From 8b9fccddb860b353c20e4871c1a58bd282e71a23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "renovate[bot]" Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2023 22:38:34 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] deploy: AOEpeople/ --- .../tailwindcss-3.x/categories/index.html | 17 +- ...891d0c52a22579dca913b6383ca2e5d78faa4f.css | 1 - ...29f681e5cbef54453c2888ab98e201f494f1b9.css | 1 + renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/index.html | 17 +- .../posts/hacking-roombas/index.html | 23 ++- renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/index.html | 17 +- renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/index.xml | 14 +- .../posts/key-to-keycloak/index.html | 189 +++++++++--------- .../posts/loving-open-source/index.html | 17 +- .../posts/raising-flamingos/index.html | 17 +- .../posts/running-gitlab-ci/index.html | 17 +- .../posts/savory-meals/index.html | 17 +- .../should-you-upgrade-to-web3/index.html | 17 +- .../posts/tailwind-pushing-forward/index.html | 17 +- .../posts/the-weekly-dev-weekly/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/aruco/index.html | 17 +- renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/auth/index.html | 17 +- .../tags/blockchain/index.html | 17 +- .../tags/build-processes/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/community/index.html | 17 +- .../tags/conference/index.html | 17 +- .../tags/continuous-integration/index.html | 17 +- .../tags/contribute/index.html | 17 +- renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/css/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/delivery/index.html | 17 +- .../tags/dev-weekly/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/esp32/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/flamingo/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/frontend/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/gitlab-ci/index.html | 17 +- renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/go/index.html | 17 +- .../tags/identity-management/index.html | 17 +- renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/keycloak/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/maintain/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/meals/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/opencv/index.html | 17 +- .../tags/opensource/index.html | 17 +- renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/php/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/pipeline/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/react/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/remix/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/roomba/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/share/index.html | 17 +- .../tags/sharing-knowledge/index.html | 17 +- renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/spi/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/symfony/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/tailwind/index.html | 17 +- .../tailwindcss-3.x/tags/tasmota/index.html | 17 +- renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/web3/index.html | 17 +- 50 files changed, 520 insertions(+), 473 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/dist/css/main.min.3b4b4c6992c7a3e5cf4c2bb3de891d0c52a22579dca913b6383ca2e5d78faa4f.css create mode 100644 renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/dist/css/main.min.a442cdfdc44649e4a81f49353329f681e5cbef54453c2888ab98e201f494f1b9.css diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/categories/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/categories/index.html index 8e702d5..8d7632b 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/categories/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/categories/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
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td):not(:where([class~=not-prose] *)){padding-top:.8888889em;padding-right:.6666667em;padding-bottom:.8888889em;padding-left:.6666667em}.lg\:prose-xl :where(tbody td:first-child,tfoot td:first-child):not(:where([class~=not-prose] *)){padding-left:0}.lg\:prose-xl :where(tbody td:last-child,tfoot td:last-child):not(:where([class~=not-prose] *)){padding-right:0}.lg\:prose-xl :where(.lg\:prose-xl>:first-child):not(:where([class~=not-prose] *)){margin-top:0}.lg\:prose-xl :where(.lg\:prose-xl>:last-child):not(:where([class~=not-prose] 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@@ -AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/hacking-roombas/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/hacking-roombas/index.html index afd9c92..ec31165 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/hacking-roombas/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/hacking-roombas/index.html @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ -Hacking Roombas | AOE OpenSource

Hacking Roombas

2022-05-30, by
Fabrizio Branca

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

ESP32 Firmware

Using an ESP32 microcontroller I was able to “bridge” the serial interface to MQTT and an HTTP api. Instead of implementing everything from scratch I used the Tasmota firmware. Tasmota is a great open-source firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontrollers that helped me doing getting started without any custom code on the microcontroller.


I used an ESP32-cam board (later more on the “cam” part). This board is cheaply available. Make sure you also get the dev-board since the ESP32-cam board itself doesn’t come with a USB connector and you’d end up fiddling around with additional components. The ESP32 runs on 3.3V (and most boards have a built-in voltage regulator for 5V, which is the USB voltage). But the Roomba connector only includes an unregulated output that can range from 15 to 17V. So we need to drop that voltage safely. While some people suggest using a cheap USB car carger this didn’t work for me so I ordered some MP1584EN buck converters. +Hacking Roombas | AOE OpenSource +

Hacking Roombas

2022-05-30, by
Fabrizio Branca

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

ESP32 Firmware

Using an ESP32 microcontroller I was able to “bridge” the serial interface to MQTT and an HTTP api. Instead of implementing everything from scratch I used the Tasmota firmware. Tasmota is a great open-source firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontrollers that helped me doing getting started without any custom code on the microcontroller.


I used an ESP32-cam board (later more on the “cam” part). This board is cheaply available. Make sure you also get the dev-board since the ESP32-cam board itself doesn’t come with a USB connector and you’d end up fiddling around with additional components. The ESP32 runs on 3.3V (and most boards have a built-in voltage regulator for 5V, which is the USB voltage). But the Roomba connector only includes an unregulated output that can range from 15 to 17V. So we need to drop that voltage safely. While some people suggest using a cheap USB car carger this didn’t work for me so I ordered some MP1584EN buck converters. Roomba’s RX pin works fine the the ESP32 3.3V output, but the data returned from Roomba’s TX been needed an extra PNP transistor (I used an 2N3906) so that the signal was readable reliably. -Since I also wanted to capture a video feed I replaced the OV2640 cam with a different fisheye lens with a longer cable. This is what my prototype board looks like:

Prototype board (top view) -Prototype board (bottom view) -Prototype board (connected to Roomba))


Getting the camera up and running with Tasmota required some extra steps. Carlos Gomes wrote an excellent article with step-by-step instructions. With the new firmware in place you get the video-feed embedded into the Tasmota web interface.

Serial communication

Controlling the Roomba can be done easily via serial commands and those commands can be send via Tasmota out of the box. Here are some examples of the basic operations:

# Start:
+Since I also wanted to capture a video feed I replaced the OV2640 cam with a different fisheye lens with a longer cable. This is what my prototype board looks like:

Prototype board (top view) +Prototype board (bottom view) +Prototype board (connected to Roomba))


Getting the camera up and running with Tasmota required some extra steps. Carlos Gomes wrote an excellent article with step-by-step instructions. With the new firmware in place you get the video-feed embedded into the Tasmota web interface.

Serial communication

Controlling the Roomba can be done easily via serial commands and those commands can be send via Tasmota out of the box. Here are some examples of the basic operations:

# Start:
 Backlog SerialSend6 128; Delay 0.1; SerialSend6 131; Delay 0.1; SerialSend6 135;
 # Seek Dock:
@@ -17,10 +18,10 @@
 Sticking an ArUco marker on the top of the Roomba and observing it with an external camera might be another fun experiment.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/index.html index 8026a32..c7b29c7 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/index.xml b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/index.xml index 322aa9b..cceefa1 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/index.xml +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/index.xml @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -Posts on AOE OpenSource in Posts on AOE OpenSourceHugo -- gohugo.ioen-usMon, 27 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000🍽 Savory Meals, 27 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000Chetan Thapliyal<p>Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it&rsquo;s still growing. It&rsquo;s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.</p>aoeaoe wiesbadenaoe itopen sourcedigital projectsmealsopensourcephpsymfonyHacking Roombas, 30 May 2022 00:00:00 +0000Fabrizio Branca<p>When <a href="">I opened the box</a> of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:</p> +Posts on AOE OpenSource in Posts on AOE OpenSourceHugo -- gohugo.ioen-usMon, 27 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000🍽 Savory Meals, 27 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000Chetan Thapliyal<p>Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it&rsquo;s still growing. It&rsquo;s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.</p>aoe</category><category>aoe wiesbaden</category><category>aoe it</category><category>open source</category><category>digital projectsmeals</category><category>opensource</category><category>php</category><category>symfonyHacking Roombas, 30 May 2022 00:00:00 +0000Fabrizio Branca<p>When <a href="">I opened the box</a> of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:</p> <blockquote> <p>This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.</p> </blockquote> <p><a href="">A little later I first started playing</a> with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).</p> <p>While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.</p> <p>Although it may sound a little over-engineered here&rsquo;s my current project:</p> -<p>Under the top cover of the Roomba there&rsquo;s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a <a href="">documented serial interface</a> you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.</p>aoeaoe wiesbadenaoe itopen sourcedigital projectsRoombaTasmotaESP32OpenCVArUcoWeb3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?, 12 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000Florian Brandel software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new &ldquo;version&rdquo; means to us and what we can expect from it.aoeaoe wiesbadenaoe itopen sourcedigital projectsWeb3blockchainLoving Open Source, 10 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000Daniel Pötzinger<p>At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? -We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.</p>aoeaoe wiesbadenaoe itopen sourcedigital projectscontributemaintaincommunityshareconferenceTailwind pushing us forward, 13 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000Achim Rolle<p>There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.</p> -<p>With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.</p>aoeaoe wiesbadenaoe itopen sourcedigital projectsTailwindCSSfrontendreactremixThe weekly Dev-Weekly, 13 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000Thorsten Essig<p>Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.</p>aoeaoe wiesbadenaoe itopen sourcedigital projectsDev-Weeklysharing knowledgeThe Key to Keycloak, 12 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000Theresa Henze<p>Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. -Naturally, there is no &ldquo;one-tool-fits-all&rdquo;, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.</p>aoeaoe wiesbadenaoe itopen sourcedigital projectsKeycloakidentity managementauthspiRunning (faster) with Gitlab CI, 10 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000Tolleiv Nietsch became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. +<p>Under the top cover of the Roomba there&rsquo;s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a <a href="">documented serial interface</a> you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.</p>aoe</category><category>aoe wiesbaden</category><category>aoe it</category><category>open source</category><category>digital projectsRoomba</category><category>Tasmota</category><category>ESP32</category><category>OpenCV</category><category>ArUcoWeb3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?, 12 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000Florian Brandel software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new &ldquo;version&rdquo; means to us and what we can expect from it.aoe</category><category>aoe wiesbaden</category><category>aoe it</category><category>open source</category><category>digital projectsWeb3</category><category>blockchainLoving Open Source, 10 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000Daniel Pötzinger<p>At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.</p>aoe</category><category>aoe wiesbaden</category><category>aoe it</category><category>open source</category><category>digital projectscontribute</category><category>maintain</category><category>community</category><category>share</category><category>conferenceTailwind pushing us forward, 13 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000Achim Rolle<p>There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.</p> +<p>With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.</p>aoe</category><category>aoe wiesbaden</category><category>aoe it</category><category>open source</category><category>digital projectsTailwind</category><category>CSS</category><category>frontend</category><category>react</category><category>remixThe weekly Dev-Weekly, 13 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000Thorsten Essig<p>Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.</p>aoe</category><category>aoe wiesbaden</category><category>aoe it</category><category>open source</category><category>digital projectsDev-Weekly</category><category>sharing knowledgeThe Key to Keycloak, 12 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000Theresa Henze<p>Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. +Naturally, there is no &ldquo;one-tool-fits-all&rdquo;, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.</p>aoe</category><category>aoe wiesbaden</category><category>aoe it</category><category>open source</category><category>digital projectsKeycloak</category><category>identity management</category><category>auth</category><category>spiRunning (faster) with Gitlab CI, 10 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000Tolleiv Nietsch became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? -Initially, we have a repo which provides templates and starting points for all of our pipelines, so we can benefit from scaling to any number of microservices without having to think of management overhead.aoeaoe wiesbadenaoe itopen sourcedigital projectsGitlab CIpipelinebuild processescontinuous integrationdeliveryRaising Flamingo(s), 02 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000Bastian Ike<p>5 years ago we set started the adoption of the Go programming language at AOE. 3 years ago we open sourced Flamingo, our web framework, created to enable us to build fast and scalable applications. -Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo&rsquo;s to form a stable basis for our daily work.</p>aoeaoe wiesbadenaoe itopen sourcedigital projectsFlamingoGocommunityshareconference \ No newline at end of file +Initially, we have a repo which provides templates and starting points for all of our pipelines, so we can benefit from scaling to any number of microservices without having to think of management overhead.aoe</category><category>aoe wiesbaden</category><category>aoe it</category><category>open source</category><category>digital projectsGitlab CI</category><category>pipeline</category><category>build processes</category><category>continuous integration</category><category>deliveryRaising Flamingo(s), 02 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000Bastian Ike<p>5 years ago we set started the adoption of the Go programming language at AOE. 3 years ago we open sourced Flamingo, our web framework, created to enable us to build fast and scalable applications. +Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo&rsquo;s to form a stable basis for our daily work.</p>aoe</category><category>aoe wiesbaden</category><category>aoe it</category><category>open source</category><category>digital projectsFlamingo</category><category>Go</category><category>community</category><category>share</category><category>conference \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/key-to-keycloak/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/key-to-keycloak/index.html index ec961f4..08f2762 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/key-to-keycloak/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/key-to-keycloak/index.html @@ -1,124 +1,125 @@ -The Key to Keycloak | AOE OpenSource

The Key to Keycloak

2021-12-12, by
Theresa Henze

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. +The Key to Keycloak | AOE OpenSource +

The Key to Keycloak

2021-12-12, by
Theresa Henze

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Being a complex project, Keycloak can be intimidating at first glance, but once we learn how the general architecture and workflows look like we can precisely implement providers to fine-tune Keycloak’s behaviour.

Let us take a look into what Keycloak does is when a user is authenticated, and see how we can implement such a provider:

Keycloak Auth

We can see multiple points marked with “SPI” (service provider interface). These are all the points where we can provide additional or alternative implementations, and alter the way Keycloak works. Please note, some API’s are private, which means they can change in any way during Keycloak updates. So one has to be careful where and when functionality is added.

In our example we want to implement a new token mapper, to have some claims mapped in a specific way. -To do this, we setup a small Java project in our favorite Editor, throw in some gradle build scripts (maven works too, of course!) and define our entry point and a marker for Keycloak to load our provider:

Keycloak Code
package mapper;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.keycloak.Config;
-import org.keycloak.models.ClientSessionContext;
-import org.keycloak.models.KeycloakSession;
-import org.keycloak.models.KeycloakSessionFactory;
-import org.keycloak.models.ProtocolMapperModel;
-import org.keycloak.models.UserSessionModel;
-import org.keycloak.protocol.ProtocolMapper;
-import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.OIDCLoginProtocol;
-import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.mappers.OIDCAccessTokenMapper;
-import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.mappers.OIDCAttributeMapperHelper;
-import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.mappers.OIDCIDTokenMapper;
-import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.mappers.UserInfoTokenMapper;
-import org.keycloak.provider.ProviderConfigProperty;
-import org.keycloak.representations.AccessToken;
-import org.keycloak.representations.IDToken;
+To do this, we setup a small Java project in our favorite Editor, throw in some gradle build scripts (maven works too, of course!) and define our entry point and a marker for Keycloak to load our provider:

Keycloak Code
package mapper;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.keycloak.Config;
+import org.keycloak.models.ClientSessionContext;
+import org.keycloak.models.KeycloakSession;
+import org.keycloak.models.KeycloakSessionFactory;
+import org.keycloak.models.ProtocolMapperModel;
+import org.keycloak.models.UserSessionModel;
+import org.keycloak.protocol.ProtocolMapper;
+import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.OIDCLoginProtocol;
+import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.mappers.OIDCAccessTokenMapper;
+import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.mappers.OIDCAttributeMapperHelper;
+import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.mappers.OIDCIDTokenMapper;
+import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.mappers.UserInfoTokenMapper;
+import org.keycloak.provider.ProviderConfigProperty;
+import org.keycloak.representations.AccessToken;
+import org.keycloak.representations.IDToken;
 public class AttributeMapper
-        implements ProtocolMapper, OIDCAccessTokenMapper, OIDCIDTokenMapper, UserInfoTokenMapper {
-    private static final List<ProviderConfigProperty> configProperties = new ArrayList<>();
+        implements ProtocolMapper, OIDCAccessTokenMapper, OIDCIDTokenMapper, UserInfoTokenMapper {
+    private static final List<ProviderConfigProperty> configProperties = new ArrayList<>();
-    public final String PROVIDER_ID = "custom_attribute_mapper";
+    public final String PROVIDER_ID = "custom_attribute_mapper";
-    static {
-        OIDCAttributeMapperHelper.addIncludeInTokensConfig(configProperties, AttributeMapper.class);
-    }
+    static {
+        OIDCAttributeMapperHelper.addIncludeInTokensConfig(configProperties, AttributeMapper.class);
+    }
-    private void mapClaims(Map<String, Object> claims, UserSessionModel userSession, Map<String, String> config) {
-        claims.put("custom_attribute", "some custom value");
-    }
+    private void mapClaims(Map<String, Object> claims, UserSessionModel userSession, Map<String, String> config) {
+        claims.put("custom_attribute", "some custom value");
+    }
-    public String getDisplayCategory() {
-        return "Custom Mappers";
-    }
+    public String getDisplayCategory() {
+        return "Custom Mappers";
+    }
-    public String getDisplayType() {
-        return "Attribute Mapper";
-    }
+    public String getDisplayType() {
+        return "Attribute Mapper";
+    }
-    public String getHelpText() {
-        return "Set attributes";
-    }
+    public String getHelpText() {
+        return "Set attributes";
+    }
-    public List<ProviderConfigProperty> getConfigProperties() {
-        return configProperties;
-    }
+    public List<ProviderConfigProperty> getConfigProperties() {
+        return configProperties;
+    }
-    public String getId() {
-        return PROVIDER_ID;
-    }
+    public String getId() {
+        return PROVIDER_ID;
+    }
-    public String getProtocol() {
-        return OIDCLoginProtocol.LOGIN_PROTOCOL;
-    }
+    public String getProtocol() {
+        return OIDCLoginProtocol.LOGIN_PROTOCOL;
+    }
-    public ProtocolMapper create(KeycloakSession arg0) {
-        throw new RuntimeException("UNSUPPORTED METHOD");
-    }
+    public ProtocolMapper create(KeycloakSession arg0) {
+        throw new RuntimeException("UNSUPPORTED METHOD");
+    }
-    public void init(Config.Scope arg0) {
-    }
+    public void init(Config.Scope arg0) {
+    }
-    public void postInit(KeycloakSessionFactory arg0) {
-    }
+    public void postInit(KeycloakSessionFactory arg0) {
+    }
-    public void close() {
-    }
-    public AccessToken transformAccessToken(AccessToken token, ProtocolMapperModel mappingModel,
-            KeycloakSession session, UserSessionModel userSession, ClientSessionContext clientSessionCtx) {
-        if (!OIDCAttributeMapperHelper.includeInAccessToken(mappingModel)) {
-            return token;
-        }
-        this.mapClaims(token.getOtherClaims(), userSession, mappingModel.getConfig());
-        return token;
-    }
-    public IDToken transformIDToken(IDToken token, ProtocolMapperModel mappingModel, KeycloakSession session,
-            UserSessionModel userSession, ClientSessionContext clientSessionCtx) {
-        if (!OIDCAttributeMapperHelper.includeInIDToken(mappingModel)) {
-            return token;
-        }
-        this.mapClaims(token.getOtherClaims(), userSession, mappingModel.getConfig());
-        return token;
-    }
-    public AccessToken transformUserInfoToken(AccessToken token, ProtocolMapperModel mappingModel,
-            KeycloakSession session,
-            UserSessionModel userSession, ClientSessionContext clientSessionCtx) {
-        if (!OIDCAttributeMapperHelper.includeInUserInfo(mappingModel)) {
-            return token;
-        }
-        this.mapClaims(token.getOtherClaims(), userSession, mappingModel.getConfig());
-        return token;
-    }
+    public void close() {
+    }
+    public AccessToken transformAccessToken(AccessToken token, ProtocolMapperModel mappingModel,
+            KeycloakSession session, UserSessionModel userSession, ClientSessionContext clientSessionCtx) {
+        if (!OIDCAttributeMapperHelper.includeInAccessToken(mappingModel)) {
+            return token;
+        }
+        this.mapClaims(token.getOtherClaims(), userSession, mappingModel.getConfig());
+        return token;
+    }
+    public IDToken transformIDToken(IDToken token, ProtocolMapperModel mappingModel, KeycloakSession session,
+            UserSessionModel userSession, ClientSessionContext clientSessionCtx) {
+        if (!OIDCAttributeMapperHelper.includeInIDToken(mappingModel)) {
+            return token;
+        }
+        this.mapClaims(token.getOtherClaims(), userSession, mappingModel.getConfig());
+        return token;
+    }
+    public AccessToken transformUserInfoToken(AccessToken token, ProtocolMapperModel mappingModel,
+            KeycloakSession session,
+            UserSessionModel userSession, ClientSessionContext clientSessionCtx) {
+        if (!OIDCAttributeMapperHelper.includeInUserInfo(mappingModel)) {
+            return token;
+        }
+        this.mapClaims(token.getOtherClaims(), userSession, mappingModel.getConfig());
+        return token;
+    }

Now we can add the mapper to a client and evaluate it using the Keycloak admin console.

Keycloak Mapper

You can find the official Keycloak documentation here:

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/loving-open-source/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/loving-open-source/index.html index 153bd56..0000d3b 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/loving-open-source/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/loving-open-source/index.html @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ -Loving Open Source | AOE OpenSource

Loving Open Source

2022-02-10, by
Daniel Pötzinger

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +Loving Open Source | AOE OpenSource +

Loving Open Source

2022-02-10, by
Daniel Pötzinger

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Working as a Team

That’s why we believe in Open Source as a chance to steadily keep learning from each other, beyond our companies boundaries.

Over the past 20 years AOE’s people were always heavily involved in all kinds of Open Source projects, as users, contributors, maintainers. Beyond code we keep organizing community meetups, share experiences on conferences and strive towards an open exchange about new topics, technologies and tools.

Take a look on our AOE Technology Radar if you are interested on technologies we find promising or have adopted in the recent years, and learn more why and how we decide on our tech stack. Of course, you find the source code on Github as well, check it out and build your own radar if you like.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/raising-flamingos/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/raising-flamingos/index.html index 7a051e2..6744ebe 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/raising-flamingos/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/raising-flamingos/index.html @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ -Raising Flamingo(s) | AOE OpenSource

Raising Flamingo(s)

2021-11-02, by
Bastian Ike

5 years ago we set started the adoption of the Go programming language at AOE. 3 years ago we open sourced Flamingo, our web framework, created to enable us to build fast and scalable applications. +Raising Flamingo(s) | AOE OpenSource +

Raising Flamingo(s)

2021-11-02, by
Bastian Ike

5 years ago we set started the adoption of the Go programming language at AOE. 3 years ago we open sourced Flamingo, our web framework, created to enable us to build fast and scalable applications. Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

But first, why even open source work we have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours on, for free? At AOE, we do not believe in gatekeeping, sharing our code enables us to join an open dialogue with everyone interested in building, growing and learning on a mutual code base.

Working on Flamingo

What is our learning in all these years? First of all, things change. Back in the days, we set for server side rendering using a custom PUG implementation in Go, to make sure we can always deliver the fastest and most optimized page, no matter what Browser people run. Nowadays, after many iterations, our default setup uses generated GraphQL code on the serverside, where Flamingo is the edge to all connected services and microservices, while the Frontend is a standalone React application, requesting precisely the required data necessary to render what we want to show. Remix now allows us to bring back the serverside rendering in a way that we can even support browsers with disabled JavaScript.

Flamingo sliding down

This evolution was nothing we could predict, but we are grateful for all the learnings, all the contributions from the outside and the chance to let our Flamingo grow wings. Now we set out to fly even higher, focusing on making Flamingo accessible and lowering all entry barriers, so you can start right away with a free choice of your tech stack, be it gRPC, GraphQL, Rest, and include and connect any framework you’ve learned to love in the past.

After all, this is about Open Source, and we love Open Source.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/running-gitlab-ci/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/running-gitlab-ci/index.html index ea43cc6..5713ed9 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/running-gitlab-ci/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/running-gitlab-ci/index.html @@ -1,12 +1,13 @@ -Running (faster) with Gitlab CI | AOE OpenSource

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

2021-11-10, by
Tolleiv Nietsch

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. +Running (faster) with Gitlab CI | AOE OpenSource +

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

2021-11-10, by
Tolleiv Nietsch

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool.

So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE?

Gitlab CI Repo

Initially, we have a repo which provides templates and starting points for all of our pipelines, so we can benefit from scaling to any number of microservices without having to think of management overhead.

Gitlab CI Jobs

Each pipeline is a well-defined and small piece that declares it basic steps, such as “test”, “build” and “deploy”. More complex pipelines are organized as sub-pipelines, e.g. deployments to multiple regions:

Gitlab CI Pipeline

Using these abstractions we can quickly roll out our applications to new clusters or changed infrastructure topology, while keeping fast build processes so our developers get a quick feedback on merge requests and commits.

So, why do we not use something else than Gitlab CI? Having one tool helps a lot with keeping vital things close together, such as sourcecode, helm deployment definitions and necessary pipelines. Also, the feedback loop is short and allows for more effective work. After all, nobody likes waiting for pipelines reports.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/savory-meals/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/savory-meals/index.html index 2947dda..0c37997 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/savory-meals/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/savory-meals/index.html @@ -1,14 +1,15 @@ -🍽 Savory Meals | AOE OpenSource

🍽 Savory Meals

2022-06-27, by
Chetan Thapliyal

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

AOE Meals

So, what can it do?

  • Create and manage meal plans
  • Book meals
  • Cancel, or offer booked meal to others
  • Guest booking
  • Accounting
  • Show history of consumed meals and payments
  • Online payment for consumed meals via PayPal
  • Send notifications for last minute meals and weekly menu (Slack and Mattermost)
  • Classical, as well as OAuth based user authentication


Hosted Environment


  • PHP >= 7.4
  • MySQL Database
  • Node JS
  • Yarn
  • Mercure-Hub >= v0.13


A major part of the application can be configured via environment variables located in the .env file. If setting environment variable is not an option, like in shared web hosting, then create a file and configure them there.


  1. Install application dependencies

    composer install
    +🍽 Savory Meals | AOE OpenSource

    🍽 Savory Meals

    2022-06-27, by
    Chetan Thapliyal

    Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

    AOE Meals

    So, what can it do?

    • Create and manage meal plans
    • Book meals
    • Cancel, or offer booked meal to others
    • Guest booking
    • Accounting
    • Show history of consumed meals and payments
    • Online payment for consumed meals via PayPal
    • Send notifications for last minute meals and weekly menu (Slack and Mattermost)
    • Classical, as well as OAuth based user authentication


    Hosted Environment


    • PHP >= 7.4
    • MySQL Database
    • Node JS
    • Yarn
    • Mercure-Hub >= v0.13


    A major part of the application can be configured via environment variables located in the .env file. If setting environment variable is not an option, like in shared web hosting, then create a file and configure them there.


    1. Install application dependencies

      composer install
    2. Create database schema

      bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n
    3. Generate static assets

      cd src\Resources && yarn build


    A pre-built cloud installation image of meals can be found in docker hub. It is automatically updated whenever new features, security or bug fixes are introduced.

    The application configuration is same as in the hosted environment. However, no setup is required here.

    Sounds delicious, but I like extra topping.

    Not a problem. You can download the source code from Github on your local machine. The development environment is configured using docker and ddev, so these must be pre-installed. After this, just one command

    make run-devbox

    and voila! you have a fully configured ready to use development environment.

    Bon Appétit! :)

    AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
    - - - - - -
    \ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/should-you-upgrade-to-web3/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/should-you-upgrade-to-web3/index.html index 9b59dc1..1651826 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/should-you-upgrade-to-web3/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/should-you-upgrade-to-web3/index.html @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ -Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade? | AOE OpenSource

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

2022-03-12, by
Florian Brandel

Being state of the art

In software development we tend to continuously update to the latest version. It keeps you up to date with the current state of development, it can provide you with new features or better performance. But it can also lead to frustration when the process is not as smooth as expected and brings completely new challenges which you did not have before.

As we experience this in our daily work with moving from monoliths to microservices, from server to server-less, from SPAs to SSG, an update is currently also happening within the web itself. There is now a new “major version” called Web3.

Should we upgrade?

At this point it is getting complicated. What can we expect from this update? New features, bug fixes, breaking changes? As there is no such thing as a for the Web itself, a short summary reads like this:

Web3 promises to give users the full ownership over their content, data and all other assets they possibly could own… by utilizing blockchain technology.

What we need to understand here first is that this “update” is not primarily technology-driven. It is more about people starting to avoid trusting big companies, banks or even countries. They aim for a system which is decentralized, transparent and trustless. And blockchain as the technology can provide this. It is even proving its concept since 2009 as the key technology behind Bitcoin. So does Ethereum, which even powers applications (dApps) running worldwide on a decentralized network.

$ update web@v3

So does this mean we should migrate all our customers applications to some blockchain and we are done? Of course not. Before even suggesting this, we need to clarify the WHY first. Jumping on the hype train is easy, making something valuable out of it is not. And finally, we have to look into the HOW and start learning what it means to develop for a decentralized web.


The Web3 is not just a new version you simply upgrade to. It is a new paradigm where people and machines can interact with data or property without the need of a third party in the middle. The discussions about Web3 and blockchain in general will remain controversial until we see more reasonable use cases. In the meantime we should keep our minds open for the things to come.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies +Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade? | AOE OpenSource +

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

2022-03-12, by
Florian Brandel

Being state of the art

In software development we tend to continuously update to the latest version. It keeps you up to date with the current state of development, it can provide you with new features or better performance. But it can also lead to frustration when the process is not as smooth as expected and brings completely new challenges which you did not have before.

As we experience this in our daily work with moving from monoliths to microservices, from server to server-less, from SPAs to SSG, an update is currently also happening within the web itself. There is now a new “major version” called Web3.

Should we upgrade?

At this point it is getting complicated. What can we expect from this update? New features, bug fixes, breaking changes? As there is no such thing as a for the Web itself, a short summary reads like this:

Web3 promises to give users the full ownership over their content, data and all other assets they possibly could own… by utilizing blockchain technology.

What we need to understand here first is that this “update” is not primarily technology-driven. It is more about people starting to avoid trusting big companies, banks or even countries. They aim for a system which is decentralized, transparent and trustless. And blockchain as the technology can provide this. It is even proving its concept since 2009 as the key technology behind Bitcoin. So does Ethereum, which even powers applications (dApps) running worldwide on a decentralized network.

$ update web@v3

So does this mean we should migrate all our customers applications to some blockchain and we are done? Of course not. Before even suggesting this, we need to clarify the WHY first. Jumping on the hype train is easy, making something valuable out of it is not. And finally, we have to look into the HOW and start learning what it means to develop for a decentralized web.


The Web3 is not just a new version you simply upgrade to. It is a new paradigm where people and machines can interact with data or property without the need of a third party in the middle. The discussions about Web3 and blockchain in general will remain controversial until we see more reasonable use cases. In the meantime we should keep our minds open for the things to come.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/tailwind-pushing-forward/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/tailwind-pushing-forward/index.html index 79cb602..5c5069e 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/tailwind-pushing-forward/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/posts/tailwind-pushing-forward/index.html @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ -Tailwind pushing us forward | AOE OpenSource

Tailwind pushing us forward

2022-01-13, by
Achim Rolle

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

These days, Tailwind CSS is really pushing us forward, by making things easy and accessible for everyone.

Frontend Development at AOE

How does Tailwind CSS differ from classic CSS frameworks, or just plain reset.css and custom classes? Tailwind shines with to aspects:

First, we get to focus on what CSS is designed to do. There are no buttons, no popups, only raw classes with minimal and well-defined features. Want to define a padding? Set class="p-8". Want to decrease that? Change to class="p-4". Easy, right?

Second, Tailwind only compiles required classes, not everything. By statically analysing your code Tailwind ensures no useless classes are bundled, making sure that you always bring the bare minimum.

Being so simple with such a clear API, Tailwind even allows people with very little experience in frontend development to implement and adjust necessary components without breaking the whole design.

Did you notice? This website is built using Tailwind too!

Feeling adventurous? Try Tailwind together with React, and render everything on the server side using Remix. Now you’ll feel the whole speed of what’s possible on the web!

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies +Tailwind pushing us forward | AOE OpenSource +

Tailwind pushing us forward

2022-01-13, by
Achim Rolle

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

These days, Tailwind CSS is really pushing us forward, by making things easy and accessible for everyone.

Frontend Development at AOE

How does Tailwind CSS differ from classic CSS frameworks, or just plain reset.css and custom classes? Tailwind shines with to aspects:

First, we get to focus on what CSS is designed to do. There are no buttons, no popups, only raw classes with minimal and well-defined features. Want to define a padding? Set class="p-8". Want to decrease that? Change to class="p-4". Easy, right?

Second, Tailwind only compiles required classes, not everything. By statically analysing your code Tailwind ensures no useless classes are bundled, making sure that you always bring the bare minimum.

Being so simple with such a clear API, Tailwind even allows people with very little experience in frontend development to implement and adjust necessary components without breaking the whole design.

Did you notice? This website is built using Tailwind too!

Feeling adventurous? Try Tailwind together with React, and render everything on the server side using Remix. Now you’ll feel the whole speed of what’s possible on the web!

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
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The weekly Dev-Weekly

2021-12-13, by
Thorsten Essig

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

We failed multiple times, COIs/COPs are always centered around a common topic of interest, meetings during lunch were interrupted by delicious barbeque (shout outs to our chefs!), and finding even more timeslots in full-packed weeks led to distraction, less interest and never really took of.

But there is one constant in AOE’s work-week, which is “the weekly”, where every Monday the whole company comes together (online, nowadays), to get the most recent updates about business development, teams, and so on.

This is where we introduced the Dev-Weekly, just following our weekly, we quickly introduce the topic that has been prepared this week, and everyone interested can just stay.

By today the Dev-Weekly sparks new ideas every week, and topics ranging from CSS frameworks to monorepo tooling to analysing iOS exploits make sure everyone finds something they are interested in.

Dev Weekly

How does a recipe for a successful Dev-Weekly look like?

First, find people interested in presenting, this is by far the most challenging part. I do simply ask people if I notice them being interested (or even experts) in certain areas.

We track them all in Gitlab, that’s where work happens anyway, so we don’t spread over multiple tools. A gentle reminder to be ready by next week helps everyone to have their topic prepared.

Second, make sure to not have a boring Dev-Weekly: focus on that one topic, use the regular weekly as a teaser, and you’ll find half of the company joining and listening.

Eventually, make sure to record the presentation (if okay for the presenter), as people will sometimes miss it, and this gives everyone a chance to follow up.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies +The weekly Dev-Weekly | AOE OpenSource +

The weekly Dev-Weekly

2021-12-13, by
Thorsten Essig

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

We failed multiple times, COIs/COPs are always centered around a common topic of interest, meetings during lunch were interrupted by delicious barbeque (shout outs to our chefs!), and finding even more timeslots in full-packed weeks led to distraction, less interest and never really took of.

But there is one constant in AOE’s work-week, which is “the weekly”, where every Monday the whole company comes together (online, nowadays), to get the most recent updates about business development, teams, and so on.

This is where we introduced the Dev-Weekly, just following our weekly, we quickly introduce the topic that has been prepared this week, and everyone interested can just stay.

By today the Dev-Weekly sparks new ideas every week, and topics ranging from CSS frameworks to monorepo tooling to analysing iOS exploits make sure everyone finds something they are interested in.

Dev Weekly

How does a recipe for a successful Dev-Weekly look like?

First, find people interested in presenting, this is by far the most challenging part. I do simply ask people if I notice them being interested (or even experts) in certain areas.

We track them all in Gitlab, that’s where work happens anyway, so we don’t spread over multiple tools. A gentle reminder to be ready by next week helps everyone to have their topic prepared.

Second, make sure to not have a boring Dev-Weekly: focus on that one topic, use the regular weekly as a teaser, and you’ll find half of the company joining and listening.

Eventually, make sure to record the presentation (if okay for the presenter), as people will sometimes miss it, and this gives everyone a chance to follow up.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/aruco/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/aruco/index.html index ad71f08..26e9270 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/aruco/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/aruco/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -ArUco | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +ArUco | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/auth/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/auth/index.html index 59beef7..efab7be 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/auth/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/auth/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -auth | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +auth | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/blockchain/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/blockchain/index.html index 98852c5..511d185 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/blockchain/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/blockchain/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -blockchain | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +blockchain | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/build-processes/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/build-processes/index.html index ee163c1..57e0746 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/build-processes/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/build-processes/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -build processes | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +build processes | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/community/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/community/index.html index 16ee35c..8d325d0 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/community/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/community/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -community | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +community | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/conference/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/conference/index.html index 053918b..26f775e 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/conference/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/conference/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -conference | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +conference | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/continuous-integration/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/continuous-integration/index.html index ec7309d..62a130c 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/continuous-integration/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/continuous-integration/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -continuous integration | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +continuous integration | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/contribute/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/contribute/index.html index 7df2904..9de9421 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/contribute/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/contribute/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -contribute | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +contribute | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/css/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/css/index.html index ef16c96..225cd1f 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/css/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/css/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -CSS | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +CSS | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/delivery/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/delivery/index.html index 2bebb05..dd2b214 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/delivery/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/delivery/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -delivery | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +delivery | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/dev-weekly/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/dev-weekly/index.html index c34d18c..f9b47b5 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/dev-weekly/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/dev-weekly/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -Dev-Weekly | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +Dev-Weekly | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/esp32/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/esp32/index.html index 42d5381..8f8d350 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/esp32/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/esp32/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -ESP32 | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +ESP32 | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/flamingo/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/flamingo/index.html index 39779f3..0a1f68a 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/flamingo/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/flamingo/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -Flamingo | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +Flamingo | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/frontend/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/frontend/index.html index 4669122..d5ff659 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/frontend/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/frontend/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -frontend | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +frontend | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/gitlab-ci/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/gitlab-ci/index.html index 161c8c0..8068815 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/gitlab-ci/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/gitlab-ci/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -Gitlab CI | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +Gitlab CI | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/go/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/go/index.html index 2c08b06..3a24509 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/go/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/go/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -Go | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +Go | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/identity-management/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/identity-management/index.html index 0952ab9..93f328a 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/identity-management/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/identity-management/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -identity management | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +identity management | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/index.html index a654763..234ed83 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/keycloak/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/keycloak/index.html index 39215cb..20fdc3a 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/keycloak/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/keycloak/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -Keycloak | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +Keycloak | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/maintain/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/maintain/index.html index f014c4b..aca9bc8 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/maintain/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/maintain/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -maintain | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +maintain | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/meals/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/meals/index.html index 46ed230..c7f2b40 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/meals/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/meals/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -meals | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +meals | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/opencv/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/opencv/index.html index 5ff37ff..01ddc2c 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/opencv/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/opencv/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -OpenCV | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +OpenCV | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/opensource/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/opensource/index.html index a9065a0..9c75848 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/opensource/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/opensource/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -opensource | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +opensource | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/php/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/php/index.html index ffaec16..90caf71 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/php/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/php/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -php | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +php | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/pipeline/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/pipeline/index.html index cf08d6f..a2f685c 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/pipeline/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/pipeline/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -pipeline | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +pipeline | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/react/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/react/index.html index 4c2f8a5..04a81a2 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/react/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/react/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -react | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +react | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/remix/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/remix/index.html index ad78122..b878978 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/remix/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/remix/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -remix | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +remix | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/roomba/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/roomba/index.html index 454dc13..1945e81 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/roomba/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/roomba/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -Roomba | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +Roomba | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/share/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/share/index.html index 606bb72..84073dd 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/share/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/share/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -share | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +share | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/sharing-knowledge/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/sharing-knowledge/index.html index b661c28..8c68d94 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/sharing-knowledge/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/sharing-knowledge/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -sharing knowledge | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +sharing knowledge | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/spi/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/spi/index.html index 65fa019..268bcae 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/spi/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/spi/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -spi | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +spi | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/symfony/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/symfony/index.html index 4393364..c4dcfc9 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/symfony/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/symfony/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -symfony | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +symfony | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/tailwind/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/tailwind/index.html index 0db6990..fe1007e 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/tailwind/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/tailwind/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -Tailwind | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +Tailwind | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/tasmota/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/tasmota/index.html index 542ae98..5887eb2 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/tasmota/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/tasmota/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -Tasmota | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +Tasmota | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
- - - - - -
\ No newline at end of file +and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/web3/index.html b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/web3/index.html index 0b2ab54..48ced55 100644 --- a/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/web3/index.html +++ b/renovate/tailwindcss-3.x/tags/web3/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -Web3 | AOE OpenSource

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? +Web3 | AOE OpenSource +

Read the AOE Articles

🍽 Savory Meals
2022-06-27, by Chetan Thapliyal

🍽 Savory Meals

Meals, as the name suggests, is an application to manage meals. It was developed at AOE to manage employee lunch meals. What initially started as a small tool has now grown in to a mature and enterprise ready application, and it’s still growing. It’s been open source ever since, and we love to share it.

Hacking Roombas
2022-05-30, by Fabrizio Branca

Hacking Roombas

When I opened the box of my Roomba back in 2016 there was a sticker saying:

This robot contains an electronic and software interface that allows you to control or modify, and remotely monitor its sensors. For software programmers interested in giving your iRobot new functionality we encourage you to do so.

A little later I first started playing with microcontrollers sending infrared commands to the IR sensor in order to start cleaning via my home network (or specifically by pressing one of the Amazon Dash buttons that came out at that time).

While newer generations of the Roomba product line already come with wifi and cameras I always wanted to be able to add that myself.

Although it may sound a little over-engineered here’s my current project:

Under the top cover of the Roomba there’s a serial interface connector hidden. Using a documented serial interface you can easily send either higher-level commands like start cleaning, stopping, and seeking the dock, or low-level commands like reading individual sensor values, controlling the motors or even playing notes on the internal speaker.

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?
2022-03-12, by Florian Brandel

Web3: A new major version. Should you upgrade?

As software developers we update our systems continuously. With Web3 becoming more and more popular we have to ask ourselves what this new “version” means to us and what we can expect from it.
Loving Open Source
2022-02-10, by Daniel Pötzinger

Loving Open Source

At AOE our most valuable asset is our experience with building complex enterprise applications to shape companies digital transformation, so why do we care about Open Source at all? We grow by learning on new impulses, not by locking ourselves into our comfort zone.

Tailwind pushing us forward
2022-01-13, by Achim Rolle

Tailwind pushing us forward

There are few technologies that change as often as web frontend tools, libraries and technologies in the recent years.

With a focus on web development at AOE we have been on the bleeding edge ever since, evaluating and understanding what technologies bring us forward.

The weekly Dev-Weekly
2021-12-13, by Thorsten Essig

The weekly Dev-Weekly

Sharing knowledge and experience is what we love, but it took us a long time to establish a format where interested people come together on a regular basis, talking about the newest tech, all cross-team and cross-project.

The Key to Keycloak
2021-12-12, by Theresa Henze

The Key to Keycloak

Keycloak is our go-to tool when it comes to identity management, federating identities over multiple sources and organizing and managing roles for all kinds of applications. Naturally, there is no “one-tool-fits-all”, so Keycloak too sometimes needs to be customized beyond what the configuration offers, and we need to implement providers to add additional configuration.

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI
2021-11-10, by Tolleiv Nietsch

Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool. So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE? @@ -6,10 +7,10 @@ Now, looking back, it was quite a ride raising a flock of small Flamingo’s to form a stable basis for our daily work.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products -and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.
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