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140 lines (87 loc) · 6.52 KB



UDInput validation

You can now use ValidationAttribute's to validate UDInput's on the client. Once a user enters something into a text field, the validation logic will run and provide the user with an error message directly in the browser.

UDForm Validation

You can customize the error message using the UniversalDashboard.ValidationErrorMessage attribute or by using ValidationScript .

For examples of how to use this feature, check out the integration tests:

New Enterprise Charts

{% hint style="info" %} Nivo charts are not available in Community Edition {% endhint %}

Universal Dashboard 2.2.0-beta2 adds support for Nivo charts. This chart library is built on React and D3 to provide highly configurable and beautiful data visualizations . In addition to the standard charts, such as bar and line charts, there are also new chart types such as calendar and treemap.

You can access all the charts with a single cmdlet: New-UDNivoChart. This cmdlet exposes an extensive amount of configurable parameters for your charts.

New Color Options

Nivo charts provides 50 built in color palettes to use with your charts. You can set the -Colors parameter on your chart to set your color palette. Additionally, you can provide color data directly with the data in your chart rather than having to provide a separate array of colors.

For more information on colors, visit the Nivo color documentation.

Fill Patterns

In addition to custom colors, you can also define fill patterns for your chart components. You can define lines or dots and choose the corresponding colors.

$Pattern = New-UDNivoPattern -Dots -Id 'dots' -Background "inherit" -Color "#38bcb2" -Size 4 -Paddin 1 -Stagger
$Fill = New-UDNivoFill -ElementId "hot dog" -PatternId 'dots'

Interactive Charts

Nivo charts support -onClick event handlers. You can provide a script block and when the chart is clicked, it will be invoked with the $EventData variable populated with the JSON representation of the data that was clicked within the chart.

-OnClick {
    Show-UDToast -Message $EventData -Duration 3000

Differences between New-UDChart

No Auto Refresh

The Nivo chart cmdlet doesn't expose an -Endpoint or -AutoRefresh parameter directly. That said, it's still possible to auto refresh by putting the chart within a a layout element, like a column, with autorefresh settings enabled and setting the -Id of the chart to anything.

 New-UDColumn -SmallSize 6 -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint {
    New-UDHeading -Text "Line" -Size 4
    New-UDHeading -Text "A standard line chart."

    New-UDNivoChart  -Id 'lineChart' -Line -Data $Cache:Data -Height 400 -Width 600 -MarginBottom 50 -MarginTop 50 -MarginRight 110 -MarginLeft 60 -OnClick {
        Show-UDToast -Message $EventData -Duration 3000


No Out-UDChartData

Data can be provided to the charts directly through the -Data parameter rather than having to be piped through a cmdlet like Out-UDChartData. The reason for this is that each type of chart expects different types of data structures.

Click the data tab for an example of what each chart's data structure should look like. You can define a hashtable that matches the structure of the JSON and it will be automatically serialized for your.

Interactive New-UDChart

You can now specify an -OnClick event handler for New-UDChart. When the chart is clicked, your script block will receive an $EventData variable with the JSON for the data point that was clicked.

IIS SSO Window Authentication

{% hint style="info" %} Not available in Community Edition {% endhint %}

You can now configure UD to take advantage of IIS Windows Authentication to provide Single-Sign On experiences. This works for both a dashboard and a REST API. When accessing the dashboard, you won't be shown the login page and will go directly to the dashboard.

$Endpoint = New-UDEndpoint -Url 'test' -Endpoint {

Start-UDDashboard -Content {
   $Auth = New-UDAuthenticationMethod -Windows
    $LoginPage = New-UDLoginPage -AuthenticationMethod @( $Auth) -PassThru

    New-UDDashboard -Title "Line" -Content { 
        New-UDRow -Columns {
            New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint  {
                New-UDHeading -Text "Logged in as $user"
    } -LoginPage $LoginPage 
} -Wait -AllowHttpForLogin -Endpoint $Endpoint

Design Terminal

You can now interact with the UD runspaces with a built in terminal. You can call cmdlets like Add-UDElement to add elements to the live dashboard. These changes aren't saved anywhere but allows you to play around with the features.

UD Design Terminal

Client Side Code Splitting

The 2.1 UD JavaScript package reached over 2.5 MBs! Thanks to, Alon Gvili, the package is now split into smaller bits. Each component now resides in it's own JS file. They load automatically and won't load if you aren't using them. The main JS file is now down below 700kb. This will ensure that first time loads are much quicker.

Bundle sizes

Other Features

Resolved Issues

For a full list of closed issues, please visit the 2.2.0 milestone on GitHub.