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Installing Products

Angel Tcholtchev edited this page Jan 31, 2018 · 9 revisions

At this point in the tutorial, you have an empty managed installation and it is online. Before the core products can be installed, the appropriate SPM product plugin must be installed.

In most cases* an SPM and SPM product plugin are installed automatically when a parent product is installed but for this tutorial, you'll do it explicitly to see how it's done.


Since you used the automated Command Central setup, repositories have already been defined in Command Central. Double check by running this command:

[user@linuxbox tutorial]$ sagcc list repository products
Display Name    Type    Version Platforms       Description
webMethods-10.1 MASTER     10.1 ALL             Latest GA
webMethods-9.8  MASTER      9.8 ALL
webMethods-10.0 MASTER     10.0 ALL             Innovation release
webMethods-9.10 MASTER     9.10 ALL
products-10.1   MIRROR     10.1 LNXAMD64
webMethods-9.12 MASTER     9.12 ALL
webMethods-9.9  MASTER      9.9 ALL

For information on how to do manual repository configuration please see Command Central documentation.

Install Product SPM Plugins

Note: To find out if the SPM plugin will be installed for the product in question, open the Command Central Web UI and select Repositories view. Select the repository you will be using (e.g. products-10.1), then select the correct operating system. Find and select the product in the list (e.g. Integration Server \ Server). Use the gear menu “Show Product Dependencies” and search for SPM. If SPM is in the list, then you do NOT have to explicitly install it.

As mentioned above, you will now explicitly install a product's SPM plugin to see how it's done.

  1. Edit templates/tutorial/template.yaml and change the version to 0.4 and add a description to the change list.

  2. Add new templates: section with a template alias called plugins which has products: section.

  3. Then add product plugin ids to the products: section.

  4. In the layers: management: section, specify the productRepo and templates to use for this layer.

To find out product ids use the Command Central Web UI and go to Repositories tab. Click on the link for the product repository you will be using (e.g. products-10.1) OR or run sagcc command:

[user@linuxbox tutorial]$ sagcc list repository products content products-10.1 | grep spm

The template should now look like this:

alias: tutorial
description: How to bootstrap local nodes
version: 0.4
  - 0.1 Initial draft
  - 0.2 Added input parameters
  - 0.3 Added local node bootstrap
  - 0.4 Added products/plugins installation
    install.dir:  ${}                              # SPM installation directory
    spm.port:     8192                             # SPM connection port
    spm.alias:    dev${spm.port}                   # SPM alias
    repo.product: ${}                              # default product repo
layers:                                            # LAYERS definition
  management:                                      # management layer with SPMs
    productRepo: ${repo.product}                   # product repository for this layer
    templates:   [plugins]                         # templates to apply to this layer
templates:                                         # TEMPLATES definition
  plugins:                                         # template alias
    products:                                      # product list to install
      ISspm:                                       # Platform Manager Plug-Ins / IS
      NUMspm:                                      # Platform Manager Plug-Ins / UM
nodes:                                             # NODES definition
 default:                                          # defaults for any environment type
   default:                                        # default node definition
     port: ${spm.port}                             # SPM connection HTTP/S port
     secure: false                                 # do not use SSL port
       installDir: ${install.dir}                  # installation directory
       installer:  ${cc.installer}                 # cc installer that can be found in cc_home/profiles/CCE/data/installers    
   ${spm.alias}:                                   # definition for specific nodeAlias
     host: localhost                               # Use localhost
provision:                                         # PROVISIONing mapping of layers to nodes
  default:                                         # default environment type
    management: ${spm.alias}                       # management layer is single node

Edit environments/default/ and add a repo.product=products-10.1 parameter. Make sure it points to the repository you have and matches the release version of the target managed installation. Use the values for install.dir and cc.installer from previous steps to bootstrap the nodes.


Save the changes to template.yaml and

Apply the template:

[user@linuxbox tutorial]$ ant up
Total time: ....

You can verify the product plugins were installed by opening the Command Central Web UI, select dev8192 in the Installations tab. In the search field on the Products tab, type plug. You should see the plugins for Integration Server and Universal Messaging.


Congratulations! You've seen how to explicitly install SPM product plugins using a template. Remember, in most cases this will be done for you automatically during installation of core product(s).

If you have problems achieving the goals of this tutorial stage, use the following command to checkout everything that needed to be done so far. Make a note about your modifications of environment/default/ because the version that you check out will overwrite them.

[user@linuxbox tutorial]$ git checkout stage-04 -f
Switched to branch 'stage-04'