Can Dispenser
Cans will be positioned to can size duct where they will be dispenced by rotating arm one by one. Cans should not be dropped directly to receiving bowl, but slide should be implemented to ensure minimal shake during the dispense.
Snack and Tech Dispenser
Snack and Tech dispensing will be done with rotating screw conveyor. Screw conveyor will be open with spring like screw instead of tube.
Refrigeration will not be implemented at least on initial phase.
Payment will be handled either by coin acceptor or by RFID attached to the credit account. RFID payments should be protected by PIN to avoid possible misuses.
Payment verification will be made before product is dispensed. No change will be provided at initial implementation, but members account can be credited with any extra paid via coin acceptor.
User Interface
User input will be done via coin acceptor, RFID reader and keypad.
Output to user will be done with receiving bowl, indication leds and lcd display (16-20 char, 2-4 rows).
User interface could be integrate with our door lock to enable door being left unlocked during open events.
Controller communication
Controller units will communicate over ethernet with each other.
The main controller unit (Raspberry Pi) will communicate with member database over lab/public network on encrypted manner.
Sofware on Arduino
Mqtt client to communicate with main controller.
Various functions to handle I/O. TBD
Software on Raspberry Pi
mosquitto for mqtt broker.
Various software components to deal with I/O, security, sync, etc. TBD
All software developed for this project should be open sourced.
When possible the software commits should contain tests to verify the functionality.
All python code should be PEP8 compliant: