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Filecoin Storage

Filecoin is a decentralized storage network that allows users to buy and sell storage space in a secure and trustless manner. It uses a novel blockchain-based mechanism to incentivize users to provide storage to the network, and allows them to earn rewards in the form of the network's native cryptocurrency, also called Filecoin. The goal of Filecoin is to provide a more secure, scalable, and transparent alternative to existing centralized storage solutions.

Lotus node

This sounds like a simple question; what is Lotus? And the surface-level answer is:

Lotus is a command-line application that lets you interact with Filecoin. You can do this by uploading and downloading files, renting out your storage to other users, and checking that computers are storing data correctly.

Now, let's run a lotus node to have access to file storage and retrieval. There are two methods for installing Lotus on Linux: AppImage and Snap. We chose the second method, Snap, and I should note that we were using Ubuntu.

we have to take afew steps before runing lotus node :

  1. Update and upgrade your system:
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
  1. Install Lotus using Snap, run:
sudo snap install lotus


Building Lotus requires some system dependencies, usually provided by your distribution.


sudo apt install mesa-opencl-icd ocl-icd-opencl-dev gcc /
git bzr jq pkg-config curl clang build-essential hwloc /
libhwloc-dev wget -y && sudo apt upgrade -y


Lotus need rustup, The easiest way to install it is:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh


To build Lotus, you need working installation of Go 1.19.4 or higher:

wget -c -O - | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/local

You’ll need to add /usr/local/go/bin to your path. For most Linux distributions you can run something like:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

See the official Golang installation instructions if you get stuck.

Run a Lotus lite-node

Once all the dependencies are installed, you can build and install Lotus.

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd lotus/
  1. Swtich to the lated stable release branch:
git checkout releases
  1. Build and install Lotus on Calibration testnet:
make clean calibnet # Calibration with min 32GiB sectors
sudo make install

Now you can check lotus version:

lotus --version

you should be able to see your lotus version after runing that.

  1. Install daemon:
make install-daemon-service
make install-miner-service
  1. Now you are good to run lotus:
lotus daemon 

Make sure that you open another terminal in order to interact with the lotus. 6. You should wait for the node to sync with the chain:

lotus sync wait

When you enter the sync command, you will see the message "Done!" When it's finished, your node will be synced and you may begin stroing data.

Get a FIL address

  1. Open a new terminal window and enter an address using the lotus:
lotus wallet list
  1. You can use the following command to view the wallet address and balance:
list wallet list
Address                                    Balance   Nonce  Default  
t14cdn74fvwcniq5b3y7fbwmh4adrq5akjowwh73a  0 FIL     0      X  
  1. Use lotus wallet export to export your private key, replacing f1... with your public key:
lotus wallet export f1... > my_address.key

Adding FIL to your wallet using calibration faucet

After copying your public address, go here to receive some test FIL. Now you should wait for your request to be confirmed, and after it is, if your node is synced, enter 'lotus wallet list' you will notice that your balance has increased to 200 FIL.

Address                                    Balance     Nonce  Default  
t14cdn74fvwcniq5b3y7fbwmh4adrq5akjowwh73a  200 FIL     0      X 

knowledge graph

Before we go into storing data on Filecoin, let's speak about knowledge graphs, which is what we'll be storing on Filecoin storage.

A knowledge graph is a structured representation of real-world entities and their relationships. It is a way to organize and connect data in a way that allows for easy access and understanding of complex information.

One advantage of storing a knowledge graph on a decentralized storage system is that it allows for greater accessibility and scalability. Decentralized systems do not rely on a central server or authority, which means that the knowledge graph can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This is particularly useful when the knowledge graph is large and complex, as it allows for more efficient querying and retrieval of information.

Another advantage of storing a knowledge graph on a decentralized system is that it can increase the security and integrity of the data.

Overall, storing a knowledge graph on a decentralized storage system can provide greater accessibility, scalability, and security for the data. It is an effective way to store and manage complex information and can be a valuable tool for organizations and individuals seeking to make sense of large amounts of data.

To move forward with Filecoin storage, we want to create a knowledge graph based on the happiness survey.

Let's have a look at the structure of the knowledge graph.

Now we can move on to storing the knowledge graph on the filecoin based on this structure.

Storing knowldge graph on filecoin


  1. First, choose a miner:
lotus client list-asks

You should see a list of miners like this:

.. getting miner list
* Found 64 miners with power
.. querying asks
* Queried 14 asks, got 12 responses
t02133: min:256 B max:32 GiB price:0 FIL/GiB/Epoch verifiedPrice:0 FIL/GiB/Epoch ping:479.870292ms protos:
t01584: min:2 MiB max:32 GiB price:0 FIL/GiB/Epoch verifiedPrice:0 FIL/GiB/Epoch ping:660.963027ms protos:
t01588: min:256 B max:32 GiB price:0.0000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch verifiedPrice:0.00000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch ping:556.94495ms protos:
t01235: min:256 B max:32 GiB price:0.0000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch verifiedPrice:0.00000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch ping:632.022959ms protos:
t03351: min:256 B max:32 GiB price:0.0000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch verifiedPrice:0.00000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch ping:664.910486ms protos:
t01750: min:256 B max:64 GiB price:0.0000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch verifiedPrice:0.00000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch ping:810.881221ms protos:
t01990: min:256 B max:32 GiB price:0.0000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch verifiedPrice:0.00000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch ping:884.028678ms protos:
t01718: min:256 B max:32 GiB price:0.0000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch verifiedPrice:0.00000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch ping:345.768699ms protos:
t01231: min:256 B max:32 GiB price:0.0000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch verifiedPrice:0.00000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch ping:571.478234ms protos:
t01035: min:256 B max:32 GiB price:0.0000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch verifiedPrice:0.00000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch ping:673.214057ms protos:
t02255: min:256 B max:32 GiB price:0.0000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch verifiedPrice:0.00000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch ping:671.735297ms protos:
t01591: min:256 B max:32 GiB price:0.0000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch verifiedPrice:0.00000000005 FIL/GiB/Epoch ping:714.858919ms protos:
  1. Choose a miner and write down the miner ID, for example. I'd like to work with the first miner, whose ID is 't02133'.
  2. Import your file:
lotus client import 

Retrieving the knowldge graph


A report on Filecoin Bacalhau runtime performance


Web 3.0's two major pillars are transparency and privacy. As a data monetization Dapp, we should construct our environment on these pillars, and decentralization makes it possible. The confidentiality of data and the security of computing to data are crucial in our field of work.

Importance of compute to data: We are a data monetization Dapp, as we have just mentioned, and our clients are capable of running their data models on the provided data. We are a data monetization Dapp that collects and enriches raw data while preserving users' privacy and ownership. Given that compute to data is one of the high-demand subjects in the field of data consumption, we want to provide an easy and secure space for our users to monetize their data without data being leaked, and for our clients to use the data insights without their data being abused in the process. Within the Web 3.0 environment, our users should be able to see precisely what is happening with their data, and one of the best ways, if not the best way, to do so is using compute to data. Bacalhau has established itself as one of the leading platforms in the computing to data industry, with many great features that can be very useful for various use cases; as a data monetization Dapp, we find these tools to be very useful and intriguing. One of the things we're excited about is Bacalhau computing speed, which we assessed in the following case study.

Case study: We mainly conducted a case study highlighting latency's significance when using Filecoin Bacalhau vs. Docker. We developed a docker image used in both scenarios to compare the execution times between running it through the Filecoin Bacalhau CLI and a docker execution. Given how the operating system affects the CPU's performance, we ran each test 100 times to eliminate any possible runtime inconsistency. A processing unit is considered N/N (=1), which N is determined by the execution time to simulate more complex computations. The time complexity of our test algorithm is O(2N) and the space complexity is O(N). As the execution time is the experiment’s primary variable, we defined the algorithm in a way that we can ignore the effect of space complexity on the results, as it’s only linear compared to the exponential time complexity. In the experiment's first phase, we ran the docker for 235 or 34,359,738,368 operation units.

As shown in Figure 1, you can see that although at the beginning of the tests, the gap in run time is somewhat big as the computations get bigger and bigger, this gap would not increase and remain linear. The linear slope between the two functions is very small, ensuring the gap would not widen significantly.

Based on the results we reported in Figure 1, we designed a formula to estimate the expected computation time for both Docker and Bacalhau in 2100 or 1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376 operation units. As you can see, the expected results are near identical in such high-complexity computation.

Conclusion: One of the primary concerns with blockchain computing platforms is computation speed. For that reason, it is usually challenging to consider a product that uses a blockchain-based computing system. A Dapp should be decentralized in almost every way, but blockchain-based data computation has historically been challenging and slow compared to both centralized and distributed computation. That being said, as we have shown, it is no longer an issue. In this case study, we concluded that Bacalhau offers an excellent computation speed with a blockchain storage.