A central color generator to provide an uniform colorscheme that is harmonious, yet dynamically changing the color.
The color generator makes sure that all colors of the rainbow are represented equally often for the same duration. It produces 6 colors for every second in an hour. These 5 colors are very similar and can be used for gradients or backgrounds with movement. The 6th color is in a harmony contrast with the first color and should be used only a little and as a contrast. Rule of thumb: 90-100% of the LEDs should be in one of the 5 basic variations and 0-10% in the contrasting color.
Forked from c-base/farbgeber.
Difference to c-base farbgeber:
- runs on Docker
- connects to a MQTT broker to publish the colorscheme
- generates the current scheme as HTML to /output/farbgeber.html
- send the colors either as RGB array or Hex
- MsgFlo support dropped for now (will be added again maybe)
- some refactoring for customization and Python3 support
MQTT support will probably be removed again as broadcasting messages can easily be piped in CLI to mosquitto_pub.
Create a .env file and configure your environment
Build and Run with Docker:
docker build -t wirelos/farbgeber .
docker run -d --env-file=.env wirelos/farbgeber
or docker-compose:
docker-compose up -d --build
Environment Variable | Value | Description |
MQTT_PUBLISHER | 0 / 1 | 1: Run farbgeber as a MQTT publisher. 0: Just print to terminal |
MQTT_BROKER_HOST | iot.eclipse.org | Hostname of your MQTT broker |
MQTT_BROKER_PORT | 1883 | Port of your MQTT broker |
MQTT_TOPIC | wirelos/farbgeber | Topic where to publish the color scheme |
MQTT_CLIENT_ID | farbgeber | Client ID used to connect to MQTT broker |
UPDATE_INTERVAL | 60 | Colorscheme update interval in seconds |
SCHEME_FORMAT | HEX / RGB | Format of the color scheme. See Example Output |
GENERATE_HTML | 0 / 1 | 1: Generate a HTML file for visualization of current scheme |
HTML_OUTPUT_PATH | /output/farbgeber.html | Path where HTML file is generated |
"c": [206, 71, 235],
"b": [35, 204, 0],
"v1": [20, 184, 21],
"v2": [78, 184, 20],
"v3": [42, 240, 0],
"v4": [29, 168, 0]
"t": 516.0,
"b": "#ccaf00",
"v1": "#b1b814",
"v2": "#b88314",
"v3": "#f0ce00",
"v4": "#a89100",
"c": "#475eeb"