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Releases: Azure/azure-sdk-for-cpp


23 Mar 04:36
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12.0.0-beta.9 (2021-03-23)

New Features

  • Added support for telemetry options.
  • Added Azure::Storage::Files::DataLake::PackageVersion.

Breaking Changes

  • DataLake client constructors won't automatically convert blob url to dfs url anymore.
  • String conversion functions of extensible enums were renamed from Get() to ToString().
  • Moved SecondaryHostForRetryReads out of retry options, now it's under DataLakeClientOptions.
  • Changed the return types of the following APIs:
    • DataLakeServiceClient::GetUserDelegationKey now returns UserDelegationKey.
    • DataLakeFileSystemClient::GetProperties now returns FileSystemProperties.
    • DataLakeFileSystemClient::GetAccessPolicy now returns FileSystemAccessPolicy.
    • DataLakePathClient::GetProperties now returns PathProperties.
    • DataLakePathClient::GetAccessControlList now returns PathAccessControlList.
  • Removed GetUserDelegationKeyResult.
  • Removed DataLake from the names of return types and option types.
  • Removed RequestId from the return types.
  • Changed BodyStream parameter of Append function from pointer to reference.
  • Removed PathRenameMode, PathGetPropertiesAction, PathSetAccessControlRecursiveMode, FileSystemResourceType, PathExpiryOptions and FileSystemResourceType.
  • Removed IsAccessTierInferred and AccessTierChangedOn from PathProperties.
  • Renamed LeaseDurationType to LeaseDuration, LeaseStateType to LeaseState and LeaseStatusType to LeaseStatus.


23 Mar 04:06
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12.0.0-beta.9 (2021-03-23)

New Features

  • Added Azure::Storage::Common::PackageVersion.


23 Mar 04:31
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12.0.0-beta.9 (2021-03-23)

New Features

  • Added support for telemetry options.
  • Added Azure::Storage::Blobs::PackageVersion.
  • Added ShareFileClient::GetRangeListDiff.

Breaking Changes

  • Changed the return type of StartCopyFromUri and StartCopyIncremental API from a Response<T> to the particular Operation<T> type called StartBlobCopyOperation directly.
  • String conversion functions of extensible enums were renamed from Get() to ToString().
  • Moved SecondaryHostForRetryReads out of retry options, now it's under BlobClientOptions.
  • Changed the return types of the following APIs:
    • BlobServiceClient::DeleteBlobContainer now returns DeleteBlobContainerResult.
    • BlobServiceClient::GetUserDelegationKey now returns UserDelegationKey.
    • BlobServiceClient::GetProperties now returns BlobServiceProperties.
    • BlobServiceClient::GetAccountInfo now returns AccountInfo.
    • BlobServiceClient::GetStatistics now returns ServiceStatistics.
    • BlobContainerClient::DeleteBlob now returns DeleteBlobResult.
    • BlobContainerClient::GetProperties now returns BlobContainerProperties.
    • BlobContainerClient::GetAccessPolicy now returns BlobContainerAccessPolicy.
    • BlobClient::GetProperties now returns BlobProperties.
    • BlobClinet::GetTags now returns std::map<std::string, std::string>.
    • BlobClient::AbortCopyFromUri now returns AbortBlobCopyFromUriResult.
    • PageBlobClient::UploadPages now returns UploadPagesResult.
    • PageBlobClient::UploadPagesFromUri now returns UploadPagesFromUriResult.
    • PageBlobClient::ClearPages now returns ClearPagesResult.
    • PageBlobClient::GetPageRanges, PageBlobClient::GetPageRangesDiff and PageBlobClient::GetManagedDiskPageRangesDiff now return GetPageRangesResult.
  • Renamed some options:
    • Renamed UploadPageBlobPagesOptions to UploadPagesOptions.
    • Renamed UploadPageBlobPagesFromUriOptions to UploadPagesFromUriOptions.
    • Renamed ClearPageBlobPagesOptions to ClearPagesOptions.
    • Renamed GetPageBlobPageRangesOptions to GetPageRangesOptions.
    • Renamed StartCopyBlobFromUriOptions to StartBlobCopyFromUriOptions.
    • Renamed StartCopyPageBlobIncrementalOptions to StartBlobCopyIncrementalOptions.
  • Removed Blob from the name of lease options and return types, like AcquireBlobLeaseOptions was renamed to AcquireLeaseOptions.
  • Removed Blob prefix from the name of structs BlobGeoReplication, BlobLeaseStatus, BlobLeaseState, BlobLeaseDurationType, BlobAnalyticsLogging, BlobMetrics, BlobCorsRule, BlobRetentionPolicy, BlobStaticWebsite, BlobArchiveStatus and BlobGeoReplictionStatus.
  • Removed RequestId from return types.
  • Changed BodyStream parameter of UploadBlob, Upload, UploadPages and AppendBlockfunctions from pointer to reference.
  • Renamed access tier members in return types and options from Tier to AccessTier.
  • Renamed BlockListTypeOption to BlockListType.


12 Mar 06:01
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1.0.0-beta.4 (2021-03-11)

New Features

  • Added Azure::Identity::PackageVersion.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed TransportPolicyOptions from ClientSecretCredentialOptions. Updated the options to derive from ClientOptions.


12 Mar 05:47
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1.0.0-beta.7 (2021-03-11)

New Features

  • Added HttpPolicyOrder for adding custom Http policies to SDK clients.
  • Added Azure::Core::Operation<T>::GetRawResponse().
  • Added Azure::Core::PackageVersion.
  • Added support for logging to console when AZURE_LOG_LEVEL environment variable is set.

Breaking Changes

  • Changes to Azure::Core namespace:
    • Removed Response<void>, ValueBase, and ContextValue.
    • Removed Context::operator[], Get() introduced instead.
    • Renamed Uuid::GetUuidString() to ToString().
    • Changed return type of Operation<T>::Poll() from std::unique_ptr<RawResponse> to RawResponse const&.
    • Moved GetApplicationContext() to Context::GetApplicationContext()
    • Moved the Base64Encode() and Base64Decode() functions to be static members of a Convert class.
    • Moved Logging namespace entities to Diagnostics::Logger class.
    • Moved AccessToken, TokenCredential, and AuthenticationException to Credentials namespace.
    • Moved Context to be the last parameter for consistency, instead of first in various azure-core types. For example:
      • BodyStream::Read(uint8_t* buffer, int64_t count, Context const& context)
      • BodyStream::ReadToEnd(BodyStream& body, Context const& context)
      • HttpPolicy::Send(Request& request, NextHttpPolicy policy, Context const& context)
      • Operation<T>::PollUntilDone(std::chrono::milliseconds period, Context& context)
      • TokenCredential::GetToken(Http::TokenRequestOptions const& tokenRequestOptions, Context const& context)
    • Moved from Azure::Core to Azure namespace:
      • Response<T>, ETag, and Nullable<T>.
      • Split RequestConditions into MatchConditions and ModifiedConditions.
      • Renamed DateTime::GetString() to ToString(), and removed DateTime::GetRfc3339String().
  • Changes to Azure::Core::Http namespace:
    • Removed HttpPipeline, TransportKind, NullBodyStream, and LimitBodyStream.
    • Removed Request::StartTry().
    • Removed InvalidHeaderException and throw std::invalid_argument if the user provides invalid header arguments.
    • Renamed CurlTransportSSLOptions::NoRevoke to EnableCertificateRevocationListCheck.
    • Renamed Range to HttpRange.
    • Renamed TokenRequestOptions to TokenRequestContext, and moved it to Azure::Core::Credentials namespace.
    • Moved Url to Azure::Core namespace.
    • Request and RawResponse:
      • Renamed AddHeader() to SetHeader().
      • Introduced Azure::Core::CaseInsensitiveMap which is now used to store headers.
    • BodyStream and the types that derive from it:
      • Moved to Azure::Core::IO namespace.
      • Changed the static methods BodyStream::ReadToCount() and BodyStream::ReadToEnd() into instance methods.
      • Changed the constructor of FileBodyStream to accept a file name directly and take ownership of opening/closing the file, instead of accepting a file descriptor, offset, and length.
    • HTTP policies and their options:
      • Moved to Policies namespace.
      • Renamed TransportPolicyOptions to TransportOptions.
      • Renamed TelemetryPolicyOptions to TelemetryOptions.
      • Changed type of RetryOptions::StatusCodes from std::vector to std::set.
      • Renamed LoggingPolicy to LogPolicy, and introduced LogOptions as mandatory parameter for the constructor.
  • Moved header files:
    • Renamed azure/core/credentials.hpp to azure/core/credentials/credentials.hpp.
    • Renamed azure/core/logger.hpp to azure/core/diagnostics/logger.hpp.
    • Renamed azure/core/http/body_stream.hpp to azure/core/io/body_stream.hpp.
    • Renamed azure/core/http/policy.hpp to azure/core/http/policies/policy.hpp.
    • Renamed azure/core/http/curl/curl.hpp to azure/core/http/curl_transport.hpp.
    • Renamed azure/core/http/winhttp/win_http_client.hpp to azure/core/http/win_http_transport.hpp.

Bug Fixes

  • Make sure to rewind the body stream at the start of each request retry attempt, including the first.
  • Connection pool resets when all connections are closed.
  • Fix Azure::Context to support std::unique_ptr.
  • Throw std::runtime_error from Response<T>::GetRawResponse() if the response was already extracted.


12 Feb 04:42
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12.0.0-beta.8 (2021-02-12)

New Features

  • Changed type of FileAttributes to extensible enum.

Breaking Changes

  • ListSharesSinglePageOptions::ListSharesInclude was renamed to ListSharesSinglePageOptions::ListSharesIncludeFlags.
  • DeleteShareOptions::IncludeSnapshots was renamed to DeleteShareOptions::DeleteSnapshots.
  • FileShareSmbProperties was renamed to FileSmbProperties.
  • DownloadShareFileOptions::GetRangeContentMd5 was renamed to DownloadShareFileOptions::RangeHashAlgorithm.
  • UploadFileRangeFromUriOptions::SourceContentHash was renamed to UploadFileRangeFromUriOptions::TransactionalContentHash.
  • GetShareFileRangeListOptions::PrevShareSnapshot was renamed to GetShareFileRangeListOptions::PreviousShareSnapshot.
  • Refined CreateShareDirectoryResult and CreateShareFileResult.
  • Removed DownloadShareFileDetails::AcceptRanges.
  • Removed GetShareFilePropertiesResult::FileType.
  • Added RequestId in ForceCloseShareDirectoryHandleResult.
  • Removed TransactionalContentHash from ClearShareFileRangeResult.
  • Changed API signature of ShareFileClient::UploadRangeFromUri.
  • Renamed ForceCloseAllHandles to ForceCloseAllHandlesSinglePage and all related structs.
  • Made all ContinuationToken in return types nullable.
  • Renamed ShareFileHttpHeaders to FileHttpHeaders.
  • Renamed ShareGetPropertiesResult::AccessTierChangeTime to AccessTierChangedOn.
  • Renamed ShareGetStatisticsResult::ShareUsageBytes to ShareUsageInBytes.
  • Renamed ShareGetPermissionResult::Permission to FilePermission.
  • Grouped all file SMB properties into a struct and refined the APIs that return these properties.
  • Renamed numberOfHandlesClosed to NumberOfHandlesClosed and numberOfHandlesFailedToClose to NumberOfHandlesFailedToClose.
  • Renamed FileGetRangeListResult::FileContentLength to FileSize.
  • Renamed StorageServiceProperties to FileServiceProperties.
  • Removed LeaseTime in results returned by lease operations. Also removed LeaseId in ShareBreakLeaseResult.
  • Moved Azure::Core::Context out of options bag of each API, and make it the last optional parameter.


12 Feb 04:29
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12.0.0-beta.8 (2021-02-12)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed DataLakeFileSystemClient::GetPathClient.
  • Renamed SetDataLakePathAccessControlRecursiveListSinglePageOptions::MaxEntries to PageSizeHint.
  • GetDataLakePathPropertiesResult::ServerEncrypted was renamed to IsServerEncrypted.
  • GetDataLakePathPropertiesResult::AccessTierInferred was renamed to IsAccessTierInferred.
  • HttpHeaders of DownloadDataLakeFileResult and DownloadDataLakeFileToResult was moved into Details, to align with Blob service.
  • Removed BreakDataLakeLeaseResult::LeaseTime.
  • Renamed APIs for modifying access list recursively. Used to be with pattern AccessControlRecursiveList, now is with pattern AccessControlListRecursive.
  • Refined options for ScheduleDeletion, to be consistent with other APIs.
  • Renamed ContentLength in PathItem to FileSize.
  • In PathSetAccessControlRecursiveResult, DirectoriesSuccessful is renamed to NumberOfSuccessfulDirectories, FilesSuccessful is renamed to NumberOfSuccessfulFiles, FailureCount is renamed to NumberOfFailures.
  • Moved Azure::Core::Context out of options bag of each API, and make it the last optional parameter.


12 Feb 03:17
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12.0.0-beta.8 (2021-02-12)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the Azure::Storage::Md5 class from crypt.hpp. Use the type from Azure::Core::Cryptography namespace instead, from azure/core/cryptography/hash.hpp.
  • Renamed Crc64 to Crc64Hash and change it to derive from the Azure::Core::Cryptography::Hash class.


12 Feb 03:22
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12.0.0-beta.8 (2021-02-12)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed BreakBlobLeaseResult::Leasetime.
  • Moved Azure::Core::Context out of options bag of each API, and make it the last optional parameter.


09 Feb 23:39
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1.0.0-beta.6 (2021-02-09)

New Features

  • Added support for HTTP conditional requests MatchConditions and RequestConditions.
  • Added the Hash base class and MD5 hashing APIs to the Azure::Core::Cryptography namespace available from azure/core/cryptography/hash.hpp.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed Context::CancelWhen().
  • Removed LogClassification and related functionality, added LogLevel instead.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed computation of the token expiration time in BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy.
  • Fixed compilation dependency issue for MacOS when consuming the SDK from VcPkg.
  • Fixed support for sending requests to endpoints with a custom port within the url on Windows when using the WinHttp transport.