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Releases: CDrummond/lms-material


16 Jul 17:08
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  1. Add player settings plugins to 'Player settings' dialog.
  2. Display 'showBriefly' messages.
  3. Optionally show track comments in information view. Requires enabling in Material's server side settings.
  4. Don't try to embed PDF files for Android, doesn't work.
  5. Try to fix zooming issues with APK.
  6. Add artist, and album, extra menu items when browse via 'More'
  7. Don't show header subtitles in search results, as this mainly repeats title text.
  8. Colour disc headers in now-playing as per browse view.
  9. Simple 'Help' page.
  10. If nextWindow==nowPlaying, just refresh current list do not navigate back.
  11. Allow player specific actions in player's toolbar.
  12. Remove plugin javascript and dialog support - not used.
  13. Make button edges fully rounded.
  14. Add border to buttons in fullscreen dialogs.
  15. Tweak tab appearance.
  16. If using desktop layout on iOS and page is asleep for more than 15 seconds then when awake switch to mobile and immediately back to desktop to attempt to work-around issues (#589).
  17. (Hopefully) fixed disappearing items.
  18. Show next alarm on screensaver.


02 Jul 10:06
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  1. Adjust desktop layout code to try to fix Safari issues (#589)
  2. Fix missing queue menu items (Transfer queue, etc).


25 Jun 11:06
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  1. Fix track source not always showing.
  2. Fix add/play all on Spotty album lists.
  3. Fix disappearing text items when navigate back.
  4. Don't show queue, etc, menu items in main menu when now playing is expanded or showing track info.
  5. Don't show queue menu items in main menu when on desktop layout and queue is hidden.
  6. Always place 'Tansfer queue', 'Scroll to current', and 'Add URL' in main menu.


02 Jun 06:03
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  1. Use history length to determine if back button should be shown or not.
  2. Long-press on player's icon (in main toolbar) to show sync dialog.
  3. Allow multi-line text entries in browse view list.
  4. Allow queue custom actions to list items in browse view.


16 May 08:34
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  1. For LMS 8.3 add album-artist when favouriting an album.
  2. Fix add/play all for mixes when called from custom action.
  3. Reduce dialog buttons min-width if screen is 400px or less.
  4. Always use HTML for 'textarea' values.
  5. For mobile devices add a search button at the right of search fields containing text.


24 Apr 07:19
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  1. Allow 'lmsbrowse' custom actions from now-playing.
  2. Remove space between star ratings so that eliding works better.
  3. Use bold font for titles of other servers in 'Manage players' dialog.
  4. Long-press on count/duration in queue to show transfer queue dialog.
  5. Reduce frequency of status polling during playback.
  6. Don't send a status message for a player if one is already being processed by LMS.
  7. Recalculate (i.e. set to 0) queue duration when cleared.
  8. Remove padding from track list in now-playing album info view.
  9. Refresh queue if show track numbers setting changed.
  10. Check URL is not 'null' before adding to playlist.
  11. Store 'theme' setting in local storage after reading defaults from server.
  12. Remove padding between volume sliders and buttons in 'Manage players' dialog if width is 500px or less.


19 Mar 08:52
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  1. Only show updates available if settings are unlocked.
  2. Translation updates.
  3. Fix missing add/play buttons for Bliss mixes.
  4. Add 'All Songs' entry to genres and years.
  5. Add 'Years' under genre browsing.
  6. Allow to pin 'wavin:' favourites to home screen.
  7. Change 'Track' to 'Title' and 'Track#' to 'Track' in advanced search.
  8. Fix add/play all discs when Material set to always collapse.
  9. Treat as HTML if title includes '<br/>'


04 Mar 18:05
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  1. Map JPG icons as well as PNG icons.
  2. Add icon mapping for Accuradio.
  3. Fix splitter moving on mobile browsers.
  4. When changing colour theme force queue update 1/2 second later, so that indicator picks up correct colour.


20 Feb 10:37
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  1. Translation updates.
  2. Remove trailing percentage sign from voltage display.
  3. Add file selector to more items.
  4. Add restart icon to main menu icon if LMS indicates server needs restart.
  5. Only scroll information dialog if plugin status received no more than 1.5 seconds after opening.
  6. Try not to duplicate sample rate in tech info.
  7. When checking what 'other' sources to add for search, use case-insensitive name check.


06 Feb 09:24
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  1. Fix swipe to change info view tab.
  2. Another attempt to work-around long-press on 'Manage players' entry causing an entry in sync dialog to get checked.
  3. Handle "radioparadise:" URLs when showing track source.
  4. Don't show 'Internet/Other' beside tech info.
  5. Use space to separate tech info.
  6. Better shuffle albums icon.
  7. Add swipe left/right on cover to change track.
  8. Re-factor language handling.
  9. Allow other LMS plugins to register Javascript and dialogs.
  10. Optionally collapse discs of multi-disc albums - either always collapse, or when 200 or more tracks. Setting is controlled server-side.
  11. Fix browser-context menu for text fields in browse list.
  12. Add player voltage to 'Information' dialog.
  13. Remove code to work-around LMS returning incorrect queue size. Queue is still corrupt and causes flashing.
  14. If LMS returns less queue items than its size, just add blank items.