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318 lines (224 loc) · 14.5 KB

File metadata and controls

318 lines (224 loc) · 14.5 KB


tyler creates tiles from 3D city objects.

As input, tyler takes CityJSON Features, where each feature is stored in a separate file.

As output, tyler can create:

Details of the 3D Tiles output:

Additional information about the internals of tyler you will find in the design document.


For the time being, tyler depends on the geoflow-bundle for converting CityJSONFeatures to glTF. Unless you want to install the geoflow-bundle yourself, we strongly recommend to use the provided docker image for running tyler, because it contains the geoflow-bundle.

Pull the docker image with docker pull 3dgi/tyler:<version>, e.g. docker pull 3dgi/tyler:0.3.7.

Using the pre-compiled binaries on windows

  1. Install geoflow-bundle using the windows installer. Install to the default C:\Program Files\Geoflow directory.
  2. Download the latest Tyler binary package for windows from the Tyler release page
  3. Unzip the Tyler binary package to a folder, for example C:\software\tyler
  4. You can now run Tyler using the run_tyler_example.bat file inside this directory by double clicking on it. You can also copy and open this file in a text editor to change the parameters (eg. input and output data directories) used for running.

For testing purposes you download this sample data. Create a data folder in same the folder as the .bat file mentioned above and unzip the contents there.

Contents of the run_tyler_example.bat file :

set RUST_LOG=debug
set TYLER_RESOURCES_DIR=%~dp0\resources
set PROJ_DATA=%~dp0\share\proj

%~dp0\bin\tyler.exe ^
--metadata %~dp0\data\ ^
--features %~dp0\data\30dz2_01 ^
--output %~dp0\data-out\3dtiles-terrain ^
--exe-geof "%GF_INSTALL_ROOT%\bin\geof.exe" ^
--3dtiles-implicit ^
--object-type LandUse ^
--object-type PlantCover ^
--object-type WaterBody ^
--object-type Road ^
--object-type GenericCityObject ^
--object-type Bridge ^
--object-attribute objectid:int ^
--object-attribute bronhouder:string ^
--object-attribute bgt_fysiekvoorkomen:string ^
--object-attribute bgt_type:string ^
--3dtiles-metadata-class terrain ^
--grid-minz=-15 ^
--grid-maxz=400 >> log.txt 2>&1

Compiling from source

tyler is written in Rust and you need the Rust toolchain to compile it.

After downloading the source code from GitHub, navigate into the tyler directory and you can install tyler with cargo.

cargo install .

On Windows

Use MSYS2 with UCRT64 environment.

Required libraries (prefix: mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-):

  • clang
  • cmake
  • libtiff
  • make
  • rust
  • sqlite3


tyler is a command line application.

Use --help to see the help menu.

tyler --help

Execution logs are outputted to the console. You can control the loging level (debug, info, error) by setting the RUST_LOG environment variable. For instance turn on the debug messages.

RUST_LOG=debug tyler ...

Tyler uses the proj library for reprojecting the input to the required CRS. The PROJ_DATA environment variable is passed on to the subprocess that generates the glTF files.

Resources directory

Tyler need two geoflow flowchart files in order to export glTF files. These files are located in the resources/geof directory and they are picked up automatically when the docker image is used. However, it is also possible to provide their location with the environment variable TYLER_RESOURCES_DIR, pointing to the resources directory. For example export TYLER_RESOURCES_DIR=/some_path/resources.


For large input, like multiple millions of features you need have an SSD. Running on a HDD is not feasible for large areas.

There are three resource intensive steps, 1) computing the extent of the input, 2) indexing the input with the grid, 3) converting the tiles. Each of the three steps are executed concurrently, with the help of the rayon library.

You can control the level of parallelism by setting the RAYON_NUM_THREADS environment variables. By default tyler (rayon) will uses the same number of threads as the number of CPUs available. Note that on systems with hyperthreading enabled this equals the number of logical cores and not the physical ones.

Calculating the extent and counting features

The input features (CityJSONFeature) are passed in with the --features argument, and their type (CityObject type) can be restricted with the --object-type argument. See above for the details.

Firstly, tyler calculates the complete extent of the input from the bounding box of each feature (of the specified type) that it can find in the --features directory tree. The result of this operation is reported in the logs. The example below shows that tyler found 436 features of type Building and BuildingPart in --features. The extent of the input data were calculated from these 436 features. The computed extent is a 3D bounding box in the CRS of the input data, and it is also reported in the logs. In the example below, the coordinates are in RD New (EPSG: 7415).

[2023-07-05T08:52:06Z INFO  tyler::parser] Found 436 features of type Some([Building, BuildingPart])
[2023-07-05T08:52:06Z INFO  tyler::parser] Ignored 0 features of type []
[2023-07-05T08:52:06Z DEBUG tyler::parser] extent_qc: BboxQc([-86804720, -26383186, -5333, -86155251, -25703867, 52882])
[2023-07-05T08:52:06Z DEBUG tyler::parser] Computed extent from features in real-world coordinates: [84995.28, 446316.814, -5.333, 85644.749, 446996.133, 52.882]

The extent calculation will be done parallel for each subdirectory of --features, if there are any. The contents of each subdirectory are processed sequentially. Individual files directly under --features are processed sequentially, after the subdirectories. Therefore, in order to achieve optimal performance, you should organize your features into subdirectories.

Exporting 3D Tiles

An example command for generating 3D Tiles. The argument details are explained in the text below.

tyler \
    --metadata \
    --features features/ \
    --output /3dtiles \
    --3dtiles-implicit \
    --object-type LandUse \
    --object-type PlantCover \
    --object-type WaterBody \
    --object-type Road \
    --object-type GenericCityObject \
    --object-type Bridge \
    --object-attribute objectid:int \
    --object-attribute bronhouder:string \
    --3dtiles-metadata-class terrain \
    --grid-minz=-5 \

Input data

  1. A main .city.json file, containing at least the CRS and transform objects.
  2. A directory (or directory tree) of .city.jsonl files, each containing one CityJSON Feature, including all its children City Objects.


A main .city.json file, containing at least the CRS and transform objects, set by the argument.


A directory (or directory tree) of .city.jsonl files, each containing one CityJSON Feature, including all its children City Objects.

For example:

tyler --metadata --features /some/directory/



The output is written to the directory set in --output. For 3D Tiles output, it will contain a tileset.json file and tiles/ directory with the glTF files. In case of implicit tiling, also a subtrees/ directory is written with the subtrees.

During the operation of Tyler, also an input/ directory is created with text files, but this directory is removed with all its content after Tyler finished processing the tiles (except when debug mode is enabled).

CityObject type

CityJSON data can contain different types of CityObjects, like Building, PlantCover or Road. It is possible to only include the selected CityObject types in the tiled output. The CityObject types are selected with the --object-type argument. This argument can be specified multiple times to select multiple object types.

For example:

tyler … --object-type Building --object-type BuildingPart

3D Tiles metadata class

The 3D Tiles metadata specification uses the concept of classes to categorize features. With the --3dtiles-metadata-class argument it is possible to set the metadata class for the features in the 3D Tiles output. The metadata class works in conjunction with selecting the CityObject types. Such that one declares a metadata class for a set of CityObject types.

For example:

tyler … --3dtiles-metadata-class building --object-type Building --object-type BuildingPart

Level of Detail (LoD)

CityJSON can store city objects with multiple levels of detail. For each CityObject type, its LoD needs to be specified as well. This is the LoD defined in the input data. The LoD value for each CityObject type is set with the --lod-<cityobject type> arguments. The <cityobject type> is the CityJSON CityObject type, such as BuildingPart or LandUse. The arguments are lower-case, thus “BuildingPart” becomes “building-part” and “LandUse” becomes “land-use”. If the value of --lod-<cityobject type> is an empty string (this is the default), then Tyler will select the highest available LoD for the city object.

For example:

tyler … --lod-land-use 1 --lod-building-part 1.3


Attributes on the glTF features are set with the --object-attribute argument. The argument takes the attribute name and attribute value type as its value. The attribute name and type are separated by a colon “:” and concatenated into a single string, such as “name:type”. The possible value types are “string”, “int”, “float”, “bool”. The --object-attribute argument can be specified multiple times to include multiple attributes.

For example:

tyler … --object-attribute bouwjaar:int --object-attribute objectid:int --object-attribute bagpandid:string --object-attribute bgt_type:string


Colors on the glTF features are set with the --color-<cityobject type> arguments. The <cityobject type> is the CityJSON CityObject type, such as BuildingPart or LandUse. The arguments are lower-case, thus “BuildingPart” becomes “building-part” and “LandUse” becomes “land-use”. The argument value is the hexadecimal rgb color value. For instance “#FF0000” is red.

For example:

tyler … --color-building-part #FF0000

Bounding volumes

tyler represents the tile's bounding volume as a Box.

For explicit tilesets, it is possible to add a tightly-fitted bounding volume to the tile's content. You can enable this with the --3dtiles-content-add-bv option.

If you do want a content bounding volume, but you want it to follow the tile bounding volume exactly, you can force this with the option --3dtiles-content-bv-from-tile. Usually, this happens for content that is clipped to the tile boundaries, such as terrain.


Run tyler in debug mode, by setting the logging level to debug in the RUST_LOG environment variable.

RUST_LOG=debug tyler ...

In debug mode, tyler will write the world, quadtree and tiles_failed instances to bincode to the working directory. In case of a large area and lots of features (eg. an entire country and multiple millions of features), the world.bincode file can become a couple GB in size.

The bincode files can be loaded by passing the directory with the bincode files to the --debug-load-data parameter. When tyler load the instance data from the file, it will skip the instance creation and use the loaded data instead.

The order in which tyler creates the instances:

  1. world
  2. quadtree
  3. tileset
  4. (implicit tileset)
  5. tiles_failed
  6. pruned tileset

In addition to the instance data, tyler can export the grid (part of the world), quadtree and tileset data to Tab-separated values (.tsv), which you can load into a GIS. You can enable the .tsv export with the --grid-export flag. With the --grid-export-features flag, also the feature feature centorids and their grid cell assignment will be exported. Only use this for small amount of features.

In debug mode, tyler will write the unpruned tileset too, together with the tileset that was pruned after the glTF conversion.

It is possible to only generate the tileset, without running the glTF conversion. This can be helpful for debugging the tileset itself. You can enable this with the --3dtiles-tileset-only option.


  • Parallel extent computation
  • Parallel grid indexing
  • Integrate the glTF converter to remove the geoflow dependency
  • Integrate cjlib (when it's ready)
  • Read regular CityJSON files, not only CityJSONFeatures
  • Additional export formats:
    • CityJSON
    • Wavefront OBJ
    • GeoPackage


Version 0.3 (3D Tiles) was funded by the Dutch Kadaster.