Code for building various datasets for LDSR
Unless otherwise noted, all of these scripts were built on the MSU High Performance Computing Cluster. Building it elsewhere may require installing several programs, and may require some editing of scripts. At a minimum, the machine running it will need:
git 2.10.1
bedtools v2.27.1
python 3.6.4
- This requires several conflicting packages and should be installed in a conda envrionment but need to do the install with pip Installing via conda will get non-conflicting package versions, which won't work with the LDSR code :/
- Also note that changing the order of the packages in the call below will break the install
pip install numpy==1.8.0 scipy==0.11.0 bitarray==0.8.3 pandas==0.17.0
R 3.2.0 (packages will auto-install)
pandoc 1.17.3
mySQL 5.7
- Make a main directory
- Clone repo into that directory
- Change hardcoded file paths to snp files if necessary
- Run script, from the main directory to download all the raw SNP data
sbatch ubiquitous-succotash/
Each SNP dataset needs it's own unique processing pipeline, all of these are in the '1_preprocess' folder. '', which must be run manually, needs to be run first as '' and '' rely on it's output. All others can be run in any order, or in parallel. Everything except '' can just be submitted via slurm, i.e.
sbatch ubiquitous-succotash/1_preprocess/scriptname
but '' is fiddly and requires setting up and querying a MySQL server. Some will take in excess of 12 hours to run. -
Most of the phenotype data is controlled access and must be downloaded manually and individually. Filenames and links to the data portals for these files are provided in the Traits section below. These files must be saved in a folder called "ss" in the main directory
You'll also need some things that Jory made/built in ways that are mysterious to me. These are two tools folders:
, which are some mix of Jory code and the original LDSR code. And the s3 folder contents, which are the files here, but renamed somehow. -
Run which does several filtering steps to ensure that the catagories are non-overlapping. It essentially filters the conserved SNPs by the other catagories so that if a SNP was in both the general conserved list and a more specific annotation, it stays in only the more specific list.
- which processes all of the above files into a LDSR matrix. This will take ~24 hours to run. I've been using interactive jobs, because it crashes often. To run the code interactively:
- start the interactive session:
qsub -I -N MyJobName -l nodes=1:ppn=8,mem=64gb,walltime=48:58:00,feature='intel18'
- Copy paste anything from the script between the
########## Command Lines to Run ##########
andscontrol show job $SLURM_JOB_ID
- Run which both formats each GWAS summary file and runs the actual regression on it.
- Note that all of the raw phenotype data files need to be plain text files that are gzipped and stored in the ss folder. If you have downloaded them from their sources, they will be a random mix of files, and need to be individually fixed. If the code breaks, it's likely that your copies of the files are at a different compression level, and need to be just gzipped, OR, that you have copies where the header has been changed.
- The LDSR program is also hardcoded, and extremely finicky. You can't have anything extra in your path, or any unnecessary modules loaded, or it throws seemingly nonsensical errors.
Trait | Filename | N | Case | Control | Data Link | Reference |
Psychiatric Traits | ||||||
Anxiety | anxiety.meta.full.fs.tbl.gz | 18186 | - | - | ANGST - Otowa et al. 2016 | |
Autism | iPSYCH-PGC_ASD_Nov2017 | 46350 | 18382 | 27969 | | Grove et al. Nat Genetics 2019 |
Bipolar | daner_PGC_BIP32b_mds7a_0416a | 51710 | 20352 | 31358 | | |
Major Depressive Disorder | MDD2018_ex23andMe.gz | 173005 | 59851 | 113154 | | Wray et al. Nat. Genet. 2018 |
Schizophrenia | pgc.scz2.gz | 150064 | 36989 | 113075 | | |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | | 55374 | - | - | | Demontis et al. Nat. Genet. 2019 |
Substance Use | ||||||
Alcohol use | pgc_alcdep.eur_discovery.aug2018_release.txt.gz | 46568 | 11569 | 34999 | | |
Behavioral | ||||||
Education | GWAS_EA_excl23andMe.txt | 766345 | - | - | | |
Extraversion | GPC-2.EXTRAVERSION.full.txt | 63030 | | |||
IQ | SavageJansen_2018_intelligence_metaanalysis.txt | 269867 | Savage et al., 2018 | |||
Neuroticism | sumstats_neuroticism_ctg_format.txt.gz | 380506 | - | - | | Nagel et al. Nat. Genet. 2018 |
Risky Behavior | RISK_GWAS_MA_UKB+replication.txt | 466571 | - | - | Karlsson Linnér et al. (2019) | |
Well-being | SWB_Full.txt | 298420 | - | - | Okbay et al. (2016) | |
Cognative Function (Response Time) | | 282014 | - | - | | Davies et al., Nat. Comm. 2018 |
Insomnia | Insomnia_sumstats_Jansenetal.txt.gz | 386533 | - | - | | Jansen et al. biorXiv 2018 |
Neurological | ||||||
Alzheimers 1 | AD_sumstats_Jansenetal.txt | use Neff column | | *** Jansen et al 2018 | ||
Alzheimers 2 | Kunkle_etal_Stage1_results.txt | 63926 | 21982 | 41944 | | |
Epilepsy | all_epilepsy_METAL.gz | 44889 | 15212 | 29677 | | Khalil, Nature Communications. 2018 |
Multiple Sclerosis | imputed.allWhites.combined.clinical_c_G35.chrX.csv.gz | 44889 | G35 multiple sclerosis from the GeneAtlas UKBB | |||
Parkinsons's | | 482730 | | Nalls et al., biorXiv 2019 | ||
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | Summary_Statistics_GWAS_2016.tar | 36052 | | van Rheenen et al. Nat. Genet. 2016 | ||
Negative Control | ||||||
Age-related macular degeneration | Fristche_AMDGene2013_Neovascular_v_Controls.txt | 2281 | 8285 | | Fristche et al. 2013 | |
BMI | Meta-analysis_Locke_et_al+UKBiobank_2018_UPDATED.txt | 681275 | - | - | | Yengo et al. (2018) |
Height | Meta-analysis_Wood_et_al+UKBiobank_2018.txt.gz | 693529 | - | - | | Yengo et al. (2018) |
Ulcerative Colitis | imputed.allWhites.combined.clinical_c_K51.chrX.csv.gz | 452264 | 3497 | 448767 | | K51 Ulcerative Colitis from the GeneAtlas UKBB |