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The core of our app is the editor. We need an easy to use and robust rich text editor, that supports all of the features we want such as: headings, lists, placeholders, markdown, color, images, bold italic etc… For this we will use @10play/tentap-editor which is a rich text editor for react native based on Tiptap.
For storing the notes, we will use the amazing WatermelonDB package which is a popular sqlite wrapper for react-native. Instead of using the default package we will use a fork of this that uses sqlcipher instead of the regular sqlite, allowing us to encrypt the database by passing a secret key.
Since our db requires a key, it is important to store that key somewhere secure, so we will use react-native-keychain which will store our key securely.
For taking pictures we will use react-native-vision-camera and for generating captions from the images, react-native-quick-tflite.