flow 1 System removes task
Related Artifacts US 01.04.01
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