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executable file
1448 lines (1003 loc) · 71.6 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
1448 lines (1003 loc) · 71.6 KB



  • Added PrepareSandboxTask.pluginName for easier accessing of the plugin directory name
  • Allow for using non-installer IDEs for plugin verification #1715
  • Added bundledModule() dependency extension helpers
  • Detect and warn about the kotlinx-coroutines library in transitive dependencies
  • Introduce caching when creating dependencies


  • Add IntelliJ Platform v2 product modules to the test classpath
  • Invalidate local dependency artifacts XML files running


  • Fixed caching for IntelliJPlatformArgumentProvider.coroutinesJavaAgentFile.
  • intellijPlatform.pluginConfiguration.description appends content instead of replacing it #1744
  • The disabledPlugins.txt file is not updated when disabling bundled plugins #1745
  • Plugin sandbox created by IntelliJPlatformTestingExtension is not correct for localPlugin(org.gradle.api.artifacts.ProjectDependency) #1743
  • Better resolving the JVM variant of the io.github.pdvrieze.xmlutil dependency #1741
  • Remove the inclusion of all IntelliJ Platform v2 bundled modules to the classpath #1761
  • Duplicate bundled template error in tests #1755
  • Fixed IDE problem when submodule jars appear as External Libraries
  • Fixed java.util.ConcurrentModificationException on Gradle sync caused by the pluginVerification configuration #1714
  • Fixed Configuration Cache issues related to the intellijPlatform.buildSearchableOptions flag

[2.0.1] - 2024-08-08


  • Don't register the testIdeUi task by default
  • Add DisableCachingByDefault to PrepareSandboxTask #1721
  • Make the prepareSandbox task always run whenever any of the sandbox directories is missing #1730


  • Fixed "No IDE resolved for verification with the IntelliJ Plugin Verifier" when untilBuild is an empty string #1717
  • Dependency resolution fails if a repository with exclusiveContent rules is added twice – use content inclusive rule instead #1728
  • Apply composedJar library elements attribute to testRuntimeClasspath configuration
  • When adding new IDEs for Plugin Verifier, do not mutate existing intellijPluginVerifierIdes_X configurations if present
  • Respect the sandboxDirectory property when configuring custom tasks with intellijPlatformTesting extension #1723

[2.0.0] - 2024-07-30

IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin 2.0 is out!

Read the full blog post.

Version 2.0 of the IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin is now available! Previously called the Gradle IntelliJ Plugin, this updated plugin for the Gradle build system simplifies the configuration of environments for building, testing, verifying, and publishing plugins for IntelliJ-based IDEs. Redesigned and rewritten, it addresses community-reported issues and feature requests from previous versions.

To start using version 2.0 of the IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin, visit the documentation pages at IntelliJ Platform SDK | Tooling | IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin 2.x, where you will find a proper introduction to all of the new features and changes, a migration guide, and examples of various configurations you may be interested in.

For projects created with the IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template, we advise taking a look at the 2.0.0 pull request applied on top of the obsolete Gradle IntelliJ Plugin 1.x configuration:

If you have any issues or requests, please submit them to our GitHub Issues page or the JetBrains Platform Slack.

To submit questions or suggestions related to the documentation, please use the feedback form at the bottom of the article.

[2.0.0-rc2] - 2024-07-26


  • Groovy support
  • Make plugin(id, version, group) dependency helper accept group in the format of: empty (use Marketplace groupId), @channel, or user-defined groupId
  • Introduce PrepareJarSearchableOptionsTask for performance purposes
  • Possibility for specifying configurationName when using testFramework, platformDependency, and testPlatformDependency dependency helpers


  • Sandbox producer of a custom task shouldn't inherit sandboxDirectory from the base sandbox producer.
  • Use lenient configuration when resolving JetBrains Runtime (JBR) dependencies
  • Add exclusiveContent to the jetbrainsRuntime() repository definition to resolve only JBR artifacts
  • Avoid recalculating the IvyModule for bundled plugin/module if already written to Ivy XML file

2.0.0-rc1 - 2024-07-19

The 2.0.0 release is completely rewritten. Please see documentation page for more details.


  • Introduce TestFrameworkType.Starter for adding dependencies on the Starter UI testing framework.
  • Added IntelliJPlatformExtension.PluginConfiguration.ProductDescriptor.eap property


  • JUnit4 is no longer provided via IntelliJ Platform — it is necessary to add it to the project with testImplementation.
  • Use the actual JVM targetCompatibility when defining composed jar and distribution archive variants.
  • testIdeUi is now dedicated to work with TestFrameworkType.Starter.
  • Extend testImplementation configuration with dependencies from intellijPlatformTestDependencies.
  • Move composed-jar and distribution artifacts definition to the org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.module plugin.
  • Set the default value of IntelliJPlatformPluginsExtension.robotServerPlugin to Constraints.LATEST_VERSION


  • Fixed the broken resolution of the dependency on a local IntelliJ Platform.
  • Fixed renaming files with the same name when preparing the sandbox.
  • Fixed the resolving of the IDEs list for verifyPlugin.
  • ProductReleasesValueSource: pick the IDE with the highest build number instead of version.
  • Exclude JUnit4 (junit4.jar) from the IntelliJ Platform classpath
  • Use Path.invariantSeparatorsPathString in ModuleDescriptorsValueSource to collect modules for exclusion on Windows
  • Use the custom task configuration when calling IntelliJPlatformPluginsExtension.robotServerPlugin(version)


  • Removed intellijPlatform.verifyPlugin.downloadDirectory and intellijPlatform.verifyPlugin.homeDirectory as IDEs cache for Plugin Verifier is now managed with Gradle.

2.0.0-beta9 - 2024-07-12


  • Added useInstaller: Boolean property to create(type, version) (and product-specific) dependency helpers to distinguish the type of artifacts; true by default
  • Added useInstaller: Boolean property to configuration when creating custom tasks with intelliJPlatformTesting; true by default
  • Introduce create(notation: String, useInstaller: Boolean) dependency helper for adding a dependency on the IntelliJ Platform using notation string, like IU-2024.2
  • Introduce jetbrainsRuntimeLocal(localPath: String) dependency helper for adding a dependency on the local JetBrains Runtime instance
  • Introduce GradleProperties helper class for handling org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.<propertyName> Gradle properties, accepting multiple input types
  • intellijPlatform component for accessing the composed Jar with components["intellijPlatform"]


  • Rename jetBrainsCdn() repository helper to jetbrainsIdeInstallers()
  • Rename binaryReleasesAndroidStudio() repository helper to androidStudioInstallers()
  • Rewrite the latest/closest version resolution mechanism for performance reasons
  • Rewrite the latest Gradle plugin check for performance reasons
  • Enhance PrintBundledPluginsTask output
  • IntelliJPlatformTestingExtension: make the produced object Buildable so it can be used for dependsOn() purposes
  • Rewrite the local Ivy dependencies management
  • Review the bundled plugins resolution
  • bundledPlugin(): provide a helpful message when specifying a well-known plugin path (valid in 1.x) instead of real plugin ID (java vs
  • Renamed org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.buildFeature.<propertyName> Gradle properties to org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.<propertyName>
  • localPlugin(project(":submodule")) refers now to the distribution Zip archive


  • testFramework() dependency helper must use DependencyVersion.Closest instead fixed DependencyVersion.IntelliJPlatform
  • Fixed Task ... uses output .intellijPlatform/coroutines-javaagent.jar of task ... without declaring dependency
  • Fixed the wrong Android Studio installer architecture on x86
  • Fixed InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> exception on Windows when resolving IntelliJ Platform system properties
  • Fixed missing custom plugins in the sandbox when running a custom task


  • Resolving IntelliJ Platform artifacts from JetBrains CDN using common coordinates
  • Remove BundledPluginsListTransformer and in-advance bundled plugins resolving with JSON serialization
  • Remove BuildFeature mechanism in favor of GradleProperties

2.0.0-beta8 - 2024-07-01


  • intellijPlatformTesting top-level extension for registering custom tasks
  • Resolving IntelliJ Platform artifacts from JetBrains CDN using common coordinates
  • jetBrainsCdn() repository helper
  • DependencyVersion for controlling how particular dependencies are resolved (latest/closest/match IntelliJ Platform/exact)
  • Added -Didea.l10n.keys=only to the buildSearchableOptions task


  • Custom tasks registering refactoring
  • testIdeUi no longer runs IDE with Robot Server Plugin applied
  • defaultRepositories() repository helper executes now jetBrainsCdn() instead of binaryReleases()


  • Fixed Cannot snapshot ../system/jcef_cache/SingletonSocket: not a regular file issue when preparing sandbox
  • Optimized resolving the latest/closest dependency version from available Maven repositories


  • CustomRunIdeTask, CustomTestIdeTask, CustomTestIdePerformanceTask, CustomTestIdeUiTask custom task classes
  • CustomIntelliJPlatformVersionAware, SandboxProducerAware task aware class
  • binaryReleases() repository helper
  • org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.buildFeature.useBinaryReleases flag

2.0.0-beta7 - 2024-06-14


  • VerifyPluginProjectConfigurationTask: limit specific checks when .module plugin is only applied
  • TestIdeUiTask (testIdeUi task) + CustomTestIdeUiTask implementation
  • Dependencies extension: platformDependency(groupId, artifactIt) and testPlatformDependency(groupId, artifactIt) for adding dependencies on artifacts published to the IntelliJ Maven Repository
  • TestFrameworkType.Metrics for adding metrics and benchmarking tools for Test Framework
  • More info-level logging for ExtractorTransformer


  • Publish instrumented and composed artifact with variants instead of replacing the default artifact
  • Check the latest plugin version against Gradle Plugin Portal
  • Avoid calling checkPluginVersion and createCoroutinesJavaAgentFile methods when in a .module
  • Rename TestFrameworkType.Platform.JUnit4 to TestFrameworkType.Platform
  • Rename TestFrameworkType.Platform.JUnit5 to TestFrameworkType.JUnit5
  • Rename TestFrameworkType.Platform.Bundled to TestFrameworkType.Bundled
  • Prevent from updating the IvyModule.Info.publication with the current time as it breaks the configuration cache


  • Customizing the sandboxDirectory and sandboxSuffix when configuring SandboxAware tasks
  • Fixed content exclusion when extracting DMG archives of IntelliJ Platform on macOS
  • Could not find a field for name metadata/modelVersion (Attribute) in MavenMetadata
  • PluginArtifactoryShim: use only host when setting up proxy for custom plugin repositories
  • Fixed searchable options resolving on 2024.2+

2.0.0-beta6 - 2024-06-06


  • Custom plugin repositories with authorization headers support


  • Resolve Plugin Verifier IDEs using regular IntelliJ Platform dependency resolution


  • Add idea.classpath.index.enabled=false to tests system properties to avoid creating classpath.index file
  • Replace base archive file of the Jar task with ComposedJarTask archive file in all configuration artifact sets
  • Redundant whitespace when parsing plugin dependency IDs
  • Plugin Verifier: introduce partial configuration for resolving IntelliJ Platform dependencies with same coordinates but different versions

2.0.0-beta5 - 2024-05-30


  • Introduce KotlinMetadataAware interface to provide metadata about the Kotlin setup


  • Regression: Cannot fingerprint input property productInfo
  • Regression: GenerateManifestTask property kotlinStdlibBundled doesn't have a configured value
  • Regression: PrepareSandboxTask doesn't create system and log sandbox directories
  • Revise creating custom tasks and IntelliJ Platform main dependency inheritance

2.0.0-beta4 - 2024-05-27


  • Support for Android Studio DMG archives
  • Introduce VerifyPluginProjectConfigurationTask.hasModulePlugin to exclude modules using org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.module subplugin from plugin.xml checks.
  • Better error handling in dependency helpers when missing values
  • Introduce GenerateManifestTask for generating MANIFEST.MF file
  • Introduce ComposedJarTask to compose and pick the final jar archive
  • Introduce intellijPlatform.pluginModule(Dependency) dependency helper to compose a single jar combined of multiple modules


  • Avoid leaking internal properties from intellijPlatform extensions
  • Fixed custom tasks suffixing
  • Fixed: Task :test uses this output of task :prepareSandbox without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency #1609
  • ExtractorTransformer: Exclude only Applications symlink
  • SandboxAware: inherit sandbox directory from producer
  • Add IntelliJ Platform path-based hash to Ivy files to better deal with cache (temporary workaround)

2.0.0-beta3 - 2024-05-18


  • jetbrainsRuntime() dependency helper for resolving a suitable JBR version for IntelliJ Platform fetched from IntelliJ Maven Repository
  • jetbrainsRuntimeExplicit(explicitVersion) dependency helper for specifying an explicit JBR version if necessary
  • PrepareSandboxTask: introduce sandboxDirectoriesExistence property to ensure all sandbox directories exist
  • localPlugin() dependency helper for adding local plugins as project dependencies and extending customizable tasks
  • Emit warning when using the bundledLibrary dependency helper.
  • Use IntelliJ Platform distribution from by default. To switch back to IntelliJ Maven Repository artifacts, use org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.buildFeature.useBinaryReleases=false
  • Introduced Custom* tasks. if you want to extend the runIde or testSomething tasks, use the Custom*Task classes. See:
  • Better handling of missing dependencies/misconfiguration
  • Bring back the SetupDependenciesTask to avoid failing build when migrating from 1.x
  • Better ClosestVersionResolver error messages
  • When running IDE in Split Mode, it’s possible to specify splitModeTarget (BACKEND, FRONTEND, BACKEND_AND_FRONTEND)


  • Update PlatformJavaVersions and PlatformKotlinVersions
  • Introduce a separated Sandbox for the Frontend part when running IDE in Split Mode
  • Rename SandboxAware.sandboxContainerDirectory to SandboxAware.sandboxDirectory to avoid confusion with intellijPlatform.sandboxContainer
  • Use custom task name as a suffix for dynamically created configuration and tasks instead of UUID.randomUUID()


  • Fixed transitive dependencies of bundled plugin dependencies when IntelliJ Platform doesn't contain ProductInfo.layout model yet.
  • Produce customized (suffixed) configuration only for CustomIntelliJPlatformVersionAware tasks
  • Fixed including transitive modules/bundled plugins dependencies of declared plugin dependencies
  • Fixed JetBrains Runtime (JBR) resolving
  • Move TestFrameworkType from org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.gradle.extensions to org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.gradle


  • Dropped testIde task as test is now properly configured

2.0.0-beta2 - 2024-05-14


  • Use IntelliJ Platform distribution from by default. To switch back to IntelliJ Maven Repository artifacts, use org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.buildFeature.useBinaryReleases=false
  • Introduced Custom* tasks. if you want to extend the runIde or testSomething tasks, use the Custom*Task classes. See:
  • Better handling of missing dependencies/misconfiguration
  • Bring back the SetupDependenciesTask to avoid failing build when migrating from 1.x
  • Better ClosestVersionResolver error messages
  • When running IDE in Split Mode, it’s possible to specify splitModeTarget (BACKEND, FRONTEND, BACKEND_AND_FRONTEND)


  • Fixed including transitive modules/bundled plugins dependencies of declared plugin dependencies
  • Fixed JetBrains Runtime (JBR) resolving
  • Move TestFrameworkType from org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.gradle.extensions to org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.gradle


  • Dropped testIde task as test is now properly configured

2.0.0-beta1 - 2024-04-11

The 2.0.0 release is completely rewritten. Please see documentation page for more details.

1.17.4 - 2024-06-14


  • Message about required migration to IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin 2.0 when targeting IntelliJ Platform 2024.2+ (242+).

1.17.3 - 2024-03-29


  • Fix for: coroutinesJavaAgentPath specifies file .../build/tmp/initializeIntelliJPlugin/coroutines-javaagent.jar which doesn't exist
  • Fixed resolving Android Studio releases URL for Windows #1551
  • Fixed repository type classification for Rider RC builds #1579

1.17.2 - 2024-02-20


  • Set the idea.module.downloadSources flag with intellij.downloadSources value

1.17.1 - 2024-02-05


  • Fix for running classpathIndexCleanup task in the proper order
  • Resolve JetBrains Runtime (JBR) 21 to JCEF variant

1.17.0 - 2024-01-18


  • Publish the plugin update and mark it as hidden to prevent public release after approval, using the publishPlugin.hidden property.
  • PatchPluginXmlTask: Wrap the content passed to <change-notes> and <description> elements with <![CDATA[ ... ]]> #1498


  • New project name: IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin
  • New project ID: org.jetbrains.intellij.platform
  • New Maven coordinates: org.jetbrains.intellij.platform:intellij-platform-gradle-plugin
  • Move classes under the new package: org.jetbrains.intellij.platform.gradle
  • Update minimal supported Gradle version to 8.2


  • Do not discover idea.platform.prefix by scanning shell scripts for 223+ #1525
  • MemoizedProvider incompatible with Gradle 8.6 RC1 #1517
  • Tasks :classpathIndexCleanup and :compileTestKotlin don't have a declared dependency causing build to fail #1515
  • ListProductsReleases empty for 2023.3 #1505

1.16.1 - 2023-12-01


  • Make RustRover (RR type) available for resolving as SDK.


  • Attach IntelliJ SDK sources before LSP API sources #1490
  • Fixed RunPluginVerifierTask.FailureLevel.NOT_DYNAMIC presence check #1485

1.16.0 - 2023-10-06


  • Configure all tasks that extend task classes instead of just those created by the plugin
  • Make JbrResolver prefer Gradle javaToolchains by JetBrains vendor, if already available.
  • Support for Kotlin Coroutines debugging
  • Detect and warn if project adds an explicit dependency on Kotlin Coroutines library
  • RunPluginVerifierTask: new runPluginVerifier.verificationReportsFormats property to control verifier output formats
  • RunPluginVerifierTask: new runPluginVerifier.ignoredProblems property to include a file with list of problems to be ignored in a report
  • RunPluginVerifierTask: new runPluginVerifier.freeArgs property to let pass to the IntelliJ Plugin Verifier custom arguments


  • NoClassDefFoundError: org/gradle/api/publish/ivy/internal/publication/DefaultIvyPublicationIdentity in Gradle 8.4 #1469
  • Misleading message about Kotlin API version #1463


  • Disabled caching for BuildPluginTask
  • Deprecate SetupDependenciesTask


  • Removed intellij, intellijPlugin, intellijPlugins, intellijExtra helper methods from DependenciesUtils

1.15.0 - 2023-07-07


  • Attach LSP API sources to the IDEA dependency, if available
  • Added ListProductsReleasesTask.androidStudioProductReleasesUpdateFiles property
  • Added DownloadAndroidStudioProductReleasesXmlTask task
  • Introduced DownloadAndroidStudioProductReleasesXmlTask.releasesUrl and DownloadIdeaProductReleasesXmlTask.releasesUrl properties #1418


  • Renamed ListProductsReleasesTask.productsReleasesUpdateFiles property to ListProductsReleasesTask.ideaProductReleasesUpdateFiles


  • Removed ListProductsReleasesTask.updatePaths property

1.14.2 - 2023-06-26


  • Create a date-based lock file to limit daily update checks for the Gradle IntelliJ Plugin.


  • Handle the Could not HEAD '' gracefully when running downloadIdeaProductReleasesXml with no Internet connection
  • Improved checking if Provider holds non-empty value
  • Fixed calculationg of JVM arguments for running tests #1360
  • Introduce CommandLineArgumentProviders for better management of JVM arguments and avoiding passing absolute paths to support Gradle Build Cache #1376
  • Replace deprecated JavaPluginConvention usages with JavaPluginExtension for Gradle 8.2 and 9.x compatibility #1413
  • Fix for Cannot load this JVM TI agent twice, check your java command line for duplicate jdwp options.


  • Removed redundant SetupInstrumentCodeTask task

1.14.1 - 2023-06-07


  • Illegal char <:> at index 25: -Djna.boot.library.path=... exception on Windows when calculating the IDE home path

1.14.0 - 2023-06-02



  • Resolving Android Studio JNA libraries on macOS #1353
  • Fixed "Must not use executable property on Test together with javaLauncher property" for Gradle 7.x #1358
  • Task :listProductsReleases creates empty file due to MalformedByteSequenceException #1389
  • Make RunIdeBase.pluginsDir a @Classpath input, fixes cacheability of buildSearchableOptions #1370
  • Fixed JarSearchableOptionsTask cacheability #1375


  • Set minimum supported Gradle version from 7.3 to 7.6

1.13.3 - 2023-03-28


  • Run tests using JBR #473
  • Introduce verifyPluginSignature task for verification signed plugin archive produced by signPlugin task
  • Provide KDoc documentation for all tasks and extensions #1345


  • Add instrumented classes (sources + tests) to the tests classpath before tests execution #1332
  • Fixed NSDictionary helper methods to return null instead of "null" — causing "Resource not found: /idea/nullApplicationInfo.xml" #1348

1.13.2 - 2023-03-10


  • Add instrumented classes (sources + tests) to the tests classpath #1332

1.13.1 - 2023-03-02


  • Provide idea.log.path system property for RunIde-based tasks and tests


  • Unsupported JVM architecture was selected for running Gradle tasks: x86_64 #1317
  • Instrumentation ignores intellij.instrumentCode = false #1310
  • NoClassDefFoundError: org/jetbrains/kotlin/konan/file/FileKt when running signPlugin task on Gradle lower than 8.0 #1319
  • taskdef class com.intellij.ant.InstrumentIdeaExtensions cannot be found when running instrumentation on Android Studio #1288
  • JVM arguments mangled since 1.10 resulting in ClassNotFoundException for PathClassLoader #1311
  • Add missing compiled classes to the instrumentation task classpath
  • Mark RunPluginVerifierTask.FailureLevel.ALL and RunPluginVerifierTask.FailureLevel.NONE with @JvmField annotation #1323

1.13.0 - 2023-02-10


  • Support for Gradle 8.0
  • Introduced the initializeIntelliJPlugin task for executing plugin initialization actions, like checkPluginVersion
  • instrumentJar task to produce independent jar file with instrumented classes
  • instrumentedJar configuration for multi-modules projects
  • Publish plugin marker to the Maven Snapshot Repository


  • Don't enforce the Kotlin version of the project by using compileOnly instead of api when declaring the org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.8.0 dependency #1276
  • Instrumentation: fixed configuration cache support, dropped the postInstrumentCode and postInstrumentTestCode tasks #1283

Breaking Changes

  • It is required to use the instrumentedJar configuration when referring submodules in multi-modules project, like dependencies { implementation(project(":submodule", "instrumentedJar")) }
  • Rename IntelliJInstrumentCodeTask to InstrumentCodeTask

1.12.0 - 2023-01-13


  • Extract ZIP Signer CLI tool downloading as downloadZipSigner task
  • Allow for passing signPlugin.privateKey and signPlugin.certificateChain as base64-encoded value


  • Download IDEs used by the Plugin Verifier in the task execution phase.


  • Added missing incremental task annotation properties and cacheability annotations #1258
  • Make listBundledPlugins not printing output as printBundledPlugins does that
  • Fixed taskdef class com.intellij.ant.InstrumentIdeaExtensions cannot be found #1259
  • Don't warn about unexpected instrumentation task name #1214

1.11.0 - 2022-12-17


  • printProductsReleases task to print the result of the listProductsReleases task
  • printBundledPlugins task to print the result of the listBundledPlugins task
  • runIde.jbrArch and runPluginVerifier.jbrArch properties for the explicit JBR architecture specification


  • custom(String) helper of intellij.pluginRepositories configuration requires now passing a direct URL to the updatePlugins.xml file #1252
  • listProductsReleases task doesn't print output anymore
  • listBundledPlugins task doesn't print output anymore
  • Set minimum supported Gradle version to 7.3


  • Replace Contents/Contents part within JVM arguments to a single Contents – happens with macOS distribution
  • --offline prevents from using JBR even if it is already downloaded #1251

1.10.2 - 2022-12-16


  • Revert back the minimum supported Gradle version to 6.8

1.10.1 - 2022-12-08


  • Set minimum supported Gradle version from 6.8 to 7.1


  • Fixed "Error: Could not find or load main class" when using older SDK versions
  • Fix launch information could not be found for macOS. #1230
  • Fixed "Cannot change dependencies of dependency configuration ... after it has been included in dependency resolution" #1209

1.10.0 - 2022-11-17


  • Set IDEA_PLUGIN_SANDBOX_MODE to true for runIde-based tasks
  • The listBundledPlugins task for listing IDs of plugins bundled within the currently targeted IDE
  • Make sure 1.10.0 is higher than 1.10.0-SNAPSHOT in version check #1155


  • Invalidate instrumented classes bound to forms if GUI changed IDEA-298989
  • Revert pushing project resource directories to the end of classpath in the test task context. (#1101)
  • Avoid unnecessary task configuration during Gradle configuration phase #1110 by @3flex
  • Replace internal Gradle ConventionTask with DefaultTask #1115 by @aSemy
  • Plugin Verifier cache directory now follows XDG cache standards #1119 by @aSemy
  • Migrate most of the Gradle API in IntelliJPlugin.kt to use the Gradle Kotlin DSL extensions #1117 by @aSemy
  • Support runIde.jbrVersion in format #1172
  • Plugin dependencies not resolved in multi-module project #1196
  • Finalize instrumentation with classpathIndexCleanup run to remove classpath.index file which breaks incremental build
  • Misleading message about Kotlin language version #1156
  • Fix launch information could not be found for macOS.#1230


  • Set minimum supported Gradle version from 6.7.1 to 6.8
  • Use information from product-info.json for running 223+

1.9.0 - 2022-09-02


  • Configure classpath for run-based tasks using package-info.json provided with IntelliJ SDK 2022.3+
  • The verifyPluginConfiguration task for validating the plugin project configuration.
  • Make Android Studio (AI type) available for resolving as SDK.


  • Change IntelliJPluginConstants.ANDROID_STUDIO_PRODUCTS_RELEASES_URL to

1.8.1 - 2022-08-24


  • Configure classpath for run-based tasks using Info.plist provided with IntelliJ SDK 2022.3+


  • OpenedPackages: add java.desktop/java.awt.font for all OSes

1.8.0 - 2022-08-04


  • Add sourceSets output directories to the classpath of the test task.
  • Synchronize OpenedPackages list with the latest version available.
  • Make PhpStorm (PS type) available for resolving as SDK.


  • Rearrange classpath to put idea and ideaPlugins dependencies in the right order.
  • Rename plugin configurations to move injected dependencies to the end of the classpath. #1060


  • Remove the DEPENDENCY_FIRST resolution strategy set by default along with its BuildFeature.USE_DEPENDENCY_FIRST_RESOLUTION_STRATEGY flag.
  • Remove setting of the java.system.class.loader property from tests configuration.


  • Exclude non-jar files from the classpath #1009
  • Jacoco reports false 0% test coverage #1065
  • Unable to load JUnit4 runner to calculate Ignored test cases #1033

1.7.0 - 2022-07-08


  • Automatically detect bundled sources in plugin dependency #786
  • Automatically detect plugin dependency sources provided in the IDE distribution #207
  • Throw an error when intellij.version is missing #1010
  • Set ResolutionStrategy.SortOrder.DEPENDENCY_FIRST for compileClasspath and testCompileClasspath configurations #656
  • Added useDependencyFirstResolutionStrategy feature flag. See Feature Flags.
  • Ensure classpath.index is not bundled in the JAR file
  • Warn about no settings provided by the plugin when running buildSearchableOptions and suggest disabling the task. #1024
  • Warn about paid plugin running buildSearchableOptions and suggest disabling the task. #1025
  • IDE dependencies are added to the compileOnly classpath for test fixtures if the java-test-fixtures plugin is applied #1028
  • classpathIndexCleanup task is added to remove classpath.index files created by PathClassLoader #1039
  • Improve Plugin Verifier error messages #1040
  • Added FailureLevel.SCHEDULED_FOR_REMOVAL_API_USAGES to the Plugin Verifier task
  • Support for JetBrains Runtime 2022.2 directories layout #1016


  • Set minimum supported Gradle version from 6.7 to 6.7.1
  • Resolve dependencies using repositories in the following order: project custom repositories (if any), plugin custom repositories, common repositories (like Maven Central)
  • Add executable flag for Rider.Backend native launchers in IdeaDependencyManager#resetExecutablePermissions RIDER-59978
  • Remove Gradle dependencies constraints as transitive dependencies don't point to vulnerabilities anymore #999


  • Fixed broken instrumentation when custom sources directory is set #1004
  • Fixed java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException when instrumenting code #998
  • Fixed Execution optimizations have been disabled for task ':jar' to ensure correctness #1000
  • Fixed JaCoCo Can't add different class with same name exception when using code instrumentation #1020
  • Fixed failing instrumentation due to the Class not found exception #1029
  • Fixed 'compilerClassPathFromMaven' doesn't have a configured value when resolving java-compiler-ant-tasks #1003
  • Fixed NoClassDefFoundError caused by the stale classpath.index created by the PathClassLoader #1032
  • Fixed issue with not updated GUI form during the incremental build #1044]

1.6.0 - 2022-05-23


  • Added BuildFeature feature flags. See Feature Flags.
  • Added --jbr-illegal-access and -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions flags for tasks based on RunIdeBase to support 2022.2 which runs on Java 17
  • For JBR 17, dcevm is bundled by default. As a consequence, separated dcevm and nomod variants are no longer available.
  • instrumentCode task – incremental instrumentation #459
  • Add intellijRepository to the beginning of the repositories list when resolving dependencies #615
  • Set -Djdk.module.illegalAccess.silent=true flag by default to mute WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
  • Add java.system.class.loader=com.intellij.util.lang.PathClassLoader system property for tests run on 221+
  • Integration Tests: Cover instrumentCode task


  • Set minimal supported Gradle version from 6.6 to 6.7
  • Throw an exception instead of warning when both intellij.localPath and intellij.version are specified
  • Publish sources and javadocs within the release #810


  • Fix for getHeaderField("Location") must not be null #960
  • instrumentCode task – changes in Kotlin code no longer rebuild the plugin #959
  • Could not resolve JBR for 222-EAP-SNAPSHOT #997
  • Kotlin-generated classes aren't packed into the plugin distribution #978
  • Fixed version parsing for listProductsReleases task which resulted in incorrect IDE releases versions #995
  • Release plugin.xml file after reading it IDEA-291836

1.5.3 - 2022-04-15

  • Updated dependencies marked as vulnerable
  • Fixed code instrumentation disabling via tasks.instrumentCode.enabled
  • instrumentCode task – limit the scope of the task to #459
  • Introduce Gradle IntelliJ Plugin version check against the latest available

1.5.2 - 2022-03-31

  • Add util_rt.jar to the classpath of run-like tasks for 2022.1+ compatibility

1.5.1 - 2022-03-28

  • Make IDEA products releases cached hourly #848
  • Fixed ListProductReleasesTask to return only significant versions for Android Studio #928

1.5.0 - 2022-03-28

  • Include Android Studio builds in the ListProductsReleasesTask results
  • Fix compiler resolution for EAP versions #906
  • Initial Toolbox Enterprise integration #913
  • Make IDEA products releases cached daily #848
  • Fixed ListProductsReleasesTask to allow for empty untilBuild #909
  • Resolved closest lower java-compiler-ant-tasks version if provided isn't available #910
  • Fixed XML parsing with JAXB - drop intermediate JDOM Document

1.4.0 - 2022-02-11

  • Fixed JBR resolving for MacOSX M1
  • Fixed compiler resolution for long build numbers #883
  • Build number fallback when product-info.json is missing #880
  • Consider sinceBuild and untilBuild properties of ListProductsReleasesTask in task caching #891
  • Introduce jbrVariant property next to the jbrVersion property in runIde, runPluginVerifier, buildSearchableOptions, and runIdeForUiTest tasks #852
  • Change log level of JbrResolver.resolveRuntime logs from warn to debug #849
  • Update runtime classpath for 221+
  • Fixed resolving Java Runtime for MacOSX #895
  • ProductInfo: parse custom properties in product-info.json #897
  • Make IntelliJInstrumentCodeTask incremental

1.3.1 - 2021-11-17

  • Fixed execution bit filter when extracting Rider RIDER-72922
  • Revert org.jetbrains.intellij:blockmap dependency to the latest 1.0.5 version
  • Avoid querying intellij.version when intellij.localPath is set
  • Fixed BuildSearchableOptionsTask for 2022.1+ version of IDE RIDER-73264
  • ListProductsReleasesTask: rely on the patchPluginXml.sinceBuild/patchPluginXml.untilBuild properties instead of intellij.version
  • ListProductsReleasesTask: allow using IDE version along with build numbers

1.3.0 - 2021-11-15

  • IntelliJ Plugin Verifier allows for running against Android Studio (i.e. AI-2021.2.1.4)
  • Make intellij.version property mandatory
  • Move intellij.ideaDependency to the SetupDependenciesTask.idea
  • Postpone the initial dependencies downloading to the setupDependencies task which is run in the afterSync phase or by individual tasks
  • Provide build information within the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file
  • Resolve EAP version of the Java compiler for LATEST-EAP-SNAPSHOT
  • Allow for using dcevm, fd, and nomod variants of JBR #818
  • ListProductsReleasesTask.updatesPath changed to ListProductsReleasesTask.updatePaths
  • ListProductsReleasesTask.includeEAP changed to ListProductsReleasesTask.releaseChannels

1.2.1 - 2021-10-26

  • Respect ideaDependencyCachePath property #794
  • Fix for providing dependencies after project evaluation #801
  • Resolve EAP version of the Java compiler for local EAP IDE instances #811
  • Allow for passing an empty array for runPluginVerifier.ideVersions property #809

1.2.0 - 2021-09-30

  • Fixed running tests on 2021.3 platform version
  • Avoid downloading IDE dependency in configuration phase
  • Deprecate IntelliJPluginExtension.getIdeaDependency(project: Project)
  • Increase the default runPluginVerifier.failureLevel to COMPATIBILITY_PROBLEMS
  • Introduce listProductsReleases task for listing the IDE releases matching given criteria
  • Fixed resolving compiler classpath for the instrumentCode task when using LATEST-EAP-SNAPSHOT #752
  • Fixed resolving idea.platform.prefix #772
  • Fix for custom buildDir not used in some instrumentCode and buildSearchableOptions tasks #793

1.1.6 - 2021-09-05

  • Fixed returned list of paths to IDEs downloaded for Plugin Verifier #779

1.1.5 - 2021-09-03

  • Use target Kotlin API Version 1.3 #750
  • Migrate SignPluginTask to use the Marketplace ZIP Signer CLI
  • Fixed resolving of built-in JetBrains Runtime (JBR) #756

1.1.4 - 2021-07-21

  • Configuration cache enhancements
  • Fix prepareTestingSandbox not running when test task is executed #745 by @abrooksv
  • Move signPlugin file name creation to lazy #742 by @brian-mcnamara
  • Better platform prefix resolving

1.1.3 - 2021-07-14

  • Fixed dependency on JavaScript plugin #674
  • Fixed releaseType resolving for Rider versions in -EAP#-SNAPSHOT format.
  • runPluginVerifier: verify required Java 11 environment for Plugin Verifier 1.260+
  • pluginVerifier – remove support for old versions < 1.255 hosted on Bintray
  • Fixed tests configuration – 'Config Directory' does not exist exception

1.1.2 - 2021-07-01

  • Use Gradle ArchiveOperations in extractArchive utils method #681
  • Set minimal supported Gradle version to 6.6
  • Use JDOM for altering updates.xml in PrepareSandboxTask to keep existing content
  • Fixed incorrect output path of JarSearchableOptionsTask causing also duplicate entry exception #678
  • Fixed incorrect plugin download URL for custom repositories #688
  • Make DownloadRobotServerPluginTask pointing to the latest Robot Server Plugin available
  • Support Maven closure in PluginsRepositories block
  • BuildSearchableOptionsTask fails on macOS when resolving javaHome ##696
  • PrepareSandboxTask doesn't depend on JavaPlugin dependencies ##451
  • Remove IntelliJPluginExtension.pluginsRepositories(block: Closure<Any>) due to ConfigureUtil deprecation and a lack of typed parameters
  • Remove usage of deprecated methods and classes introduced in Gradle 7.1 ##700

1.0.0 - 2021-05-27

  • Breaking changes guide:
  • Plugin Signing integration
  • Lazy Configuration support
  • Configuration Cache support
  • Task Configuration Avoidance support
  • better CI (GitHub Actions, Qodana, Dependabot)
  • Rewritten in Kotlin
  • property names cleanup (*Repo to *Repository, *Directory to *Dir – for the sake of consistency with Gradle)
  • Stepping away from Bintray and JCenter

0.7.3 - 2021-04-26

  • migrate from bintray #594
  • exclude kotlin-reflect and kotlin-text from the runtime if kotlin is used in plugin #585
  • respect overridden build directory #602
  • store cache of plugins from different custom repositories in different directories #579
  • rename dependency jars with the same name #497

0.7.2 - 2021-02-23

  • fix classpath for IDE without ant inside distribution
  • fix resolving the OS architecture

0.7.1 - 2021-02-22

  • fix classpath for IDE 2020.2 #601

0.7.0 - 2021-02-21

  • support GoLand as an SDK
  • fix javac2 dependency for project with implicit IntelliJ version #592
  • fix using query parameters in custom repository urls #589
  • support downloading JBR for aarch64 #600
  • added ant dependencies to testing classpath
  • fix JBR resolving after removing JavaFX from JBR in IDEA 2021.1 #599

0.6.5 - 2020-11-25

  • fixed not found classes from plugin dependencies in tests #570

0.6.4 - 2020-11-19

  • runPluginVerifier: integrate Plugin Verifier offline mode with Gradle offline start parameter
  • runPluginVerifier: introduce verifierPath property
  • support for Rider for Unreal Engine as an SDK

0.6.3 - 2020-11-09

  • fixed loading dependencies of builtin plugin #542
  • fixed loading file templates from plugins #554
  • yet another fix for class-loading in tests for IntelliJ Platform 203 and higher #561

0.6.2 - 2020-11-05

  • runPluginVerifier: make ideVersions property mandatory
  • runPluginVerifier: better handling of the exception produced by DownloadAction #553
  • runPluginVerifier: provide URL for verifying the available IDE versions #553
  • runPluginVerifier: fix java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException as ERROR in logs #552
  • add prepareTestingSandbox as an input to tests

0.6.1 - 2020-10-29

  • runPluginVerifier: allow specifying ideVersions as comma-separated String
  • runPluginVerifier: specifying EAP build number leads to IllegalArgumentException
  • runPluginVerifier: fix for ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when destructuring ideVersion.split

0.6.0 - 2020-10-29

  • Introduced runPluginVerifier task that runs the IntelliJ Plugin Verifier tool to check the binary compatibility with specified IntelliJ IDE builds.

0.5.1 - 2020-10-27

  • fix class-loading in tests for IntelliJ Platform >= 203

0.5.0 - 2020-10-05

  • do not download dependencies during configuration phase #123
  • support multiple plugin repositories
  • support enterprise plugin repositories #15

0.4.26 - 2020-09-18

  • fix plugin-repository-rest-client dependency

0.4.25 - 2020-09-17

  • fix plugin-repository-rest-client dependency

0.4.24 - 2020-09-17

  • fix plugin-repository-rest-client dependency

0.4.23 - 2020-09-17

  • fix compatibility issue with Kotlin 1.4 serialization #532

0.4.22 - 2020-09-03

  • add option to disable auto-reload of dynamic plugins
  • documentation improvements

0.4.21 - 2020-05-12

  • fix adding searchable options to the distribution for Gradle > 5.1 #487

0.4.20 - 2020-05-06

  • fixed caching builtin plugins data
  • add annotations-19.0.0 to compile classpath by default
  • fix setting plugin name for Gradle 5.1-5.3 #481

0.4.19 - 2020-05-02

  • Use builtin JBR from alternativeIdePath IDE #358
  • Enable dependencies for builtin plugins automatically #474
  • Allow referring builtin plugins by their ids rather than directory name IDEA-233841
  • Require 4.9 Gradle version, dropped deprecated stuff
  • Do not add junit.jar into classpath, it may clash with junit-4.jar on certain JDKs

0.4.18 - 2020-04-01

  • Introduced runIdeForUiTests task #466
  • Fix unpacking JBR with JCEF on Mac #468
  • Publish plugin security update #472

0.4.17 - 2020-03-23

  • Fix platform prefix for DataGrip #458
  • Enable plugin auto-reloading by default
  • Upgrade plugins repository client
  • Use new methods for Gradle 5.1 and higher #464
  • Support JBR with JCEF #465

0.4.16 - 2020-01-27

  • Fix downloading JBR if temp directory and gradle chace are on the different partitions #457
  • Build searchable options task is marked as cacheable

0.4.15 - 2019-12-07

  • Fix uploading on Java 11 #448
  • Fix instrumentation when localPath is set #443

0.4.14 - 2019-11-25

  • Support for Gradle 6.0
  • Deprecated runIde.ideaDirectory. runIde.ideDirectory should be used instead

0.4.13 - 2019-11-13

  • Removed intellij.useProductionClassLoaderInTests option as we found another way to fix loading plugins in tests in 2019.3

0.4.12 - 2019-11-08

  • More structured logging
  • Introduced intellij.useProductionClassLoaderInTests option to control how plugin is going to be loaded in tests

0.4.11 - 2019-10-30

  • Fix setting archive name for Gradle 5.1 and higher #436
  • Fix forms compilation for Rider and Python snapshot builds. Works for Rider-2019.3-SNAPSHOT and higher #403

0.4.10 - 2019-08-08

  • Upgrade download plugin #418
  • Simplify custom runIde task configuration #401

0.4.9 - 2019-06-05

  • Graceful handling of 404 errors when publishing a new plugin #389
  • Support PyCharm as an SDK
  • Fail if the plugin depends on Java plugin but doesn't declare it as dependency

0.4.8 - 2019-04-16

  • Gradle 5.4 compatibility
  • Support for new JBR distributions layout
  • Made buildSearchableOption task incremental

0.4.7 - 2019-03-25

  • add one more executable file in Rider SDK

0.4.6 - 2019-03-25

  • support Gradle 5.3 #379
  • fixed downloading JBR 8 for IDEA 2018.3 and earlier

0.4.5 - 2019-03-13

  • support JBR 11 from the new JetBrains Runtime Repository
  • support running using JBR 11 IDEA-208692

0.4.4 - 2019-02-28

  • support the new bintray repository for JetBrains Runtime artifacts
  • fixed downloading of old JBR builds #367
  • fix instrumentation for local IDE instances #369

0.4.3 - 2019-02-19

  • fixed downloading instrumentation dependencies for release versions
  • fixed downloading renamed JetBrains Runtime artifacts
  • fixed removing config/ and system/ on running runIde task #359
  • fixed plugin's sources attaching
  • drop Gradle 2 support
  • support for CLion as a building dependency #342
  • support token-based authentication while publishing plugins #317
  • add notification about patching particular tag values and attributes in plugin.xml #284
  • fix attaching sources to bundled plugins #337
  • fix verification message in case of default value of description-tag
  • fixed resolving plugins from a custom channel #320
  • fixed building with Java 9
  • fixed resolving plugins from a custom channel
  • fixed uploading plugins #321
  • fixed caching strategy for IDEA dependency #318
  • fixed dependency on local plugin files
  • cache-redirector is used for downloading plugin dependencies #301
  • fixed missing tools.jar on Mac #312
  • runIde task uses tools.jar from a JBRE java #307
  • Allow to override all system properties in RunIde task #304
  • Move to the new url to JBRE and Gradle distributions #301
  • Fixed an encoding while writing plugin.xml #295
  • Gradle 4.8 compatibility #283
  • fixed compiling JGoodies forms for IDEA version >= 182.* #290
  • fix running for IDEA version < 2017.3 #273
  • added plugin verification task: verifyPlugin
  • default values of runIde task are propagated to all RunIdeaTask-like tasks
  • enhanced plugins resolution: better error messages for unresolved dependencies and fixes #247
  • check build number to decide whether the unzipped distribution can be reused (fixes #234)
  • download JetBrains Java runtime and use it while running IDE (fixes #192)
  • do not include plugin's jars recursively (fixes #231)
  • allow adding custom Javac2.jar to instrumentCode task
  • recognize new kotlin stdlib files as part of IDEA dependency
  • Setup project plugin dependency for an already evaluated project (fixes #238)
  • update default repository url
  • support for running GoLand
  • fix compatibility with Gradle 4.0 new versions of Kotlin and Scala plugins (fixes #221 and #222)
  • automatically set system properties for debugging Resharper
  • restore scripts execution permissions in Rider distribution
  • support RD prefix for Rider
  • avoid possible NPEs (fixes #208)
  • Gradle 4.0 compatibility fixes
  • upgrade plugin-repository-rest-client
  • upgrade plugin-repository-rest-client
  • upgrade plugin-services libraries to fix 'Invalid plugin type' exception while downloading plugins dependencies (fixes #201)
  • prefer compile configuration for any plugins IDEA dependencies in tests (fixes #202)
  • prefer compile configuration for bundled plugins IDEA dependencies in tests
  • prefer compile configuration for IDEA dependencies in tests
  • prefer compileOnly configuration for plugins dependencies in tests
  • avoid exception due to adding duplicated configurations
  • prefer compileOnly configuration for IDEA dependencies
  • set buildDir as a default cache for IDE dependencies in case of Rider-plugin
  • fix Kotlin instrumentation
  • fixed attaching sources for IDEA Ultimate and bundled plugins
  • fixed compilation for multi-module layout
  • added runIde task. runIdea is deprecated now (fixes #169)
  • fixed kotlin forms instrumentation (fixes #171)
  • fixed filtering out all resources of dependent plugins (fixes #172)
  • fixed intellij.systemProperties extension (fixes #173)
  • added Rider support (fixes #167)
  • fix unresolved builtin plugins on case-insensitive file systems
  • result artifact format is changed: now it's always a ZIP archive even if plugin has no extra dependencies. Note that this may change classloading ( see #170)
  • added an ability to use local IDE installation for compiling
  • result zip archive is added to archives configuration, built-in assemble task now builds the plugin distribution
  • added JPS-type for intellij dependency (fixes #106)
  • patchXml action is reimplemented, now it's possible to freely customize input files, destination directory, since/until builds, plugin description and version
  • publishTask is reimplemented, now it's possible to set several channels to upload (fixes #117)
    • it's possible to reuse reimplemented tasks in client's code
    • it's allowed to run tasks without plugin.xml
    • tasks are configured before project evaluation, project.afterEvaluate is not require anymore
  • fix incremental compiling after instrumenting code (fixes #116)
  • added intellij.ideaDependencyCachePath option (fixes #127)
  • project() reference can be used as a plugin-dependency (fixes #17)
  • fix attaching sources of builtin plugins (fixes #153)
  • Do not override plugins directory content (temporary fix of #17)
  • Added default configuration to ivy-repositories (fixes #114)
  • External plugin directories are placed in compile classpath so IDEA code insight is better for them now (fixes #105)
  • Fix incremental compilation on changing intellij.version (fixes #67)
  • Support external plugin dependencies
  • Fix Kotlin forms instrumentation (#73)
  • Allow making single-build plugin distributions (fixes #64)
  • Exclude kotlin dependencies if needed (fixes #57)
  • Disable automatic updates check in debug IDEA (fixes #46)
  • Support local IDE installation as a target application of runIdea task
  • Attach community sources to ultimate IntelliJ artifact (fixes #37)
  • New extension for passing system properties to runIdea task (fixes #18)
  • Support compilation in IDEA 13.1 (fixes #28)
  • Fixed broken runIdea task
  • cleanTest task clean system-test and config-test directories (fixes #13)
  • Do not override plugins which were installed in debug IDEA (fixes #24)
  • RunIdeaTask is extensible (fixes #23)
  • Fix xml parsing exception (fixes #25)
  • Disabled custom class loader in tests (fixes #21)
  • Do not patch version tag if project.version property is not specified (fixes #11)
  • IntelliJ-specific jars are attached as compile dependency (fixes #5)
  • Support for attaching IntelliJ sources in IDEA