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Client Throttling

Bogdan Gavril edited this page Sep 1, 2021 · 19 revisions

Server Throttling

AAD throttles applications when you are calling it to often. 99% of the cases this happens because token caching is not used:

  1. Setup token caching - see
  2. If you are asking for a scope which does not make sense for MSA users like User.ReadBasic.All - it causes cache misses.

The server signals throttling in 2 ways:

  • for client_credentials grant, i.e. AcquireTokenForClient, AAD will reply with 429 Too Many Request with a Retry-After: 60 header
  • for user facing calls, AAD will send an message which results in an MsalUiRequiredException with error code "invalid_grant" and message "AADSTS50196: The server terminated an operation because it encountered a loop while processing a request"

Client Throttling

MSAL detects certain conditions (see below) where the application should not make repeated calls to AAD. If a call is made, then an MsalThrottledServiceException or an MsalThrottledUiRequiredException is thrown by MSAL. These are subtypes of MsalServiceException, so this behaviour does not introduce a breaking change. If MSAL would not apply client-side throttling, the application would still not be able to acquire tokens, as AAD would throw the error.

Conditions to get throttled

AAD is telling the application to back off

If the server is having problems or if an application is requesting tokens too often, AAD will respond with HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests) and with Retry-After header, Retry-After X seconds. The application will see an MsalServiceException with header details. The throttling state is maintained for the X seconds. Affects all flows. Introduced in 4.13.0.

The most likely culprit is that you have not setup token caching. See

AAD is having problems

If AAD is having problems it may respond with an HTTP 5xx error code with no Retry-After header. The throttling state is maintained for 1 minute. Affects only public client flows. Introduced in 4.13.0

Application is ignoring MsalUiRequiredException

MSAL throws MsalUiRequiredException when authentication cannot be resolved silently and the end-user needs to use a browser. This is a common occurrence when a tenant admin introduced 2FA or when a user password expires. Retrying the silent authentication cannot succeed. The throttling state is maintained for 2 minutes. Affects only the AcquireTokenSilent. Introduced in 4.14.0

Force Refresh

If you are using WithForceRefresh(true), it will ignore the cache and make calls to the backend. This may result in too many calls causing it to throttle.

Getting started with MSAL.NET

Acquiring tokens

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