This is the BANKEX Foundation training course to provide basics skills, how to work with blockchain technologies
To complete the course, you do not need to be an experienced programmer - enough basic knowledge of working with a computer.
Basics of working in open-source communities
How to operate with a cryptocurrency (ether) and tokens 💸
Learn what ERC20 and Open Zeppelin 🎈
Learn how to work with Remix & Etherscan 💻
Create your own personal crypto-coins 💰
Learn how to make your personal crypto-kittens! 🐱
To register and send tasks, you need:
Make a fork of the repository
Create a new folder in your repository, the name of the new folder must match the username of your Github account
Create a short summary in the markdown format.
Get it into your repository
Make a pull request to the repository
As soon as we accept your Pull Request - you're in! 👍
For questions / suggestions / improvements, contact @skywinder: skywinder
Here is telegram chat where you can discuss your questions: Telegram Chat. Feel free to contact me with any queries about this course!
If you have any questions about the course - feel free to open Issue
Detailed information with further tasks will be posted in the Telegram Chat and available by the link