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Use Cases: Task Bidding

Z-Red edited this page Feb 22, 2018 · 6 revisions


Use Case Number UC 05.01.01
Participating Actors Task Provider, Task Requester
Goal Make a monetary bid on a given task
Trigger Task Provider chooses Make Bid option
Precondition Task has status requested or bidded
Postcondition On success, Task Providers bid is shown in Tasks Requesters bid listings
Basic Flow 1 System records the bid information and notifies the corresponding Task Requester
Exception 1.1 If the monetary bid value is negative
1.1.1 System displays an error
Exception 1.2 If the monetary bid value is empty
1.2.1 System displays an error message
Related Artifacts US 05.01.01, US 05.03.01


Use Case Number UC 05.02.01
Participating Actors Task Provider
Goal A list of tasks with status bidded are shown that belong to the Task Provider
Trigger Task Provider chooses the My Bids option
Precondition Task Provider wishes to see their bids
Postcondition On success, all tasks bid on by the Task Provider with status bidded are shown
Basic Flow 1 System displays the tasks that have been bid on by the given Task Provider
2 Task Provider selects a particular task they have bid on
3 System displays task details for the chosen task including username, title, status, lowest bid, and the Task Providers bid
Exception 1 If the Task Provider has not made any bids
1.1 System displays an empty result list
Exception 2 System is unable to access task details
2.1 System notifies task provider of error
2.2 System returns to tasks list for task provider
Related Artifacts US 05.02.01


Use Case Number UC 05.03.01
Participating Actors Task Requester, Task Provider
Goal An android notification is sent to the Task Requester detailing that one of their requested tasks has been bid on
Trigger A Task Provider has bid on a task requested by the Task Requester
Precondition Task Requester has at least one task that has requested or bidded status
Postcondition Task Requester receives an android notification of bid
Basic Flow 1 System receives bid information from Task Provider
2 System sends a system notification to the task requestor
3 Task requestor can ignore notification or click on notification to bring up task details
Exception 2 Task requestor has notifications disabled
2.1 System does not send notification
Related Artifacts US 05.03.01


Use Case Number UC 05.04.01
Participating Actors Task Requester
Goal A list of tasks with status bidded are shown that belong to the Task Requester
Trigger Task Requester filters requested tasks list by bidded option
Precondition Task Requester wishes to see their requests that have bids
Postcondition On success, all tasks requested by the Task Requester with status bidded are shown
Basic Flow 1 System displays tasks that have been requested by the Task Requester with status bidded
2 Task Requester selects a particular task they have bid on
3 System displays task details for the chosen task
Exception 1 If the Task Requester has no tasks with status bidded
1.1 System displays empty result list
Exception 3 System is unable to access task details
3.1 System notifies task requester of error
3.2 System returns to tasks list for task Requester
Related Artifacts US 05.04.01


Use Case Number UC 05.05.01
Participating Actors Task Requester
Goal A list of bids for a given task are displayed
Trigger Task requester selects a task to view bids made on it
Precondition Task Requester wishes to view bids for a selected task
Postcondition On success, the bids for a given task are displayed
Basic Flow 1 System displays bids for a chosen task requested by the Task Requester, and information for each bid including username and comment
Exception 1.1 If the chosen task has no bids
1.1.1 System displays an empty result list
Exception 1.2 System can't access task details
1.2.1 System notifies task requester of the error
1.2.2 System returns to displaying the list of tasks
Related Artifacts US 05.05.01


Use Case Number UC 05.06.01
Participating Actors Task Requester, Task Provider
Goal Accept a bid for a given task
Trigger Task requester selects the bid they want to accept
Precondition Task Requester has at least one task with status bidded
Postcondition Task status is set to assigned, and other bids are removed
Basic Flow 1 System changes task status to assigned
2 Task Provider is notified of task assignment
3 System clears all other bids on the given task
Exception 1 System is unable to change task status
1.1 System notifies task requester that the bid was not accepted and they should try again when they regain connectivity
Related Artifacts US 05.06.01


Use Case Number UC 05.07.01
Participating Actors Task Requester
Goal A given bid is removed from the list of bids for a given task
Trigger Task Requester selects bid they want to decline
Precondition Task Requester has at least one task with status bidded
Postcondition On success, the declined bid no longer exists in the bids list for the given task
Basic Flow 1 System removes bid from list of bids for the given task
Exception 1 System is unable to change task status
1.1 System notifies task requester of error
Related Artifacts US 05.07.01
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