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File metadata and controls

142 lines (112 loc) · 8.19 KB



AsemanApp static component, provides methods, signals and properties to work with QGuiApplication and Other app functionallity.

Request Permissions

To request or check permission (only on android) you using requestPermissions and checkPermissions methods like below example:

                             function(res) {
    if (res["android.permission.CAMERA"] === true) {
    if (res["android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"] === true) {


var res = AsemanApp.checkPermissions(["android.permission.CAMERA"]);
if (res["android.permission.CAMERA"] === true) {

Get application related paths

Using below properties you can get standard paths of the OS:

Property Description
AsemanApp.homePath Returns path to store app configs and other files (ro)
AsemanApp.startPath Returns working directory of the app (ro)
AsemanApp.appPath Returns application directory path (ro)
AsemanApp.appFilePath Returns application file path (ro)
AsemanApp.logPath Returns suggested dir path to store logs (ro)
AsemanApp.confsPath Returns suggested dir path to store configs (ro)
AsemanApp.tempPath Returns suggested dir path to store temp files (ro)
AsemanApp.backupsPath Returns suggested dir path to store backup files (ro)
AsemanApp.cameraPath Returns camera dir path (ro)

Application Details

Set and Read application details like name and organization using below properties

Property Description
AsemanApp.applicationName Application name (rw)
AsemanApp.applicationVersion Version string of the application (rw)
AsemanApp.organizationName Application organization name (rw)
AsemanApp.organizationDomain Application organization domain (rw)
AsemanApp.applicationAbout Short description about application (rw)
AsemanApp.applicationDisplayName Display name of the application (rw)


Some tools and methods to do some actions on the Desktop operating systems

System Dialogs

Using below methods you can work with system dialogs

Method Description
DesktopTools.getOpenFileName() Show open file dialog of the operating system
DesktopTools.getOpenFileNames() Show open multiple file dialog of the operating system
DesktopTools.getSaveFileName() Show save file dialog of the operating system
DesktopTools.getExistingDirectory() Show select directory dialog of the operating system
DesktopTools.getFont() Show operating system font chooser dialog
DesktopTools.getColor() Show operating system color chooser dialog
DesktopTools.getText() Show operating system text input dialog (for example for file renaming)
DesktopTools.yesOrNo() Show simple message to choose between yes or no
DesktopTools.showMessage() Show a simple information message with ok button


Devices component provides many properties, methods and signal to work with device features like screen density, deviceId, device type and ...

Screen related properties

Below properties return everything related to your screen and also operating system display settings

Property Description
Devices.screen Returns screen object (ro)
Devices.lcdPhysicalSize Returns lcd size (ro)
Devices.lcdPhysicalWidth Returns lcd width (ro)
Devices.lcdPhysicalHeight Returns lcd height (ro)
Devices.lcdDpiX Returns lcd horizontal dpi (ro)
Devices.lcdDpiY Returns lcd vertical dpi (ro)
Devices.screenSize Returns screen resolution as QSize (ro)
Devices.densityDpi Returns density dpi of the screen (ro)
Devices.density Returns density value of the screen (ro)
Devices.deviceDensity Returns device density of the screen (ro)
Devices.fontDensity Returns suggested density for fonts (ro)
Devices.fontScale Scale all fonts that their size is related to Devices.fontDensity (rw)

Device type

To check device type on the QML source codes, use below properties

Property Description
Devices.isMobile Returns true if device is mobile (ro)
Devices.isLargeTablet Returns true if device is a large tablet (ro)
Devices.isTablet Returns true if device is any kind of tablet (ro)
Devices.isTouchDevice Returns true if device is mobile or tablet (ro)
Devices.isDesktop Returns true if device is any kind of desktop devices (mac or pc) (ro)
Devices.isMacX Returns true if device is mac (ro)
Devices.isWindows Returns true if device is windows (ro)
Devices.isWindows8 Returns true if device is windows 8 (ro)
Devices.isLinux Returns true if device is any desktop linux distribution (ro)
Devices.isAndroid Returns true if device is android (ro)
Devices.isIOS Returns true if device is iOS (ro)
Devices.isUbuntuTouch Returns true if device is ubuntu touch device (ro)
Devices.isWindowsPhone Returns true if device is windows phone (ro)

Operating System Parts

To work with any parts of the operating system like statusbar, virtual keyboard and ..., Use below methods

Property Description
Devices.transparentStatusBar Returns true if status-bar is transparented on Android (rw)
Devices.transparentNavigationBar Returns true if navigation-bar is transparented on Android (rw)
Devices.standardTitleBarHeight Returns standard and best suggested titleBar height (ro)
Devices.statusBarHeight Returns status-bar height (ro)
Devices.navigationBarHeight Returns navigation-bar height (ro)
Devices.clipboard Returns clipboard contained text (rw)
Devices.clipboardUrl Returns clipboard contained urls (rw)
Devices.keyboardHeight Returns keyboard height (ro)
Devices.keyboard Returns true if keyboard is visible (ro)
Devices.hideKeyboard() Hide keyboard if it visible
Devices.showKeyboard() Show keyboard if it hidden