This repo contains a mutatingwebhook that uses the ENV variable HCLOUD_ENDPOINT to redirect all requests that normally go to to a reverse-proxy that stores and forwards the request. The code for the webhook is located under webhook
. A manifest to use the webhook and to redirect requests to a reverse proxy can be found under k8s/mutatingwebhook.yaml
. To analyze a cluster you can just:
kubectl apply -f
Furthermore this repository contains files to configure a reverse proxy and to setup prometheus and grafana for it. To create a reverse proxy first setup cert-manager and the letsencrypt-prod clusterissuer. Next install nginx via helm chart and the values located under k8s/helm/nginx.yaml
. These values install nginx along with a sidecar that reads the accesslog of nginx and exposes them as a prometheus-metric, to make these metrics available in the whole cluster please apply k8s/reverse-proxy-metrics-service.yaml
. To configure the sidecar properly please apply k8s/configmap-nginx-accesslog-to-metrics-exporter.yaml. To create the reverse-proxy ingress, please apply
k8s/ingress-mitm-reverse-proxy.yaml. If you want the remaining tokens as an additional metric also apply
k8s/hcloud-remaining-tokens-metric.yaml, make sure that you add the token that you want to monitor to the included script. You can scrape your metrics with prometheus and the provided values under
k8s/helm/prometheus.yaml. You can graph them with grafana with the grafana helmchart and the values under