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CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You seem to instinctively know what animals are thinking and have always found it easy to make friends with animals. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Sense Motive (1 or more ranks). PRESKILL:1,Sense Motive=1 BENEFIT:This feat allows you to apply the Sense Motive skill to animals. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: This is not a magical ability and does not allow you to alter how the animal behaves, only give you a general idea of how the animal is feeling. -Antimage TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are especially skilled at disrupting the spells of others. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 1+. BENEFIT:Your character gains a +4 competence bonus to counterspelling or dispelling spells cast by others. -Arterial Strike TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your sneak attacks target large blood vessels, leaving wounds that cause massive blood loss. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Base attack +4, sneak attack ability. PRETOTALAB:4 BENEFIT:If you hit with a sneak attack, you may choose to forgo +1d6 points of extra sneak attack damage to deliver a wound that won’t stop bleeding. Each wound so inflicted does an additional 1 point of damage per round. Wounds from multiple arterial strikes result in cumulative blood loss – that is, two successful arterial strikes do an additional 2 points of damage per round. Blood loss, whether from one such wound or several, stops when the victim receives one successful Heal check (DC 15), any cure spell, or any other form of magical healing. Creatures not subject to sneak attacks are immune to this effect. -Artificer TYPE:Item Creation SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are exceptionally knowledgeable in the creation of magic items. This lets you create the items faster than most, and also aids you in identifying similar items. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Any Item Creation feat. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE.ItemCreation,TYPE.Item Creation BENEFIT:When you select this feat you must decide upon which Item Creation Feat it applies. You can prepare the item in question in two-thirds the time that it normally requires. Also you receive a +2 circumstance bonus to Knowledge (arcana) skill checks related to this type of item. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat it applies to a new Item Creation feat. -Artistic Crafter TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You produce beautiful crafts of unparalleled skill. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Elf, Geanavue, Pekal or Xaarum. BENEFIT:Choose a Craft skill. You gain the ability to always “take 20” on the craft skill, if you so choose (You always succeed at this skill check, but it takes twenty times as long as making a single check would take). -Awareness TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are perceptive in combat. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Dodge, Lightning Reflexes. PRESTAT:1,DEX=13 PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Dodge,Lightning Reflexes BENEFIT:You cannot be the target of a sneak attack from a flanking character. Only an attacker who catches you flat-footed (or if you are somehow otherwise unable to apply your Dex bonus to AC) may sneak attack you. -Bazaar Veteran TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are skilled in barter and trade. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Raised in Ahznomahn, Ashoshani, Bet Kalamar, Bet Seder, Bet Urala, Dalen, Dowond-Brandel, Monahm-Ahnozh, Ospolen, P’Bapar, Svomahni, Thygasha, Zha-nehzmish or Zoa. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to Appraise checks when appraising common trade goods and Bluff checks when bartering for those goods, or a +2 bonus when appraising or bartering for less common or rare items. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. -Blessed TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Bad luck never seems to touch you. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to Will saves against curses. ASPECT:SaveBonus|+4 bonus to Will saves against curses. -Blind Shot TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You can shoot at things that you cannot see. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dex 13+. PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Point Blank Shot,Precise Shot PRESTAT:1,DEX=13 BENEFIT:By using his senses, your character can target an unseen target as if the target were visible (50% miss chance). The target may be invisible, beyond the character’s range of sight, or 100% concealed (as with a darkness spell). It may not be a target around a wall, on another plane, or otherwise out of range. -Born of the Cradle TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are steeped in the wisdom of your Svimohzish ancestors. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Born and raised in Meznamish, Ohzvinmish, or Zazahni. BENEFIT:You gain a +2 competence bonus to Sense Motive and Innuendo checks. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. -Born to the Saddle TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your people are practically born on horseback, spending more time mounted than on foot. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Born and raised in Drhokker or Dodera. BENEFIT:You gain a +1 bonus on all Ride checks and a +1 dodge bonus to AC while mounted. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. -Cat Burglar TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are experienced at breaking into difficult places. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Dex 13+, 5+ ranks in Climb. PRESTAT:1,DEX=13 PRESKILL:1,Climb=5 BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus to Balance checks and Climb checks. -Champion of the Faith TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your faith and your knowledge of your religion’s enemies serve you well. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Ability to cast divine spells. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus on Spellcraft checks and Scry checks against enemies of your faith. -Channel Positive Energy TYPE:Cleric SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character can use positive (or negative) energy for other purposes than turning undead. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Turn/rebuke undead, cleric. PRECLASS:1,Cleric=1 BENEFIT:You know various ways to channel positive energy. The exact benefit depends on the religion of your character. (page 141 of Kingdoms of Kalamar book) -Child of the Earth TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Faithful to your Defohy (Dejy) heritage, you are beloved of the Earth Mother. Her favor protects you. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Dejy born and raised in O’Par, Paru’Bor or Ek’Gakel. BENEFIT:You gain a luck bonus to all of your saving throws. This bonus is equal to your Constitution modifier. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. -Circle of Friends TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have a reliable network of friends and contacts among a certain group or a unique location. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to Gather Information and Intimidate checks in a particular city or among a certain organization. -Commanding Presence TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your stern gaze leaves your enemies quaking in fear. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Cha 13+, Eyes of Fury, Fearsome Appearance. PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Eyes of Fury,Fearsome Appearance BENEFIT:You frighten enemies who fail a Will save at DC 10 + your Charisma bonus. An opponent that is frightened immediately flees (using any means in their possession, even magic), if able. If unable to flee, the opponent may stay and fight, though it suffers a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls and saving throws. This ability is a gaze attack that you can use as a free action. -Critical Spell Strike TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have a keen eye for targeting your spells and their effects are hard to resist. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 1+. BENEFIT:When you make a touch attack (normal or ranged) with a spell and score a critical hit, you increase the save DC against that spell by 4. -Dragon Blood TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Related to dragons or not, you have a natural ability to feel the presence of magic. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Cha 13+. PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 BENEFIT:You can feel the presence of magic in an item (as if you had cast detect magic on that item) if you make a successful Search check at DC 15. You can detect the presence of magic on an item that you do not touch on a successful Search check against DC 20, as long as it is within 30 feet. Per day, each use after the first suffers a cumulative -2 penalty, as overuse blurs your magic sensitivity. Use of this ability is a standard action. -Eidetic Memory TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You can remember almost anything that you have read or seen. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Int 15+. PRESTAT:1,INT=15 BENEFIT:The character receives a +5 bonus to recall simple information and a +2 bonus to recall general complex information. For more complex or specific information related to a specific skill, the character must make a skill check with a +2 synergy bonus. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: This feat merely allows the character to recall specific details, it does not necessarily mean that he understands the information. This ability does not apply to language that the character cannot read, including magical languages. The DM determines a difficulty class for general recall of information. The DM should add a circumstance modifier (+1 or +2) to the DC for every year in the past the event occurred. Use the following guidelines. BENEFIT:&nl; DC 5: Almost impossible to forget. The circumstance was so memorable that it would be etched into the memory of most people. BENEFIT:&nl; DC 10: Relatively easy to recall. This means that the event was particularly memorable or it occurred so recently that it is still fresh in the mind of the person reflecting upon it. BENEFIT:&nl; DC 15: The memory being recalled is a little more detailed. BENEFIT:&nl; DC 20: The memory being recalled is very detailed. The person might remember that he accomplished something in the past related to the memory but not exactly how he went about doing it. BENEFIT:&nl; DC 25+: The memory being recalled is extremely detailed. -Elemental Adept TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have an affinity for one of the four elements. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 1+. BENEFIT:Choose an elemental spell descriptor (earth, air, fire or water). Spells you cast with that descriptor (i.e. the word is in the spell name, such as “wall of fire”) have a save DC that is 2 points higher than normal. This bonus stacks with the bonus for Spell Focus. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take it, you gain the bonus for a different element. -Envelop the Wall TYPE:Metamagic SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your spells overcome Spell Resistance by spilling around an opponent’s magic defenses. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 1+. BENEFIT:You may increase the level at which you cast a spell, gaining a +2 (for each level you raise the spell). Thus, a fireball (a 3rd-level spell) cast with a 5th level slot adds +4 to your die roll to see if you penetrate the spell resistance of a target. -Exotic Steed TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are proficient at handling unusual mounts. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Raised in Thygasha, Ehzhimahn, Slen, Tarisato, a desert, jungle, or marsh. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to Ride checks and Handle Animal checks when the check involves a mount other than a horse, donkey, pony or riding dog. -Expert Tactician TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your tactical skills work to your advantage. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Dex 13+, base attack bonus +2, Combat Reflexes. PRESTAT:1,DEX=13 PRETOTALAB:2 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Combat Reflexes BENEFIT:You can make one extra melee attack (or do anything that can be done as a melee attack or melee touch attack, including attempts to disarm, trip, or make a grab and start a grapple) against one foe who is within melee reach and denied a Dexterity bonus against your melee attacks for any reason. You take your extra attack when it’s your turn, either before or after your regular action. If several foes are within melee reach and denied Dexterity bonuses against your attacks, you can use this feat against only one of them. BENEFIT:&nl;Note: This feat originally appeared in Sword and Fist. This version supersedes the one originally printed there. -Expert Timing TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You can time your attacks for maximum effect. BENEFIT:You can delay your action without losing your normal initiative. You may take your action later in the round and then return to your normal initiative the next round. You can even go simultaneously with an enemy who goes on a lower initiative. You can use this feat to attack a wizard trying to cast a spell, thus forcing him to make a Concentration check to keep from losing the spell (if you cause damage, of course). -Explorer TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are independent and capable of survival in the wild. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Raised in Cosdol, Eldor, Mendarn, the Wild Lands, any jungle, desert, marsh or unclaimed land. BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus to Wilderness Lore checks and Knowledge (nature) checks. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. -Eyes of Fury TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your great skill (or appearance of great skill) causes enemies to doubt themselves in battle. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Cha 13+. PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 BENEFIT:Your stern gaze causes enemies who fail a Will save (DC 10 + your Cha bonus) to become shaken for one round. This ability is an extraordinary gaze attack. You may use this ability as a free action against one opponent each round in melee combat. -Fable Weaver TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:This character is particularly good at telling stories, having mastered the proper meter and inflection to hold the audience’s attention. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Perform skill (1 or more ranks). PRESKILL:1,TYPE.Perform=1 BENEFIT:You get a +4 bonus to Perform checks when telling stories. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: This ability only applies when telling stories. It does not apply to other uses of the Perform skill. -Fast Healer TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are able to recover from damage quickly. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Con 13+. PRESTAT:1,CON=13 BENEFIT:With normal rest (light, non-strenuous travel with no combat or spellcasting) you regain 1.5 hit points times your character level. With complete bed rest, you recover twice your level in hit points per day. -Fearless TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You never consider retreat or flight from a battle. BENEFIT:Effects that would result in you being “panicked” are reduced to being “frightened”, “frightened” are reduced to “shaken”. You ignore “shaken” effects. -Fearsome Appearance TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your presence in battle sows doubt amid your enemies and weakens their will to attack you. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Cha 13+, Eyes of Fury. PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Eyes of Fury BENEFIT:Opponents must make a Will save (10 + your Cha bonus) to make an attack of opportunity against you. -Fey Blood TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your family has a trace of non-human blood characterized by the possession of unusual talents. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Human born in the Young Kingdoms (except P’Bapar), Pel Brolenon, Thybaj, Zoa or Xaarum. Must be taken during character creation. BENEFIT:You have low-light vision. -Final Breath TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:As you die, you can strike your enemy one last time. BENEFIT:When your character goes to 0 hp or less, you may make an attack of opportunity at your base attack bonus against any target within reach. The attack has no effect on the health or hit points of your character. -Finding the Secrets TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Through practice or instruction, you know secrets of construction or anatomy that allow you to damage non-living or other exotic monsters. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: 6 ranks in Knowledge (Monsters) skill, base attack bonus +9 or higher, Improved Critical. PRETOTALAB:9 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Critical BENEFIT:Choose any creature type normally immune to critical hits (example: constructs, elementals, oozes, plants or undead). Your knowledge of their body types allows you to inflict critical hits on them. This feat may be taken multiple times, each time applying to a new creature type. -Fist of Steel TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your hands are tougher than normal. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Attack. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Unarmed Attack BENEFIT:When unarmed, you may attack to inflict normal damage instead of subdual damage without incurring a -4 penalty. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: Monks gain this ability for free at 1st level. -Glib Tongue TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character is an eloquent speaker. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to all Bluff and Diplomacy checks that involve you speaking. -Gorgeous TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character is a very attractive person. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Cha 13+. PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 BENEFIT:Your Charisma is considered to be 2 higher than normal for determining effects of appearance. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: This feat only applies when your character is able to utilize his or her appearance, i.e. those affected must be able to see your character (and be subject to your charms; DM’s call). -Guardian TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are skilled at protecting others in combat. BENEFIT:Your character can use her shield to protect another 5-foot square. The square must be adjacent to the square your character occupies. A single character in that square receives your character’s shield bonus to AC. When you use this feat, you do not gain the AC bonus from your shield. -Hammer and Anvil TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You and an ally work well together in combat. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Both characters must have this feat to use it. BENEFIT:When you both flank an opponent in melee combat, the first of you to attack during the round gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls against the defender (instead of the normal +2). Your ally gains +2 to damage if she scores a hit. This bonus is lost when fighting creatures immune to critical hits. -Hardiness TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your system resists venom and toxins. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Toughness. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Toughness BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to Fortitude saving throws to resist poison. -Immovability TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are hard to trip or knock down. BENEFIT:Add a +4 bonus to your opposed check rolls when an enemy attempts an overrun or trip maneuver against you. -Improve Cover TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You know how best to use cover to defend yourself. BENEFIT:When hiding behind cover, the character improves the amount of protection the cover provides by one category. No cover still counts as no cover, but one-quarter becomes one-half, one-half becomes three-quarters, etc. Other characters sharing the cover (behind a common wall, for example) gain no benefit. -Improved Subdual TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You can subdue opponents in melee. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Proficient in the chosen weapon. BENEFIT:Your character does not suffer the -4 penalty when attacking to subdue with the chosen weapon. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You can take this feat more than once. Each time you take it, it applies to a different weapon. -Inheritance TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You inherit a tidy sum of money from a wealthy family member or a patron. BENEFIT:You gain an additional 200 gp (or the equivalent in gems or jewelry) at character creation. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You can only take this feat as a 1st-level character. -Instant Stand TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You know how to leap to your feet quickly from a prone position. BENEFIT:You can stand as a free action instead of a partial action. -Iron Touch of Kruk-Ma-Kali TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have learned to strengthen weak areas of the body. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Hobgoblin or Sil-Karg. BENEFIT:Reduce the critical multiplier by 1 factor when your character takes damage. Thus, an axe that normally does x3 damage on a critical hit inflicts only x2 damage. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. -Irresistible Spell TYPE:Metamagic SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Nobody can resist your spells. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 7+, Envelope the Wall, Maximize Spell. PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Envelope the Wall,Maximize Spell BENEFIT:Spells you cast that normally allow a saving throw do not allow a saving throw. An irresistible spell uses up a spell slot four levels higher than the spell’s actual level. -Islander TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your people are at home on the shore, on small boats and in the water. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Raised in Malavla, Shyff, Aasaer, Baethel, Ardarr-Norr or Saaniema. BENEFIT:You gain +2 to Swim checks and a +4 to checks in Profession (sailor). BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. -Knock Prone TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your powerful onslaught knocks your enemy down in battle. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Str 13+, Power Attack. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Power Attack BENEFIT:On a critical hit, you knock your opponent down in addition to other effects. The opponent may attempt a Fortitude save at DC 10 plus the damage done in order to remain standing. -Know Your Enemy TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You can learn your opponent’s fighting style and take advantage of weaknesses. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Wis 13+, Patience. BENEFIT:After 3 rounds of combat, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to attacks against a single opponent, for the duration of the battle. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: If you have the Knowledge (fighting styles) skill and successfully determine your opponent’s style of fighting, you gain an additional +1 bonus to attacks (making the total for this feat +3). -Legacy TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:The blood of heroes runs through your veins. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Iron Will. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Iron Will BENEFIT:You are treated as 2 levels higher for your ability to resist spells dependent on level (such as sleep and cloudkill). -Light-Footed TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your feet seem barely to touch the ground. BENEFIT:Your character gains a +2 competence bonus to Move Silently and DCs to track the character increase by 4. -Like Mind TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have a close empathic link with another character. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: This feat has no benefit if only one character has it. This cooperative feat gives its benefit only to two characters that use it together. BENEFIT:The two characters with this feat can make Innuendo checks between them with a +4 bonus (essentially a +2 bonus for the sending character and +2 for the receiving character). The characters gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Sense Motive checks with each other as well. The characters also gain the empathic bonus when using Spot to determine if the other has been replaced by an illusion or doppelganger, using Forgery to determine if a document written by the other character is authentic or in any other situation where one character is required to identify a quality of the other. -Linguist TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have a knack for learning languages. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Int 13+. PRESTAT:1,INT=13 BENEFIT:When you take this feat you may select a number of languages equal to your Intelligence modifier that you now know (in addition to the standard number of languages for Intelligence modifier). Effectively, this feat doubles your Int modifier with regards to number of languages. This feat may only be taken during character creation. The DM must approve the languages you choose, assuring that your character had the opportunity to learn that language in his background. -Lone Wolf TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are independent and survive well on your own. BENEFIT:Choose a BENEFIT:+1 on melee attack rolls, +1 to the save DCs against spells you cast or a +1 dodge bonus to AC. When your character is out of sight of and at least 300 feet away from any known ally, he gains the chosen benefit. You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, the character receives a different bonus. -Loyalty’s Reward TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your loyalty to liege or lord grants you a benefit. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Leadership feat or a follower of a character with the Leadership feat. BENEFIT:Taking this feat as the leader of an organization allows you to use the feat and grant others the benefit of a custom feat. Taking this feat as a member of the organization gives you the special ability granted by that organization. Example feats include: BENEFIT:&nl;Snowbound: You gain a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws against cold spells. The druidic circle of the Voldorwoods and the Slennish can gain this feat. BENEFIT:&nl;Serpent’s Swiftness: You can move an additional 10 feet on a charge action and gain an additional +2 bonus on your attack roll. Some barbarians of the Obakasek Jungle (the Kelen tribe) have this feat. BENEFIT:&nl;Victims of Injustice: Due to combating constant oppression, you gain a +2 bonus to your Sense Motive checks made to oppose Bluff checks. The DC for someone to Intimidate you is 4 points higher than standard. Certain fanatical dwarves of Karasta take this feat. -Magical Affinity TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have a minor talent for arcane magic. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Int 13+, and Raised in Cosdol or Pel Brolenon, or Grey Elf, High Elf, Rock Gnome. PRESTAT:1,INT=13 BENEFIT:You know and can cast one 0-level spell per each point of your Intelligence modifier, per day (a character with a +2 Intelligence modifier can cast two 0-level spells, once per day. You may not use this feat to cast the same spell more than once per day). These spells are in addition to any you gain for spellcaster levels. -Meditate TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character draws upon insight and intuition for vital attacks. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Wis 13+. PRESTAT:1,WIS=13 BENEFIT:You may use the meditate action (full round, provokes an attack of opportunity) to gain a +4 insight bonus on your next melee attack afterward. The attack must take place within one minute of the meditation or you lose the bonus. -Mind Like Water TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are able to see motives clearly, like a reflection in still water. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to Sense Motive checks. -Miser with Magic TYPE:Metamagic SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character draws upon the minimum amount of arcane energy needed to cast a spell. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 7+. BENEFIT:You can make a Spellcraft roll to retain the use of a spell after you cast it. The Spellcraft DC is 10 + twice the spell’s level. If you succeed, you managed to conserve enough magical energy, from this and other spells you have cast, that the spell (or spell slots for sorcerers) is not considered spent and may be used again. You may only use this ability on a number of spell levels equal to the ability score modifier appropriate to the type of spells you cast (Charisma for sorcerers or bard spells, for example). BENEFIT:&nl;Special: If you fail the roll by 5 or more, you spent insufficient energy to cast the spell at all. You lose the spell slot, and the spell has no effect. -Movement Check TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You can stop a charging or running foe. BENEFIT:Exercising this feat requires that your character make an attack of opportunity against an opponent moving through your threatened area. If successful, the strike halts the opponent in addition to scoring normal damage. -Musical Ear TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:The character has an unnaturally good ear for music, and is particularly gifted with playing one instrument. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Perform skill with that musical instrument. BENEFIT:You get a +4 bonus to Perform when playing your selected instrument. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: This feat can be selected several times, each time it applies to a new instrument. This bonus does not stack with other circumstances bonuses except those from using masterwork tools. -Natural Engineer TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are particularly good at designing and building things. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Knowledge (architecture and engineering), 4 ranks in Profession (engineer). BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge (architecture and engineering), Profession (engineer) for the purpose of designing and building. -Natural Mathematician TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are especially good with numbers. From making change for coins to calculating complex equations, you breeze through problems that seem to take others up to twenty minutes. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Literate. BENEFIT:The character gains a +2 bonus on all skill uses that intensely involve numbers. Examples include Alchemy and Profession (engineer). This bonus only applies to the interaction and calculation of numbers and not other aspects of the skill. For example, a character with Knowledge (history) and this feat would gain the bonus when trying to quickly convert important dates between different calendars, but not when trying to remember the exact significance of the date. Merchants might gain this feat’s benefit when converting coinage or calculating several fees and taxes on a transaction. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: This feat does not apply to skills such as Appraise, which are based largely on knowledge and intuition. -Natural Swimmer TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are at home in the water. BENEFIT:Your character gains a +4 bonus on all Swim checks and can hold her breath for a number of rounds equal to four times her Constitution score. BENEFIT:&nl;Normal: A character can hold her breath for a number of rounds equal to twice her Constitution score. -Noble Bearing TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your aristocratic mannerisms and way of carrying yourself impress others. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Noble blood, Cha 13+, or Cha 13+, Wis 13+ with access to frequent observation of nobility. BENEFIT:You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks. -Noble Pride TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your great pride in the deeds of your Kalamaran ancestors gives you courage in dire situations. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Human born in the current or former Kalamaran Empire. BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus to saves against any fear effects. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. -Patience TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are adept at taking the initiative without going first. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Wis 13+. PRESTAT:1,WIS=13 BENEFIT:By waiting for the right opportunity, you can ensure an attack against an undefended or lightly defended area. You can hold your action (initiative) until last and make your first attack with a +2 bonus to your attack and damage roll. You do not gain this bonus against creatures that are immune to critical hits because they guard no one area greater than any others. You may only gain this bonus once against any single opponent or creature type. -Pilgrim TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your piety grants you a measure of protection from your enemies. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: 5 ranks in Knowledge (religion). PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (Religion)=5 BENEFIT:You gain a +2 divine bonus to saves against enemies of your character’s professed faith. -Polyglot TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character has a gift for learning new languages. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Int 13+. PRESTAT:1,INT=13 BENEFIT:You may learn languages for 1 skill point each if the new language shares an alphabet with a language you already know. BENEFIT:&nl;Normal: A language costs 2 skill points for all classes except bard (for whom Speak Language is a class skill). BENEFIT:&nl;Special: Clerics of The Traveler or The Watcher gain Polyglot as a bonus feat. -Push TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your forceful blows push opponents aside. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Power Attack, Str 13+. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Power Attack PRESTAT:1,STR=13 BENEFIT:You knock your opponent back a 5-foot step, in addition to scoring normal damage, on a successful strike. Your opponent may make a Fortitude save at DC 10 to resist the push. -Pyro TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You’re good at lighting objects and opponents on fire. BENEFIT:If you set something or someone on fire by any means (alchemist’s fire, for example), the flames do an extra 1 point of damage per die, and the Reflex save DC to extinguish the flames increases by +5. BENEFIT:&nl;Normal: Fire generally does 1d6 points of damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 15) extinguishes it. -Quick Dismount TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are able to leap from a mount quickly. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Mounted Combat. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Mounted Combat BENEFIT:Dismounting from a horse or other steed is a free action for your character. BENEFIT:&nl;Normal: Dismounting is a standard action. -Ram TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are adept at forcing your way through your opponents. BENEFIT:When using the overrun action, your character counts as one size category larger. She can therefore charge through larger creatures and gains a +4 size bonus for resolving any trip actions to drive through resisting defenders. -Rapid Ready TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You prepare for battle quickly. BENEFIT:You may cut the time to don, don hastily, or remove your armor to half the normal time. If you have some help, you may cut this time in half again. You may simultaneously help another character don (not don hastily) or remove their own armor. -Regal Bearing TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your dominating presence is an almost tangible force. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Noble Bearing feat, Cha 13+. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Noble Bearing PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 BENEFIT:Your bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks increases to +4. -Resist Disease TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have developed a natural resistance to diseases. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease. -Scholar TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character is widely read. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Literacy in at least one language. BENEFIT:All Knowledge skills become class skills for you. You also receive a +1 bonus on all checks of three Knowledge skills of your choice. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: Clerics of The Mule automatically gain this feat. -Sense Danger TYPE:Psionic SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You know when an enemy is observing you. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Raised in the Elos Desert, Khydoban Desert or Torakk, or Golden Halfling. BENEFIT:You can detect the mental presence of any individual (within a 30-foot radius) who is currently in the process of attacking you (charging, casting a spell, nocking an arrow, etc.). This feat does not allow you to read their thoughts, only locate where they are. You cannot use this feat to detect evil or detect someone who is only thinking about harming you and not yet acting on it. -Shapechanger TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You adapt quickly to forms not your own. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Wis 13+, Spellcaster level 5+. PRESTAT:1,WIS=13 BENEFIT:Choose a number of forms equal to your Wisdom modifier. You do not suffer disorientation penalties when you change into those shapes. -Shield Specialization TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are highly skilled in the use of a shield. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Shield Proficiency BENEFIT:Your character gains a +1 armor bonus to AC when using a shield, or she can use the shield as a second weapon while retaining the shield’s normal AC bonus (keeping any magical bonuses but losing the +1 for this feat). -Shock Resistant TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are unlikely to die from a single attack. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Undying, Con 13+. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Undying PRESTAT:1,CON=13 BENEFIT:Your character does not need to make a Fortitude save to resist death from massive damage. BENEFIT:&nl;Normal: You must make a Fortitude save at DC 15 to avoid instant death when you take 50 points of damage (if Medium-sized) or 40 points of damage (if Small) from a single attack. -Sisterhood of Arms TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Raised in Tharggy. BENEFIT:Your character gains a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls for each other attacker who has this feat and is engaged in melee combat with the same opponent. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. -Skeptic TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character is tough to fool with illusions. BENEFIT:Your character gains a +4 circumstance bonus to saving throws against phantasms. -Skill Prodigy TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You may learn skills normally unavailable to you. BENEFIT:You may learn a number of restricted skills equal to your Intelligence modifier as if they were cross-class skills, or you may learn a number of cross-class skills equal to your Intelligence modifier as if they were class skills. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each feat applies to a new group of skills. -Smashing Blow TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You can generate explosive power when attempting to break objects. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Str 13+, Power Attack, Sunder. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Power Attack PRESTAT:1,STR=13 BENEFIT:You can use a melee attack with a slashing or bludgeoning weapon to strike your opponent’s weapon or shield. The attacking weapon must be no more than two categories smaller than the weapon attacked. You also gain a +4 damage bonus, and your attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity from your opponent. -Spell Dodge TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character is adept at avoiding magical rays and similar effects. BENEFIT:Your character gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against ranged touch attacks. -Sprint TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are capable of amazing bursts of speed. BENEFIT:Your character’s base speed increases by 10 feet in combat. This spontaneous bonus does not apply to long marches or standard adventuring speed. A single sprint lasts for a maximum number of rounds equal to your Constitution score. After that, you cannot sprint for 1d8 minutes. -Stately Demeanor TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:This character seems to be surrounded by an aura of power and social grace that leads others to respect the character, regardless of opposing principles. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Cha 13+, 6 ranks in Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (nobility and royalty). PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (History)=6,Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty)=6 BENEFIT:The character gains a +4 bonus when using the Intimidate skill to impress others. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: If the character fails the roll, he is not able to use this bonus with that subject until he gains a level or completes an impressive task. -Steadfast TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character is able to hold his position against the raging winds. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Con 13+, raised in Baethel or Paru’Bor. PRESTAT:1,CON=13 BENEFIT:You cannot be checked, knocked down or blown away by any natural wind force smaller than a hurricane. -Stonebones TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character’s sturdy frame makes him harder to damage than other characters. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Dwarf, Gnome. PRERACE:1,Dwarf,Gnome BENEFIT:You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. -Targeted Attack TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You know how to wound opponents in specific ways. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Int 13+, Expertise. PRESTAT:1,INT=13 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Expertise BENEFIT:You may, instead of scoring critical damage when you roll a critical hit, score normal damage and injure a specific part of the body. You may choose to damage a hand, an arm, a leg, a foot or the head. -Tough as Nails TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your body is very tough, breaking lesser weapons that are used to attack you. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Undying, Shock Resistant, Con 13+. PRESTAT:1,CON=13 PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Undying,Shock Resistant BENEFIT:When a weapon strikes your body, it takes damage equal to half the damage it inflicts after it damages you. -Undying TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You ignore pain and damage when at death’s door. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Con 13+. PRESTAT:1,CON=13 BENEFIT:You may act normally when disabled. When dying you have a 15% chance per round of spontaneously stabilizing. Others gain a +4 bonus to rolls to stabilize you. -Unerring Strike TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p. CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You sacrifice a powerful attack for one that is almost sure to hit. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Dex 13+. PRESTAT:1,DEX=13 BENEFIT:Reduce your damage by a number and add that number to your attack roll. If this reduces the damage to less than one, the attack still does 1 point of damage. The number may not be higher than your character’s base attack bonus. diff --git a/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/abilities_race.lst b/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/abilities_race.lst deleted file mode 100644 index ed8fc3c49..000000000 --- a/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/abilities_race.lst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ - - - - -Human (Default) -- Brandobian -- Dejy -Fhokki -Kalamaran -Reanaarian -Svimohz - - - - - - -Dwarf - Hill, Mountain, Stone - -Lowland +2 CON, -2 CHA, Medium Sized, 20 Move, Darkvision 60, - - - - - -Elf - Dark, Grey, High, Wild -Gnome - Deep, Forest, Rock -Half-Elf -Half-Hobgoblin -Half-Orc -Halfling - Golden, Lightfoot -Hobgoblin - - -If Haidar's words had opened up memories of a happier time, and a life stolen from her before her transformation, then Lothar's words was a stampede trampling her under as her foundation core was pulled from under her. - -Her sudden outtake of air like a gut punch. Her head felt pulled in too many directions. "I-I do not..." \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_abilities_feats.lst b/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_abilities_feats.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..20f0b5b75 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_abilities_feats.lst @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +SOURCELONG:Kingdom of Kalamar Players Guide SOURCESHORT:KoKPG + +Animal Empathy TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.81 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You seem to instinctively know what animals are thinking and have always found it easy to make friends with animals. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Sense Motive (1 or more ranks). PRESKILL:1,Sense Motive=1 BENEFIT:This feat allows you to apply the Sense Motive skill to animals. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: This is not a magical ability and does not allow you to alter how the animal behaves, only give you a general idea of how the animal is feeling. +Antimage TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.81 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are especially skilled at disrupting the spells of others. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 1+. BENEFIT:Your character gains a +4 competence bonus to counterspelling or dispelling spells cast by others. +Arterial Strike TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.81 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your sneak attacks target large blood vessels, leaving wounds that cause massive blood loss. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Base attack +4, sneak attack ability. PRETOTALAB:4 BENEFIT:If you hit with a sneak attack, you may choose to forgo +1d6 points of extra sneak attack damage to deliver a wound that won’t stop bleeding. Each wound so inflicted does an additional 1 point of damage per round. Wounds from multiple arterial strikes result in cumulative blood loss – that is, two successful arterial strikes do an additional 2 points of damage per round. Blood loss, whether from one such wound or several, stops when the victim receives one successful Heal check (DC 15), any cure spell, or any other form of magical healing. Creatures not subject to sneak attacks are immune to this effect. +Artificer TYPE:Item Creation SOURCEPAGE:p.81 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are exceptionally knowledgeable in the creation of magic items. This lets you create the items faster than most, and also aids you in identifying similar items. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Any Item Creation feat. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE.ItemCreation,TYPE.Item Creation BENEFIT:When you select this feat you must decide upon which Item Creation Feat it applies. You can prepare the item in question in two-thirds the time that it normally requires. Also you receive a +2 circumstance bonus to Knowledge (arcana) skill checks related to this type of item. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat it applies to a new Item Creation feat. +Artistic Crafter TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.81 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You produce beautiful crafts of unparalleled skill. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Elf, Geanavue, Pekal or Xaarum. BENEFIT:Choose a Craft skill. You gain the ability to always “take 20” on the craft skill, if you so choose (You always succeed at this skill check, but it takes twenty times as long as making a single check would take). +Awareness TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are perceptive in combat. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Dodge, Lightning Reflexes. PRESTAT:1,DEX=13 PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Dodge,Lightning Reflexes BENEFIT:You cannot be the target of a sneak attack from a flanking character. Only an attacker who catches you flat-footed (or if you are somehow otherwise unable to apply your Dex bonus to AC) may sneak attack you. +Bazaar Veteran TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are skilled in barter and trade. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Raised in Ahznomahn, Ashoshani, Bet Kalamar, Bet Seder, Bet Urala, Dalen, Dowond-Brandel, Monahm-Ahnozh, Ospolen, P’Bapar, Svomahni, Thygasha, Zha-nehzmish or Zoa. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to Appraise checks when appraising common trade goods and Bluff checks when bartering for those goods, or a +2 bonus when appraising or bartering for less common or rare items. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. +Blessed TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Bad luck never seems to touch you. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to Will saves against curses. ASPECT:SaveBonus|+4 bonus to Will saves against curses. +Blind Shot TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You can shoot at things that you cannot see. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dex 13+. PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Point Blank Shot,Precise Shot PRESTAT:1,DEX=13 BENEFIT:By using his senses, your character can target an unseen target as if the target were visible (50% miss chance). The target may be invisible, beyond the character’s range of sight, or 100% concealed (as with a darkness spell). It may not be a target around a wall, on another plane, or otherwise out of range. +Born of the Cradle TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are steeped in the wisdom of your Svimohzish ancestors. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Born and raised in Meznamish, Ohzvinmish, or Zazahni. BENEFIT:You gain a +2 competence bonus to Sense Motive and Innuendo checks. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. +Born to the Saddle TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your people are practically born on horseback, spending more time mounted than on foot. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Born and raised in Drhokker or Dodera. BENEFIT:You gain a +1 bonus on all Ride checks and a +1 dodge bonus to AC while mounted. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. +Cat Burglar TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are experienced at breaking into difficult places. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Dex 13+, 5+ ranks in Climb. PRESTAT:1,DEX=13 PRESKILL:1,Climb=5 BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus to Balance checks and Climb checks. +Champion of the Faith TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your faith and your knowledge of your religion’s enemies serve you well. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Ability to cast divine spells. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus on Spellcraft checks and Scry checks against enemies of your faith. +Channel Positive Energy TYPE:Cleric SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character can use positive (or negative) energy for other purposes than turning undead. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Turn/rebuke undead, cleric. PRECLASS:1,Cleric=1 BENEFIT:You know various ways to channel positive energy. The exact benefit depends on the religion of your character. (page 141 of Kingdoms of Kalamar book) +Child of the Earth TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Faithful to your Defohy (Dejy) heritage, you are beloved of the Earth Mother. Her favor protects you. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Dejy born and raised in O’Par, Paru’Bor or Ek’Gakel. BENEFIT:You gain a luck bonus to all of your saving throws. This bonus is equal to your Constitution modifier. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. +Circle of Friends TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have a reliable network of friends and contacts among a certain group or a unique location. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to Gather Information and Intimidate checks in a particular city or among a certain organization. +Commanding Presence TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your stern gaze leaves your enemies quaking in fear. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Cha 13+, Eyes of Fury, Fearsome Appearance. PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Eyes of Fury,Fearsome Appearance BENEFIT:You frighten enemies who fail a Will save at DC 10 + your Charisma bonus. An opponent that is frightened immediately flees (using any means in their possession, even magic), if able. If unable to flee, the opponent may stay and fight, though it suffers a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls and saving throws. This ability is a gaze attack that you can use as a free action. +Critical Spell Strike TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have a keen eye for targeting your spells and their effects are hard to resist. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 1+. BENEFIT:When you make a touch attack (normal or ranged) with a spell and score a critical hit, you increase the save DC against that spell by 4. +Dragon Blood TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Related to dragons or not, you have a natural ability to feel the presence of magic. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Cha 13+. PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 BENEFIT:You can feel the presence of magic in an item (as if you had cast detect magic on that item) if you make a successful Search check at DC 15. You can detect the presence of magic on an item that you do not touch on a successful Search check against DC 20, as long as it is within 30 feet. Per day, each use after the first suffers a cumulative -2 penalty, as overuse blurs your magic sensitivity. Use of this ability is a standard action. +Eidetic Memory TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You can remember almost anything that you have read or seen. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Int 15+. PRESTAT:1,INT=15 BENEFIT:The character receives a +5 bonus to recall simple information and a +2 bonus to recall general complex information. For more complex or specific information related to a specific skill, the character must make a skill check with a +2 synergy bonus. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: This feat merely allows the character to recall specific details, it does not necessarily mean that he understands the information. This ability does not apply to language that the character cannot read, including magical languages. The DM determines a difficulty class for general recall of information. The DM should add a circumstance modifier (+1 or +2) to the DC for every year in the past the event occurred. Use the following guidelines. BENEFIT:&nl; DC 5: Almost impossible to forget. The circumstance was so memorable that it would be etched into the memory of most people. BENEFIT:&nl; DC 10: Relatively easy to recall. This means that the event was particularly memorable or it occurred so recently that it is still fresh in the mind of the person reflecting upon it. BENEFIT:&nl; DC 15: The memory being recalled is a little more detailed. BENEFIT:&nl; DC 20: The memory being recalled is very detailed. The person might remember that he accomplished something in the past related to the memory but not exactly how he went about doing it. BENEFIT:&nl; DC 25+: The memory being recalled is extremely detailed. +Elemental Adept TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have an affinity for one of the four elements. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 1+. BENEFIT:Choose an elemental spell descriptor (earth, air, fire or water). Spells you cast with that descriptor (i.e. the word is in the spell name, such as “wall of fire”) have a save DC that is 2 points higher than normal. This bonus stacks with the bonus for Spell Focus. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take it, you gain the bonus for a different element. +Enhance Familiar / Fast TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:[Not Implemented] +Enhance Familiar / Fly TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:[Not Implemented] +Enhance Familiar / Greater Spell Resistance TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:[Not Implemented] +Enhance Familiar / Jump TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:[Not Implemented] +Enhance Familiar / Speak TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:[Not Implemented] +Enhance Familiar / Smart TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:[Not Implemented] +Enhance Familiar / Toughskin TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:[Not Implemented] +Envelop the Wall TYPE:Metamagic SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your spells overcome Spell Resistance by spilling around an opponent’s magic defenses. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 1+. BENEFIT:You may increase the level at which you cast a spell, gaining a +2 (for each level you raise the spell). Thus, a fireball (a 3rd-level spell) cast with a 5th level slot adds +4 to your die roll to see if you penetrate the spell resistance of a target. +Exotic Steed TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are proficient at handling unusual mounts. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Raised in Thygasha, Ehzhimahn, Slen, Tarisato, a desert, jungle, or marsh. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to Ride checks and Handle Animal checks when the check involves a mount other than a horse, donkey, pony or riding dog. +Expert Tactician TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your tactical skills work to your advantage. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Dex 13+, base attack bonus +2, Combat Reflexes. PRESTAT:1,DEX=13 PRETOTALAB:2 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Combat Reflexes BENEFIT:You can make one extra melee attack (or do anything that can be done as a melee attack or melee touch attack, including attempts to disarm, trip, or make a grab and start a grapple) against one foe who is within melee reach and denied a Dexterity bonus against your melee attacks for any reason. You take your extra attack when it’s your turn, either before or after your regular action. If several foes are within melee reach and denied Dexterity bonuses against your attacks, you can use this feat against only one of them. BENEFIT:&nl;Note: This feat originally appeared in Sword and Fist. This version supersedes the one originally printed there. +Expert Timing TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You can time your attacks for maximum effect. BENEFIT:You can delay your action without losing your normal initiative. You may take your action later in the round and then return to your normal initiative the next round. You can even go simultaneously with an enemy who goes on a lower initiative. You can use this feat to attack a wizard trying to cast a spell, thus forcing him to make a Concentration check to keep from losing the spell (if you cause damage, of course). +Explorer TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are independent and capable of survival in the wild. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Raised in Cosdol, Eldor, Mendarn, the Wild Lands, any jungle, desert, marsh or unclaimed land. BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus to Wilderness Lore checks and Knowledge (nature) checks. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. +Eyes of Fury TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your great skill (or appearance of great skill) causes enemies to doubt themselves in battle. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Cha 13+. PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 BENEFIT:Your stern gaze causes enemies who fail a Will save (DC 10 + your Cha bonus) to become shaken for one round. This ability is an extraordinary gaze attack. You may use this ability as a free action against one opponent each round in melee combat. +Fable Weaver TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:This character is particularly good at telling stories, having mastered the proper meter and inflection to hold the audience’s attention. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Perform skill (1 or more ranks). PRESKILL:1,TYPE.Perform=1 BENEFIT:You get a +4 bonus to Perform checks when telling stories. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: This ability only applies when telling stories. It does not apply to other uses of the Perform skill. +Fast Healer TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are able to recover from damage quickly. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Con 13+. PRESTAT:1,CON=13 BENEFIT:With normal rest (light, non-strenuous travel with no combat or spellcasting) you regain 1.5 hit points times your character level. With complete bed rest, you recover twice your level in hit points per day. +Fearless TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You never consider retreat or flight from a battle. BENEFIT:Effects that would result in you being “panicked” are reduced to being “frightened”, “frightened” are reduced to “shaken”. You ignore “shaken” effects. +Fearsome Appearance TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your presence in battle sows doubt amid your enemies and weakens their will to attack you. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Cha 13+, Eyes of Fury. PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Eyes of Fury BENEFIT:Opponents must make a Will save (10 + your Cha bonus) to make an attack of opportunity against you. +Fey Blood TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your family has a trace of non-human blood characterized by the possession of unusual talents. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Human born in the Young Kingdoms (except P’Bapar), Pel Brolenon, Thybaj, Zoa or Xaarum. Must be taken during character creation. BENEFIT:You have low-light vision. +Final Breath TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:As you die, you can strike your enemy one last time. BENEFIT:When your character goes to 0 hp or less, you may make an attack of opportunity at your base attack bonus against any target within reach. The attack has no effect on the health or hit points of your character. +Finding the Secrets TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Through practice or instruction, you know secrets of construction or anatomy that allow you to damage non-living or other exotic monsters. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: 6 ranks in Knowledge (Monsters) skill, base attack bonus +9 or higher, Improved Critical. PRETOTALAB:9 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Critical BENEFIT:Choose any creature type normally immune to critical hits (example: constructs, elementals, oozes, plants or undead). Your knowledge of their body types allows you to inflict critical hits on them. This feat may be taken multiple times, each time applying to a new creature type. +Fist of Steel TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your hands are tougher than normal. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Attack. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Unarmed Attack BENEFIT:When unarmed, you may attack to inflict normal damage instead of subdual damage without incurring a -4 penalty. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: Monks gain this ability for free at 1st level. +Glib Tongue TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character is an eloquent speaker. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to all Bluff and Diplomacy checks that involve you speaking. +Gorgeous TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character is a very attractive person. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Cha 13+. PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 BENEFIT:Your Charisma is considered to be 2 higher than normal for determining effects of appearance. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: This feat only applies when your character is able to utilize his or her appearance, i.e. those affected must be able to see your character (and be subject to your charms; DM’s call). +Guardian TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are skilled at protecting others in combat. BENEFIT:Your character can use her shield to protect another 5-foot square. The square must be adjacent to the square your character occupies. A single character in that square receives your character’s shield bonus to AC. When you use this feat, you do not gain the AC bonus from your shield. +Hammer and Anvil TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You and an ally work well together in combat. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Both characters must have this feat to use it. BENEFIT:When you both flank an opponent in melee combat, the first of you to attack during the round gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls against the defender (instead of the normal +2). Your ally gains +2 to damage if she scores a hit. This bonus is lost when fighting creatures immune to critical hits. +Hardiness TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your system resists venom and toxins. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Toughness. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Toughness BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to Fortitude saving throws to resist poison. +Immovability TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are hard to trip or knock down. BENEFIT:Add a +4 bonus to your opposed check rolls when an enemy attempts an overrun or trip maneuver against you. +Improve Cover TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You know how best to use cover to defend yourself. BENEFIT:When hiding behind cover, the character improves the amount of protection the cover provides by one category. No cover still counts as no cover, but one-quarter becomes one-half, one-half becomes three-quarters, etc. Other characters sharing the cover (behind a common wall, for example) gain no benefit. +Improved Subdual TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You can subdue opponents in melee. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Proficient in the chosen weapon. BENEFIT:Your character does not suffer the -4 penalty when attacking to subdue with the chosen weapon. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You can take this feat more than once. Each time you take it, it applies to a different weapon. +Inheritance TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You inherit a tidy sum of money from a wealthy family member or a patron. BENEFIT:You gain an additional 200 gp (or the equivalent in gems or jewelry) at character creation. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You can only take this feat as a 1st-level character. +Instant Stand TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You know how to leap to your feet quickly from a prone position. BENEFIT:You can stand as a free action instead of a partial action. +Iron Touch of Kruk-Ma-Kali TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have learned to strengthen weak areas of the body. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Hobgoblin or Sil-Karg. BENEFIT:Reduce the critical multiplier by 1 factor when your character takes damage. Thus, an axe that normally does x3 damage on a critical hit inflicts only x2 damage. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. +Irresistible Spell TYPE:Metamagic SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Nobody can resist your spells. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 7+, Envelope the Wall, Maximize Spell. PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Envelope the Wall,Maximize Spell BENEFIT:Spells you cast that normally allow a saving throw do not allow a saving throw. An irresistible spell uses up a spell slot four levels higher than the spell’s actual level. +Islander TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your people are at home on the shore, on small boats and in the water. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Raised in Malavla, Shyff, Aasaer, Baethel, Ardarr-Norr or Saaniema. BENEFIT:You gain +2 to Swim checks and a +4 to checks in Profession (sailor). BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. +Knock Prone TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your powerful onslaught knocks your enemy down in battle. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Str 13+, Power Attack. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Power Attack BENEFIT:On a critical hit, you knock your opponent down in addition to other effects. The opponent may attempt a Fortitude save at DC 10 plus the damage done in order to remain standing. +Know Your Enemy TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You can learn your opponent’s fighting style and take advantage of weaknesses. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Wis 13+, Patience. BENEFIT:After 3 rounds of combat, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to attacks against a single opponent, for the duration of the battle. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: If you have the Knowledge (fighting styles) skill and successfully determine your opponent’s style of fighting, you gain an additional +1 bonus to attacks (making the total for this feat +3). +Legacy TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:The blood of heroes runs through your veins. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Iron Will. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Iron Will BENEFIT:You are treated as 2 levels higher for your ability to resist spells dependent on level (such as sleep and cloudkill). +Light-Footed TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your feet seem barely to touch the ground. BENEFIT:Your character gains a +2 competence bonus to Move Silently and DCs to track the character increase by 4. +Like Mind TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have a close empathic link with another character. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: This feat has no benefit if only one character has it. This cooperative feat gives its benefit only to two characters that use it together. BENEFIT:The two characters with this feat can make Innuendo checks between them with a +4 bonus (essentially a +2 bonus for the sending character and +2 for the receiving character). The characters gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Sense Motive checks with each other as well. The characters also gain the empathic bonus when using Spot to determine if the other has been replaced by an illusion or doppelganger, using Forgery to determine if a document written by the other character is authentic or in any other situation where one character is required to identify a quality of the other. +Linguist TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have a knack for learning languages. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Int 13+. PRESTAT:1,INT=13 BENEFIT:When you take this feat you may select a number of languages equal to your Intelligence modifier that you now know (in addition to the standard number of languages for Intelligence modifier). Effectively, this feat doubles your Int modifier with regards to number of languages. This feat may only be taken during character creation. The DM must approve the languages you choose, assuring that your character had the opportunity to learn that language in his background. +Lone Wolf TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are independent and survive well on your own. BENEFIT:Choose a BENEFIT:+1 on melee attack rolls, +1 to the save DCs against spells you cast or a +1 dodge bonus to AC. When your character is out of sight of and at least 300 feet away from any known ally, he gains the chosen benefit. You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, the character receives a different bonus. +Loyalty’s Reward TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your loyalty to liege or lord grants you a benefit. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Leadership feat or a follower of a character with the Leadership feat. BENEFIT:Taking this feat as the leader of an organization allows you to use the feat and grant others the benefit of a custom feat. Taking this feat as a member of the organization gives you the special ability granted by that organization. Example feats include: BENEFIT:&nl;Snowbound: You gain a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws against cold spells. The druidic circle of the Voldorwoods and the Slennish can gain this feat. BENEFIT:&nl;Serpent’s Swiftness: You can move an additional 10 feet on a charge action and gain an additional +2 bonus on your attack roll. Some barbarians of the Obakasek Jungle (the Kelen tribe) have this feat. BENEFIT:&nl;Victims of Injustice: Due to combating constant oppression, you gain a +2 bonus to your Sense Motive checks made to oppose Bluff checks. The DC for someone to Intimidate you is 4 points higher than standard. Certain fanatical dwarves of Karasta take this feat. +Magical Affinity TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have a minor talent for arcane magic. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Int 13+, and Raised in Cosdol or Pel Brolenon, or Grey Elf, High Elf, Rock Gnome. PRESTAT:1,INT=13 BENEFIT:You know and can cast one 0-level spell per each point of your Intelligence modifier, per day (a character with a +2 Intelligence modifier can cast two 0-level spells, once per day. You may not use this feat to cast the same spell more than once per day). These spells are in addition to any you gain for spellcaster levels. +Meditate TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character draws upon insight and intuition for vital attacks. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Wis 13+. PRESTAT:1,WIS=13 BENEFIT:You may use the meditate action (full round, provokes an attack of opportunity) to gain a +4 insight bonus on your next melee attack afterward. The attack must take place within one minute of the meditation or you lose the bonus. +Mind Like Water TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are able to see motives clearly, like a reflection in still water. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to Sense Motive checks. +Miser with Magic TYPE:Metamagic SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character draws upon the minimum amount of arcane energy needed to cast a spell. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 7+. BENEFIT:You can make a Spellcraft roll to retain the use of a spell after you cast it. The Spellcraft DC is 10 + twice the spell’s level. If you succeed, you managed to conserve enough magical energy, from this and other spells you have cast, that the spell (or spell slots for sorcerers) is not considered spent and may be used again. You may only use this ability on a number of spell levels equal to the ability score modifier appropriate to the type of spells you cast (Charisma for sorcerers or bard spells, for example). BENEFIT:&nl;Special: If you fail the roll by 5 or more, you spent insufficient energy to cast the spell at all. You lose the spell slot, and the spell has no effect. +Movement Check TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You can stop a charging or running foe. BENEFIT:Exercising this feat requires that your character make an attack of opportunity against an opponent moving through your threatened area. If successful, the strike halts the opponent in addition to scoring normal damage. +Musical Ear TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:The character has an unnaturally good ear for music, and is particularly gifted with playing one instrument. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Perform skill with that musical instrument. BENEFIT:You get a +4 bonus to Perform when playing your selected instrument. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: This feat can be selected several times, each time it applies to a new instrument. This bonus does not stack with other circumstances bonuses except those from using masterwork tools. +Natural Engineer TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are particularly good at designing and building things. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: 4 ranks in Knowledge (architecture and engineering), 4 ranks in Profession (engineer). BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge (architecture and engineering), Profession (engineer) for the purpose of designing and building. +Natural Mathematician TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are especially good with numbers. From making change for coins to calculating complex equations, you breeze through problems that seem to take others up to twenty minutes. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Literate. BENEFIT:The character gains a +2 bonus on all skill uses that intensely involve numbers. Examples include Alchemy and Profession (engineer). This bonus only applies to the interaction and calculation of numbers and not other aspects of the skill. For example, a character with Knowledge (history) and this feat would gain the bonus when trying to quickly convert important dates between different calendars, but not when trying to remember the exact significance of the date. Merchants might gain this feat’s benefit when converting coinage or calculating several fees and taxes on a transaction. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: This feat does not apply to skills such as Appraise, which are based largely on knowledge and intuition. +Natural Swimmer TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are at home in the water. BENEFIT:Your character gains a +4 bonus on all Swim checks and can hold her breath for a number of rounds equal to four times her Constitution score. BENEFIT:&nl;Normal: A character can hold her breath for a number of rounds equal to twice her Constitution score. +Noble Bearing TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your aristocratic mannerisms and way of carrying yourself impress others. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Noble blood, Cha 13+, or Cha 13+, Wis 13+ with access to frequent observation of nobility. BENEFIT:You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks. +Noble Pride TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your great pride in the deeds of your Kalamaran ancestors gives you courage in dire situations. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Human born in the current or former Kalamaran Empire. BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus to saves against any fear effects. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. +Patience TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are adept at taking the initiative without going first. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Wis 13+. PRESTAT:1,WIS=13 BENEFIT:By waiting for the right opportunity, you can ensure an attack against an undefended or lightly defended area. You can hold your action (initiative) until last and make your first attack with a +2 bonus to your attack and damage roll. You do not gain this bonus against creatures that are immune to critical hits because they guard no one area greater than any others. You may only gain this bonus once against any single opponent or creature type. +Pilgrim TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your piety grants you a measure of protection from your enemies. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: 5 ranks in Knowledge (religion). PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (Religion)=5 BENEFIT:You gain a +2 divine bonus to saves against enemies of your character’s professed faith. +Polyglot TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.90 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character has a gift for learning new languages. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Int 13+. PRESTAT:1,INT=13 BENEFIT:You may learn languages for 1 skill point each if the new language shares an alphabet with a language you already know. BENEFIT:&nl;Normal: A language costs 2 skill points for all classes except bard (for whom Speak Language is a class skill). BENEFIT:&nl;Special: Clerics of The Traveler or The Watcher gain Polyglot as a bonus feat. +Push TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.90 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your forceful blows push opponents aside. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Power Attack, Str 13+. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Power Attack PRESTAT:1,STR=13 BENEFIT:You knock your opponent back a 5-foot step, in addition to scoring normal damage, on a successful strike. Your opponent may make a Fortitude save at DC 10 to resist the push. +Pyro TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.90 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You’re good at lighting objects and opponents on fire. BENEFIT:If you set something or someone on fire by any means (alchemist’s fire, for example), the flames do an extra 1 point of damage per die, and the Reflex save DC to extinguish the flames increases by +5. BENEFIT:&nl;Normal: Fire generally does 1d6 points of damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 15) extinguishes it. +Quick Dismount TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.90 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are able to leap from a mount quickly. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Mounted Combat. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Mounted Combat BENEFIT:Dismounting from a horse or other steed is a free action for your character. BENEFIT:&nl;Normal: Dismounting is a standard action. +Ram TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.90 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are adept at forcing your way through your opponents. BENEFIT:When using the overrun action, your character counts as one size category larger. She can therefore charge through larger creatures and gains a +4 size bonus for resolving any trip actions to drive through resisting defenders. +Rapid Ready TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.90 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You prepare for battle quickly. BENEFIT:You may cut the time to don, don hastily, or remove your armor to half the normal time. If you have some help, you may cut this time in half again. You may simultaneously help another character don (not don hastily) or remove their own armor. +Regal Bearing TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.90 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your dominating presence is an almost tangible force. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Noble Bearing feat, Cha 13+. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Noble Bearing PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 BENEFIT:Your bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks increases to +4. +Resist Disease TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.90 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You have developed a natural resistance to diseases. BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease. +Scholar TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.90 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character is widely read. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Literacy in at least one language. BENEFIT:All Knowledge skills become class skills for you. You also receive a +1 bonus on all checks of three Knowledge skills of your choice. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: Clerics of The Mule automatically gain this feat. +Sense Danger TYPE:Psionic SOURCEPAGE:p.91 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You know when an enemy is observing you. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Raised in the Elos Desert, Khydoban Desert or Torakk, or Golden Halfling. BENEFIT:You can detect the mental presence of any individual (within a 30-foot radius) who is currently in the process of attacking you (charging, casting a spell, nocking an arrow, etc.). This feat does not allow you to read their thoughts, only locate where they are. You cannot use this feat to detect evil or detect someone who is only thinking about harming you and not yet acting on it. +Shapechanger TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.91 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You adapt quickly to forms not your own. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Wis 13+, Spellcaster level 5+. PRESTAT:1,WIS=13 BENEFIT:Choose a number of forms equal to your Wisdom modifier. You do not suffer disorientation penalties when you change into those shapes. +Shield Specialization TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.91 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are highly skilled in the use of a shield. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Shield Proficiency BENEFIT:Your character gains a +1 armor bonus to AC when using a shield, or she can use the shield as a second weapon while retaining the shield’s normal AC bonus (keeping any magical bonuses but losing the +1 for this feat). +Shock Resistant TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.91 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are unlikely to die from a single attack. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Undying, Con 13+. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Undying PRESTAT:1,CON=13 BENEFIT:Your character does not need to make a Fortitude save to resist death from massive damage. BENEFIT:&nl;Normal: You must make a Fortitude save at DC 15 to avoid instant death when you take 50 points of damage (if Medium-sized) or 40 points of damage (if Small) from a single attack. +Sisterhood of Arms TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.91 CATEGORY:FEAT PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Raised in Tharggy. BENEFIT:Your character gains a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls for each other attacker who has this feat and is engaged in melee combat with the same opponent. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. +Skeptic TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.91 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character is tough to fool with illusions. BENEFIT:Your character gains a +4 circumstance bonus to saving throws against phantasms. +Skill Prodigy TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.91 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You may learn skills normally unavailable to you. BENEFIT:You may learn a number of restricted skills equal to your Intelligence modifier as if they were cross-class skills, or you may learn a number of cross-class skills equal to your Intelligence modifier as if they were class skills. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each feat applies to a new group of skills. +Smashing Blow TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.91 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You can generate explosive power when attempting to break objects. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Str 13+, Power Attack, Sunder. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Power Attack PRESTAT:1,STR=13 BENEFIT:You can use a melee attack with a slashing or bludgeoning weapon to strike your opponent’s weapon or shield. The attacking weapon must be no more than two categories smaller than the weapon attacked. You also gain a +4 damage bonus, and your attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity from your opponent. +Spell Dodge TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.91 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character is adept at avoiding magical rays and similar effects. BENEFIT:Your character gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against ranged touch attacks. +Sprint TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.91 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You are capable of amazing bursts of speed. BENEFIT:Your character’s base speed increases by 10 feet in combat. This spontaneous bonus does not apply to long marches or standard adventuring speed. A single sprint lasts for a maximum number of rounds equal to your Constitution score. After that, you cannot sprint for 1d8 minutes. +Stately Demeanor TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.91 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:This character seems to be surrounded by an aura of power and social grace that leads others to respect the character, regardless of opposing principles. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Cha 13+, 6 ranks in Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (nobility and royalty). PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (History)=6,Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty)=6 BENEFIT:The character gains a +4 bonus when using the Intimidate skill to impress others. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: If the character fails the roll, he is not able to use this bonus with that subject until he gains a level or completes an impressive task. +Steadfast TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.92 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character is able to hold his position against the raging winds. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Con 13+, raised in Baethel or Paru’Bor. PRESTAT:1,CON=13 BENEFIT:You cannot be checked, knocked down or blown away by any natural wind force smaller than a hurricane. +Stonebones TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.92 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your character’s sturdy frame makes him harder to damage than other characters. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Dwarf, Gnome. PRERACE:1,Dwarf,Gnome BENEFIT:You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC. BENEFIT:&nl;Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. +Targeted Attack TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.92 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You know how to wound opponents in specific ways. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Int 13+, Expertise. PRESTAT:1,INT=13 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Expertise BENEFIT:You may, instead of scoring critical damage when you roll a critical hit, score normal damage and injure a specific part of the body. You may choose to damage a hand, an arm, a leg, a foot or the head. +Tough as Nails TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.92 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:Your body is very tough, breaking lesser weapons that are used to attack you. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Undying, Shock Resistant, Con 13+. PRESTAT:1,CON=13 PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Undying,Shock Resistant BENEFIT:When a weapon strikes your body, it takes damage equal to half the damage it inflicts after it damages you. +Undying TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.92 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You ignore pain and damage when at death’s door. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Con 13+. PRESTAT:1,CON=13 BENEFIT:You may act normally when disabled. When dying you have a 15% chance per round of spontaneously stabilizing. Others gain a +4 bonus to rolls to stabilize you. +Unerring Strike TYPE:General SOURCEPAGE:p.92 CATEGORY:FEAT DESC:You sacrifice a powerful attack for one that is almost sure to hit. PRETEXT:Prerequisite: Dex 13+. PRESTAT:1,DEX=13 BENEFIT:Reduce your damage by a number and add that number to your attack roll. If this reduces the damage to less than one, the attack still does 1 point of damage. The number may not be higher than your character’s base attack bonus. diff --git a/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_abilities_race.lst b/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_abilities_race.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8e1fe84d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_abilities_race.lst @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +SOURCELONG:Kingdom of Kalamar Players Guide SOURCESHORT:KoKPG + +###Block: Kalamarian Races +Human / KoK CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Human ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ KoKPG Human DESC:Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide version of the race +Dwarf / KoK CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Dwarf ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ KoKPG Dwarf DESC:Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide version of the race +Elf / KoK CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Elf ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ KoKPG Elf DESC:Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide version of the race +Gnome / KoK CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Gnome ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ KoKPG Gnome DESC:Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide version of the race +Half-Elf / KoK CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Half-Elf ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ KoKPG Half-Elf DESC:Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide version of the race +Half-Hobgoblin / KoK CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Half-Hobgoblin ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ KoKPG Half-Hobgoblin DESC:Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide version of the race +Half-Orc / KoK CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Half-Orc ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ KoKPG Half-Orc DESC:Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide version of the race +Halfling / KoK CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Halfling ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ KoKPG Halfling DESC:Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide version of the race +Hobgoblin / KoK CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Hobgoblin ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ KoKPG Hobgoblin DESC:Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide version of the race + +# +Race Traits ~ KoKPG Human CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|KoKPG Human Selection|1 +Race Traits ~ KoKPG Dwarf CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|KoKPG Dwarf Selection|1 +Race Traits ~ KoKPG Elf CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|KoKPG Elf Selection|1 +Race Traits ~ KoKPG Gnome CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|KoKPG Gnome Selection|1 +Race Traits ~ KoKPG Halfling CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|KoKPG Halfling Selection|1 +Race Traits ~ KoKPG Hobgoblin CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:STAT|DEX,CON|2|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|INT,WIS,CHA|-2|TYPE=Racial BONUS:VAR|RaceBase_Walk|30|TYPE=Base ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|KoK ~ Hobgoblin Racial Traits +Race Traits ~ KoKPG Half-Elf CATEGORY:Internal +Race Traits ~ KoKPG Half-Hobgoblin CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:VAR|RaceBase_Walk|30|TYPE=Base +Race Traits ~ KoKPG Half-Orc CATEGORY:Internal + + + +Hobgoblin Racial Traits KEY:KoK ~ Hobgoblin Racial Traits SOURCEPAGE:p.28 CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Race Trait.Output.SpecialQuality.Hobgoblin Race Trait DESC:+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Hobgoblins are great physical specimens, but they lack subtlety and grace. DESC:&nl;Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, hobgoblins have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. DESC:&nl;Hobgoblins base speed is 30 feet. DESC:&nl;+2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks. Hobgolbins are exceptionally alert creatures. DESC:&nl;+4 racial bonus to Hide checks. Years of hunting and being hunted have made hobgoblins adept at not being seen. DESC:&nl;Automatic language: One Hobgoblin language (either Krangi or Kargi) and Goblin. Bonus Languages: The Krangi typically speak Merchant's Tongue as well, and the Kargi speak Svimohzish fluently. Hobgoblins in other areas rarely speak anything other than Hobgoblin or Goblin. DESC:&nl;Favored Class: Fighter. a multiclass hobgoblin fighter class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing. + + + + + +# Humans +Human / KoKPG ~ Brandobian TYPE:KoKPG Human Selection CATEGORY:Internal DESC:No new traits granted +Human / KoKPG ~ Dejy TYPE:KoKPG Human Selection CATEGORY:Internal DESC:No new traits granted +Human / KoKPG ~ Fhokki TYPE:KoKPG Human Selection CATEGORY:Internal DESC:No new traits granted +Human / KoKPG ~ Kalamaran TYPE:KoKPG Human Selection CATEGORY:Internal DESC:No new traits granted +Human / KoKPG ~ Reanaarian TYPE:KoKPG Human Selection CATEGORY:Internal DESC:No new traits granted +Human / KoKPG ~ Svimohz TYPE:KoKPG Human Selection CATEGORY:Internal DESC:No new traits granted +# Dwarves +Dwarf / KoKPG ~ Hill TYPE:KoKPG Dwarf Selection CATEGORY:Internal DESC:+2 Con, -2 Cha, standard Dwarf BONUS:STAT|CON|2|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|CHA|-2|TYPE=Racial BONUS:VAR|RaceBase_Walk|20|TYPE=Base BONUS:VAR|DarkvisionRange|60|TYPE=Base +Dwarf / KoKPG ~ Mountain TYPE:KoKPG Dwarf Selection CATEGORY:Internal +Dwarf / KoKPG ~ Stone TYPE:KoKPG Dwarf Selection CATEGORY:Internal +# Elves +Elf / KoKPG ~ High TYPE:KoKPG Elf Selection CATEGORY:Internal +Elf / KoKPG ~ Wood TYPE:KoKPG Elf Selection CATEGORY:Internal +Elf / KoKPG ~ Wild TYPE:KoKPG Elf Selection CATEGORY:Internal +Elf / KoKPG ~ Gray TYPE:KoKPG Elf Selection CATEGORY:Internal +Elf / KoKPG ~ Dark TYPE:KoKPG Elf Selection CATEGORY:Internal +# Gnomes +Gnome / KoKPG ~ Rock TYPE:KoKPG Gnome Selection CATEGORY:Internal +Gnome / KoKPG ~ Forest TYPE:KoKPG Gnome Selection CATEGORY:Internal +Gnome / KoKPG ~ Deep TYPE:KoKPG Gnome Selection CATEGORY:Internal +# Halflings +Halfling / KoKPG ~ Lightfeet TYPE:KoKPG Halfling Selection CATEGORY:Internal +Halfling / KoKPG ~ Golden TYPE:KoKPG Halfling Selection CATEGORY:Internal + diff --git a/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_abilitycategories.lst b/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_abilitycategories.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c266a96c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_abilitycategories.lst @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + +ABILITYCATEGORY:KoKPG Human Selection VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:KoKPG Human Selection PLURAL:KoKPG Human Selections DISPLAYLOCATION:Race Traits +ABILITYCATEGORY:KoKPG Dwarf Selection VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:KoKPG Dwarf Selection PLURAL:KoKPG Dwarf Selections DISPLAYLOCATION:Race Traits +ABILITYCATEGORY:KoKPG Elf Selection VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:KoKPG Elf Selection PLURAL:KoKPG Elf Selections DISPLAYLOCATION:Race Traits +ABILITYCATEGORY:KoKPG Gnome Selection VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:KoKPG Gnome Selection PLURAL:KoKPG Gnome Selections DISPLAYLOCATION:Race Traits +ABILITYCATEGORY:KoKPG Halfling Selection VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:KoKPG Halfling Selection PLURAL:KoKPG Halfling Selections DISPLAYLOCATION:Race Traits +ABILITYCATEGORY:KoKPG Human Selection VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:KoKPG Human Selection PLURAL:KoKPG Human Selections DISPLAYLOCATION:Race Traits + + + + diff --git a/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_biosettings.lst b/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_biosettings.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b48b9eb4c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_biosettings.lst @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + +#Half-Hobgoblin +#Hobgoblin diff --git a/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_deities.lst b/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_deities.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f147b9ce --- /dev/null +++ b/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_deities.lst @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ + + +Knight of the Gods ALIGN:LG +Holy Mother ALIGN:LG +Speaker of the Word ALIGN:LG +The True ALIGN:LG +The Eternal Lantern ALIGN:NG +The Raiser ALIGN:NG +The Peacemaker ALIGN:NG +The Pure One ALIGN:NG +Lord of the Silver Linings ALIGN:NG +The Traveler ALIGN:NG +The Guardian ALIGN:CG +Raconteur ALIGN:CG +The Shimmering One ALIGN:CG +The Great Huntress ALIGN:CG +The Coddler ALIGN:CG +The Founder ALIGN:LN +The Mule ALIGN:LN +PowerMaster ALIGN:LN +The Old Man ALIGN:LN +Eye Opener ALIGN:LN +Mother of the Elements ALIGN:TN +The Riftmaster ALIGN:TN +The Bear ALIGN:TN +The Landlord ALIGN:TN +Fate Scribe ALIGN:TN +Battle Rager ALIGN:CN +The Watcher ALIGN:CN +The Storm Lord ALIGN:CN +Risk ALIGN:CN +The Laughter ALIGN:CN +The Corruptor ALIGN:LE +The Overlord ALIGN:LE +The Darkone ALIGN:LE +The Flaymaster ALIGN:LE +Harvester of Soul ALIGN:NE +Locust Lord ALIGN:NE +Emperor of Scorn ALIGN:NE +The Seller of Souls ALIGN:NE +Rotlord ALIGN:CE +The Confuser of Ways ALIGN:CE +Prince of Terror ALIGN:CE +Creator of Strife ALIGN:CE +The Vicelord ALIGN:CE + + + + diff --git a/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_races.lst b/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_races.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5950d8ba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/kokpg_races.lst @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +SOURCELONG:Kingdom of Kalamar Players Guide SOURCESHORT:KoKPG + + +Half-Hobgoblin SORTKEY:A6 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:M MOVE:Walk,0 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True ABILITY:RACE|AUTOMATIC|Half-Hobgoblin LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Hobgoblin|Human TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.22 DESC:KoK Race +Hobgoblin SORTKEY:A6 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:M MOVE:Walk,0 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True ABILITY:RACE|AUTOMATIC|Hobgoblin LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Hobgoblin TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.27 DESC:KoK Race + diff --git a/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/races.lst b/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/races.lst deleted file mode 100644 index 73f3f5eef..000000000 --- a/data/35e/kenzer_and_co/kalamar/players_guide/races.lst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ - - - -Human (Default) -Dwarf - Hill, Mountain, Stone -Elf - Dark, Grey, High, Wild -Gnome - Deep, Forest, Rock -Half-Elf -Half-Hobgoblin -Half-Orc -Halfling - Golden, Lightfoot -Hobgoblin - - diff --git a/data/35e/wizards_of_the_coast/core/players_handbook/ph_abilities.lst b/data/35e/wizards_of_the_coast/core/players_handbook/ph_abilities.lst index 334d5839d..d5b4cdd8e 100755 --- a/data/35e/wizards_of_the_coast/core/players_handbook/ph_abilities.lst +++ b/data/35e/wizards_of_the_coast/core/players_handbook/ph_abilities.lst @@ -99,6 +99,24 @@ Remove All Race Traits CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:MiscOptions ABILITY: Remove Race Traits CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:DisableRacialTraits DEFINE:DisableRacialTraits|0 DEFINE:DisableRacialStats|0 BONUS:VAR|DisableRacialTraits|1 BONUS:VAR|DisableRacialStats|1 Remove Race Stats CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:DisableRacialStats DEFINE:DisableRacialStats|0 BONUS:VAR|DisableRacialStats|1 + +Human CATEGORY:Race BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Race Base|1|TYPE=Base +Dwarf CATEGORY:Race BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Race Base|1|TYPE=Base +Elf CATEGORY:Race BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Race Base|1|TYPE=Base +Gnome CATEGORY:Race BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Race Base|1|TYPE=Base +Half-Elf CATEGORY:Race BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Race Base|1|TYPE=Base +Half-Orc CATEGORY:Race BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Race Base|1|TYPE=Base +Halfling CATEGORY:Race BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Race Base|1|TYPE=Base + + +Human / PH CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Human ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ PH Human DESC:Default Player's Handbook version of the race +Dwarf / PH CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Dwarf ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ PH Dwarf DESC:Default Player's Handbook version of the race +Elf / PH CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Elf ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ PH Elf DESC:Default Player's Handbook version of the race +Gnome / PH CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Gnome ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ PH Gnome DESC:Default Player's Handbook version of the race +Half-Elf / PH CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Half-Elf ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ PH Half-Elf DESC:Default Player's Handbook version of the race +Half-Orc / PH CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Half-Orc ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ PH Half-Orc DESC:Default Player's Handbook version of the race +Halfling / PH CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PRERACE:1,Halfling ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ PH Halfling DESC:Default Player's Handbook version of the race + ###Block: Subrace Selection # Human # Ability Name Unique Key Category of Ability Type Visible Description Template Ability Stat bonus Cost @@ -170,14 +188,14 @@ Druidic CATEGORY:Language TYPE:Language AUTO:LANG|Druidic Forest Animals CATEGORY:Language TYPE:Language AUTO:LANG|Forest Animals ###Block: -# Ability Name Category of Ability Ability Ignore Encumberance -Race Traits ~ Human CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Human Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Human ~ Base|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Human Racial Traits|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.HumanSubrace -Race Traits ~ Dwarf CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Dwarf Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Dwarf ~ Hill|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Dwarf Racial Traits|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.DwarfSubrace UNENCUMBEREDMOVE:HeavyLoad|HeavyArmor -Race Traits ~ Elf CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Elf Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Elf ~ High|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Elf Racial Traits|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.ElfSubrace ABILITY:Elf Race Trait|AUTOMATIC|Elf ~ Trance -Race Traits ~ Gnome CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Gnome Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Gnome ~ Rock|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Gnome Racial Traits|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.GnomeSubrace -Race Traits ~ Half-Elf CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Half-Elf Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Half-Elf|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Half-Elf Racial Traits|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.HalfElfSubrace -Race Traits ~ Half-Orc CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Half-Orc Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Half-Orc|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Half-Orc Racial Traits|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.HalfOrcSubrace ABILITY:Half-Orc Race Trait|AUTOMATIC|Half-Orc ~ Darkvision|PREVAREQ:DisableRacialTraits,0|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalofOrcRacialVision ABILITY:Half-Orc Race Trait|AUTOMATIC|Half-Orc ~ Orc Blood|PREVAREQ:DisableRacialTraits,0|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfOrcBlood -Race Traits ~ Halfling CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Halfling Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Halfling ~ Lightfoot|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Halfling Racial Traits|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.HalflingSubrace +# Ability Name Category of Ability Ability Ignore Encumberance +Race Traits ~ PH Human CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Human Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Human ~ Base|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Human Racial Traits|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.HumanSubrace +Race Traits ~ PH Dwarf CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Dwarf Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Dwarf ~ Hill|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Dwarf Racial Traits|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.DwarfSubrace UNENCUMBEREDMOVE:HeavyLoad|HeavyArmor +Race Traits ~ PH Elf CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Elf Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Elf ~ High|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Elf Racial Traits|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.ElfSubrace ABILITY:Elf Race Trait|AUTOMATIC|Elf ~ Trance +Race Traits ~ PH Gnome CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Gnome Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Gnome ~ Rock|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Gnome Racial Traits|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.GnomeSubrace +Race Traits ~ PH Half-Elf CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Half-Elf Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Half-Elf|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Half-Elf Racial Traits|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.HalfElfSubrace +Race Traits ~ PH Half-Orc CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Half-Orc Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Half-Orc|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Half-Orc Racial Traits|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.HalfOrcSubrace ABILITY:Half-Orc Race Trait|AUTOMATIC|Half-Orc ~ Darkvision|PREVAREQ:DisableRacialTraits,0|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalofOrcRacialVision ABILITY:Half-Orc Race Trait|AUTOMATIC|Half-Orc ~ Orc Blood|PREVAREQ:DisableRacialTraits,0|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfOrcBlood +Race Traits ~ PH Halfling CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Halfling Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Halfling ~ Lightfoot|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Halfling Racial Traits|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.HalflingSubrace # ABILITY:Human Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Human ~ Base|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice # ABILITY:Dwarf Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Dwarf ~ Hill|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice # ABILITY:Elf Subrace|AUTOMATIC|Elf ~ High|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.AltSubraceChoice diff --git a/data/35e/wizards_of_the_coast/core/players_handbook/ph_abilitycategories.lst b/data/35e/wizards_of_the_coast/core/players_handbook/ph_abilitycategories.lst index 19b01a7d7..9d212139c 100755 --- a/data/35e/wizards_of_the_coast/core/players_handbook/ph_abilitycategories.lst +++ b/data/35e/wizards_of_the_coast/core/players_handbook/ph_abilitycategories.lst @@ -14,8 +14,13 @@ ABILITYCATEGORY:Race VISIBLE:NO EDITABLE:NO EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO C ABILITYCATEGORY:Skill VISIBLE:NO EDITABLE:NO EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Skill ABILITYCATEGORY:Spell VISIBLE:NO EDITABLE:NO EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Spell ABILITYCATEGORY:Ability Focus VISIBLE:NO EDITABLE:NO EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Ability Focus + + + # -ABILITYCATEGORY:Languages VISIBLE:YES EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Language TYPE:Language DISPLAYLOCATION:Misc +ABILITYCATEGORY:Languages VISIBLE:YES EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Language TYPE:Language DISPLAYLOCATION:Misc + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Race Base VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Race Base PLURAL:Race Base DISPLAYLOCATION:Race Traits ###Block: Class Ability Pools diff --git a/data/35e/wizards_of_the_coast/core/players_handbook/ph_races.lst b/data/35e/wizards_of_the_coast/core/players_handbook/ph_races.lst index 0b9ce7bf2..fb4263380 100755 --- a/data/35e/wizards_of_the_coast/core/players_handbook/ph_races.lst +++ b/data/35e/wizards_of_the_coast/core/players_handbook/ph_races.lst @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ ###Block: # Race Name SORTKEY Skills/Level Starting Feats Size Move Face/Space Reach Base size Save bonus Ability Nb Legs Nb Hands Main Race Type Race Subtype Type Challenge Rating Source Page Description -Human SORTKEY:A1 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:M MOVE:Walk,30 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ Human LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Human TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.12 DESC:The Human race. -Dwarf SORTKEY:A2 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:M MOVE:Walk,20 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ Dwarf LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Dwarf TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.14 DESC:The Dwarven race. For any sub-races, select this as your race, and then review the 'Race Traits' tab under 'Feats & Abilities'. Use sub-race 'Hill' for a standard PH dwarf (+2 Con, -2 Cha) -Elf SORTKEY:A3 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:M MOVE:Walk,30 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ Elf LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Elf TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.15 DESC:The Elven race. For any sub-races, select this as your race, and then review the 'Race Traits' tab under 'Feats & Abilities'. Use sub-race 'High' for a standard PH elf (-2 Con, +2 Dex) -Gnome SORTKEY:A4 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:S MOVE:Walk,20 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ Gnome LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Gnome TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.16 DESC:The Gnomish race. For any sub-races, select this as your race, and then review the 'Race Traits' tab under 'Feats & Abilities'. Use sub-race 'Rock' for a standard PH gnome (+2 Con, -2 Str) -Half-Elf SORTKEY:A5 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:M MOVE:Walk,30 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ Half-Elf LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Elf|Human TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.18 -Half-Orc SORTKEY:A6 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:M MOVE:Walk,30 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ Half-Orc LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Orc|Human TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.18 DESC:The Half-Orc has +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha. -Halfling SORTKEY:A7 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:S MOVE:Walk,20 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True BONUS:SAVE|Fortitude,Reflex,Will|HalflingSaveBonus|TYPE=Racial ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Race Traits ~ Halfling LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Halfling TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.19 DESC:The Halfling race. For any sub-races, select this as your race, and then review the 'Race Traits' tab under 'Feats & Abilities'. Use sub-race 'LightFoot' for a standard PH halfling (-2 Str, +2 Dex) +Human SORTKEY:A1 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:M MOVE:Walk,30 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True ABILITY:RACE|AUTOMATIC|Human LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Human TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.12 DESC:The Human race. +Dwarf SORTKEY:A2 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:M MOVE:Walk,20 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True ABILITY:RACE|AUTOMATIC|Dwarf LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Dwarf TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.14 DESC:The Dwarven race. For any sub-races, select this as your race, and then review the 'Race Traits' tab under 'Feats & Abilities'. Use sub-race 'Hill' for a standard PH dwarf (+2 Con, -2 Cha) +Elf SORTKEY:A3 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:M MOVE:Walk,30 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True ABILITY:RACE|AUTOMATIC|Elf LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Elf TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.15 DESC:The Elven race. For any sub-races, select this as your race, and then review the 'Race Traits' tab under 'Feats & Abilities'. Use sub-race 'High' for a standard PH elf (-2 Con, +2 Dex) +Gnome SORTKEY:A4 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:S MOVE:Walk,20 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True ABILITY:RACE|AUTOMATIC|Gnome LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Gnome TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.16 DESC:The Gnomish race. For any sub-races, select this as your race, and then review the 'Race Traits' tab under 'Feats & Abilities'. Use sub-race 'Rock' for a standard PH gnome (+2 Con, -2 Str) +Half-Elf SORTKEY:A5 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:M MOVE:Walk,30 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True ABILITY:RACE|AUTOMATIC|Half-Elf LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Elf|Human TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.18 +Half-Orc SORTKEY:A6 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:M MOVE:Walk,30 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True ABILITY:RACE|AUTOMATIC|Half-Orc LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Orc|Human TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.18 DESC:The Half-Orc has +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha. +Halfling SORTKEY:A7 XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:ExtraSkillPoint STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:S MOVE:Walk,20 FACE:5 REACH:5 FACT:HasFirstLevelFeat|True BONUS:SAVE|Fortitude,Reflex,Will|HalflingSaveBonus|TYPE=Racial ABILITY:RACE|AUTOMATIC|Halfling LEGS:2 HANDS:2 RACETYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Halfling TYPE:Humanoid.PC CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.19 DESC:The Halfling race. For any sub-races, select this as your race, and then review the 'Race Traits' tab under 'Feats & Abilities'. Use sub-race 'LightFoot' for a standard PH halfling (-2 Str, +2 Dex) ###Block: Companion Support diff --git a/data/_artwork/cover_35e_kanc_kokpg.jpg b/data/_artwork/cover_35e_kanc_kokpg.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f8ee23c59 Binary files /dev/null and b/data/_artwork/cover_35e_kanc_kokpg.jpg differ diff --git a/data/_artwork/logo_kanc.png b/data/_artwork/logo_kanc.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a4222f09 Binary files /dev/null and b/data/_artwork/logo_kanc.png differ