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391 lines (249 loc) · 13.4 KB

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391 lines (249 loc) · 13.4 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[6.2.1] - 2024-07-12

  • Fixed null error around routeAndNavigatorSettings.

[6.2.0] - 2024-07-11

  • Breaking Changes
    • For PersistentTabView.custom, List<Widget> screens has been replaced with List<CustomNavBarScreen> screens.
    • Property routeAndNavigatorSettings has been removed from PersistentTabView.custom. You now define RouteAndNavigatorSettings for each screen separately in CustomNavBarScreen. Please refer to the Readme file for more instructions.

[6.1.1] - 2024-07-11

  • Updated

[6.1.0] - 2024-07-11

  • Fixed issue where class CustomWidgetRouteAndNavigatorSettings was unintentionally made private.
  • Breaking Changes
    • To import the package, you will now have to use import "package:persistent_bottom_nav_bar/persistent_bottom_nav_bar.dart"; instead of import "package:persistent_bottom_nav_bar/persistent_tab_view.dart";.

[6.0.2] - 2024-07-11

  • Fixed issues reported by flutter analyze.

[6.0.1] - 2024-07-11

  • Removed deprecated classes.
  • Fixed unwanted trigger of onWillPop when Android back button is pressed.
  • Fixed the bug where bar in Style3 and Style4 would not work correctly when margin was applied.
  • Fixed typos in Readme and Changelog.
  • Updated example project to run on latest Android versions.

[6.0.0] - 2024-07-11

  • There are many new features and some breaking changes introduced in this version. I will do my best to list all down here but I will still advise to check the example project to cover and see all of the changes for yourself.
  • Breaking Changes
    • NavBarPadding is replaced with EdgeInsets in the padding property.
    • itemAnimationProperties and screenTransitionAnimation are now part of property animationSettings.
    • Renamed confineInSafeArea to confineToSafeArea.
    • Removed redundant properties popAllScreensOnTapOfSelectedTab and popAllScreensOnTapAnyTabs. Added new property popBehaviorOnSelectedNavBarItemPress to cover this behavior.
    • Property hideNavigationBar is replaced with isVisible.
  • New Features
    • Updated maximum supported Flutter SDK version.
    • Animated icons are now supported.
    • Hiding of navigation bar on scroll down motion is now supported through property hideOnScrollSettings. Hiding animation settings can be controlled from animationSettings. Please check the readme file and example project for better understanding.
    • You can now scroll to top on a scrollable screen when an already selected navigation bar tab is pressed. You will need to provide scroll controllers in both this and above mentioned functionality.
    • New fadeIn animation in screenTransitionAnimation.
    • New function popUntilFirstScreenOnSelectedTabScreenintroduced in PersistentNavBarNavigator.
    • If opacity is less than 1 in PersistentBottomNavBarItem and boxShadow is applied NavBarDecoration, backgroundColor will be set to transparent to achieve partial transparent navigation bar effect like on Spotify Android.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed null errors around NavBarDecoration.
    • Removed jitter in animation when property hideNavigationBar was changed.
    • Fixed error -> The getter 'backgroundColor' isn't defined for the type 'ThemeData'.
    • Fixed the issue where wrong animation state was shown when initialIndex on PersistentTabController was other than 0 in style19.
    • floatingActionButton is now fixed above the screens instead of separate button for each screen.

[5.0.2] - 2022-09-16

  • Fixed onWillPop assert error

[5.0.1] - 2022-09-16

  • Fixed linting and formatting errors

[5.0.0] - 2022-09-16

  • Added style 19
  • Fixed warnings introduced after Flutter 3.0
  • Breaking Changes
    • Navigator functions will now be called like PersistentNavBarNavigator.pushNewScreen(...) instead of pushNewScreen(..).

[4.0.2] - 2021-03-27

  • Fixed error while pushing new screens through the included Navigator functions.

[4.0.1] - 2021-03-27

  • Fixed type cast error with NavigatorObserver.

[4.0.0] - 2021-03-22

  • Null safety migration.

[3.2.0] - 2021-03-21

  • inactiveIcon is now available in PersistentBottomNavBarItem.
  • Fixed the bug where all screens of a tab would be popped while switching between tabs.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Breaking Changes
    • onWillPop function now will return the selected screen's context. PersistentBottomNavBarItem
    • routeAndNavigatorSettings has been removed for non-custom navigation bar. Instead, you must now declare routeAndNavigatorSettings in PersistentBottomNavBarItem.
    • activeColor is now activeColorPrimary.
    • inactiveColor is now inactiveColorPrimary.
    • activeColorAlternate is now activeColorSecondary.
    • onPressed now returns context of the selected screen.

[3.1.0] - 2020-12-06

  • Argument routeAndNavigatorSettings added to handle Navigator.pushNamed(context, 'routeName'). Please define your routes and other navigator settings like navigator observers here as well.
  • Breaking Changes
    • Arguments initalRoute, navigatorObservers and navigatorKeys removed and shifted to routeAndNavigatorSettings.

[3.0.0] - 2020-12-06

  • Added new arguments navigatorObservers and navigatorKeys for the main navigation bar widget.
  • No need to call setState when updating active tab using the PersistentTabController.
  • Function argument selectedTabScreenContext exposes context of the selected tab.
  • Bug fixes and code refactoring.
  • Breaking Changes
    • context is now required in the constructor.
    • For custom widget, use this constructor PersistentTabView.custom().
    • NavBarStyle.custom has been removed. Please use PersistentTabView.custom().
    • Argument iconSize has been shifted to PersistentBottomNavBarItem.
    • PersistentBottomNavBarItem argument activeContentColor's name has been changed to activeColorSecondary. Functionality remains the same.
    • PersistentBottomNavBarItem argument titleStyle's name has been changed to textStyle. Functionality remains the same.

[2.1.0] - 2020-10-02

  • Added TextStyle property for title in the PersistentBottomNavBarItem.
  • Added margin property for the navigation bar.
  • Bug fixes.

[2.0.5] - 2020-07-16

  • Bug fixes related to decoration border.

[2.0.4] - 2020-07-16

  • Bug fixes.

[2.0.3] - 2020-07-16

  • Bug fixes.

[2.0.2] - 2020-07-15

  • Fixed hideNavigationBar animation jitter and updated Readme.

[2.0.1] - 2020-07-15

  • README updated.

[2.0.0] - 2020-07-15

These are not all the changes introduced in this update. Only the major ones. They were simply too many and couldn't be listed down here

  • Added transition animations to the Navigator functions.
  • Padding simplified into a single property and uses NavBarPadding instead of EdgeInsets.
  • New property called 'decoration' where are decoration related properties have been moved like curveRadius, boxShadow etc.
  • New property to hide the Navigation Bar when keyboard appears.
  • For those wanting to display a custom dialog when user tries to exit the app on Android only, use onWillPop the callback function.
  • 8 new styles added.
  • Animation properties for all styles can now be controlled through the property itemAnimationProperties.
  • Ability to turn off state management.
  • Screen transition animation added. Can be controlled with the property screenTransitionAnimation.
  • Ability to use custom behavior on tapping of a navigation bar's tab/item through onPressed callback method in the PersistentBottomNavBarItem.
  • Removed platformSpecific property from Navigator functions to make it compatible with Flutter-Web.
  • Minor new features, bug fixes and stability improvements.

[1.5.5] - 2020-05-11

  • Added property bottomScreenPadding to control a screen's bottom padding.
  • Added property navBarCurveRadius to change the nav bar curve's radius.
  • Added property popAllScreensOnTapOfSelectedTab to toggle between the ability to pop all pushed screens of a particular selected tab on the second press of the said tab.

[1.5.4] - 2020-05-07

  • Fixed background shadow issue when translucency was turned on with showElevation == true.

[1.5.3] - 2020-05-07

  • Updated Readme file.

[1.5.2] - 2020-05-07

  • Fixed nav bar background color consistency when translucency enabled.
  • Added an example for the navigator function pushDynamicScreen in the sample project.
  • Minor improvements to some styles.

[1.5.1] - 2020-04-30

  • Reverted changes to PersistentTabController.

[1.5.0] - 2020-04-30

  • Added feature to pop back to first screen on tapping of an already selected tab.
  • Fixed the issue when new tab was added dynamically.
  • Fixed safe area issues.
  • Removed property selectedIndex as it was redundant. Use PersistentTabController to control it instead. Breaking Change
  • Bug fixes.

[1.4.5] - 2020-04-29

  • Fixed nav bar translucency for provided styles.

[1.4.4] - 2020-04-29

  • Updated dependencies.
  • Removed allCorners value from NavBarCurve as it became redundant after a fix.

[1.4.1] - 2020-04-29

  • Improvements to readme.

[1.4.0] - 2020-04-29

  • Implemented handling of the Android back button.
  • Fixed the issue where the app would not close at all on Android back button press.
  • Updated navigation bar height to give it the default platform look.
  • Updated styles to fix the issue where a tap would not be registered.

[1.3.0] - 2020-04-25

  • Incorporated the much requested ability to customize your own bottom navigation bar widget.
  • Android's back button will no longer close the app.

[1.2.1] - 2020-03-23

  • Fixed centering of label text in style 1, 7, 9 and 10.

[1.2.0] - 2020-03-20

  • Added navBarHeight and floatingActionWidget properties, some bug fixes and (BREAKING CHANGE) isCurved property is now replaced with navBarCurve which accepts NavBarCurve.

[1.1.5] - 2020-03-04

  • Fixed issue for style 6 and 8 where a tap would not be registered occasionally.

[1.1.4] - 2020-03-03

  • Bug fixes and improvements for style 6 and 8.

[1.1.3] - 2020-03-02

  • Bug fixes.

[1.1.2] - 2020-03-01

  • Updated project description.

[1.1.1] - 2020-03-01

  • Memory leakage improvements.

[1.1.0] - 2020-03-01

  • Added Neumorphic design for the navigation bar.
  • Scale animations for style 7 and 8.
  • More control over translucency.
  • Bug fixes and improvements.

[1.0.15] - 2020-01-27

  • bug fixes.

[1.0.14] - 2020-01-27

  • Fixed showElevation invisible shadow issue.

[1.0.13] - 2020-01-27

  • bug fixes.

[1.0.12] - 2020-01-27

  • Increased space between icon and text for most styles (can be reverted by the use of bottomPadding property).

[1.0.11] - 2020-01-27

  • bug fixes.

[1.0.10] - 2020-01-26

  • bug fixes.

[1.0.9+2] - 2020-01-26

  • transparency color improvements.

[1.0.9+1] - 2020-01-26

  • bug fixes.

[1.0.9] - 2020-01-26

  • Added isTranslucent property for PersistentBottomNavBarItem.
  • Tweaked style8 and style9's magnification.

[1.0.8] - 2020-01-24

  • Fixed error thrown if onItemSelected was not declared.
  • Wrapped screens with Material for material elements.

[1.0.7+4] - 2020-01-23

  • Updated README file.

[1.0.7+3] - 2020-01-20

  • Updated style10's and style7's shadow.

[1.0.7+2] - 2020-01-20

  • Updated style10's and style7's shadow.

[1.0.7+1] - 2020-01-20

  • Updated style10's borders.

[1.0.7] - 2020-01-20

  • Updated style8's text magnification and added new style10.

[1.0.6+1] - 2020-01-20

  • Updated navigator functions' arguments BREAKING CHANGE.

[1.0.6] - 2020-01-20

  • Updated navigator functions' arguments and added a new nav bar style.

[1.0.5] - 2020-01-18

  • Updated return type of navigator functions.

[1.0.4] - 2020-01-16

  • Added function for pushing modal screens.

[1.0.3+5] - 2020-01-16

  • Updated style8's magnification.

[1.0.3+4] - 2020-01-16

  • Updated navigator functions.
  • Added another style for the nav bar.
  • Added horizontalPadding property for the nav bar.

[1.0.3+3] - 2020-01-10

  • Fixed issue with bottomPadding.

[1.0.3+2] - 2020-01-09

  • Updated pushNewScreen functions.

[1.0.3+1] - 2020-01-09

  • Updated project description.

[1.0.3] - 2020-01-09

  • Updated font sizes. Added 'bottomPadding` property for navigation bar items.

[1.0.2+1] - 2020-01-09

  • Fixes in pushNewScreen.

[1.0.2] - 2020-01-09

  • Fixes in pushNewScreen.

[1.0.1] - 2020-01-09

  • Updated package's description.

[1.0.0] - 2020-01-09

  • Stable version released.

[0.0.5] - 2020-01-09

  • Fixed formatting.

[0.0.4] - 2020-01-09

  • Example project added to repository.

[0.0.3] - 2020-01-08

  • Updated

[0.0.2] - 2020-01-08

  • Updated

[0.0.1] - 2020-01-08


  • Persistent Bottom Navigation.
  • Ability to push new screen with or without bottom navigation bar.
  • 8 styles for the bottom navigation bar (includes BottomNavyBar style).
  • Includes function for pushing screen with or without the bottom navigation bar i.e. pushNewScreen() and pushNewScreenWithRouteSettings().
  • Includes platform specific behavior as an option (specify it in the two navigator functions).
  • Based on flutter's Cupertino(iOS) bottom navigation bar.